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Sunday, Oct. 18, 2009

      Horsepower: A Mongolian charges a discarded battery the Fujimura way 

Power for all the people

Special to The Japan Times
The all-electric home craze sweeping Japan with its typhoon of talking 
bathtubs, full-service toilets and flameless kitchens may finally have met its 

      Kensuke Fujimura with a non-electric washing machine in his father's 


His name is Yasuyuki Fujimura, and he is the founder of Atelier Non-Electric, 
an inventors' workshop in Tochigi Prefecture.

Since 2000, the 65-year-old doctor of engineering has been cooking up designs 
for water purifiers, dehumidifiers and lighting systems that don't require 
electricity to run on. He's also been zealously propounding the idea that it's 
time for people in Japan - and the rest of the world - to rethink their 
fondness for appliances that offer convenience and comfort at the cost of 
environmental health and, he says, true happiness. 

On a crisp morning recently, Fujimura sat in front of a wall of glass windows 
in his airy living room, gazed out at the one-hectare property where he's lived 
and worked since 2007, and elaborated on his plans for a "Non-Electric Park" on 
his grounds. This, he hopes, will include an electricity-free cafe, a bathhouse 
fueled by sunlight and firewood, and a passive- solar house. The latter, 
instead of using active heating and cooling systems, will be designed and sited 
to let in lots of sunlight in winter but not in summer.

"I want people to realize that this other option also exists. I want them to 
see a new culture and a new lifestyle. That's why I came here," says the 
soft-spoken Fujimura, who is dressed in an earth-tone polo shirt, old work 
pants and pointy-toed slippers brought back from a trip to take non-electric 
refrigerators to the vast grasslands of Mongolia. 

Japan is the world's fourth-largest electricity consumer, generating 29 percent 
of that power from nuclear plants and 60 percent from oil, natural gas and coal 
- the last three all major contributors to global warming. Appliances account 
for more than a third of home electricity consumption and, despite recent 
improvements in efficiency, home energy use has risen by more than 50 percent 
since 1973, according to data from the Energy Conservation Center of Japan.

But Fujimura insists that's not his primary concern.

"We should choose what's enjoyable for us. I chose non-electric technology 
because I like it. The environmental benefits are just a by-product," he says.

As if to prove the point, Fujimura smiles constantly as he talks - which, with 
his white hair and beard, makes him look like a Japanese version of Santa 
Claus. Behind that jolly appearance, however, lies an unshakable self- 
confidence and a mind overflowing with ideas that might appear at first glance 
to be ridiculously simple - but then so completely logical that it seems 
amazing they weren't put into practice years ago.

Take that project in Mongolia, whose roots Fujimura says go back to an episode 
of millennial reflection that redirected his path in life. Looking back at a 
century of raging industrial and economic development, and forward to a looming 
environmental apocalypse, he says he decided in 2000 that his last great goal 
in life was to offer alternative technologies to developing countries.

      Chilling out: Yasuyuki Fujimura poses beside one of his non-electric 
fridges with two young children who live on the vast Mongolian grasslands, and 
whose lives could be greatly improved thanks to his inventiveness. YASUYUKI 

"In Japan, switching to something slightly less convenient might seem 
pointless, but in developing countries this technology is extremely 
meaningful," says Fujimura, adding that he by no means rejects the use of 
electricity altogether.

So, in pursuit of his aim, he went to China and Brazil offering his services as 
an inventor - but he got no takers. Then in 2003, he was approached with a 
request from impoverished Mongolian nomads who longed for the televisions, 
electric lights and fridges that many of their urbanized compatriots now enjoy. 
On the plains, though, low population density and the people's nomadic 
lifestyle means a conventional electric system is unfeasible, while solar 
panels are prohibitively expensive.

So Fujimura designed, pro bono, what would become his flagship non-electric 
device: a simple insulated box buried partway underground and lined with old 
plastic bottles. The bottles are filled with water, which acts as a sponge to 
draw heat from items in the box (usually mutton). At night, the outer lid of 
the box is opened, allowing a black inner lid to radiate stored heat to the 
cold, dark universe (the same principle that cools the Earth at night). 
Fujimura says the box maintains a temperature of about 8°C even on a 35° day. A 
local maker now sells the refrigerators. The price: two sheep.

