Re: [wanita-muslimah] HMNA dan kawannya....Re: Fwd: Kecintaan Kepada Rasulullah SAW

2007-07-14 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurrahman
Bagaimana tidak ditutup, sudah jelas MAS ngeyel berdusta:
Nah, sekarang saya berikan bukti dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore
dimana Hz. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. dengan jelas mengatakan bahwa
dirinya adalah nabi dan rasul. Lihat di:

 di-down load dari situs tsb, ternyata: Cramba, hayyaaa, Betul-betul MAS 
pendusta, mana dari yang saya down load dari situs Ahmadiyah Lahore itu yang 
menyatakan MGH itu nabi dan rasul? mana? mana? na? na? na?
Mangkanya buat apa berpanjang-panjang Kasus Ahmdiyah Lahore ditutup tup, 
tup, tup.

- Original Message - 
From: "ma_suryawan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 14:49
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] HMNA dan kawannyaRe: Fwd: Kecintaan Kepada 
Rasulullah SAW

Setelah HMNA dengan entengnya menuduh saya berdusta, sekarang HMNA
terus menghiba-hiba agar kasus ditutup...

[wanita-muslimah] HMNA dan kawannya....Re: Fwd: Kecintaan Kepada Rasulullah SAW

2007-07-13 Terurut Topik ma_suryawan
Setelah HMNA dengan entengnya menuduh saya berdusta, sekarang HMNA 
terus menghiba-hiba agar kasus ditutup...

--- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman" 
> Kasus ditutup, tup, tup, tuup

HMNA ini tipikal kyai yang gaptek atau bego yach...??? Rasanya sih
bego dalam urusan link ini, sehingga menuduh saya berdusta...dan
yang pasti HMNA juara ngeyel dan juara ngabur. Caramba!

Coba ketik atau klik ini dengan LENGKAP, jangan cuma sepotong:

Kalau gak bisa, coba klik lalu klik BOOKS lalu
cari judul buku "A Correction of an Error"

Nah, kalo udah dapat, silahkan baca tulisan saya di bawah ini...



--- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman"

> di-down load dar situs =>

> Cramba, hayyaaa, Betul-betul MAS pendusta, mana dari yang saya
down load
> dari situs Ahmadiyah Lahore itu yang menyatakan MGH itu nabi dan
> mana? mana? na? na? na?
> Kasus Ahmdiyah Lahore ditutup tup, tup, tup.
> Nohetto
> Howgh.


Oh, oh jangan ngabur HMNA...

Oh, oh, ternyata lagi-lagi HMNA cuma sanggup menghadirkan cerita, ya
sekedar cerita...tidak ada bukti kebenaran omongan kawan Anda itu.

Nah, sekarang saya berikan bukti dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore
dimana Hz. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. dengan jelas mengatakan bahwa
dirinya adalah nabi dan rasul. Lihat di:

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad menjelaskan dalam buku Ek Ghalati Ka Izala:

"Some people in our Movement who are not well-acquainted with my
claim and the arguments relating to it --- not having had the
occasion to study my books carefully, nor having stayed in my
company for a sufficient length of time to complete their knowledge -
-- in some instances in response to an objection of the opponents
give a reply which is entirely against facts. So, despite being on
the side of truth, they have to face embarrassment.

Thus it happened a few days ago that a person faced from an opponent
the objection that "the man whose pledge you have taken claims to be
a prophet (nabi) and a messenger (rasul)". This was answered by only
a denial, while such an answer is not correct. The fact is that the
holy revelation of God Almighty which descends upon me contains
words such as rasul, mursal and nabi, not once but hundreds of
times. So how can the reply be correct that such words are not
present? In fact, at this time these words occur more clearly and
explicitly than in the earlier days. And in the Barahin Ahmadiyya
too, published 22 years ago, these words are not few.

Thus, in the Divine communications published in Barahin Ahmadiyya,
one revelation from God is as follows: "He it is Who sent His
messenger (rasul) with guidance and the true religion in order to
make it prevail over all other religions" (see p. 498, Barahin
Ahmadiyya). Here, this humble one has been clearly addressed as
rasul. Then after this, in the same book, is the following Divine
revelation regarding myself: "The messenger of God in the mantle of
the prophets" (p. 504). Then quite near this in the same book is the
following revelation: "Muhammad is the messenger of God; those with
him are firm against disbelievers, compassionate among themselves.
(The Holy Quran: 48:29)" In this revelation I have been given the
name 'Muhammad'2 as well as rasul.4 Then there is the following
Divine revelation noted on page 557 of Barahin Ahmadiyya: "A warner
came into the world." Another version of it is: "A prophet (nabi)
came into the world."5 Similarly in many other places in Barahin
Ahmadiyya the word rasul has been applied to this humble one..." (Di
copy paste dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore)

Dan seterusnya.

