Re: [wtr-general] Re: Recent Stack Overflow Questions Tagged Watir

2011-01-20 Thread Željko Filipin

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

Re: [wtr-general] testing a page that goes through multiple redirects.

2011-01-20 Thread vishnu
Hi Jarib
   I understand what you mean about not being able to decide what
"finished" means in general, but tools could be provided to tell me if
something is finished in a specific case.

For example, there has been a lot of discussion about solving the
problems of waiting for ajax requests in general. But when I'm testing
a web application where I have used jquery for example, every time I
do an action that results in an ajax request, I do a Watir::Wait.until
{ @browser.execute_script("return == 0") } so that I
know that all ajax calls are done. I prefer this to a
wait_till_present on an element since I can distinguish between a
failure and a slow ajax request AND because this code is generic to
all my ajax requests.

Ideally in the case of these redirects, I'd like to be able to check
if watir believes the page is loaded AND if no javascript is currently
executing, because I know that in this specific case, on none of my
pages do I have to worry about javascript running on a setTimeout.
Done is well defined in my case. Is it possible for me to check that
my definition of done is true?

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 1:37 AM, Jari Bakken  wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 8:31 PM, vishnu  wrote:
>> I posted an issue on github and jarib suggested I use something like
>> wait_until_present to make sure I'm on the page I expect to be. But I
>> have 2 concerns.
>> firstly, even with wait_until_present is there a likelyhood I get a
>> stale reference error?
> This error only occurs if you're trying to interact with an element
> that is no longer on the page, e.g.
>  button = browser.button
>  # page refreshes, or the button is removed
> I think seeing this error from calling wait_until_present is very
> unlikely. If you do, please create a test case I can look at.
>> secondly, sometimes one of these redirects on the way might actually
>> fail and throw me onto an error page. In which case I'll have to
>> wait_until_present with a timeout.
> As mentioned in the issue, check out the docs for these methods.
> #wait_until_present and friends include a built-in timeout. You can
> pass the number of seconds to wait as the first argument.
>> I'd prefer a more deterministic
>> approach. Is there a way for me to get watir to check if the current
>> page has completely loaded AND all onload scripts have run before
>> giving me control? Something I can run in a loop so that the script
>> continues only when all redirects are done
> No. Since browsers are inherently asynchronous, there's no way for the
> tool to know what you consider "finished". We try to wait for the most
> obvious things, but at some point we have to give control back to the
> user. Consider e.g.
> someFunction could call out to code that does more setTimeout (or
> other async calls) and eventually end up changing elements or
> redirecting to some other page. The most deterministic solution you'll
> get is polling the DOM for the state you want it to be in before
> proceeding, which is what wait.rb in watir-webdriver was designed to
> let you do easily.
> --
> Before posting, please read In short: search before 
> you ask, be nice.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

Re: [wtr-general] testing a page that goes through multiple redirects.

2011-01-20 Thread Jari Bakken
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:06 PM, vishnu  wrote:
> Ideally in the case of these redirects, I'd like to be able to check
> if watir believes the page is loaded AND if no javascript is currently
> executing, because I know that in this specific case, on none of my
> pages do I have to worry about javascript running on a setTimeout.
> Done is well defined in my case. Is it possible for me to check that
> my definition of done is true?

JavaScript is always "currently executing" - i.e. the event loop is
always running. At no point will the browser throw up its hands and
say "all done!" - the closest you'll get is polling the document's
readyState property

  browser.execute_script("return document.readyState") == "complete"

but in my experience, relying on this sort of stuff as a generic
mechanism leads to race conditions and a lot of flaky tests. My
advice: poll for the elements you want to interact with to be there.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

Re: [wtr-general] testing a page that goes through multiple redirects.

2011-01-20 Thread vishnu
haha I was actually considering this, but here I can see the race
condition where the readystate might be complete before the onload

Another idea I had was to in a wait block
attachEventListener to document load a function of the form
setTimeout(0, function(){}) and my attached function would set some
element on the page and use watir to check for this element. This way
the element I attach will eventually exist on the correct page or on
any of various error pages.
What do you think of this approach? Are there some pitfalls I'm
missing? If it seems that this too is likely to fail, then I'll just
poll for the elements I expect on the success page as you suggest.