The Mongolia project garnered Fujimura widespread media coverage, and requests 
for technological assistance soon began to flow in from countries including 
Nigeria and Brazil.

In Japan, Fujimura also runs a nationwide inventors' training workshop, and has 
authored books on invention and non-electric technology. Among them is 2004's 
"Tanoshii Hidenka" ("Enjoyable Non-electric Life"; Yosensha), in which he 
expounds his own brand of inconvenient truth: Japanese rice cookers alone boil 
away 2.4 nuclear reactors' worth of electricity each year; vacuum cleaners 
consume 20 million units of electric energy for each unit of dust-sucking work 
they achieve; and electric lights expend more than 80 percent of the power they 
consume as heat, not light.

As yet, Fujimura may not have figured out the perfect non-electric answer to 
these problems, but his basic point hits home: Isn't there a better way?

No matter how offbeat this inventor may seem to some, however, he once worked 
deep in the world of conventional technology. After gaining a PhD in 
engineering from Osaka University in 1973, he spent 11 years in the thermal- 
engineering lab of Komatsu, a major construction-equipment company, rising to 
be a chief researcher there.

Spurred by his young son's asthma, Fujimura eventually left Komatsu and 
invented one of the earliest ionic air purifiers, called Clear Veil (that same 
son signed on as vice president of Atelier Non-Electric this spring, leaving a 
job at megacorporation General Electric). In 1984, Fujimura founded Kankyo Co. 
to market the Clear Veil and develop other health-related products.

Clear Veil's sales eventually topped 2 1/2 million units, turning the 
inventor's dream of commercial success into a reality. In 1998, however, the 
company went bankrupt and was re-established under the Corporate Reorganization 
Law with new management. The next year, Japan's Fair Trade Commission ruled 
that advertisements by Kankyo claiming their air purifiers were better 
dust-collectors than competing brands - and that they were effective against 
airborne viruses - were misleading. Kankyo, for its part, maintained that a 
researcher with close ties to a competing company had been involved in the 
tests on which the government based its decision. Fujimura now has no 
connection with Kankyo Co. 

      Yasuyuki Fujimura KEITA HANAI PHOTO 

That affair earned Fujimura some detractors, but it did little to dampen the 
enthusiasm of those attracted by his message of "an enjoyable non-electric 
life." Fujimura says a 2003 feature in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, for 
instance, generated a surprising number of calls from people within Japan 
interested in purchasing a non-electric refrigerator.

"Not everyone is satisfied with our recent desperate pursuit of convenience and 
economic growth. There's actually a lot of people who think something is wrong 
with the picture," he says.

Unfortunately for those eager potential customers, the non-electric 
refrigerator is not ideally suited to the wet Japanese climate, since humidity 
and cloudy skies interfere with the ability of objects to radiate heat at 
night. But on a mildly warm day, the upgraded model that stands beside 
Fujimura's home felt to be around 15°C, though the beer inside was at a quite 
drinkable temperature. Consequently, he's scrapped plans to market the 
appliance in Japan, though he may yet organize a build-it-yourself workshop.

Fujimura has plenty of other ideas in the works, however, such as a 
non-electric vacuum cleaner and a hand-cranked rice huller that he hopes will 
reduce the electricity burden of the national staple.

And remember those televisions and light bulbs that the Mongolian nomads 
requested? Fujimura has rigged up a ¥50,000 machine to refurbish the discarded 
car batteries that litter the Mongolian steppes. The batteries can then be 
fixed to a small cart that's pulled behind a galloping horse, turning a 
generator that recharges them. Fujimura says a two-hour sprint provides enough 
energy to light a yurt and power a small TV for one week.

Granted, it's not electricity-free technology, but it does no environmental 
harm, turns garbage into a resource - and may help make nomadic life a more 
attractive option for the 21st century.

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