Re: [wanita-muslimah] buat direnung di bulan ramadhan

2010-08-12 Terurut Topik Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
Mbak Mia,

Apapun juga, ramadhan tetap terasa istimewa kan? 
Termasuk istimewa sibuknya! waktu yang tersisa biasanya hanya cukup untuk tidur 

Happy ramadhan rekan-rekan ra. sekalian,
Mohon maaf atas segala kesalahan dan kekhilafan.
Khususon Eyang HMNA, Mbah Abdul, dll. yang sering saya marahi :-)


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2010 4:21 AM
  Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] buat direnung di bulan ramadhan

  Buka puasa bareng dg keluarga memang nikmat, nggak ada duanya. Hanya saja di 
jakarta ini nyaris nggak terlaksana. Kalo pulang lebih cepet dapat dibayangkan 
macetnya, karena orang lain pulang cepet juga. Akhirnya malah buka puasa di 
mobil. Justru jalanan lengang pas magrib. 
  Situasi mungkin kembali rada normal setelah semingguan puasa, tapi mulain deh 
mengalir undangan buka puasa bersama. Terus terang saya nggak enjoy buka bareng 
urusan kantor/klien.kan mesti jaim dan mau nggak mau tetep ngobrol/ berpikir 
urusan kantor. 
  happy ramadan! 
  -Original Message- 
  From: Kartono Mohamad 
  Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 02:26:15 
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] buat direnung di bulan ramadhan 

  Berbuka bersama (kalau di bulan lain keluarga sibuk di kota besar akan 
  jarang berkesempatan makan bersama), sholat berjamaah dalam keluarga, 
  memperkuat ketahanan keluarga. Kira-kira begitulah inti hasil penelitian 
  berikut ini, jika diterapkan di keluarga muslim. Barangkali sekaligus juga 
  menjelaskan mengapa keluarga-keluarga kakek nenek kita lebih hidup bahagia 
  dibanding keluarga-keluarga muda sekarang. 
  Barangkali saja ada manfaatnya. 

  Study: African American couples more likely to share core religious beliefs 

  By Donna St. George 
  Washington Post Staff Writer 
  Wednesday, August 11, 2010; 8:24 AM 
  African American couples are more likely than other groups to share core 
  religious beliefs and pray together in the home -- factors that have been 
  linked to greater happiness in marriages and relationships, according to a 
  study released Tuesday. 
  In what was described as the first major look at relationship quality and 
  religion across racial and ethnic lines, researchers reported a significant 
  link overall between relationship satisfaction and religious factors for 
  whites, Hispanics and African Americans. The study appears in the August 
  issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family. 
  True to the old aphorism, couples that pray together stay together, said 
  study co-author W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage 
  Project, based at University of Virginia, and African American couples are 
  more likely to have a shared spiritual identity as a couple. 
  The study found that 40 percent of blacks in marriages and live-in 
  relationships attended religious services regularly and had a partner who 
  did the same, compared with 29 percent of non-Hispanic whites and 29 percent 
  of Hispanics. 
  White couples, in general, reported greater relationship satisfaction than 
  other groups, presumably because of income and education differences, the 
  study said. But the racial gap lessens when religious similarities come into 
  the mix. 
  What this study suggests is that religion is one of the key factors 
  narrowing the racial divide in relationship quality in the United States, 
  Wilcox said. 
  The strongest difference-maker for couples was spiritual activities such as 
  praying or reading the Bible. Praying together as a couple is something 
  that is very intimate for people who are religious, said Wilcox. It adds 
  another level of closeness to a relationship. 
  The findings bear out what the Rev. James E. Terrell, pastor of Second 
  Baptist Church in Northwest Washington, has observed among his parishioners. 