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Jari Bakken  wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:06 PM, vishnu  wrote:
>> Ideally in the case of these redirects, I'd like to be able to check
>> if watir believes the page is loaded AND if no javascript is currently
>> executing, because I know that in this specific case, on none of my
>> pages do I have to worry about javascript running on a setTimeout.
>> Done is well defined in my case. Is it possible for me to check that
>> my definition of done is true?
> JavaScript is always "currently executing" - i.e. the event loop is
> always running. At no point will the browser throw up its hands and
> say "all done!" - the closest you'll get is polling the document's
> readyState property
>  browser.execute_script("return document.readyState") == "complete"
> but in my experience, relying on this sort of stuff as a generic
> mechanism leads to race conditions and a lot of flaky tests. My
> advice: poll for the elements you want to interact with to be there.
> --
> Before posting, please read In short: search before 
> you ask, be nice.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

[wtr-general] Re: Help with select_no_wait

2011-01-20 Thread Jarmo Pertman
Maybe this post helps you to avoid the popup:

Jarmo Pertman
IT does really matter -

On Jan 18, 9:44 pm, watirboy  wrote:
> Hey Jarmo,
> When my script selects an option, a javascript pop-up shows up. WATIR
> is stuck at this point, and cannot move since it is waiting for
> something in the list element (possibly closing said pop-up).
> Do you have another idea? I tried throwing a thread up with AutoIt,
> but for some odd reason it wasnt working...
> On Jan 18, 1:53 pm, Jarmo Pertman  wrote:
> > It should be probably in the SelectList class. But why do you need it
> > anyway? Can't you solve the problem somehow differently?
> > Jarmo Pertman
> > -
> > IT does really matter -
> > On Jan 17, 11:34 pm, watirboy  wrote:
> > > Hey Guys,
> > > I have been reading up on possibly patching my WATIR installation with
> > > a select_no_wait function (similar to click_no_wait) but I have no
> > > idea where I should place this. When I put it in lib/watir/element.rb
> > > I get the following error:
> > > Fast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.4.16, ruby-debug-base 0.10.4) listens
> > > on
> > > Loaded suite C:\code\watir\scripts\testcase
> > > Started
> > > E
> > > Finished in 9.582906 seconds.
> > >   1) Error:
> > > test_01(TestCase):
> > > NoMethodError: undefined method `eval_in_spawned_process' for
> > > #
> > >     C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.7.1/lib/watir/element.rb:
> > > 358:in `select_no_wait'
> > >     C:\code\watir\scripts\testcase.rb:55:in `test_01'
> > > 1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors
> > > and this is the code I entered:
> > > module Watir
> > >     class Element
> > >         # ... the rest of Element code above here...
> > >         def select_no_wait(item)
> > >             assert_enabled
> > >             highlight(:set)
> > >             object =
> > > "#{self.class}.new(self, :unique_number,#{self.unique_number})"
> > >             @page_container.eval_in_spawned_process(object +
> > > ".select('#{item}')")
> > >             highlight(:clear)
> > >         end
> > >     end
> > > end

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

Re: [wtr-general] testing a page that goes through multiple redirects.

2011-01-20 Thread Jari Bakken
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 1:01 PM, vishnu  wrote:
> Another idea I had was to in a wait block
> attachEventListener to document load a function of the form
> setTimeout(0, function(){}) and my attached function would set some
> element on the page and use watir to check for this element. This way
> the element I attach will eventually exist on the correct page or on
> any of various error pages.
> What do you think of this approach? Are there some pitfalls I'm
> missing? If it seems that this too is likely to fail, then I'll just
> poll for the elements I expect on the success page as you suggest.

Absolutely - if you're able to change the application under test to
provide hooks for the test code to let it know when it's finished,
that's a good solution. From the Ruby side you're still polling the
state of the DOM, but you have more control.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

[wtr-general] Re: Watir 1.7.1 Released

2011-01-20 Thread Chuck van der Linden
Initial attempt worked without any problems trying to call the
compiler etc.  I decided to load all the gems off the web, to get
'latest thing' and see if that would work, but apparently the
watircraft framework needs a bunch of updating to work with the latest
generation of Rspec/Cucumber.   I have a ton of files that are
requiring 'spec' or 'spec/x'  and from what I've gathered at some
point that all changed to 'rspec'  I tried updating a bunch of files
(step definitions, site initializing and config files to get rid of
the errors, but it was pure onion peeling, revealing one new error
after another, especially when I got down to places where matchers
were being extended etc.

