[wanita-muslimah] Sayyidah Fatimah Az-Zahra bint Muhammed Al-Rasoolallah (II)

2006-02-03 Terurut Topik Razia Fatima
  The Status of Sayyidah Fatimah as-Zahra bint Muhammed al-RasulAllah(r.a)
  This short synopsis is based upon a lecture of His Eminence Prof. Dr. 
Muhammad Tahir- ul- Qadri. It is a loving discourse based on the true status of 
the most beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saw), the chief of the women of 
the world and head of the women in Paradise; Hadrat Fatima as- Zahra. For a 
full detailed clarification on this topic I advise you watch the video titled 
‘Shan-e-Hadrat Fatimat-tuz-Zuhra’ and allow the Sheikh to explain this topic in 
his own loving words. 
  Hadrat Fatimah (raa) is one of the four most celebrated and perfect women 
born. The Holy Prophet (saw) has narrated “Among men there have been many 
perfect; but among women there have been only four: Hadrat Asia (raa) the wife 
of Pharaoh, Hadrat Maryam (raa) the mother of Prophet Isa (AS), Hadrat Khadijah 
(raa) the beloved wife of the Holy Prophet (saw) and Hadrat Fatimah tuz-Zuhra 
(raa), the beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (saw). Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was 
at the tender age of five, when her father was blessed with Prophet hood. Hence 
from a very young age she was fortunate enough to witness the revelations that 
were sent down to her beloved father. 
  On one occasion the Holy Prophet (saw) was in sajda (prostration) by the Holy 
Ka’ba, and the kuffar (disbelievers) tried to strangle his blessed neck. Abu 
Jahl told his companion to place the intestines of a camel on the Holy Prophets 
(saw) back. Abu Bakr (raa) rushed forward and removed the filth from his 
blessed back, and a distraught Hadrat Fatimah (raa) came running to her father. 
She was extremely upset, and wiped the clothes of her father with her own tiny 
hands; cursing the people who brought so much pain and grief to her beloved 
  Hadrat Fatimah (raa) was fortunate enough to receive Angel Gabriel (AS) on 
the night of Miraj (ascension to heaven). An important point to bear in mind is 
that no door or wall is an obstacle to Angel Gabriel (AS), as he is able to 
come through them all. However, on the night of Miraj (ascension to heaven), 
Angel Gabriel knocked on the door and was received by a young Hadrat Fatimah 
(raa), and instead of coming inside like he normally did he stayed outside out 
of respect for Hadrat Fatima (raa). Hadrat Fatimah (raa) described the 
appearance of Angel Gabriel (AS) to her father, who recognised who he was and 
then gave him permission to come inside. After Hijrat (migration) to Medina, 
the Holy Prophet (saw) received a divine commandment from Allah (swt) via Angel 
Gabriel (AS) that Hadrat Fatimah (raa) is to be joined in holy matrimony with 
Hadrat Ali (raa). Naturally, marriages are made in heaven; however Hadrat 
Fatimah (raa) was blessed with a divine proposal directly from heaven. 
  The companions of the Holy Prophet (saw) were summoned and the Holy Prophet 
(saw) announced that Allah (swt) has decreed that Hadrat Fatimah (raa) is to be 
joined in holy matrimony with Hadrat Ali (raa).  After the Nikkah (wedding) the 
Holy Prophet (saw) expressed his happiness and joy by distributed dates amongst 
the people of Medina. He asked Hadrat Ali (ra) to slaughter a goat for the 
wedding feast, He performed Wudu (ablution) and prayed to Allah (swt) and said 
‘Bless Hadrat Ali (ra) and Hadrat Fatimah (raa) and their progeny’. 
  It is narrated in Tirmizi that the beloved wife of the Holy Prophet (saw); 
Hadrat Aisha (raa), was asked ‘who does the Holy Prophet (saw) love the best?’, 
Hadrat Aisha (raa) replied in an instance ‘His daughter Hadrat Fatimah (raa)’. 
She was then asked ‘out of the men, who does the Holy Prophet (saw) love the 
best’. Hadrat Aisha (raa) replied ‘Her husband Hadrat Ali (ra). 
  It is narrated in Muslim and Bukhari that on one occasion the Holy Prophet 
(saw) called his beloved daughter Hadrat Fatimah (raa) over and whispered 
something in her ear. Hadrat Fatimah (raa) became distraught and upset. He then 
whispered in her ear again, and this time Hadrat Fatimah (raa) became happy and 
began to smile. Later on people asked why she behaved in this manner, she told 
the that ‘the first time my father whispered in my ear He (saw) gave me an 
indication that the time of his death is near, on hearing such a statement I 
became distraught and upset. However the second time he whispered in my ear He 
(saw) told me that I’m going to be the first person He’ll meet in Paradise and 
that I’ll be the leader of all the women in Paradise’. 
  In Bukhari Hadith it is narrated that the Holy Prophet (saw) has narrated 
‘Fatimah is my flesh whoever hurts her has hurt me, and whatever pleases her 
pleases me’. In Hadith Tibrani it is narrated that ‘Fatimah is a branch from 
the tree of Prophethood’, and out of this branch blossom two fruits who are 
named Hadrat Hussan (ra) and Hadrat Hussain (ra). 
  It is narrated by Hadrat Ali (ra) that ‘On the Day of Jud

