#2925: half-build=half hp
        Reporter:        |        Type:  patch (an actual patch, not a
  Iluvalar               |  request for one)
          Status:  new   |    Priority:  normal
       Milestone:        |   Component:  Engine: other
  unspecified            |    Keywords:
         Version:        |  Blocked By:
  2.3.9                  |
Operating System:  All   |
  /Non-Specific          |
        Blocking:        |
 1/5 of the power payed +
 4/5 of the construction point spent

 Unfinished walls and power gen will have less HP. Players wont be able to
 spam a structure as a shield in the middle of the battle any more.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/2925>
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