Oh, oh, makin kelihatan saja HMNA tidak mengerti apa yang ia dengar
dan ia omongkan, lalu menuduh saya berdusta, padahal dirinya sendiri
yang sering berdusta.


--- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman"
> Saya sudah forward ini kepada salah seorang sahabat saya penganut
> Ahmadiyah Lahore, seorang kristolog dan jawabannya sederhana
saja: "Tidak
> ada pengakuan Ghulam Ahmad sebagai nabi dalam tulisan itu, dan
tulisan itu
> wajar sebagai pernyataan seorang 'Mujaddid'. Lain kali kalau
> tulisan, lihat saja, kalau ada pengakuan sebagai nabi, niscaya itu
> dari Ghulam Ahmad, itu palsu.. Sebagai perbandingan: LAI- Yahya
17:3 Inilah
> hidup yang kekal itu, yaitu bahwa mereka mengenal Engkau, satu-
satunya Allah
> yang benar, dan mengenal Yesus Kristus yang telah Engkau utus. LAI-
Rom 10:9
> Sebab jika kamu mengaku dengan mulutmu, bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan,
> percaya dalam hatimu, b

Re: [wanita-muslimah] HMNA dan kawannya....Re: Fwd: Kecintaan Kepada Rasulullah SAW

2007-07-13 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurrahman
Kasus ditutup, tup, tup, tuup

- Original Message - 
From: "ma_suryawan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 08:04
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] HMNA dan kawannyaRe: Fwd: Kecintaan Kepada 
Rasulullah SAW

> Coba ketik 

[wanita-muslimah] HMNA dan kawannya....Re: Fwd: Kecintaan Kepada Rasulullah SAW

2007-07-13 Terurut Topik ma_suryawan
HMNA ini tipikal kyai yang gaptek atau bego yach...??? Rasanya sih
bego dalam urusan link ini, sehingga menuduh saya berdusta...dan
yang pasti juara ngeyel dan juara ngabur. Caramba!

Coba ketik atau klik ini dengan LENGKAP, jangan cuma sepotong:

Kalau gak bisa, coba klik lalu klik BOOKS lalu
cari judul buku "A Correction of an Error"

Nah, kalo udah dapat, silahkan baca tulisan saya di bawah ini...



--- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman"

> di-down load dar situs =>

> Cramba, hayyaaa, Betul-betul MAS pendusta, mana dari yang saya
down load
> dari situs Ahmadiyah Lahore itu yang menyatakan MGH itu nabi dan
> mana? mana? na? na? na?
> Kasus Ahmdiyah Lahore ditutup tup, tup, tup.
> Nohetto
> Howgh.


Oh, oh jangan ngabur HMNA...

Oh, oh, ternyata lagi-lagi HMNA cuma sanggup menghadirkan cerita, ya
sekedar cerita...tidak ada bukti kebenaran omongan kawan Anda itu.

Nah, sekarang saya berikan bukti dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore
dimana Hz. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. dengan jelas mengatakan bahwa
dirinya adalah nabi dan rasul. Lihat di:

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad menjelaskan dalam buku Ek Ghalati Ka Izala:

"Some people in our Movement who are not well-acquainted with my
claim and the arguments relating to it --- not having had the
occasion to study my books carefully, nor having stayed in my
company for a sufficient length of time to complete their knowledge -
-- in some instances in response to an objection of the opponents
give a reply which is entirely against facts. So, despite being on
the side of truth, they have to face embarrassment.

Thus it happened a few days ago that a person faced from an opponent
the objection that "the man whose pledge you have taken claims to be
a prophet (nabi) and a messenger (rasul)". This was answered by only
a denial, while such an answer is not correct. The fact is that the
holy revelation of God Almighty which descends upon me contains
words such as rasul, mursal and nabi, not once but hundreds of
times. So how can the reply be correct that such words are not
present? In fact, at this time these words occur more clearly and
explicitly than in the earlier days. And in the Barahin Ahmadiyya
too, published 22 years ago, these words are not few.

Thus, in the Divine communications published in Barahin Ahmadiyya,
one revelation from God is as follows: "He it is Who sent His
messenger (rasul) with guidance and the true religion in order to
make it prevail over all other religions" (see p. 498, Barahin
Ahmadiyya). Here, this humble one has been clearly addressed as
rasul. Then after this, in the same book, is the following Divine
revelation regarding myself: "The messenger of God in the mantle of
the prophets" (p. 504). Then quite near this in the same book is the
following revelation: "Muhammad is the messenger of God; those with
him are firm against disbelievers, compassionate among themselves.
(The Holy Quran: 48:29)" In this revelation I have been given the
name 'Muhammad'2 as well as rasul.4 Then there is the following
Divine revelation noted on page 557 of Barahin Ahmadiyya: "A warner
came into the world." Another version of it is: "A prophet (nabi)
came into the world."5 Similarly in many other places in Barahin
Ahmadiyya the word rasul has been applied to this humble one..." (Di
copy paste dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore)

Dan seterusnya.