[wanita-muslimah] Sayyidah Fatimah Az-Zahra bint Muhammed Al-Rasoolallah

2005-08-31 Terurut Topik Razia Fatima
Sayyidah Fatimah az-Zahra 
Excerpts from Rauza-tus-Safaa 

Edited and revised by:
Sheikh Sayyid Mubarak Ali Shah al-Jilani al-Hasani wal-Hussaini al-Hashimi 

Source: http://www.ummah.com/Al_adaab/

The princess of women, Sayyidatina Fatimah al-Zahra (Radhi Allahu Ta’ala ‘Anha) 
was, according to the statements of all the chief ‘Ulama, the most beloved of 
the children of the Holy Prophet of latter times (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi 
wa Sallim), and was by her superior nobility of mind and excellent qualities 
distinguished above all her brothers and sisters. It is recorded in the 
"Kashif-ul-Ghummah" that Ibn Khisab has, in his chronicle of the births and 
deaths of the members of the family of the prince of existences, stated, with 
the proper authorities taken from Imam Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin ‘Ali al-Baqir, 
etc.—that the birth of Fatimah (Radhi Allahu Ta’ala ‘Anha) took place five 
years after the announcement of prophecy and the descent of revelation, and 
that she departed from this world at the age of eighteen years and seventy-five 
days; but according to another tradition, ended was her noble life at the age 
of eighteen years, one month, and fifteen days. She lived with her
 father in Makkah for eight years, and she went to Madinah with the Rasul of 
Allah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) and dwelt with him there ten 
years, and she was then eighteen years old. 

She lived with the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (Karram 
Allah Wajhah) seventy five days after the death of her blessed father (Sall 
Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim), but according to another tradition, forty 
days. In the "Tanfyh" of Ibn Jawzi it is stated that the birth of Fatimah 
(Radhi Allahu Ta’ala ‘Anha) took place five years before the Mission, and in 
the "Rawzat al-Ahbab" two traditions are recorded on this subject, the first 
whereof agrees with that of the Tanfyh, but the second is to the effect that 
this luminary sphere of prophecy arose from the horizon of nativity in the 
forty-first year after the catastrophe of the elephant. In the just-mentioned 
work it is also narrated that the decease of Sayyidatina Fatimah (Radhi Allahu 
Ta’ala ‘Anha) took place during the night of Tuesday, the third day of the 
month of Ramadhan, which happened six, and according to others, three months 
after the death of the Holy Nabi (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). On
 account of the two traditions of Sayyidah Fatimah (Radhi Allahu Ta’ala ‘Anha) 
that noble lady must have reached the age of twenty-eight or of twenty-two 
years; but the true knowledge is with Allah. 

In the Kashaf-ul-Ghummah it is recorded, according to the precedent of those 
who walk in the paths of the A’immah, that the prince of the righteous (Sall 
Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) had said: "During the night of my ascension, 
I ate one fresh date of the fruits of the trees of eternity, which was softer 
than butter and sweeter than honey, and the essence of that date generated seed 
within my loins. When I [again] alighted on earth I approached Khadijah (Radhi 
Allahu Ta’ala ‘Anha) and she became pregnant with Fatimah (Radhi Allahu Ta’ala 
‘Anha)." The seal of Ambiya (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) also said: 
"‘O Khadijah, the faithful spirit of Allah has apprised me that this child will 
be a daughter. Call her Fatimah, because it is a pure and blessed name.’" 

When the time of the delivery of Sayyidah Khadijah (Radhi Allahu Ta’ala ‘Anha) 
was near at hand, she sent for several of her relatives to aid her on that 
occasion; but as she incurred their displeasure by marrying the Holy Nabi (Sall 
Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim), they would not comply with her request, so 
that she was much distressed. Nevertheless, four women, resembling those of the 
tribe of Bani Hashim, suddenly made their appearance, and Khadijah was afraid 
of them. One of them, however said: "Fear not, for Allah the Most High has sent 
us to you. We are your visitors. I am Sarah; this is Maryam, the daughter of 
Imran; the third is Kalthum, the sister of Musa; and the fourth is Asiyah, the 
wife of Pharaoh. They will be your companions in Paradise" Then one of these 
women sat down on the right and another on the left of Sayyidah Khadijah (Radhi 
Allahu Ta’ala ‘Anha), the third in her front, and the fourth in her rear until 
Sayyidatina Fatimah (Radhi Allahu Ta’ala ‘Anha) was
 born. When this took place a light shone from that infant of laudable end, 
which encircled the houses of Makkah from the east and west, so that there was 
no spot in any house which was not illuminated by that light.

The light of prosperity shone, Making my heart to gladness prone. In the 
above-named work, it is also recorded that the Lord and Bestower of all gifts 
sent ten Huris from the uppermost paradise into the apartment of the pure 
Khadijah (Radhi Allahu Ta’ala ‘Anha), each of whom brought a basin and a 
pitcher full of water from the Kawthar. Then the woma