So I'm rolling back and trying it with just the newer ruby you
suggested, but using older gems I have stored around here from the
initial watircraft days for stuff like activesupport, rspec, etc.  I
know that all works and plays together.

 I don't have time or Ruby skills to do work on watircraft just now to
update it for the newer versions of rspec and cucumber (nor do I
understand enough about github to know how I'd commit and share those
changes with others).  I guess that will have to be a project for
another time

 (that or see what it would take to roll the watircraft stuff back
into taza if that would be possible.  There's a bunch of stuff that
Bret did in watircraft that I really like, but I'm not currently
skilled enough with ruby to take on the task of maintaining and
updating that framework, and since so much was built on taza, I wonder
if the better option would be to fold a bunch of that stuff back into
Taza instead..  all if which really is I think a discussion for
another thread.)

On Jan 19, 2:22 pm, Charley Baker  wrote:
> I'd be interested if you can take notes, which you might be planning
> already. :)
> Cheers,
> Charley
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:16 PM, Chuck van der Linden  
> wrote:
> > well it's not as if things were working that wonderfully so I'm not
> > too terribly concerned.
> > I made a snapshot of the VM just in case I want to roll it back.
> > just got back from lunch, so about to embark on the purge and re-
> > install.
> > On Jan 19, 12:06 pm, Charley Baker  wrote:
> >> I didn't have any problems updating, you can also use pik[1] to
> >> install 1.8.7 and work on that without disturbing your current
> >> installation. :)
> >> Charley Baker
> >> Lead Developer, Watir,
> >> [1] pik :
> >> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:57 PM, Chuck van der Linden  
> >> wrote:
> >> > I'll give that a shot.   It might fix the other issue I'm having which
> >> > is an outright 'crash' of the ruby CLI which appears to be caused by
> >> > the OS thinking it's accessing memory it shouldn't (it appears that
> >> > the OS shuts it down due to a DEP violation (Data Execution
> >> > Prevention)
> >> > gah this is going to be a fest of uninstall-install I bet..  whe
> >> > On Jan 19, 11:38 am, Charley Baker  wrote:
> >> >> Hey Chuck,
> >> >>    I'd suggest you look at Ruby 1.8.7 with devkit installed. Watir
> >> >> itself doesn't have any need to compile things, it's the win32api and
> >> >> other dependencies which may be set up wrong with Ruby, mingw or
> >> >> mswin32 specific versions. There are ways to fat compile binaries
> >> >> which some projects are starting to do. With current 1.8.6 one click
> >> >> installer I haven't seen the need to compile anything, though that may
> >> >> have changed recently, I know Daniel Berger has been doing some work
> >> >> on the win32 gems. Are you using 1.8.7 or newer builds of Ruby?
> >> >>  There's going to be a little bit of chaos as we switch in the Windows
> >> >> community from the old one click installer and gems built with MSVC6
> >> >> over to the newer paradigm and the mingw tool chain. Just a thought
> >> >> anyhow.
> >> >> Charley Baker
> >> >> Lead Developer, Watir,
> >> >> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 6:54 PM, Chuck van der Linden 
> >> >>  wrote:
> >> >> > Do we have a version that has everything already compiled for Windows?
> >> >> > I'm trying to get a windows server 2008 system setup to run watir
> >> >> > scripts, and when I try to install anything newer than 1.6.2 it starts
> >> >> > trying to find nmake.exe  and cl.exe   which are not anywhere on this
> >> >> > box as it is setup to emulate a webserver were our product would be
> >> >> > deployed, and there is no visual studio or any other flavor of
> >> >> > compiler etc installed on the system.
> >> >> > The exact error I'm getting (after having hunted down and installed an
> >> >> > old version of nmake) looks like this
> >> >> > ---=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> >> >> > C:\Users\Chuckv\DOWNLO~1>gem install watir
> >> >> > Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
> >> >> > ERROR:  Error installing watir:
> >> >> >        ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
> >> >> > C:/Ruby/bi

[wtr-general] Re: Watir 1.7.1 Released

2011-01-20 Thread Chuck van der Linden
OK  this seemed to work for me  (mind you, it's a bit convoluted, and
I'm not sure how a normal watircraft user would do this.