Oh, oh, makin kelihatan saja HMNA tidak mengerti apa yang ia dengar
dan ia omongkan, lalu menuduh saya berdusta, padahal dirinya sendiri
yang sering berdusta.


--- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman"
> Saya sudah forward ini kepada salah seorang sahabat saya penganut
> Ahmadiyah Lahore, seorang kristolog dan jawabannya sederhana
saja: "Tidak
> ada pengakuan Ghulam Ahmad sebagai nabi dalam tulisan itu, dan
tulisan itu
> wajar sebagai pernyataan seorang 'Mujaddid'. Lain kali kalau
> tulisan, lihat saja, kalau ada pengakuan sebagai nabi, niscaya itu
> dari Ghulam Ahmad, itu palsu.. Sebagai perbandingan: LAI- Yahya
17:3 Inilah
> hidup yang kekal itu, yaitu bahwa mereka mengenal Engkau, satu-
satunya Allah
> yang benar, dan mengenal Yesus Kristus yang telah Engkau utus. LAI-
Rom 10:9
> Sebab jika kamu mengaku dengan mulutmu, bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan,
> percaya dalam hatimu, bahwa Allah telah membangkitkan Dia dari
antara orang
> mati, maka kamu akan diselamatkan..LAI- Yahya 17:3 yang menyatakan
> hanya sekadar utusan Allah, itu betul-betul dari Jesus, tetapi LAI-
Rom 10:9
> yang menyatakan Jesus adalah Tuhan, itu palsu, bukan perkataan

Re: [wanita-muslimah] HMNA dan kawannya....Re: Fwd: Kecintaan Kepada Rasulullah SAW

2007-07-13 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurrahman
The Holy Quran states that prophets appeared among all the nations of the
earth, and so the fact the name of only a few of them are known cannot be
used to argue that prophets have only appeared among one or two nations.
Similarly, the Holy Prophet's hadith proves the coming of mujaddids in all
centuries even though it may not be possible to name them all.
However, many Muslim religious figures in history have claimed to be the
mujaddids of their eras; IN ADDITION, Muslim religious scholars of the past
have described some of their predecessors as mujaddids of their times. In
fact, Shaikh Ahmad of Sirhind, India, is quite commonly known in the Indian
subcontinent simply as Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Thani (mujaddid of the second
thousand - he appeared at the head of the eleventh century hijrah).
>From historical sources the following list of mujaddids may be compiled :
First century: 'Umar ibn 'Abdul 'Aziz.
Second century: Imams Shafi'i and ibn Hanbal.
Third century: Abu Sharah and Ash'ari.
Fourth century: Abu Ubaidullah, Abu Bakr Baqilani.
Fifth century: AI-Ghazali.
Sixth century: Abdul Qadir Jilani.
Seventh century: Ibn Taimiyyah, Muin-ud-Din Chishti.
Eighth century: Ibn Hajar 'Asqalani, Salih ibn 'Umar.
Ninth century: Sayyid Muhammad Jaunpuri.
Tenth century: Imam Suyuti.
Eleventh century: Shaikh Ahmad of Sirhind (India).
Twelfth century: Shah Wali Ullah of Dehli (India).
Thirteenth century: Sayyed Ahmad Barelavi (India).
And, of course, the mujaddid of the fourteenth century of the Hijrah [Muslim
Era] is Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India (1835-1908), besides whom
no other Muslim has claimed to be a Mujaddid of this century.

"We believe in the five pillars of Islam ... We believe that there is no god
besides God, and that Muhammad is His Messenger and the last of the
prophets. We believe that whoever adds to, or detracts from, the Islamic
Shari'ah even one whit, is excluded from Islam. And we instruct our
community that they believe in laa ilaaha ill-Allah Muhammadur rasul Allah;
and they consider as their duties salaat [prayer], saum [fasting], zakaat
[charity], hajj [pilgrimage], and other obligations imposed by God and His
Prophet, and act according to Islam. It is incumbent to believe in all those
things which, according to the ijmaa' [unanimity] of the Ahl-Sunnah (i.e.,
the orthodox), constitute Islam" (Ayyam Sulh).
Thus, by the grace of Allah, not only are we Muslims, but we are also the
only group dedicated purely to the propagation of Islam.

Cramba, hayyaaa, Betul-betul MAS pendusta, mana dari yang saya down load
dari situs Ahmadiyah Lahore itu yang menyatakan MGH itu nabi dan rasul?
mana? mana? na? na? na?
Kasus Ahmdiyah Lahore ditutup tup, tup, tup.


