Last Updated: Saturday, 14 April 2007, 11:01 GMT 12:01 UK    
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            Creationist museum challenges evolution 

                By Martin Redfern 
BBC News, Kentucky, USA 

  For some a battle between science and religion is being fought for the soul 
of America. The Creationists argue God created the world in six days and want 
their beliefs given equal status to evolutionary science.                   
Across the divide - evolutionist Scott with creationist Ham

Petersburg, Kentucky, is in the middle of North America. It is supposedly 
within a day's drive of two-thirds of the US population.   For the rest, it is 
just 10 minutes from Cincinnati International Airport. That is why it was 
picked as the site for a new museum, due to open in a couple of months.   We 
enter the landscaped grounds through gates flanked by wrought iron stegosaurs.  
    The lobby is modelled on a cliff in the Grand Canyon. But this is no 
ordinary museum of science and geology.      It is the dream of Ken Ham, 
president of Answers in Genesis, a Christian ministry that promotes the idea 
that the Biblical book of Genesis should be taken literally in describing the 
creation of the world, life and humans as carried out by God over a six-day 
period a few thousand years ago.   We get as far as the museum bookshop - 
already well-stocked with creationist titles - but no further.      Officials 
tell us that state regulations forbid it. It is still under construction
 and closed to visitors.                  In the card game of creationism, the 
Bible trumps science every time 

    Eugenie Scott

Is this, I wonder, because I am accompanied by Eugenie Scott, director of the 
National Centre for Science Education and a polite but determined campaigner 
against attempts to teach creationism alongside evolution in American school 
science classes.      Sharp teeth      So, it is round the back to the offices, 
to receive Ken Ham's crushingly sincere handshake.   He came to the US from 
Australia 20 years ago, founded Answers in Genesis and never left.      He 
lectures or broadcasts almost daily and clearly has the charisma to raise $27m 
(£14m) for this ambitious museum.   He is also not afraid to show us what is 
inside, and turns on the animatronic dinosaurs.                   Creationists 
say T. rex and the humans co-habited Earth

On a rocky ledge, there is a pair of small theropods - young T. rex 
individuals, we're told. And near to them ("hold onto your hat", says Ken, 
anticipating our disbelief) there are two human children playing by a stream.   
   Most geologists would say humans and dinosaurs were separated by more than 
60 million years. And those dinosaurs have very sharp teeth!      "So do 
bears", says Ken, "but they eat nuts and berries! Remember, before the sin of 
Adam, the world was perfect. All creatures were vegetarian." One of the 
dinosaurs lets out a rather contradictory roar.   Everyone is entitled to their 
beliefs, but what annoys Eugenie Scott is the way in which the received wisdom 
of Genesis is given equal or higher status to scientific evidence; and the way 
in which the latter is used selectively.      "In the card game of creationism, 
the Bible trumps science every time," she says.      But in her game, science 
is dealt a hand that is purely materialistic. Ideas of a
 supernatural being belong in a different game, be it philosophy or theology.   
                "Steve Steve" the panda is intended as a parody

As we prepare to leave, Eugenie Scott quietly slips a panda glove puppet from 
her handbag and photographs it among the dinosaurs.      It is introduced to me 
as Professor Steve Steve. Creationists are fond of lists of "scientists who 
doubt Darwin".      Many thousands more support evolution, but rather than play 
the same game, Eugenie has parodied the lists by concentrating on scientists 
named Steve (Stephanies are also eligible).      So far, more than 700 have 
signed up. Their mascot is a panda because of a notorious creationist text 
entitled "Of Pandas and People".   Steve was picked in honour of the late 
evolutionary biologist Stephen J Gould. Steve Steve because - well, all pandas 
have double names.      Noah's Ark      Much of the Creation Museum in Kentucky 
is still under construction and we were not able to go on to see the section 
through Noah's Ark or the model of the Grand Canyon.      Instead, we visited 
the real thing - the Canyon, not the Ark!                 
 For the creationists, Noah's flood IS science 


Grand Canyon park guides will tell you that the canyon took more than a million 
years to form and cuts through rocks that span more than a billion years.      
Not so, say "Young Earth" creationists. All those rocks were deposited by flood 
waters at the time of Noah.   Though the Bible does not mention them directly, 
Ken Ham thinks there is no reason to suppose that dinosaurs were not still 
around at the time of the flood.      Indeed, he speculates that two of each 
may have been taken aboard the Ark (newly hatched dinosaurs are quite small so 
fitting them in would not have been a problem).   And what about the animals 
from other continents? Did Noah sail to Australia to drop off the kangaroos?    
  No, the flood waters lubricated a process called runaway subduction in which 
the continents subsequently drifted apart at a sprint!   Challenged with this 
scenario, a uniformed park guide says that, while everyone is entitled to their 
belief, he prefers to stick to accepted
 science.      For the creationists, Noah's flood IS science.   For them, the 
Canyon is a gash in the surface of the Earth left by that flood, representing 
the wrath of God against the sins of mankind.   Here at least, sin and anger 
have turned into something surprisingly beautiful!      From Our Own 
Correspondent was broadcast on Saturday, 14 April, 2007 at 1130 BST on BBC 
Radio 4. Please check the programme schedules for World Service transmission 

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