Mas Dana :

  Genosida yg dilakukan oleh umat Islam juga ada. Yg terakhir ialah
bangsa Armenia yg dibantai oleh kerajaan Turki. Oleh karena itu PBB
dan HAM nya berusaha supaya genosida dihapuskan dari muka bumi ini.

  Jani - ki :
  Ini ibu budi
  Ini budi ibu
  Budi ibu ini
  nah, jani-ki coba singkatkan info diatas,
  The Young Turks (Turkish Jön Türkler (plural), from French Jeunes Turcs, 
Arabic: تركيا 
الفتاة) was a coalition of various reform 
groups in favor of reforming the administration of the Ottoman Empire. 
  Their movement brought about the second constitutional era through a Young 
Turk Revolution against the monarchy of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. 
  The movement was initiated among military students in 1889, and extended to 
other sections. With the official establishment of Committee of Union and 
Progress (CUP) in 1906, most of the Young Turks became members of this party. 
The Young Turk movement built a rich tradition of dissent that shaped the 
intellectual, political and artistic life of the late Ottoman period (decline, 
  The Three Pashas of the Young Turks ruled the Ottoman Empire from the Coup of 
1913 until the end of World War I. According to most historians, the Young 
Turks were responsible for orchestrating the Armenian Genocide.[1]
  The Young Turk Revolution also included many other components of the Ottoman 
Empire, such as Armenians who supported the revolution through the Armenian 
Revolutionary Federation. Both military and social uprising brought the 
political changes which characterize the Young Turk Revolution.
  Silahkan mas Dana menanggapi

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Genosida ialah tindakan kriminal yg sudah lama dilakukan oleh manusia
dalam sejarah. Banyak perang yg genosida sifatnya. Korban genosida
itu sudah banyak sekali. 

Umat Islam di Kosovo adalah korban genosida. Umat Yahudi di Jerman
adalah korgan genosida. 

Genosida yg dilakukan oleh umat Islam juga ada. Yg terakhir ialah
bangsa Armenia yg dibantai oleh kerajaan Turki. Oleh karena itu PBB
dan HAM nya berusaha supaya genosida dihapuskan dari muka bumi ini.

--- In, jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ma_sur :
> Menurut Janoko, siapa yang memberi perintah untuk memusnahkan umat 
> Islam? Jangan-jangan cuma sampeyan saja yang paranoid...
> Dan umat Islam mana yang merasa sedang terancam untuk dimusnahkan? 
> Umat Islam di Indonesiakah? di Malaysiakah? di Arab Saudikah? ....
> Monggo dijawab. 
> ----------------------
> Jano - ko :
> Ma - sur sudah mengerti apa arti genocide belum ?
> Supaya tidak bingunn maka jano-ko nongolkan dibawah ini
> Genocide :
> Genocide means, "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions
of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or
in part" (1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide, clause [c], Article 2). 
> --
> Jano - ko tidak suka membuka aib orang lain, jadi silahkan ma_sur
mengamati dan melihat disekeliling anda ( dalam negeri dan luar negeri
) bagaimana nasib umat Islam.
> Gantian dong saya tunggu komentarnya
> Siang
> --oo0oo--
> ma_suryawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Janoko,
> --- In, jano ko <ko_jano@> wrote:
> >
> > Ma s :
> > 
> > Di sebelah mana dalam Islam diajarkan bahwa BUNUH DIRI adalah mati 
> > syahid?
> > 
> > ---------
> > 
> > Jani ki :
> > 
> > PERTANYAAN, pertanyaan, pertanyaan.
> > 
> > Mau bertanya kepada Ma-s, disebelah mana dalam ajaran semua agama 
> didunia dan HAM yang memerintahkan "memusnahkan" umat Islam ? adakah 
> perintah untuk memusnahkan umat Islam ?
> Tidak ada ajaran HAM dan semua agama yang ingin "memusnahkan umat 
> Islam".
> Menurut Janoko, siapa yang memberi perintah untuk memusnahkan umat 
> Islam? Jangan-jangan cuma sampeyan saja yang paranoid...
> Dan umat Islam mana yang merasa sedang terancam untuk dimusnahkan? 
> Umat Islam di Indonesiakah? di Malaysiakah? di Arab Saudikah? ....
> Monggo dijawab. 
> Yang pasti adalah, ajaran Islam TIDAK PERNAH mengajarkan bahwa BUNUH 
> DIRI dibolehkan. Al-Qur'an dan Rasulullah s.a.w. mengajarkan dan 
> melarang orang untuk bunuh diri.
> Ajaran bunuh diri yang dibolehkan itu adalah ajaran dan buatan para 
> kyai/mullah/ulama Islam mainstream, bukan ajaran Rasulullah s.a.w.