- Original Message - 
From: "ma_suryawan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 22:59
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] HMNA dan kawannyaRe: Fwd: Kecintaan Kepada 
Rasulullah SAW

Sebelum jadi bias masalahnya karena usaha ngaburnya dan ulah ngeyel
HMNA serta tuduhannya, ini saya ulang postingnya...

Oh, oh, ternyata lagi-lagi HMNA cuma sanggup menghadirkan cerita, ya
sekedar cerita...tidak ada bukti kebenaran omongan kawan Anda itu.

Nah, sekarang saya berikan bukti dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore
dimana Hz. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. dengan jelas mengatakan bahwa
dirinya adalah nabi dan rasul. Lihat di: 

[wanita-muslimah] HMNA dan kawannya....Re: Fwd: Kecintaan Kepada Rasulullah SAW

2007-07-13 Terurut Topik ma_suryawan
Sebelum jadi bias masalahnya karena usaha ngaburnya dan ulah ngeyel 
HMNA serta tuduhannya, ini saya ulang postingnya...

Oh, oh, ternyata lagi-lagi HMNA cuma sanggup menghadirkan cerita, ya
sekedar cerita...tidak ada bukti kebenaran omongan kawan Anda itu.

Nah, sekarang saya berikan bukti dari situs resmi Ahmadiyah Lahore
dimana Hz. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. dengan jelas mengatakan bahwa
dirinya adalah nabi dan rasul. Lihat di:

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad menjelaskan dalam buku Ek Ghalati Ka Izala sbb:

"Some people in our Movement who are not well-acquainted with my
claim and the arguments relating to it --- not having had the
occasion to study my books carefully, nor having stayed in my
company for a sufficient length of time to complete their knowledge -
-- in some instances in response to an objection of the opponents
give a reply which is entirely against facts. So, despite being on
the side of truth, they have to face embarrassment.

Thus it happened a few days ago that a person faced from an opponent
the objection that "the man whose pledge you have taken claims to be
a prophet (nabi) and a messenger (rasul)". This was answered by only
a denial, while such an answer is not correct. The fact is that the
holy revelation of God Almighty which descends upon me contains
words such as rasul, mursal and nabi, not once but hundreds of
times. So how can the reply be correct that such words are not
present? In fact, at this time these words occur more clearly and
explicitly than in the earlier days. And in the Barahin Ahmadiyya
too, published 22 years ago, these words are not few.

Thus, in the Divine communications published in Barahin Ahmadiyya,
one revelation from God is as follows: "He it is Who sent His
messenger (rasul) with guidance and the true religion in order to
make it prevail over all other religions" (see p. 498, Barahin
Ahmadiyya). Here, this humble one has been clearly addressed as
rasul. Then after this, in the same book, is the following Divine
revelation regarding myself: "The messenger of God in the mantle of
the prophets" (p. 504). Then quite near this in the same book is the
following revelation: "Muhammad is the messenger of God; those with
him are firm against disbelievers, compassionate among themselves.
(The Holy Quran: 48:29)" In this revelation I have been given the
name 'Muhammad'2 as well as rasul.4 Then there is the following
Divine revelation noted on page 557 of Barahin Ahmadiyya: "A warner
came into the world." Another version of it is: "A prophet (nabi)
came into the world."5 Similarly in many other places in Barahin
Ahmadiyya the word rasul has been applied to this humble one..."

Dan seterusnya.

Oh, oh, makin kelihatan saja HMNA tidak mengerti apa yang ia dengar
dan ia omongkan.


--- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman"
> Saya sudah forward ini kepada salah seorang sahabat saya penganut
> Ahmadiyah Lahore, seorang kristolog dan jawabannya sederhana
saja: "Tidak
> ada pengakuan Ghulam Ahmad sebagai nabi dalam tulisan itu, dan
tulisan itu
> wajar sebagai pernyataan seorang 'Mujaddid'. Lain kali kalau
> tulisan, lihat saja, kalau ada pengakuan sebagai nabi, niscaya itu
> dari Ghulam Ahmad, itu palsu.. Sebagai perbandingan: LAI- Yahya
17:3 Inilah
> hidup yang kekal itu, yaitu bahwa mereka mengenal Engkau, satu-
satunya Allah
> yang benar, dan mengenal Yesus Kristus yang telah Engkau utus. LAI-
Rom 10:9
> Sebab jika kamu mengaku dengan mulutmu, bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan,
> percaya dalam hatimu, bahwa Allah telah membangkitkan Dia dari
antara orang
> mati, maka kamu akan diselamatkan..LAI- Yahya 17:3 yang menyatakan
> hanya sekadar utusan Allah, itu betul-betul dari Jesus, tetapi LAI-
Rom 10:9
> yang menyatakan Jesus adalah Tuhan, itu palsu, bukan perkataan