It's racist to suggest Obama didn't deserve Nobel Prize 
October 15, 2009 
Indian artist Sudersan Pattnaik gives final touches to a sand sculpture of 
Barack Obama at Golden Sea Beach in Puri. Photo: AFP

In the first edition of Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone With The Wind Rhett 
Butler boasts of having shot dead a young black man for looking at a white 
woman 'the wrong way'. The presumptuous young pup was getting above himself, 
Rhett explained, 'so I shot him then and there'. Much the same thing happened 
in US public life last week when Barack Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize, 
and white America howled him down.

Too soon, white America said, the presumptuous young pup. He's getting above 

It was a classic repressed-racist reaction. He's got the presidency, God damn 
it, what else does he want? An Oscar? An Emmy? A Pulitzer Prize? There was no 
such response when Al Gore won the Nobel for a single travelling slide show. No 
one said he hadn't done enough yet, he hadn't saved the world yet. It was 
sufficient that he wanted to, and spoke well in that cause. 

The racism attendant on the American response was blatantly evident because 
nobody mentioned who else should have got it. They emphasised only that he 
didn't deserve it. He hadn't done anything yet. Nobody said who deserved it 
more. Partly because it was hard to think of anybody who did. He should just 
give it back, that's all. He was nominated only 11 days into his presidency. It 
was far too soon. Glenn Beck said he should 'give it back'. 

A curious thing to say. The presumption was that he wasn't born before he was 
president, that he had no life before then. That he hadn't addressed massed 
crowds in Berlin, promising a better world. That he hadn't electrified America 
with his oration at the 2004 Convention in Boston, thought by many to be as 
good as the Gettysburg Address. That he hadn't written a book that changed 
lives. That he hadn't enthused black America by winning the nomination. That he 
hadn't astonished the world by being elected President and by the speech he 
gave that night, a speech some thought as good as 'I Have A Dream'.

It was hard to see how Morgan Tsvangarai had done more for world peace by then, 
or ever; or Hu Jia had. So their names weren't mentioned by Glenn Beck or Rush 
Limbaugh or Alexander Downer. Nor was anybody else's. Give it back, they said, 
give it back. 

They also seemed to suggest he got the prize 11 days into his presidency, not 
that he was merely nominated for it that day, along with 200 others. And what 
he did after that - the ending of torture in US military prisons, the 
unshackling of travel to Cuba, the abolition of the rockets pointed at Russia, 
the call for universal nuclear disarmament - had nothing to do with it, nothing 
to do with his winning it 252 days later. Some would say his speech in Cairo, 
which did much to pacify a billion Muslims, and win many thousands of angry 
young men back from jihad and confrontation - was worth a peace prize on its 

But no, he didn't deserve it for all these things, or for any of them. Somebody 
else did. It was just never established who that was. 

Never before had being president been thought a precondition for the Nobel 
Peace Prize. Mother Theresa never held that office, nor Muhammad Yunus, nor 
Martin Luther King, nor (though he came close) Al Gore. Nelson Mandela got his 
prize before he was president, and so did Jose Ramos Horta. They got it for 
inspiring hope, for the audacity of hope they stirred up in their people. Aung 
San Suu Kyi and the Dalai Lama, it could be said, in their long pilgrimages of 
eloquent protest and stifled leadership, achieved almost nothing for their 
people. But they got the peace prize anyway for trying hard, and for speaking 
wonderfully and for winning foreign hearts to their cause.

Barack Obama in the past five years, in the 1872 days of his fame, his 
candidacy and his presidency, has achieved more for the general good (I draw a 
deep breath here) than all of them put together. And yet he is being told to 
give it back, it's such an embarrassment, it devalues the currency, it's 
corrupt, it's unpleasant, it's a joke, by those media commentators whose trade 
is encoded racism. 

He's getting above himself, the uppity mulatto. 

Or is there some other explanation?

Just asking. 


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