Bimillah hir Rehmaan nir Raheem
Assalamualaikum w/r w/b

With utmost sadness I share with you today about the passing away of 
an esteemed Scholar from Hind, also great wali of Allah (swt) and lover of Holy 
Prophet (s) his Family, Companions and Awlia'allah (pbut), Hazrath Mewlana 
Sheikh Sayyid Shah Jameeluddin Al-Razavi Al-Sharfi Al-Qadiri (rh), of Sharfi 
Chaman, Hyderabad, India.

He was the founder of Zawiya Al-Qadiryyah (Muslim Community, with Mosque, Boys 
& Girls School with Islamic education, Parks, Residential Homes etc), and was 
also the Spiritual head of one of the oldest Hyderabadi Irfani and Scholarly 
Islamic (Tawakkal al-Allah) family.

He had written many books in his life time and dedicated his whole life in 
spreading Islamic teachings especially training the poor and the needy people 
about the practices related to our Deen.

I request you all to pray that Hazrath Sayyid Jameeluddin Al-Sharfi (rh), 
receives a high station in Jannah, and that may Allah swt give his family, 
friends and disciples patience to cope this loss.

I request you all to read Surah Al-Fatiha for Sayyid Jameeluddin (rh).

His obituary was published in major Urdu News papers of Hind, please find the 
links below.




Thank You/JazakAllah


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