installed the 1.8.7 Ruby
gem update system
gem install watir
gem install watircraft -local (from a dir I have for watircraft 0.4.2
that has older versions of a LOT of stuff including rspec etc)
gem uninstall watircraft (uninstalls JUST the watircraft 0.4.2
version, leaves all the other stuff)
gem install bret-watircraft (gets me watircraft 0.5  leaves most of
the older prereques in place)
gem update cucumber  (because I was using some newer cuke stuff in my

I'm getting a bunch of deprecation warnings from active_support
regarding the name, and will have to update some require lines for
that,   should be fairly easy for me to fix I hope

, I'm getting "Object#returning deprecated in favor of Object#tap"
warnings also, but am hoping I can resolve those without too much

The move to the newer activesupport in watir 1.7  is raising hell with
the stuff in watircraft that was using the older require, but I'm
hoping that's nothing more than updating the 'require' lines in a few
files to get it working..   support for the newer rspec is a totally
different story, but I'm using cuke, not it, so I might be able to get
away with this..

Ultimately I think I need to rethink my use of the watircraft
framework, and if I'd be better off to move to Taza proper, or if I'm
going to just need to improve my ruby skills and update watircraft to
work with the newer rspec etc.

On Jan 20, 9:02 am, Chuck van der Linden  wrote:
> Initial attempt worked without any problems trying to call the
> compiler etc.  I decided to load all the gems off the web, to get
> 'latest thing' and see if that would work, but apparently the
> watircraft framework needs a bunch of updating to work with the latest
> generation of Rspec/Cucumber.   I have a ton of files that are
> requiring 'spec' or 'spec/x'  and from what I've gathered at some
> point that all changed to 'rspec'  I tried updating a bunch of files
> (step definitions, site initializing and config files to get rid of
> the errors, but it was pure onion peeling, revealing one new error
> after another, especially when I got down to places where matchers
> were being extended etc.
> So I'm rolling back and trying it with just the newer ruby you
> suggested, but using older gems I have stored around here from the
> initial watircraft days for stuff like activesupport, rspec, etc.  I
> know that all works and plays together.
>  I don't have time or Ruby skills to do work on watircraft just now to
> update it for the newer versions of rspec and cucumber (nor do I
> understand enough about github to know how I'd commit and share those
> changes with others).  I guess that will have to be a project for
> another time
>  (that or see what it would take to roll the watircraft stuff back
> into taza if that would be possible.  There's a bunch of stuff that
> Bret did in watircraft that I really like, but I'm not currently
> skilled enough with ruby to take on the task of maintaining and
> updating that framework, and since so much was built on taza, I wonder
> if the better option would be to fold a bunch of that stuff back into
> Taza instead..  all if which really is I think a discussion for
> another thread.)
> On Jan 19, 2:22 pm, Charley Baker  wrote:
> > I'd be interested if you can take notes, which you might be planning
> > already. :)
> > Cheers,
> > Charley
> > On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:16 PM, Chuck van der Linden  
> > wrote:
> > > well it's not as if things were working that wonderfully so I'm not
> > > too terribly concerned.
> > > I made a snapshot of the VM just in case I want to roll it back.
> > > just got back from lunch, so about to embark on the purge and re-
> > > install.
> > > On Jan 19, 12:06 pm, Charley Baker  wrote:
> > >> I didn't have any problems updating, you can also use pik[1] to
> > >> install 1.8.7 and work on that without disturbing your current
> > >> installation. :)
> > >> Charley Baker
> > >> Lead Developer, Watir,
> > >> [1] pik :
> > >> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:57 PM, Chuck van der Linden  
> > >> wrote:
> > >> > I'll give that a shot.   It might fix the other issue I'm having which
> > >> > is an outright 'crash' of the ruby CLI which appears to be caused by
> > >> > the OS thinking it's accessing memory it shouldn't (it appears that
> > >> > the OS shuts it down due to a DEP violation (Data Execution
> > >> > Prevention)
> > >> > gah this is going to be a fest of uninstall-install I bet..  whe
> > >> > On Jan 19, 11:38 am, Charley Baker  wrote:
> > >> >> Hey Chuck,
> > >> >>    I'd suggest you look at Ruby 1.8.7 with devkit installed. Watir
> > >> >> itself doesn't have any need to compile things, it's the win32api and
> > >> >> other dependencies which may be set up wrong with Ruby, mingw or
> > >> >> msw

[wtr-general] Re: Help with select_no_wait

2011-01-20 Thread watirboy
Thanks Jarmo...I dont know why I didnt even look at this! I feel like
a dunce

Everyone on this group is the best!!!

