Re: [wanita-muslimah] Nigeria: 2011 - Sharia Council Rules Out Woman Governor

2010-04-09 Terurut Topik Achmad Chodjim
Bahkan kebesaran Imperium Majapahit justru bermula dari seorang raja perempuan, 
yaitu Tri Bhuwana Tungga Dewi Jaya Wisnu Wardhani. Ternyata, Prabu Hayam Wuruk 
hanyalah meneruskan kebesaran Majapahit dari ibundanya. Setelah Prabu Hayam 
Wuruk, justru Majapahit secara perlahan turun pamornya di mata dunia 

Betapa besarnya Majapahit menurut Negara Krtagama yang sekarang sudah ada 
terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Wilayah Majapahit menurut Mpu Prapanca 
(Pujangga pada masa Hayam Wuruk) sebagai berikut.

1. Negara Tamu yang meliputi Jawa dan Madura.

2. Negara-negara Nusantara:

2.1.  Sumatra: Jambi, Palembang, Karintang, Teba, Dharmasraya, Kandis, Khawas, 
Manangkabwa, Siyak, Rekan, Kampar, Pane, Kampe, Harwe, Mandahiling, Tumihang, 
Parlak, Barat, Lawas, Samudra, Lamuri, Batan, Lampung dan barus.

2.2.  Kalimantan: Kapuhas, katingan, Sampit, Kutalingga, Kutawaringin, Sambas, 
Lawai, Kadangdangan, Landa, Samedang, Tirem, Sedu, Buruneng, Kalka, Saludung, 
Solot, Pasir, Barito, Sawaku, Tabalung, Tunjung, Kute, dan Malano.

2.3.  Malaka: Pahang, Hujung, Medini, Lengkasuka, Saimwang, Kalanten, 
Tringgano, Nasor, Pakamuwar, Dungun, Tumasik, Sanghyang Hujung, Kelang, Keda, 
Jere, kanjap, dan Niran.

2.4.  Negara-negara Timur Jawa: Bali, Badahului, Lewigajah, Gurun, Sukun, 
Taliwang, Dompo, Sapi, Sanghyang Api, Bima, Seran, Hutan Kadali, Saksak, 
Bantayan, Luwuk, Uda, Makasar, Butun, Banggawi, Kunir, Galiyau, Salaya, Sumba, 
Solot, Muwar, Wandan, Ambwan, Maloko, Wwnin, Seran, dan Timur.

3. Negara-negara Desantara (negara protektorat): Syangka, Ayudyapura, 
Darmanagari, Marutma, Rajapura, Sanghanagari, Campa, dan Kamboja.

Perhatikan luasnya negara Majapahit yang dicatat oleh Prapanca di zaman 
pemerintahan Hayam Wuruk. Oleh karena itu, Barat amat takut bila bangsa ini 
menjadi bangsa yang besar, yang pluralis yang memberikan kebebasan dalam 
beragama sepenuhnya. Amerika malah ketakutan sekali bila bangsa Indonesia 
mengenal kembali sejarah Nusantara.

4. Di luar negara-negera Desantara (protektorat), menurut Parapanca ada pula 
negara-negera Dipantara yang "sumiwi" alias yang mengabdi pada Majapahit, yaitu 
Jambudwipa (India), Cina, Karnataka, dan Goda. Ternyata, India dan Cina di 
bawah kekuasaan Majapahit. Oleh karena itu, banyak bukti upeti keramik dari 
Cina yang berlimpah di Trowulan (Mojokerta) sebagai Ibukota Majapahit. Bih..., 
bihbih. luar biasa. 

Rabu kemarin, saya ngobrol-ngobrol sama seorang teman --Bapak Mas'ud Thayib-- 
yang sekarang menjabat sebagai Ketua Badan Pekerja Deklarasi Persaudaraan Raja, 
Sultan, dan Lembaga Adat Nusantara. Deklarasi tersebut untuk memabngun wadah 
tunggal guna menjaga dan membetentengi budaya bangsa se Nusantara.

Semoga muncul pemimpin-pemimpin perempuan yang mampu turut serta membangun 
kejayaan dan kemakmuran Nusantara, yang sekarang telah menyempit menjadi NKRI. 

