In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

[By Dr. Mohamed Elmasry]


A well known technique in any propaganda war is the spreading of 
"disinformation" about your enemy. Disinformation is the new postmodern 
word for lies. If you repeat the same lies over and over again, listeners' 
critical thinking skills are numbed; and in the absence of any opposing 
argument, the lies eventually cannot be differentiated from truth.

Islam has had many enemies over the centuries and still has. One of the 
most persistent lies repeated by its detractors is that Muslims spread 
their faith by the sword.

Yet of all mainstream religions, none is more precisely documented as to 
its origin, revelation, message and teachings. Since its emergence through 
the Prophet Muhammad and his transmission of its holy book, the history of 
Islam has been well recorded. From the Prophet's time until today, the 
Qur'an has offered guidance and discipline for everyday life. As Islam 
spread, the lives and teachings of its messengers have also been documented.

As with Judaism and Christianity, the most influential and revered figures 
are those from the time when the faith was newly revealed; in Islam, these 
were Muslims who lived in the age of Prophet Muhammad and who embodied the 
teachings of the Qur'an as examples to their fellow human beings. Many of 
their thoughts and deeds were recorded for the benefit of future 
generations. To return to the questions of whether the Qur'an encourages 
Muslims to spread their faith by force, or whether the Prophet himself set 
a violent example for Muslims to follow, one has only to consult the 
source. The Qur'an is crystal clear in stating, "There is no compulsion in 
religion." The commandment is absolute; there are no exceptions. Coercion, 
compulsion, force -- whatever one chooses to call it -- is totally 
forbidden. No other holy book lays down such a clear directive to its 

Believers in the world's largest Muslim country of today, Indonesia, have 
never in history encountered foreign Muslim soldiers on their soil. The 
same is true for today's Muslims in Malaysia, China, sub- Saharan Africa, 
the Americas, Europe, and Turkey. All of these countries or regions were 
introduced to Islam through other Muslims, not by Muslim armies.

Even in Egypt where the earliest Muslims were mostly Arab soldiers, Islam 
was diffused slowly throughout the country over more than 400 years. The 
Egyptians loved Islam because the values it embraced, such as justice, 
equality, modernity and freedom.

And in Egypt, as well as in Persia, Greater Syria, India, North Africa and 
Spain, converts freely accepted Islam because it offered comparatively more 
than other religions of the day.

During those early centuries, people who felt oppressed or restricted by 
the rigidity of Christian and Jewish traditions, or excluded from the caste 
system of Hinduism, were attracted by the Islam's de- emphasis on 
hierarchy. They loved the Islamic teachings that God is One and the Lord of 
All, that humans can talk to God directly, and that there is no Original 
Sin -- every human being is wholly accountable for his / her deeds.

So while it is true that Islam spread in some places with the speed of a 
bullet, no literal bullets have been involved. The whole concept of 
"convert or die" is utterly foreign and reprehensible to authentic Islamic 
beliefs and conduct. And the Qur'an itself further reinforces the sanctity 
of all human lives in saying that to kill another person is as evil as 
killing the entire human race.

Muslims do not blame any religion for the atrocities committed those 
claiming to be its adherents.

Thus, Muslims do not blame Judaism itself for injustices committed by Jews 
against Palestinians. Nor do they blame Christianity per se for the crimes 
committed by Church-sanctioned medieval Crusades; for atrocities committed 
during the conquest of Spain by Christian armies and the subsequent 
persecution and expulsion of Muslims; nor for the horrors of the 
Inquisition, the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, or any number of similar 
tragedies. All three faiths, rooted in Abrahamic tradition, teach similar 
values of non-violence, justice and equality. Those who take up the "cause" 
of any faith through violent means are in effect blasphemers of it.

The earliest Muslims in Arabia were persecuted and subjected to torture. 
They fled for their lives from Mecca to Medina, but their pagan enemies 
followed, determined to annihilate them. Then and only then, did Muslims 
take up arms in self-defence. This was not a religious war, however, but 
rather a forced political conflict in which the rich and powerful of 6th- 
century AD Arabia perceived their status being challenged. The Muslims' aim 
was not to convert their pagan countrymen, but to defend themselves; 
similarly, the anti-Muslim pagans were not interested in suppressing Islam 
itself, but in subjugating its believers through political power.

When the Prophet Muhammad and his followers returned peacefully to Mecca in 
triumph, he granted pardon to the same people who had persecuted and waged 
war against him and his fellow Muslims.

This humane and generous behaviour reflected the teaching of many Qur'anic 
verses which stress the importance of courtesy, politeness and civility, 
even where there has been severe conflict: "And the true servants of the 
God of Mercy are those who walk upon the earth humbly; and when the 
ignorant address them, reply 'Peace'; and they pass the night praying to 
their Lord, prostrating and standing." (25:63 - 64)

(Dr. Mohamed Elmasry is national president of the Canadian Islamic
Congress. He can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED])


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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