> Gitu aja kok gak ngerti...
> Salam,
> > 
> > PERTANYAAN, pertanyaan, pertanyaan.
> > 
> > Selamat siang
> > 
> > --oo0oo--
> > 
> > ma_suryawan <ma_suryawan@> 
> wrote: Assalamu'alaikum,
> > 
> > Mengapa orang yang melakukan bom bunuh diri dikatakan syahid? 
> > 
> > Di sebelah mana dalam Islam diajarkan bahwa BUNUH DIRI adalah mati 
> > syahid? 
> > 
> > Mengapa bom bunuh diri yang membunuhi rakyat jelata di tempat-
> tempat 
> > umum itu 
> > 
> > Sungguh mengerikan ajaran kreasi para kyai/mullah/ulama ini yang 
> > diklaimnya sebagai ajaran Islam yg terus sibuk 
> > mempropagandakan "kemuliaan bom bunuh diri" - sesuatu yang tidak 
> > pernah diajarkan dalam al-Qur'an dan diajarkan/dianjurkan oleh 
> > Rasulullah s.a.w.
> > 
> > Inilah wajah ajaran buatan para kyai/mullah/ulama yang katanya mau 
> > menegakkan Syari'at.
> > 
> > Salam,
> > MAS
> > 
> > --- In, "H. M. Nur Abdurrahman" 
> > <mnabdurrahman@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Enam Orang Perempuan Pelaku Bom Syahid di Palestina
> > > 
> > > Aksi pertama dilakukan oleh Wafa' Idris dari kota Ramallah, 
> > Perempuan
> > > Palestina pertama yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di Jerusalem 
> > Barat yang
> > > kemudian menewaskan seorang Yahudi dan melukai 120 lainnya. 
> > Berikutnya Daren
> > > Abu Aeshah dari Nablus yang telah melakukan aksi bom syahidnya 
> di 
> > pinggiran
> > > kota Jerusalem tepatnya di dekat perbatasan Israel Mekabem, 
> > akibatnya tiga
> > > aparat polisi khusus Israel terluka. Setelah itu, Ayat el Ahras 
> > dari kamp
> > > pengungsi el Duhaesah yang melakukan aksi bom syahid di 
> Jerusalem 
> > Barat yang
> > > menewaskan tiga Yahudi dan melukai 70 lainnya. Yang keempat 
> adalah 
> > Elham el
> > > Dasuqi yang meledakan dirinya saat serdadu Israel menggrebek 
> > rumahnya di
> > > kamp pengungsi Jenin, akibatnya dua komandan serdadu Israel 
> tewas 
> > dan
> > > melukai puluhan lainnya. Yang kelima adalah Andaleb Khalel 
> Teqaqah 
> > yang
> > > menggunakan baju wanita hamil kemudian meledakkan dirinya dengan 
> > bom yang
> > > dibawanya di tengah kota Jerusalem Barat disamping pasar Yahudi 
> > terbesar di
> > > Jerusalem Barat yang menewaskan 6 orang Yahudi dan melukai lebih 
> > dari 95
> > > Yahudi yang hampir saja menewaskan Walikota Jerusalem, Ihud 
> > Olmaret dari
> > > Partai Likud bergaris keras. Yang keenam:
> > > Sun 12 Oct 2003
> > > Inside the minds of Islam's suicide bombers
> > > HANADI Tayssir Jaradat calmly walked into the Maxim restaurant 
> in 
> > the 
> > > Israeli city of Haifa with explosives strapped to her waist and 
> > pressed the 
> > > detonator. The 29-year-old trainee lawyer killed 19 people, as 
> > they enjoyed 
> > > a late lunch on the eve of the Yom Kippur Jewish holiday last 
> > weekend. But 
> > > what drove an educated woman with a good career to take her own 
> > life and 
> > > that of so many others? Using interviews with the relatives and 
> > friends of 
> > > suicide bombers Dr Rona Fields, a fellow of the American 
> > Psychological 
> > > Association, has studied the family backgrounds and the state of 
> > mind of the 
> > > attackers. In her forthcoming book Martyrdom, Fields writes that 
> > the 
> > > attackers are normally from privileged backgrounds and are well 
> > educated. 
> > > This makes them confident in their own beliefs. The trigger for 
> > their 
> > > behaviour is usually that they have seen the death of a sibling, 
> > often their 
> > > eldest brother, for the cause. In Jaradat's case, her brother 
> and 
> > cousin 
> > > were killed by Israeli soldiers in June.
