Iran's future lies in women's hands

Iranians go to the polls to elect their president on June 12. Optimists say 
that the new elections will change the political course of the Islamic 
Republic. Pravda.Ru interviewed Rajab Safarov, the director of the Center for 
Modern Iran, about the future of the nation. 

"The adversaries of the Iranian regime say that the new presidential election 
in Iran does not mean anything. They say that the election is just a screen 
that covers the same religious leaders. Is it really so?" 

"I do not think that it is true. Here is the proof: the current election of the 
head of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is the tenth election, is probably 
the most open and controversial vote in terms of political battles between the 
candidates. The adversaries of the sitting Iranian president continue to 
criticize him, stressing out his mistakes. What would be the point of all those 
battles if the voting did not mean anything? 

"Do ayatollahs have nothing to do here?" 

"The president of Iran holds the executive power. The spiritual leader is 
higher and can dismiss the president at any moment. However, it happens on 
extremely rare occasions. Ayatollahs believe that it is the people that elect 
the president, and they respect the opinion of the people." 

"Who are the prime candidates for presidency?" 

"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has three rivals. Former Prime Minister Mir-Hossein 
Mousavi, who represents the reformative wing, is the most important one of 
them. The two others are Mohsen Rezaei, the former Commander of Iranian 
Revolutionary Guard and Mehdi Karroubi, former Speaker of the Majlis." 

"Who has the best chances?" 

"Ahmadinejad and Mousavi are the two favorites in the race. Rezaei and Karroubi 
have from two to five percent of votes, as opinion polls say. However, they can 
make their voices heard during the runoff, which is very likely to happen. Most 
likely, Ahmadinejad will win the majority of votes, although it seems that he 
will not win the first round." 

"The adversaries of the Iranian regime say that the winner is already known - 

"This is not true. Ahmadinejad does not enjoy the best position in the country. 
He is heavily criticized for his mistakes and the promises, which he did not 
keep. It is hard for the president to defend himself because he can not 
reproach his adversaries." 

"Does he have any trump cards?"

"The Iranians do not know what is going to happen in their country if reformers 
win the vote. That is why many people will simply prefer not to take a risk - 
they will vote for Ahmadinejad. Local governors fear that they may lose their 
power in case he loses the election. Ayatollah supported the sitting president 
last year, which, as many influential politicians say, was a mistake." 

"What are Ahmadinejad's adversaries concerned about? 

"They are concerned about the current economic situation and the tough 
political course, first and foremost. That is why they want the reforms." 

"What about the people? Do they have any concerns?" 

"They do - mostly middle-aged individuals and women. They expect a change for 
the better. They can succumb to appeals from Ahmadinejad's opponents. Women 
want to have more freedom in the society." 

"Does that mean that someone from Ahmadinejad's adversaries is ready to 
liberate the Iranian women?"

"Of course, not. None of them says that women will be able to remove their 
hijabs. However, they can offer them more political opportunities. Ahmadinejad 
supports traditional Iranian values, including family values. His adversaries 
have a certain advantage at this point." 

Interview prepared by Sergey Balmasov 

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