Mas Ase :
 Mungkin yang mas Janoko baca itu perkembangan jaman Rasulullah.
  Memang jaman itu, umat Islam adalah penggerak peradaban.
  Sekarang itu tahun 2007 mas, 14-abad setelah Rasulullah wafat.
 ============ ========= =

Jano - ko :

JILID 2  surat sayang untuk mas Ase.

Mas, sekarang jamannya 'INTERNYET" bukan jamannya orientalis macam  Sno... 
.urgron.. yang bisa membuat "story" seenak udelnya sendiri, jaman sekarang 
bukan jaman tipu-tipu dan rekayasa, setuju engga ?

Nah sekarang dibawah ini saya nongolkan artikel tentang saudara-saudari kita 
yang muslim dan muslimah yang memberikan sumbangan yang besar kepada eropa 
khususnya England, sehingga mereka mendapatkan "Award"


Hilary Benn praises the good work by Muslims


Associated Press of Pakistan - APP

LONDON, April 4 (Associated Press of Pakistan - APP): British Secretary of 
State for International Development, Hilary Benn Wednesday praised the 
contributions made by British Muslims to create a more just society. ‘Like all 
great faiths Islam urges its followers to create a more just society, and very 
generously British Muslims are playing their part by giving to good causes. 
“Mr. Benn said at the seventh annual The Muslim News Awards for Excellence in 
Central London. 

‘The Muslim News Awards for Excellence celebrate the hard work and dedication 
of all those who are doing something practical to improve the lives of people 
in their community,” he said. 

In his keynote speech at the event, the International Development Secretary 
extolled British Muslims as being “very generous” for donating to special 

“The UK is doing the same through its rising aid budget, as we help poor 
communities in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in other countries around the world 
to be able to build a better life,’ he said. 

The awards are designed to celebrate the achievements of both Muslims and 
non-Muslims in the British society. 

In a message to the Awards, Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown said every 
community should have within it role models for the younger generation to look 
up to and learn from, and that the event “is creating a much-needed source for 

“Acknowledging and celebrating individual achievement, as these Awards set out 
to do, is a great way of highlighting the immense contribution which Muslim 
people make across all walks of national life, to the benefit of society as a 
whole,” Opposition Leader, David Cameron also said. 

Liberal Democrat Leader, Sir Menzies Campbell, said that the awards covered a 
range of area that underline “the wide and varied contribution that the Muslim 
community makes to life in Britain.” 

Opening the awards ceremony, Ahmed J Versi, Editor of The Muslim News, and 
organizer of the Awards, said the annual event would accentuate “noteworthy 
achievement in the face of negative stereotyping.” If, he said, the “media 
image of our community is warped, we must do more than merely hope for a more 
wholesome picture to emerge. “ 

He said the awards impact on the younger generation and the importance of 
showcasing contributions and achievements. “Self-image means more to the 
younger members of the Muslim Community. Its impact on nurturing a healthy 
identity is as indisputable as the need for relevant role models.” 

“If we fail to highlight what our community is accomplishing, we can be sure 
that others - for whom faith is academic, problematic, or irrelevant - will 
throw up less constructive, but seemingly attractive, alternatives. 

The ceremony brought together politicians, religious leaders, journalists, 
community activists along with representatives from the world of sport, 
culture, academia, amongst others.


Wuih hebat tenan saudara - saudari kita yang muslim and muslimah di England 
sono, dihormati oleh British Secretary of State for International Development, 
Hilary Benn .

Jadi kesimpulannya adalah, membaca itu penting supaya tidak ketinggalan kereta.
Yang kedua, yang sebenarnya yang lagi bermimpi itu adalah insan-insan yang suka 
melecehkan Islam. Mereka tidak tahu bahwa mereka tidak tahu.


