Champions of Breakfast Say: Make a Meal of It
By Jennifer Huget
Tuesday, November 11, 2008; Page HE02 

Perhaps you are reading this column over breakfast. 

This Story
  a.. Champions of Breakfast Say: Make a Meal of It
  b.. Blog: The Checkup
We'll deal with the reading-while-you-eat issue another day. For now, it's good 
to know you're eating what many nutritionists consider the most important meal 
of the day. Breakfast is commonly credited with improving students' academic 
performance and adults' ability to be productive at work; it's also a 
cornerstone of many weight-loss programs. 

But for all the belief in breakfast's benefits, there's surprisingly little 
science linking the morning meal to specific measures of good health. So says 
James Hill, president of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN). "There's 
some research suggesting breakfast is linked to better school performance, as a 
result of students' having more concentration and discipline," says Hill, a 
professor of pediatrics and medicine at the University of Colorado at Denver 
and director of the Center for Human Nutrition, funded by the National 
Institutes of Health. "But there's no definitive stuff out there." 

"I don't know why we haven't done a big, randomized, controlled study" to 
determine whether eating breakfast really helps our health, Hill says. "It 
would seem like a very important question." 

Hill has some anecdotal evidence, though: A co-founder of the National Weight 
Control Registry, a database of people who have lost weight and kept it off, he 
says "eating breakfast is one of the common characteristics of those people." 

A study in the November issue of ASN's American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 
further explores that connection, suggesting that fueling up first thing in the 
morning might set the tone for the rest of the day's diet and influence how 
much we weigh. 

Ashima K. Kant, a professor in the Department of Family, Nutrition and Exercise 
Sciences at the City University of New York's Queens College, led a team of 
researchers who looked at food and beverage consumption reported by 12,000 
adults in a large federal study. The team found that women -- but not men -- 
who ate breakfast had lower BMIs (body-mass index measurements) than those who 

The study also examined the energy density (ED) -- the calories per unit of 
weight -- of the foods and beverages participants consumed. People who ate 
high-ED breakfasts, which typically contain lots of fat and sugar and little 
fiber and water, tended to continue eating high-ED foods throughout the day, 
but they took in fewer micronutrients and tended not to eat from all five food 
groups. The higher the energy density of a man's breakfast, the higher his BMI; 
that didn't hold true for women, whose BMIs were linked to the energy density 
of the other meals they ate. Finally, people who ate breakfast consumed 
lower-ED foods throughout the rest of the day, overall, compared with those who 
didn't eat breakfast. 

Kant is quick to point out that her study, like others in the field, simply 
observes relationships between breakfast-eating and other aspects of people's 
lives and doesn't establish any cause-and-effect relationships. 

Still, its key messages are plain: "Eat breakfast, and choose lower-ED foods: 
fruit rather than a sweet roll," Hill says. But, he adds, "everybody can 
splurge once in a while. It's better to eat breakfast, no matter what you eat. 
Then, once you're a breakfast eater, you can work on improving your choices." 

And what would those better choices be? 

Angela Ginn-Meadow, a Baltimore-based spokeswoman for the American Dietetic 
Association, has some suggestions, many of which counter one of the most common 
excuses for skipping breakfast. "Breakfast takes time and planning," she says, 
"and with this fast-paced world we live in, time and planning go out the 

For those who are time-strapped in the morning, Ginn-Meadow suggests keeping 
"quick fix" foods handy. "Ready-to-eat cereal, instant oatmeal, whole-grain 
frozen waffles, whole-grain bread for toast, yogurt, light canned fruit, 100 
percent juice, milk, cheese and cottage cheese" are all nutritious and fast, 
she says. If you have a few minutes to spare, make a smoothie by whirling milk, 
fruit and bran in the blender. Put a slice of turkey or a scrambled egg on a 
whole-wheat English muffin and wash it down with vegetable juice. Or top your 
cereal with sliced strawberries and low-fat milk. 

"A perfect breakfast includes something you enjoy, with all the nutrients, that 
energizes you for the day and satisfies hunger," Ginn-Meadow says. "Always 
include a whole grain, some lean protein or milk, and fruit." 

And, yes, she reassures me, even leftover pizza can be a good breakfast: "Cold 
cheese or vegetable pizza plus a glass of juice can provide one grain serving, 
one-eighth of a vegetable serving, one-half of a dairy serving, and one whole 
fruit serving." (Plus, she says, pizza always tastes better the next day.) 

As for those who argue that they're just not hungry in the morning, Ginn-Meadow 
recommends beating that barrier by starting small: just a glass of juice (real, 
100 percent juice, please!) or a slice of whole-wheat toast. Gradually add to 
the menu: maybe some yogurt or a hard-cooked egg. You'll work your way up to 
cold pizza in no time. 

Check out today's Checkup blog, in which Jennifer reports on ways to coax 
reluctant kids to eat breakfast. Sign up for our weekly Lean & Fit newsletter 
by going to and searching for "newsletters." And 
e-mail your thoughts to Jennifer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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