U.S. Is Studying Military Strike Options on Iran
Any Mix of Tact, Threats Alarms Critics

By Peter Baker, Dafna Linzer and Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, April 9, 2006; Page A01 

The Bush administration is studying options for military strikes against Iran 
as part of a broader strategy of coercive diplomacy to pressure Tehran to 
abandon its alleged nuclear development program, according to U.S. officials 
and independent analysts.

No attack appears likely in the short term, and many specialists inside and 
outside the U.S. government harbor serious doubts about whether an armed 
response would be effective. But administration officials are preparing for it 
as a possible option and using the threat "to convince them this is more and 
more serious," as a senior official put it.

According to current and former officials, Pentagon and CIA planners have been 
exploring possible targets, such as the uranium enrichment plant at Natanz and 
the uranium conversion facility at Isfahan. Although a land invasion is not 
contemplated, military officers are weighing alternatives ranging from a 
limited airstrike aimed at key nuclear sites, to a more extensive bombing 
campaign designed to destroy an array of military and political targets.

Preparations for confrontation with Iran underscore how the issue has vaulted 
to the front of President Bush's agenda even as he struggles with a relentless 
war in next-door Iraq. Bush views Tehran as a serious menace that must be dealt 
with before his presidency ends, aides said, and the White House, in its new 
National Security Strategy, last month labeled Iran the most serious challenge 
to the United States posed by any country.

Many military officers and specialists, however, view the saber rattling with 
alarm. A strike at Iran, they warn, would at best just delay its nuclear 
program by a few years but could inflame international opinion against the 
United States, particularly in the Muslim world and especially within Iran, 
while making U.S. troops in Iraq targets for retaliation.

"My sense is that any talk of a strike is the diplomatic gambit to keep 
pressure on others that if they don't help solve the problem, we will have to," 
said Kori Schake, who worked on Bush's National Security Council staff and 
teaches at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.

Others believe it is more than bluster. "The Bush team is looking at the 
viability of airstrikes simply because many think airstrikes are the only real 
option ahead," said Kurt Campbell, a former Pentagon policy official.

The intensified discussion of military scenarios comes as the United States is 
working with European allies on a diplomatic solution. After tough 
negotiations, the U.N. Security Council issued a statement last month urging 
Iran to re-suspend its uranium enrichment program. But Russia and China, both 
veto-wielding council members, forced out any mention of consequences and are 
strongly resisting any sanctions.

U.S. officials continue to pursue the diplomatic course but privately seem 
increasingly skeptical that it will succeed. The administration is also coming 
under pressure from Israel, which has warned the Bush team that Iran is closer 
to developing a nuclear bomb than Washington thinks and that a moment of 
decision is fast approaching.

Bush and his team have calibrated their rhetoric to give the impression that 
the United States may yet resort to force. In January, the president termed a 
nuclear-armed Iran "a grave threat to the security of the world," words that 
echoed language he used before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Vice President Cheney 
vowed "meaningful consequences" if Iran does not give up any nuclear 
aspirations, and U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton refined the formula to 
"tangible and painful consequences."

Although Bush insists he is focused on diplomacy for now, he volunteered at a 
public forum in Cleveland last month his readiness to use force if Iranian 
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tries to follow through on his statement that 
Israel should be "wiped off the map."

"The threat from Iran is, of course, their stated objective to destroy our 
strong ally, Israel," Bush said. "That's a threat, a serious threat. . . . I'll 
make it clear again that we will use military might to protect our ally Israel."

Bush has also been privately consulting with key senators about options on Iran 
as part of a broader goal of regime change, according to an account by Seymour 
M. Hersh in the New Yorker magazine.

The U.S. government has taken some preliminary steps that go beyond planning. 
The Washington Post has reported that the military has been secretly flying 
surveillance drones over Iran since 2004 using radar, video, still photography 
and air filters to detect traces of nuclear activity not accessible to 
satellites. Hersh reported that U.S. combat troops have been ordered to enter 
Iran covertly to collect targeting data, but sources have not confirmed that to 
The Post.

The British government has launched its own planning for a potential U.S. 
strike, studying security arrangements for its embassy and consular offices, 
for British citizens and corporate interests in Iran and for ships in the 
region and British troops in Iraq. British officials indicate their government 
is unlikely to participate directly in any attacks.

Israel is preparing, as well. The government recently leaked a contingency plan 
for attacking on its own if the United States does not, a plan involving 
airstrikes, commando teams, possibly missiles and even explosives-carrying 
dogs. Israel, which bombed Iraq's Osirak nuclear plant in 1981 to prevent it 
from being used to develop weapons, has built a replica of Natanz, according to 
Israeli media, but U.S. strategists do not believe Israel has the capacity to 
accomplish the mission without nuclear weapons.