Selamat malam


jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                   Mas Ase :
 Mungkin yang mas Janoko baca itu perkembangan jaman Rasulullah.
  Memang jaman itu, umat Islam adalah penggerak peradaban.
  Sekarang itu tahun 2007 mas, 14-abad setelah Rasulullah wafat.
 Jano - ko :
 Maaf mas, coba dech baca buku sejarah Islam lebih dulu and coba baca 
perkembangan Islam di Amerika dan Eropa, kalau mas ase tidak menemukan sejarah 
Islam tersebut maka jano-ko akan menuntun mas ase, setuju ?
 Saya kasih kata kunci "Dark Ages"
 Kelihatannya mas ase masih kurang lengkap dalam membaca sejarah Islam dan 
sejarah Ilmu Pengetahuan ya ?
 Dibawah ini akan saya sertakan artikel yang ditulis oleh saudara kita yang 
dari Eropa asli, bukan oknum insan Indonesia yang "inferior" dan rendah diri.
 Silahkan menikmati semoga akan merubah persepsi mas ase tentang Islam.
 Deborah Rowe
 We in the West know what the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Babylonians have 
done for us in terms of scientific discovery. Most of us have at least heard of 
Socrates, Ptolemy, Galen and Pythagoras and of their contributions to 
philosophy, astronomy, physics and mathematics.
 But how many of us have heard of Al-Kindi, Ibn Sina, Al-Razi, Ibn Al-Shatir, 
Ibn Al-Haytham or Al-Tusi? They are all Muslim scientists who made equally 
great contributions to science, between the 7th and 15th centuries – during the 
era known as the Dark Ages.
 ---Coba mas perhatikan info diatas " between the 7th and 15 th centuries "
 But it's time for the West to recognize its debt to those Islamic scientists 
of the past, who forged ahead while Europe stagnated.
 Possibly one of the best-kept secrets in the history of science is what was 
going on in the so-called Dark Ages. The time around the fall of the Roman 
Empire, when nothing new was happening and all was darkness, plague and misery. 
Nobody seemed particularly interested in learning about the world around them. 
Perhaps, they were all too busy surviving pestilence and invasions to indulge 
in the luxury of philosophical thinking.
 Nah sekarang kita baca bersama cantiknya Islam   <-----
 Islam was born around the 7th century, when the prophet Mohammad went to Mecca 
and the Qur'an first appeared in writing. According to its teachings, the 
pursuit of knowledge was the duty of every Muslim. As the work of God was 
everywhere and in everything, to understand the nature of the physical world 
was to know God. It was therefore the duty of every Muslim to pursue knowledge 
of the world around them.
 Through trade and conquest, the influence of Islam spread across southern 
Europe, the Near East and Africa. There was a thriving commercial and 
intellectual interest in the lands that they conquered. Far from wiping out the 
old or 'foreign' knowledge, Islamic conquerors saw to it that the ancient 
legacies were treasured and put to good use. Such knowledge, where they found 
it, was not only preserved but translated and developed.
 Early Islamic teaching encouraged new knowledge for largely practical reasons. 
Anything that improved life in Islamic society was welcomed – better means of 
determining the direction of Mecca from all points in the empire; improved 
navigational aids for travellers and traders; better health care and medical 
knowledge; more accurate ways of measuring, counting and converting currencies 
when trading with others. Effectively, astronomy, geography, medicine and 
mathematics were all useful, practical tools and also helped Muslims to 
understand the work of God.
 Some great Islamic scientists
 Ibn Sina, philosopher and physician