> > > 
> > > Pelaku bom syahid laki-laki selalu dikemukakan dalam berita 
> kerena
> > > iming-iming 72 bidadari di surga. Itu hanya untuk "mengejek" 
> para 
> > pelaku bom
> > > syahid saja. Padahal terdapat juga pelaku bom syahid perempuan. 
> > Mengapa
> > > pelaku bom syahid perempuan itu tidak pernah kedengaran diexpose?
> > > Selanjutnya silakan dibaca Pelaku Bom Syahid Perempuan di 
> > Afghanistan di
> > > bawah
> > > 
> > > Wassalam
> > > HMNA
> > > 
> > > ****************************************************************
> > > 
> > > Names of Two US Soldiers Killed in Martyrdom Operation
> > > 
> > > 05 December 2001 : Names of Two US Soldiers Killed in Martyrdom 
> > Operation
> > > SO.
> > > 
> > > The following information has been provided by Mujahid Sheikh 
> Abu 
> > Khalid
> > > Abdullah Al-Waleed as a challenge for the Pentagon to refute it. 
> > He said
> > > that the Mujahideen possess all the necessary proof and evidence 
> > for the
> > > information given here, which will be publicised if Allah makes 
> it 
> > possible.
> > > It is one of the series of authentic news reports from 
> Afghanistan 
> > that have
> > > been related over the Internet to heal the hearts of the Muslims 
> > and boost
> > > their morale.
> > > 
> > > On Monday 26 November 2001 (10 Ramadan 1422), Sheikh Abu Khalid 
> > Abdullah Al-
> > > Waleed conducted an interview with the husband of the martyred 
> > sister, after
> > > the Isha Prayer. There was a convoy that was getting ready to 
> > depart areas
> > > surrounding Kunduz, so the brother of the martyred sister 
> > suggested that
> > > they wait until the Americans arrived. The brother and sister 
> had 
> > in their
> > > possessions passports whose names suggested that they were Jews 
> of 
> > British
> > > nationality. They planned to inform the enemy troops that were 
> not
> > > Mujahideen, in order to save themselves from being killed or 
> > captured. When
> > > they initially arrived in Mazar-i-Sharif, they were able to 
> > successfully
> > > protect themselves by using this cover story. However, they were 
> > advised not
> > > to leave without weapons with which they could defend themselves 
> > if the
> > > situation demanded it. However, the husband suggested to his 
> > brother-in-law
> > > that instead of carrying weapons, he should give some explosives 
> > to his wife
> > > which she can detonate if they are captured, thus killing the 
> > enemy soldiers
> > > along with them. Thus they did as they had planned and the 
> sister 
> > strapped a
> > > belt of explosives around her waist.
> > > 
> > > The brother and sister thus went to the positions of the General 
> > Dostum's
> > > forces. Since they were on foot, the enemy fired upon them and 
> > they then
> > > jumped to the floor and did not return fire. When the enemy saw 
> > that they
> > > were not acting in a hostile manner, one enemy soldier 
> approached 
> > them and
> > > they addressed him in English. The soldier thus shouted out to 
> > those behind
> > > him: "Hold your fire, these are Americans." They then picked up 
> > the brother
> > > and sister and took them in their jeep into Mazar- i-Sharif 
> where 
> > they found
> > > an American soldier. The American soldier asked them what they 
> > were doing in
> > > an area between Kunduz and Mazar-i-Sharif where they had 
> captured 
> > many
> > > prisoners. The brother replied that they were aid workers for 
> > Oxfam. He
> > > praised Allah when the American soldier believed them, not 
> knowing 
> > that
> > > Oxfam had ceased operations in Afghanistan a long time ago! 
> > However, he
> > > informed them that he would have to verify their credentials by 
> > taking them
> > > to his headquarters in Kabul, where hopefully everything could 
> be 
> > quickly
> > > sorted out. He thus arranged a special car with guards to take 
> > them to
> > > Kabul.
> > > 
> > > As the brother managed to get a few quiet moments with his 
> sister, 
> > he
> > > rehearsed the plan with her. He told her that there were no 
> chance 
> > that they
> > > could return to either the Mujahideen or the Taliban positions; 
> > and nor
> > > could they wait until they arrived at Kabul since they would be 
> > exposed
> > > there. They sat in a truck filled with Dostum's fighters. In the 
> > cabin were
> > > two Americans. The brother brought his face closer to the noble 
> > face of his
> > > sister and she whispered to him, "I am ready. He then told her 
> to 
> > repeat "La
> > > ilaha illallah..." behind him, which she did in a faint whisper, 
> > faint in
> > > volume but high in certainty and Iman. He then told her to 
> > say, "There is no
> > > god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Upon this 
> we 
> > live,
> > > upon this we die, upon this we wage Jihad and upon it we hope to 
> > be raised
> > > up." She repeated this and then put her hand on the detonator 
> > button and
> > > pressed it.