On Jan 20, 7:34 am, Jarmo Pertman  wrote:
> Maybe this post helps you to avoid the 
> popup:
> Jarmo Pertman
> -
> IT does really matter -
> On Jan 18, 9:44 pm, watirboy  wrote:
> > Hey Jarmo,
> > When my script selects an option, a javascript pop-up shows up. WATIR
> > is stuck at this point, and cannot move since it is waiting for
> > something in the list element (possibly closing said pop-up).
> > Do you have another idea? I tried throwing a thread up with AutoIt,
> > but for some odd reason it wasnt working...
> > On Jan 18, 1:53 pm, Jarmo Pertman  wrote:
> > > It should be probably in the SelectList class. But why do you need it
> > > anyway? Can't you solve the problem somehow differently?
> > > Jarmo Pertman
> > > -
> > > IT does really matter -
> > > On Jan 17, 11:34 pm, watirboy  wrote:
> > > > Hey Guys,
> > > > I have been reading up on possibly patching my WATIR installation with
> > > > a select_no_wait function (similar to click_no_wait) but I have no
> > > > idea where I should place this. When I put it in lib/watir/element.rb
> > > > I get the following error:
> > > > Fast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.4.16, ruby-debug-base 0.10.4) listens
> > > > on
> > > > Loaded suite C:\code\watir\scripts\testcase
> > > > Started
> > > > E
> > > > Finished in 9.582906 seconds.
> > > >   1) Error:
> > > > test_01(TestCase):
> > > > NoMethodError: undefined method `eval_in_spawned_process' for
> > > > #
> > > >     C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.7.1/lib/watir/element.rb:
> > > > 358:in `select_no_wait'
> > > >     C:\code\watir\scripts\testcase.rb:55:in `test_01'
> > > > 1 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 1 errors
> > > > and this is the code I entered:
> > > > module Watir
> > > >     class Element
> > > >         # ... the rest of Element code above here...
> > > >         def select_no_wait(item)
> > > >             assert_enabled
> > > >             highlight(:set)
> > > >             object =
> > > > "#{self.class}.new(self, :unique_number,#{self.unique_number})"
> > > >             @page_container.eval_in_spawned_process(object +
> > > > ".select('#{item}')")
> > > >             highlight(:clear)
> > > >         end
> > > >     end
> > > > end

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

[wtr-general] Re: CookieManager/cookie api

2011-01-20 Thread Chad Larkin
I just started to look into cookie management for testing some form
pages that leave a cookie.  To test the form from various referrers
the cookie must be deleted so the form is not pre-populated on
revisit.  This would be the removal of a specific cookie not all

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

Re: [wtr-general] Re: CookieManager/cookie api

2011-01-20 Thread Charley Baker
Cool, I guess you're looking at setting up a Jira ticket? Please add
one for this.


Charley Baker
Lead Developer, Watir,

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Chad Larkin  wrote:
> I just started to look into cookie management for testing some form
> pages that leave a cookie.  To test the form from various referrers
> the cookie must be deleted so the form is not pre-populated on
> revisit.  This would be the removal of a specific cookie not all
> cookies.
> --
> Before posting, please read In short: search before 
> you ask, be nice.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

Re: [wtr-general] Re: Watir 1.7.1 Released

2011-01-20 Thread Charley Baker
Crud. Removing the activesupport dependency in Firewatir is top of my
list for the next release. I've got a quick hack which will likely go
in. It's annoying as Activesupport actually has a lot of great
features, but getting it working across versions is a royal pain in
the neck.