 Produced a standard medical text in the 10th century that was still in use in 
the 17th century
 Al-Tusi, astronomer
 His mathematical models were essential to the work of Copernicus in proving 
that Earth travelled around the Sun.
 Abu Jafar Muhammad, mathematician
 Gave us algebra and algorithms that were central to the development of modern 
 Ibn al-Haytham
 His work on vision and light helped Newton formulate his theories on optics.
 Islamic science in a nutshell
 When Western Europe was at its lowest intellectual peak, from the 5th to the 
15th centuries, Islamic civilisation was rising rapidly. A thirst for 
knowledge, including science, was encouraged by the religious leaders of early 
 The works of the ancients, including Aristotle, Socrates, Ptolemy, Galen, 
Pythagoras and Euclid were collected, safeguarded and translated into Arabic.
 The chemical properties of alkalis and acids were discovered by Islamic 
 Islamic scientists contributed to algebra, algorithms, trigonometry, geometry, 
chemistry, cosmology, astronomy, medicine and optics.
 Islamic scholars developed the concepts of modern hospitals, universities, 
observatories and civil systems.
 Nah itu awal perkenalan sejarah Islam untuk mas ase, untuk perkembangan ilmu 
pengetahuan Islam dan Ilmuwan Islam yang ada di Eropa, Amerika, Arab, Persia 
dll akan saya sambung di jilid 2
 Selamat malam
 asetijadi2004 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  --- 
In, jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > Mas Ase berkata :
  >   Jika kita bisa belajar, bukannya malah mencaci,
  > sejarah umat kristen harusnya bisa menjadi pelajaran
  > bahwa kita, umat islam, sekarang dalam bahaya menapaktilasi apa-apa 
  > yang menjadi masa gelap mereka
  >   ========================
  >   Jano - ko :
  >   Jano-ko barusan pulang dari Munas di Jakarta, jadi gatel nich 
  membaca pernyataannya mas ase.
  >   Jano-ko hanya ingin tahu aje apa yang dimaksud dengan pernyataan 
  mas ase dengan " umat islam, sekarang dalam bahaya menapaktilasi apa-
  apa yang menjadi masa gelap mereka ", tolong dong jano-ko diberi tahu 
  landasan pendapat dari mas ase tersebut ?
  >   Jangan-jangan mas ase "belum" membaca perkembangan ilmu 
  pengetahuan dunia muslim didunia sono ?
  Oh sudah, 
  saya sudah baca.
  Mungkin yang mas Janoko baca itu perkembangan jaman Rasulullah.
  Memang jaman itu, umat Islam adalah penggerak peradaban.
  Sekarang itu tahun 2007 mas, 14-abad setelah Rasulullah wafat.
  >   Ini kalau jano-ko lho, kalau jano-ko yakin and sangat yakin kalau 
  umat Islam itu umat yang paling maju dan paling baik dan tidak 
  >   Tak kasih contoh soal kecil aje, masalah "global warming" , siapa 
  hayo yang paling besar memberikan kontribusi timbulnya "global 
  warming" tersebut ?, apakah parameter bangsa yang maju itu ditentukan 
  dengan "kontribusinya" yang paling besar terhadap terjadinya global 
  warming ?
  >   Monggo dipikir-pikir.
  Oh iya ya...
  Umat Islam sih tidak punya masalah sekolosal itu.
  Paling cuman merusak lingkungan sekitarnya saja,
  seperti: korupsi, polusi, kanker, bencana banjir, kelaparan, 
  keterbelakangan, kejahatan dll, dst.
  Silahkan mas Janoko pikir sendiri lah
  Kan sudah gede...
  >   Tolong dong Luthfi yang dari JIL itu juga menjawab pertanyaan 
  jano-ko, kalau luthfi belum ada waktu untuk menjawab silahkan saja 
  guntur membantu menjawab pertanyaan dari jano-ko.
  >   :)
  >   Salam
  >   --oo0oo--
  > asetijadi2004 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  >           "Total Sacrifice"(TS) masih mending dari anda mas satriyo,
  > TS tidak pernah mengatasnamakan Allah atas semua pendapat-