Iran appears to be taking the threat seriously. The government, which maintains 
its nuclear activity is only for peaceful, civilian uses, has launched a 
program to reinforce key sites, such as Natanz and Isfahan, by building 
concrete ceilings, tunneling into mountains and camouflaging facilities. Iran 
lately has tested several missiles in a show of strength.

Israel points to those missiles to press their case in Washington. Israeli 
officials traveled here recently to convey more urgency about Iran. Although 
U.S. intelligence agencies estimate Iran is about a decade away from having a 
nuclear bomb, Israelis believe a critical breakthrough could occur within 
months. They told U.S. officials that Iran is beginning to test a more 
elaborate cascade of centrifuges, indicating that it is further along than 
previously believed.

"What the Israelis are saying is this year -- unless they are pressured into 
abandoning the program -- would be the year they will master the engineering 
problem," a U.S. official said. "That would be a turning point, but it wouldn't 
mean they would have a bomb."

But various specialists and some military officials are resisting strikes.

"The Pentagon is arguing forcefully against it because it is so constrained" in 
Iraq and Afghanistan, said Reuel Marc Gerecht, a former CIA Middle East 
specialist. A former defense official who stays in touch with colleagues added, 
"I don't think anybody's prepared to use the military option at this point."

As the administration weighs these issues, two main options are under 
consideration, according to one person with contacts among Air Force planners. 
The first would be a quick and limited strike against nuclear-related 
facilities accompanied by a threat to resume bombing if Iran responds with 
terrorist attacks in Iraq or elsewhere. The second calls for a more ambitious 
campaign of bombing and cruise missiles leveling targets well beyond nuclear 
facilities, such as Iranian intelligence headquarters, the Revolutionary Guard 
and some in the government.

Any extended attack would require U.S. forces to cripple Iran's air defense 
system and air force, prepare defenses for U.S. ground forces in Iraq and 
Afghanistan and move Navy ships to the Persian Gulf to protect shipping. U.S. 
forces could launch warplanes from aircraft carriers, from the Diego Garcia 
island base in the Indian Ocean and, in the case of stealth bombers, from the 
United States. But if generals want land-based aircraft in the region, they 
face the uphill task of trying to persuade Turkey to allow use of the U.S. air 
base at Incirlik.

Planners also are debating whether launching attacks from Iraq or using Iraqi 
airspace would exacerbate the political cost in the Muslim world, which would 
see it as proof that the United States invaded Iraq to make it a base for 
military conquest of the region.

Unlike the Israeli air attack on Osirak, a strike on Iran would prove more 
complex because Iran has spread its facilities across the country, guarded some 
of them with sophisticated antiaircraft batteries and shielded them underground.

Pentagon planners are studying how to penetrate eight-foot-deep targets and are 
contemplating tactical nuclear devices. The Natanz facility consists of more 
than two dozen buildings, including two huge underground halls built with 
six-foot walls and supposedly protected by two concrete roofs with sand and 
rocks in between, according to Edward N. Luttwak, a specialist at the Center 
for Strategic and International Studies.

"The targeteers honestly keep coming back and saying it will require nuclear 
penetrator munitions to take out those tunnels," said Kenneth M. Pollack, a 
former CIA analyst. "Could we do it with conventional munitions? Possibly. But 
it's going to be very difficult to do."

Retired Air Force Col. Sam Gardiner, an expert in targeting and war games who 
teaches at the National Defense University, recently gamed an Iran attack and 
identified 24 potential nuclear-related facilities, some below 50 feet of 
reinforced concrete and soil.

At a conference in Berlin, Gardiner outlined a five-day operation that would 
require 400 "aim points," or targets for individual weapons, at nuclear 
facilities, at least 75 of which would require penetrating weapons. He also 
presumed the Pentagon would hit two chemical production plants, medium-range 
ballistic missile launchers and 14 airfields with sheltered aircraft. Special 
Operations forces would be required, he said.

Gardiner concluded that a military attack would not work, but said he believes 
the United States seems to be moving inexorably toward it. "The Bush 
administration is very close to being left with only the military option," he 

Others forecast a more surgical strike aimed at knocking out a single "choke 
point" that would disrupt the Iranian nuclear program. "The process can be 
broken at any point," a senior administration official said. "But part of the 
risk is: We don't know if Natanz is the only enrichment facility. We could bomb 
it, take the political cost and still not set them back."

Joseph Cirincione of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace said a more 
likely target might be Isfahan, which he visited last year and which appeared 
lightly defended and above-ground. But he argued that any attack would only 
firm up Iranian resolve to develop weapons. "Whatever you do," he said, "is 
almost certain to accelerate a nuclear bomb program rather than destroy it."


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