> > > 
> > > A roaring tremor shook the truck, which was travelling at 25mph, 
> > and it
> > > overturned. The brother of the martyred sister managed to jump 
> out 
> > of the
> > > truck as it left the road, having been injured by the explosion. 
> > From his
> > > other eye, however, he caught sight of a bright, concentrated, 
> > beam of light
> > > shining from the truck into the sky whilst the truck was 
> otherwise 
> > in
> > > flames, in a ditch by the side of the road. Whilst part of the 
> > truck was
> > > burning, the brother made his way to the cabin to confirm that 
> the 
> > two
> > > Crusaders did not survive. He saw that the two had perished due 
> to 
> > the
> > > accident (not the fire) and the bodies of the Dostum's fighters 
> > were strewn
> > > across the road far from the truck. As for the martyred sister, 
> he 
> > saw her
> > > noble, pure body largely in tact despite the explosion, and he 
> was 
> > satisfied
> > > that perhaps that beam of light he saw earlier must have taken 
> > care of her
> > > body.
> > > 
> > > As it was very late into the night, no-one came on the road. 
> Four 
> > hours
> > > later, the brother prayed the Fajr Prayer, then he prayed for 
> his 
> > martyred
> > > sister, the Mujahideen and finally, himself. By that time, the 
> > flames around
> > > the cabin had died down and the brother returned to it and saw 
> the 
> > bodies of
> > > the two Americans, covered in blood. He took their sidearms: a 
> 9mm 
> > Beretta
> > > pistol from one and a German pistol from the other. He then 
> > searched their
> > > pockets and found their personal identification cards, which 
> read:
> > > 
> > > NAME: Ronald Stephen Leigh
> > > CITY: Houston, Texas
> > > 
> > > NAME: Michael Simon Watkins
> > > CITY: Los Angeles, California
> > > 
> > > Abu Khalid urged the Pentagon to refute these claims and stop 
> > hiding
> > > information from the American public and the families of the 
> above 
> > two
> > > Americans regarding US casualties in this war so far. He 
> repeated 
> > that the
> > > Mujahideen possess the proof of their identification, which will 
> be
> > > distributed if Allah makes it easy.
> > > 
> > > *************************************************************
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > > From: "jano ko" <ko_jano@>
> > > To: <>
> > > Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 12:57
> > > Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Ustadzah juga manusia ...:)
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > Ada berita :
> > > >
> > > > The concept of 72 virgins in Islam refers to an aspect
> > > > of paradise. In
> > > > a collection by Imam at-Tirmidhi in his "Sunan"
> > > > (Volume IV, Chapters
> > > > on "The Features of Heaven as described by the
> > > > Messenger of Allah",
> > > > chapter 21: "About the Smallest Reward for the People
> > > > of Heaven",
> > > > hadith 2687) and also quoted by Ibn Kathir in his
> > > > Tafsir (Qur'anic
> > > > Commentary) of Surah Qur'an 55:72, it is stated that:
> > > >
> > > > ---------------------------------
> > > >
> > > > Jano - ko :
> > > >
> > > > Jadi tertarik ingin membahas juga, tapi yang saya
> > > > bahas adalah "pemusnahan" umat Islam oleh suatu kaum.
> > > >
> > > > Kenapa yang dibahas selalu 72 bidadari tersebut,
> > > > kenapa tidak membahas keluarga umat islam yang
> > > > jumlahnya bisa 72, 100, 1000, 100.000, 600.000 yang
> > > > dimusnahkan oleh kaum lain ?
> > > >
> > > > Mungin Mia bisa menjelaskan ?
> > > >
> > > > Semoga kita bukan termasuk insan yang "ignorance",
> > > > kasiman dech
> > > >
> > > > Salam
> > > >
> > > > Siang
> > > >
> > > > --oo0oo--
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- Wikan Danar Sunindyo <wikan.danar@>
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> saya coba cari2 soal 72 bidadari di situs answering
> > > >> islam belum
> > > >> ketemu. malah nemu di wikipedia kayak gini
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> "72 Virgins"
> > > >>
> > > >> The concept of 72 virgins in Islam refers to an
> > > >> aspect of paradise. In
> > > >> a collection by Imam at-Tirmidhi in his "Sunan"
> > > >> (Volume IV, Chapters
> > > >> on "The Features of Heaven as described by the
> > > >> Messenger of Allah",
> > > >> chapter 21: "About the Smallest Reward for the
> > > >> People of Heaven",
> > > >> hadith 2687) and also quoted by Ibn Kathir in his
> > > >> Tafsir
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Send instant messages to your online friends 
> > 
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> >
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