soal interpretasi itu memang menjadi terkait dengan siapa yang memberikan 
fatwa, kalau MUI menggunakan analisa pemahaman sunni, ya jelas tidak ada ada 
titik temu dengan analisa pemahaman Ahmadiyah, syi'ah, liberal cs.

Jadi kalau mr Abdul Latif mengharap MUI agar mentoleransi interpretasi versi 
Ahmadiyah, syi'ah, liberal ya mustahil, itu saja very simple.

Andapun mustahil masuk ke jajaran MUI, himbauan Andapun untuk merombak MUI agar 
mau menerima berbagai interpretasi tidak akan digubris.

Abdul Mu'iz

--- Pada Jum, 23/4/10, abdul <> menulis:

Dari: abdul <>
Judul: [wanita-muslimah] MUI SALAH KAPRAH-->MUI Declares European Burqa Bans a 
Rights Issue
Tanggal: Jumat, 23 April, 2010, 6:33 AM



      Kalau MUI sudah mengakui bahwa Interpretasi al quran adalah berbeda beda, 
kenapa MUI mengharamkan Ahmadiyah,Liberal, Syiah dll nya.MUI harus menghormati 
interprestasi firqoh2 Islam lain2nya.

" "Interpretation of the Koran is different in different countries,"

MUI tidak konsisten, susah dipercaya.

Mengenai haram wanita memakai Niqab dab barga bukanlah a right Issue, tapi 
==security issue==

Karena ada wanita2 yg melakukan suicide...

Siapa yg salah? Kita sendiri bukan.

Sesungguhnya orang2 yg benar2 mentaati agama yg benar, membawa kedamaian di 
tengah2 mesarakat, tidak ada ketakutan.

wanita2 Niqab dab barga membuat masarakat menjadi takut,karena semua muka 
ditutup....artinya niqab dan Barga itu bukanlah syariat Agama, tapi sudah 
menyeleweng dari yg sesungguhnya. ..benar bukan?


--- In wanita-muslimah@ yahoogroups. com, "sunny" <am...@...> wrote:


> http://www.thejakar home/mui- declares- european- burqa-bans- 
> a-rights- issue/371004


> April 22, 2010 



> The proposed ban would apply to both residents and tourists in France and 
> Belgium. (AFP Photo)




> MUI Declares European Burqa Bans a Rights Issue


> France and Belgium would be guilty of abusing women's rights if they followed 
> through on plans to ban the wearing of burqas in public, Indonesia's top 
> Islamic body said on Thursday. 


> The Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) said religious beliefs should be 
> respected, even if they presented security concerns by covering the face. 


> "We're clearly against the proposed ban. If it becomes law, it will mean 
> Belgium and France are restricting the rights of Muslim women to fulfil their 
> religious obligations, " MUI chairman Amidhan said. "If it's for security 
> reasons, the fears are excessive. It's unfair to consider all veiled women a 
> threat." 


> Although the vast majority of Indonesian women do not wear the full 
> body-covering burqa or face-covering niqab, Muslims in other parts of the 
> world have different interpretations of Islamic scripture and their beliefs 
> should be respected, he said. 


> "Interpretation of the Koran is different in different countries," he said. 
> "Indonesian Muslim women don't have to cover their faces with veils, unlike 
> Muslim women in some countries in the Middle East. But we have to respect 
> their beliefs." 


> Belgium was set to pass a ban on burqas on Thursday, which would be the first 
> such clampdown in Europe, just a day after France promised a similar law. 


> The French government said a bill would be presented to ministers in May 
> banning the niqab and the burqa from streets, shops and markets, and not just 
> from public buildings as is the case now. 


> A French minister said Muslim tourists in France would also be forbidden to 
> wear the full-face veil, along with French residents, under the government's 
> plan to ban the garment. 


> "When you arrive in France, you respect the laws in force," Nadine Morano, a 
> junior minister for families, said on the radio station France Info. 
> "Everyone will have to respect the laws in France. That's how it is." 


> Hundreds of thousands of tourists from the Middle East visit France each 
> year, according to estimates from its Tourism Ministry, and veiled women are 
> a common sight in the luxury stores along Paris's shopping boulevards. 


> Morano said women breaching the ban would be fined but would not be unveiled 
> "on the spot." 


> She said that the planned ban was in line with France's secular principles, 
> but also aimed to give "a message at international level" and would apply 
> equally to all visitors from abroad. 




> Agence France-Presse 



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