  > TS JUJUR bahwa pendapatnya, 
  > adalah sekedar pendapatnya sebagai seorang manusia.
  > Walaupun niat TS baik, 
  > TS sadar bahwa pendapatnya adalah pendekatan terbaik yang bisa TS 
  > lakukan atas ayat-ayatNya.
  > Sedangkan Anda bentar-bentar bilang Allah begini, Allah begitu,
  > sedangkan yang lain yang berbeda dengan Anda adalah sesat,
  > seakan-akan mas satriyo tahu betul bahwa begitulah pendapat Allah.
  > Fir'aun modern tentu tidak seperti Fir'aun kuno jaman Musa as atau 
  > Ibrahim as. 
  > Fir'aun modern tentu juga sudah belajar dari cerita Fir'aun kuno 
  > bahwa bilang SAYA ADALAH TUHAN, sudah barang tentu akan menjadi 
  > blunder karena sama saja mengidentikkan diri sama dengan Fir'aun 
  > Fir'aun modern tahu bahwa dia bisa lepas dari situasi itu, jika dia 
  > agak menahan diri untuk TIDAK bilang "SAYA ADALAH TUHAN",
  > Sejarah modern membuktikan hal ini,
  > berkali-kali dihadapan kita dengan ceto-welo-welo...
  > Jika kita bisa belajar, bukannya malah mencaci,
  > sejarah umat kristen harusnya bisa menjadi pelajaran
  > bahwa kita, umat islam, sekarang dalam bahaya menapaktilasi apa-apa 
  > yang menjadi masa gelap mereka.
  > --- In, "satriyo" <efikoe@> wrote:
  > >
  > > wah ... udah ga jelas namanya siapa ko berani bawa2 nama Allah, 
  > > Rasul, dll.
  > > 
  > > mungkin memang habis face/off ya bleh...?
  > > 
  > > yang fokus dan congruent dunks kalo komentar ... jadi tetep enak 
  > > diterimanya.
  > > 
  > > maaf ya kalo ini komentar saya terakhir kepada anda, sampe anda 
  > > setidaknya mau tidak sembunyi2 dan lebih jujur seperti Rasul saw 
  > dan 
  > > Umar ra yang anda bawa2 namanya itu ...
  > > 
  > > satriyo
  > > 
  > > --- In, "total_sacrifice" 
  > > <total_sacrifice@> wrote:
  > > >
  > > > --- In, "satriyo" <efikoe@> 
  > > > >
  > > > > saya tdk tahu dimana keblingernya di ustad ketika dia 
  > > > > menurut hemat dia untuk mengungkapkan 'kesesatan' saudaranya 
  > agar 
  > > > > diwaspadai. bukankah Allah juga 'keblinger' jadinya ketika 
  > Allah 
  > > > > menyampaikan kesesatan Firaun, Abu Jahal, dan tokoh2 lain 
  > > > > mewakili kezaliman dan kebathilan?
  > > > > 
  > > > 
  > > > yg disampaikan Allah Swt adalah kebenaran mutlak yg harus 
  > > > oleh setiap orang beriman. selain itu Fir'aun terang2an 
  > > para
  > > > Nabi pada waktu itu.
  > > > 
  > > > > bagaimana kita tahu kesalahan atau kesesatan seseorang atau 
  > > > > sekelompok orang jika tidak dibeberkan? lain masalahnya 
  > > > > kesesatan atau kesalahan yang dimaksud itu hanyalah isapan 
  > > jempol, 
  > > > > atau dengan kata lain si ustad atau siapapun tidak bisa 
  > > accountable 
  > > > > ketika dimintai pertanggungjawabannya atas 'tuduhannya' itu 
  > alias 
  > > > > asbun saja tanpa argumentasi dan data/fakta yang sahih ...
  > > > > 
  > > > 
  > > > Nabi Saw ketika melihat orang munafik, Beliau 
  > > Umar
  > > > Ra dkk tidak tahu rahasia tersebut. hanya satu yg diberitahu 
  > yaitu
  > > > sekretaris pribadi Nabi dan rahasia itu disimpan rapat siapapun 
  > > tidak
  > > > boleh tahu sampai kapanpun.
  > > > 
  > > > Umar Ra yg kita tahu orang yg sangat hebat tidak dapat 
  > > > orang munafik. 
  > > > 
  > > > JIL dkk tidak pernah terang2an menyebut dirinya musuh Islam 
  > seperti
  > > > Fir'aun. Cak Nur juga tidak pernah mengatakan demikian.
  > > > 
  > > > tapi ustadz ecek2 seperti Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, HAJ dkk kok bisa
  > > > menyebut mereka sesat, munafiq, dll.apa mereka merasa lebih 
  > > > daripada Umar Ra?
  > > >
  > >
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