[wanita-muslimah] Abortion in Middle East

2008-06-29 Terurut Topik Kartono Mohamad
Number of abortions rising in Middle East, experts say
Changing social values and economic realities, along with demographic shifts
 are among the reasons, observers in the Arab world say.
By Borzou Daragahi, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer 
June 29, 2008 
BEIRUT -- Unmarried and pregnant, Ranya gathered up her courage and confided
to a friend that she was considering a drastic step: an illegal abortion. 

She braced for criticism. But to her surprise, her friend disclosed that she
had had one too. 

Ranya asked another friend, who also said she'd had an abortion. And another
gave her the phone number of a doctor in Beirut who would perform the
procedure on the sly. The doctor used no anesthetic. The pain lingered for
days, but the guilt engulfed her weeks later.

It doesn't make me feel guilty because of Islam, said Ranya, 29, a short,
brown-haired artist, struggling with her words. It's a very complicated
guilt to explain. I tend to philosophize things. I feel guilty in a weird
way. It crosses my mind all the time.

Despite legal and religious restrictions against abortion in much of the
Arab world, changing social values and economic realities as well as
demographic shifts have contributed to an apparent increase in the number of
the procedures in the Middle East.

There's definitely an increase compared to 10 to 15 years ago, said
Mohammed Graigaa, executive director of the Moroccan Assn. for Family
Planning. Abortion is much less of a taboo. It's much more visible. Doctors
talk about it. Women talk about it. The moral values of people have changed.

In most Middle East countries, the 15-to-24-year-old age group has grown to
make up about a third of the population, but the percentage of early
marriages is dropping. In Egypt, only 10% of 15-to-19-year-old females were
married in 2003, down from 22% in 1976.

As young people wait longer to marry, they're increasingly engaging in
premarital sex. 

I think abortions are going up for just for one reason: Sex is becoming
more permissive, said Wissam Ghandour, a Lebanese obstetrician and scholar.
I assure you that the majority of girls getting married now are non-virgins
and sexually active.

In addition, Arab youths receive little in the way of birth control or sex
education, say family planning experts in the Middle East, many of whom work
discreetly to provide reproductive health services in conservative Muslim
societies that hold women's maternal roles as sacrosanct.

If access to contraceptives was widely and freely available, abortion
wouldn't be necessary, said an official at a Western family planning
organization in Yemen. She spoke on condition of anonymity for fear her
organization would be targeted. Abortion, she said, is a last resort.

According to most interpretations, Islam strictly forbids abortion after the
fetus has reached 4 months, and allows it before then only in cases of
violent rape or when birth poses an extreme threat to the physical or
psychological health of the mother. 

Otherwise, abortion is tantamount to killing a living soul, a major sin in
Islam, said Abdel Moati Bayoumi, a professor of the fundamentals of Islam at
Cairo's Al Azhar University, the world's premier Muslim school of higher

The rise of abortion and its acceptability in the Arab world reflects the
decadence of societies in the region and how much people are drifting away
from the teachings of Islam, he said in a telephone interview. Abortion
should not be taken lightly, because it involves killing a creature that
belongs only to God.

According to a poll released this month by WorldPublicOpinion.org, 53% of
Egyptians, 57% of Palestinians and 55% of Iranians oppose their governments'
policies of making abortion a crime.

But abortions are often tolerated, with law enforcement officials and
prosecutors looking the other way unless a parent or husband files a
complaint. Even open-minded clerics give tacit approval for abortions in
some cases. They are performed by doctors or back-alley amateurs, many of
them midwives.

Statistics are sparse. Family planning experts said they detected a 100%
increase in the number of abortions from two decades ago. Graigaa, for
example, said the number in Morocco had doubled. 

According to the United Nations, about one in 10 pregnancies in the region
ends in abortion, half the rate of the United States.

A study by the International Planned Parenthood Federation estimated there
were 7 million abortions in the Arab world from 1995 to 2000. A 1993 study
showed that 14% of women in one rural Egyptian hamlet had had an abortion. 

Researchers estimate that 100,000 abortions are performed a year in Iran, a
non- Arab nation that stands out for its relatively progressive sex
education and family planning policies. 