  People seem to do better when they think there is a spiritual aspect to 
  their marriage, Terrell said. That includes services and praying, but also 
  seeking the Lord in terms of resolving problems and differences, he said. 
  Without a doubt, it helps to keep a marriage together. 
  Still, the study showed religion did not have positive effects for all. 
  When one partner attends services regularly and the other one does not, 
  relationship satisfaction is lower. 
  Two non-religious partners are more content, the study found. 
  When couples do things together -- whether it's bird-watching, playing 
  tennis or attending church -- they tend to do better, says Wilcox, and 
  when they don't share these activities -- particularly when they are 
  important -- couples are more likely to suffer. 
  The results are based on a new analysis of a 2006 nationwide survey of 1,387 
  adults ages

Re: [wanita-muslimah] buat direnung di bulan ramadhan

2010-08-11 Terurut Topik aldiy
Buka puasa bareng dg keluarga memang nikmat, nggak ada duanya. Hanya saja di 
jakarta ini nyaris nggak terlaksana. Kalo pulang lebih cepet dapat dibayangkan 
macetnya, karena orang lain pulang cepet juga. Akhirnya malah buka puasa di 
mobil.  Justru jalanan lengang pas magrib. 
Situasi mungkin kembali rada normal setelah semingguan puasa, tapi mulain deh 
mengalir undangan buka puasa bersama. Terus terang saya nggak enjoy buka bareng 
urusan kantor/klien.kan mesti jaim dan mau nggak mau tetep ngobrol/ berpikir 
urusan kantor.
happy ramadan!
-Original Message-
From: Kartono Mohamad
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 02:26:15 
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] buat direnung di bulan ramadhan

Berbuka bersama (kalau di bulan lain keluarga sibuk di kota besar akan
jarang berkesempatan makan bersama), sholat berjamaah dalam keluarga,
memperkuat ketahanan keluarga. Kira-kira begitulah inti hasil penelitian
berikut ini, jika diterapkan di keluarga muslim. Barangkali sekaligus juga
menjelaskan mengapa keluarga-keluarga kakek nenek kita lebih hidup bahagia
dibanding keluarga-keluarga muda sekarang.
Barangkali saja ada manfaatnya.

Study: African American couples more likely to share core religious beliefs

By Donna St. George
Washington Post Staff Writer 
Wednesday, August 11, 2010; 8:24 AM 
African American couples are more likely than other groups to share core
religious beliefs and pray together in the home -- factors that have been
linked to greater happiness in marriages and relationships, according to a
study released Tuesday. 
In what was described as the first major look at relationship quality and
religion across racial and ethnic lines, researchers reported a significant
link overall between relationship satisfaction and religious factors for
whites, Hispanics and African Americans. The study appears in the August
issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family. 
True to the old aphorism, couples that pray together stay together, said
study co-author W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage
Project, based at University of Virginia, and African American couples are
more likely to have a shared spiritual identity as a couple. 
The study found that 40 percent of blacks in marriages and live-in
relationships attended religious services regularly and had a partner who
did the same, compared with 29 percent of non-Hispanic whites and 29 percent
of Hispanics. 
White couples, in general, reported greater relationship satisfaction than
other groups, presumably because of income and education differences, the
study said. But the racial gap lessens when religious similarities come into
the mix. 
What this study suggests is that religion is one of the key factors
narrowing the racial divide in relationship quality in the United States,
Wilcox said. 
The strongest difference-maker for couples was spiritual activities such as
praying or reading the Bible. Praying together as a couple is something
that is very intimate for people who are religious, said Wilcox. It adds
another level of closeness to a relationship. 
The findings bear out what the Rev. James E. Terrell, pastor of Second
Baptist Church in Northwest Washington, has observed among his parishioners.

People seem to do better when they think there is a spiritual aspect to
their marriage, Terrell said. That includes services and praying, but also 
seeking the Lord in terms of resolving problems and differences, he said. 
Without a doubt, it helps to keep a marriage together. 
Still, the study showed religion did not have positive effects for all. 
When one partner attends services regularly and the other one does not,
relationship satisfaction is lower. 
Two non-religious partners are more content, the study found. 
When couples do things together -- whether it's bird-watching, playing
tennis or attending church -- they tend to do better, says Wilcox, and 
when they don't share these activities -- particularly when they are
important -- couples are more likely to suffer. 
The results are based on a new analysis of a 2006 nationwide survey of 1,387
adults ages 18 to 59. Nearly 90 percent were married and the others were
The study had limits -- relying on interviews with one partner in a marriage, 
for example, rather than both. Researchers controlled for income, age and 
education but not for other factors that might lead to relationship 
satisfaction, such as personality traits. 

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