Charley Baker
Lead Developer, Watir,

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Chuck van der Linden  wrote:
> OK  this seemed to work for me  (mind you, it's a bit convoluted, and
> I'm not sure how a normal watircraft user would do this.
> installed the 1.8.7 Ruby
> gem update system
> gem install watir
> gem install watircraft -local (from a dir I have for watircraft 0.4.2
> that has older versions of a LOT of stuff including rspec etc)
> gem uninstall watircraft (uninstalls JUST the watircraft 0.4.2
> version, leaves all the other stuff)
> gem install bret-watircraft (gets me watircraft 0.5  leaves most of
> the older prereques in place)
> gem update cucumber  (because I was using some newer cuke stuff in my
> scripts)
> I'm getting a bunch of deprecation warnings from active_support
> regarding the name, and will have to update some require lines for
> that,   should be fairly easy for me to fix I hope
> , I'm getting "Object#returning deprecated in favor of Object#tap"
> warnings also, but am hoping I can resolve those without too much
> trouble..
> The move to the newer activesupport in watir 1.7  is raising hell with
> the stuff in watircraft that was using the older require, but I'm
> hoping that's nothing more than updating the 'require' lines in a few
> files to get it working..   support for the newer rspec is a totally
> different story, but I'm using cuke, not it, so I might be able to get
> away with this..
> Ultimately I think I need to rethink my use of the watircraft
> framework, and if I'd be better off to move to Taza proper, or if I'm
> going to just need to improve my ruby skills and update watircraft to
> work with the newer rspec etc.
> On Jan 20, 9:02 am, Chuck van der Linden  wrote:
>> Initial attempt worked without any problems trying to call the
>> compiler etc.  I decided to load all the gems off the web, to get
>> 'latest thing' and see if that would work, but apparently the
>> watircraft framework needs a bunch of updating to work with the latest
>> generation of Rspec/Cucumber.   I have a ton of files that are
>> requiring 'spec' or 'spec/x'  and from what I've gathered at some
>> point that all changed to 'rspec'  I tried updating a bunch of files
>> (step definitions, site initializing and config files to get rid of
>> the errors, but it was pure onion peeling, revealing one new error
>> after another, especially when I got down to places where matchers
>> were being extended etc.
>> So I'm rolling back and trying it with just the newer ruby you
>> suggested, but using older gems I have stored around here from the
>> initial watircraft days for stuff like activesupport, rspec, etc.  I
>> know that all works and plays together.
>>  I don't have time or Ruby skills to do work on watircraft just now to
>> update it for the newer versions of rspec and cucumber (nor do I
>> understand enough about github to know how I'd commit and share those
>> changes with others).  I guess that will have to be a project for
>> another time
>>  (that or see what it would take to roll the watircraft stuff back
>> into taza if that would be possible.  There's a bunch of stuff that
>> Bret did in watircraft that I really like, but I'm not currently
>> skilled enough with ruby to take on the task of maintaining and
>> updating that framework, and since so much was built on taza, I wonder
>> if the better option would be to fold a bunch of that stuff back into
>> Taza instead..  all if which really is I think a discussion for
>> another thread.)
>> On Jan 19, 2:22 pm, Charley Baker  wrote:
>> > I'd be interested if you can take notes, which you might be planning
>> > already. :)
>> > Cheers,
>> > Charley
>> > On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:16 PM, Chuck van der Linden  
>> > wrote:
>> > > well it's not as if things were working that wonderfully so I'm not
>> > > too terribly concerned.
>> > > I made a snapshot of the VM just in case I want to roll it back.
>> > > just got back from lunch, so about to embark on the purge and re-
>> > > install.
>> > > On Jan 19, 12:06 pm, Charley Baker  wrote:
>> > >> I didn't have any problems updating, you can also use pik[1] to
>> > >> install 1.8.7 and work on that without disturbing your current
>> > >> installation. :)
>> > >> Charley Baker
>> > >> Lead Developer, Watir,
>> > >> [1] pik :
>> > >> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:57 PM, Chuck van der Linden 
>> > >>  wrote:
>> > >> > I'll give that a shot.   It might fix the other issue I'm having which
>> > >> > is an outright 'crash' of the ruby CLI which appears to be caused by
>> > >> > the OS thinking it's

[wtr-general] How to use IE#log() method

2011-01-20 Thread Ekin Han
Hi all,

I found that there is a method called log in IE class, how can I use this
method ?

Could you kindly give me some example codes?


Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

[wtr-general] How to use IE#log() function?

2011-01-20 Thread Ekin Han
hi all,

Could you kindly tell me how to use IE#log() function?

Could you send me some code?

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.