Terima kasih,


  - Original Message - 
  From: ah-mbel-ah 
  Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 10:47 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Nigeria: 2011 - Sharia Council Rules Out Woman 

  Setidaknya NKRI lebih beradab daripada Nigeria karena NKRI pernah dipimpin 
oleh seorang presiden perempuan. Kapan ya presiden perempuan yang lain 
bermunculan lagi di NKRI ini? 

  Jangan sampai NKRI (yang plural ini) mundur seperti Nigeria hanya gara-gara 
ada MUI yang ingin memaksakan shariah untuk semua warga negaranya. 

  Nigeria: 2011 - Sharia Council Rules Out Woman Governor
  Hammed Shittu

  27 January 2010

  Ilorin - Members of the Kwara State branch of the Supreme Council for Shariah 
yesterday kicked against the purported move by the highly placed politicians in 
the state to impose a female as governor of the state come 2011.

  In a statement issued in Ilorin by the council and signed by its state 
coordinator, Alhaji Tijani Edun and made available to newsmen, the council said 
such alleged move was against the principle of Islamic law that forbids female 
leadership in Islam.

  According to the statement, "we as members of Supreme Council for Shariah are 
not politicians and not working for the female rivals but making efforts to 
guide Muslims, including politicians and check what is against the wish of 
Allah remains our priority".

  The statement said the argument raised by a female contestant in the state 
that people like Bhutto of Pakistan, Queen Elizabeth of England, among others, 
are female leaders who had ruled their various countries was not tenable 
because they are not Islamic states.

  Edun added that, any attempt by the female politician to rule the state come 
2011 would serve as a bad precedent and more importantly would destroy the only 
legacy and culture of Islam left behind by Alimi dynasty in the state.

  He stressed that, allowing a woman to head the state where more than 80 per 
cent are Muslims would spell a doom for the state and they should all work 

[wanita-muslimah] Nigeria: 2011 - Sharia Council Rules Out Woman Governor

2010-04-08 Terurut Topik ah-mbel-ah
Setidaknya NKRI lebih beradab daripada Nigeria karena NKRI pernah dipimpin oleh 
seorang presiden perempuan. Kapan ya presiden perempuan yang lain bermunculan 
lagi di NKRI ini? 

Jangan sampai NKRI (yang plural ini) mundur seperti Nigeria hanya gara-gara ada 
MUI yang ingin memaksakan shariah untuk semua warga negaranya. 

Nigeria: 2011 - Sharia Council Rules Out Woman Governor
Hammed Shittu

27 January 2010

Ilorin — Members of the Kwara State branch of the Supreme Council for Shariah 
yesterday kicked against the purported move by the highly placed politicians in 
the state to impose a female as governor of the state come 2011.

In a statement issued in Ilorin by the council and signed by its state 
coordinator, Alhaji Tijani Edun and made available to newsmen, the council said 
such alleged move was against the principle of Islamic law that forbids female 
leadership in Islam.

According to the statement, "we as members of Supreme Council for Shariah are 
not politicians and not working for the female rivals but making efforts to 
guide Muslims, including politicians and check what is against the wish of 
Allah remains our priority".

The statement said the argument raised by a female contestant in the state that 
people like Bhutto of Pakistan, Queen Elizabeth of England, among others, are 
female leaders who had ruled their various countries was not tenable because 
they are not Islamic states.

Edun added that, any attempt by the female politician to rule the state come 
2011 would serve as a bad precedent and more importantly would destroy the only 
legacy and culture of Islam left behind by Alimi dynasty in the state.

He stressed that, allowing a woman to head the state where more than 80 per 
cent are Muslims would spell a doom for the state and they should all work 
against such move .

Edun noted that, the council was not asking the people to take to violence in 
waging war against the move but they should embark on fervent prayers in order 
to salvage the state from such move.

He, therefore, called on the Muslims to converge at the Yidi praying ground, 
Ilorin on May 30, 2010 to call on God to prevail on the people that would want 
to impose a woman as leader for the state in the next political dispensation.