Moroccan family planning experts estimate that 600 abortions a day are
performed in the North African country, most involving unmarried women. Only
a small percentage are victims of rape or sexual abuse, they 

[wanita-muslimah] Abortion (dari Nety Nurda)

2007-02-26 Terurut Topik Dwi W. Soegardi
A letter from
an unborn
Hi mom!, how are you?, I am doing just
fine thanks.
Only a few days have gone by since I
was conceived and I am now growing in
your tummy.
To tell you the truth I can't explain how
happy I am to know that you are my
I am sure I
am going to
be the
baby alive.
It also makes me proud to know that I
was conceived out of love.
Mommy, a month has gone
past and I have started to
notice how my body is forming.
I know I am not much to look
at now but just wait and see I'll
make you so proud! Even
though I am feeling happy I
sense something is wrong!...
You seem to be having
strange thoughts that leave
me restless and worried, but
I am sure everything is
going to be ok! Don't
Two and a half months have gone by
mom, I now have hands that I can
use to play with. Oh I am so happy.
Mommy, please tell me what's wrong? Why are
you crying so much lately?
Why do you and dad argue every time you meet
up with one another?
Don't you guys want me anymore? I'm going to
do everything I can to make you want me…
3 months have now past mom, but you still seem
to be so sad. I am not sure what is going on, I am
so confused.
Today we went to see the doctor and he
booked an appointment for you tomorrow.
I don't understand why I am feeling so
good and you aren't mom!
Uh!!! What is this thing doing inside
of my house?
Mommy, where are we going?, What's
Mommy, this is not normally the time you take
your afternoon nap, don't lie down. Besides I
am not tired I still want to play.
Is it a new toy?!
Hey! It's sucking up my
Mommy!!! Stop them, that's my hand!!!
Please…, don't tug at me! No…. Don't hit me you hurting
Defend me mom!!!
Can't you see I'm still small I can't defend myself!
Mommy, my leg, they ripping it out!!!
Help me mom!!!
Tell them to stop, I promise I'll stop kicking
them if they do.
How is it possible that a human being can be
doing this to me?
Oh mommy, I can't go on anymore… he…lp
17 years have gone by
since you made that
fateful decision. How
you still suffer over the
very thought of it.
Please don't cry,
remember that I love
you and I'll be waiting
for you with open arms.
Love you lots!!!
Your baby.
Participate in the campaign:
Pass this
...so we can help save
A photographer decided to do coverage on one of
medicines greatest achievements. An operation of a 21
week old foetus inside of it's mothers womb, known to be
suffering from 'spina bifida'. Little did he know that the
image he captured was to be of such importance in this
fight for life and is still used for this purpose to this very
This extraordinary moment of a baby stretching out his
tiny little hand and holding on to the finger of the surgeon
was captured by Paul Harris.
The story behind this
touching picture, reflects the
struggle experienced by a
couple who fought against
all odds to save the life of
their first child.
This amazing photo was
published by various
newspapers across the
United States, travelling the
world over eventually
reaching Ireland where it
became one of the most
powerful voices AGAINST the
legalization of ABORTION.
Please, pass this
message on to all your

File kiriman mbak Nety asalnya adalah PowerPoint lengkap dengan gambar
dan suara.
Hanya teks yang saya copy and paste di sini.
Bagi yang berminat untuk melihat/mendengarkan file lengkapnya
silakan download dari


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Re: [wanita-muslimah] abortion

2007-02-25 Terurut Topik Dwi W. Soegardi
ya tetap ngga bisa mbak.
Jangan kirim attachment ke milis (wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com)

coba begini:
- ubah dulu filenya (word/doc, pdf, xls) menjadi teks biasa (txt), copy and
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- kalo sulit, kirim saja ke moderator terlebih dahulu (


On 2/25/07, nety nurda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   semoga yg ini attach nya bs kebuka

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[wanita-muslimah] abortion

2007-02-25 Terurut Topik nety nurda
semoga yg ini attach nya bs kebuka

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

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[wanita-muslimah] abortion

2007-02-20 Terurut Topik nety nurda

Best Regards,

Nety Nurda,Skom

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