Re: [wtr-general] Safari Getting Table Cell Text

2011-12-08 Thread Željko Filipin
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Brad wrote:
 It seems like this should be working
 cell = @b.table(:class, user-table)[0][1] #getting row 0 cell 1
 puts cell.text

O have replied at SO:

-- - author

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[wtr-general] Re: Safari Getting Table Cell Text

2011-12-08 Thread Brad
Sorry I put down the wrong error message. I'm actually getting

scripter.rb:189:in `find_cell': uninitialized constant
Watir::JavaScripter::MissingWayOfFindingObjectException (NameError)

My code:

require 'rubygems'
require 'safariwatir'
@b =
cell = @b.table(:class, user-table)[0][1] #getting row 0 cell 1
puts cell.text

I followed all the instructions on this page

All of my gems are up to date.

Thanks for your help

On Dec 8, 4:49 am, Željko Filipin
 On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Brad wrote:
  It seems like this should be working
  cell = @b.table(:class, user-table)[0][1] #getting row 0 cell 1
  puts cell.text

 O have replied at SO:

 -- - author

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[wtr-general] Re: automate text in Frames Watir with HTML Document

2011-12-08 Thread Erna Tercero
Hello Chuck

When i comment the line with the script, then send_keys is the
problem, the thing is i am setting the same to test the CKEditor page,
and it works ok.

I think the problem is the way i am assigning the frame,
@browser.frame(:title  = 'Rich text editor, ckeditor1, press ALT 0
for help.').send_keys(hello world again)
unable to locate frame/iframe using {:title=Rich text editor,
ckeditor1, press ALT 0 for help.}

What I can tell you is that my Frames are inside a Form, and in every
frame i have my CKEditor (one in each frame).

Thank you, if you need some aditional information just let me know.

On 7 dic, 14:30, Chuck van der Linden wrote:
 What line of your code is causing the error?   is it the
 execute_script one, or the sendkeys?    if it's the first one, have
 you tried just using the second?

 There's a lot of potential problems that could cause this, including
 different javascript or method names depending on what version your
 devs are using vs what you were able to automate against on a sample
 site, and the various options that may be enabled for your editor
 (those things are highly configurable)

 If sendkeys works you may have to see if there is some way (either via
 a button, or keystrokes) to do a select all followed by delete
 (presuming there is content in the window to start with) and use
 sendkeys to send the content you need to the window.  a bit brute
 force but could potentially work.

 On Dec 6, 7:59 pm, Erna Tercero wrote:

  Ok I am back :(

  I found some interesting post in the WEB and i got into this:

  @browser.frame(:title, Rich text editor, CKeditor1, press ALT 0 for
  help.).send_keys hello world again

  Taken of a post about autamating CKEditor demo page, i can automate
  the page with no problem, so, when i try to implement something
  similar into my page is kind of complicated, in chrome i get this

  Timeout::Error (Timeout::Error)
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:146:in `rescue in rbuf_fill'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:140:in `rbuf_fill'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:122:in `readuntil'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:132:in `readline'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:2562:in `read_status_line'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:2551:in `read_new'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1319:in `block in
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1316:in `catch'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1316:in `transport_request'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1293:in `request'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1286:in `block in request'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:745:in `start'
  C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1284:in `request'

   in FF and IExplore i get this error:

  unknown error (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnexpectedJavascriptError)

  so i do not know much about java script, so, can you help me to see if
  i am implementing this right?

  this is my code:

  body onpageshow=null;event.persisted
     textarea id=CKEditor1 name=CKEditor1 style=visibility:
  hidden; display: none;/textarea
     span id=cke_CKEditor1 class=cke_skin_kama cke_editor_CKEditor1
  lang=en aria-labelledby=cke_CKEditor1_arialbl role=application
  title=  dir=ltr    onmousedown=return false;
     script type=text/javascript

  if you nedd a little more information let me know.

  Thank you for your attention and your time :D

  On 5 dic, 21:52, Erna Tercero wrote:

   Thank you a lot, i will be playing for a little with this component to
   see its behaivor, maybe i can set a string variable and send to it a
   html code, let you know the results.

   Thank you so much for your time. i'll keep in touch... :D

   On 5 dic, 15:40, Chuck van der Linden wrote:

Is this an example of the editor you are using?

If so you may need to deal with it by mostly using sendkeys to send
keystrokes to a given instance of H1 or P tag inside the main body..

Since this is a third party tool, you may also ask yourself how much
value you provide to your employer by testing code supplied by a third
party instead of focusing on other areas of the application

If your editor control has the 'source' button enabled that might make
it easier to deal with by clicking the span that contains that text
(it's not a button element, it just looks like one due to (I think) a
background image defined for the span)   on the demo page, switching
to 'source' mode replaces the wysiwyg editor with a text area control
that shows the actual HTML that was in the editor, which might be a
lot easier to set the contents of, then switch back.  (a valid way to

[wtr-general] Re: webdriver - find a window

2011-12-08 Thread Chuck van der Linden

On Dec 7, 4:41 pm, weimar wrote:
 Thanks = noop).should ==[] worked.

but with the title of your window I presume?  (yeah maybe silly to
ask, it's the tester in me.. never assume..)

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[wtr-general] Re: Watir Webdriver Performance Error

2011-12-08 Thread Chuck van der Linden
I would gladly test this on a few platforms but my selection of handy
test VM's is greatly reduced these days as I am no longer working for
an MS gold level partner where I had a beefy Hyper-v server hosting a
wide variety of Win client and server OS's (all under MSDN licenses).
The current employer uses a Linux/Rails platform on the server side,
so my VM system are limited to client OS's needed to test the webUI.
So unfortunately I can't go back and try this on Server2003 using
latest webdriver, IE9 etc.

I did look at it on Win7 with current versions of Webdriver and IE9
and got the same error as the OP, so I can assure you the current
behavior he's seeing is not limited to the server OS being used.
(although there is a fair bit of shared shell code between 2008 and

If there's anything more I can do to help, let me know

On Dec 7, 6:36 pm, @90kts wrote:
 Well it appears from the OP error that the return object
 of Browser#execute_script is a WebDriver::Element.. hence my code is
 failing as it expects a hash.

 I'm not sure why this is doing it on Win2K8 R2 with IE9, as I don't have
 that development platform... but it was tested on Win2K3 with IE9 as Chuck

 I could just raise an error like Jari suggested, but that won't help the
 outcome (getting navigation timings).

 We *could* just monkey patch the execute_script method, but before I do,
 Jari, is there a more elegant solution?

 module Watir
  class Browser
   def execute_script(script, *args)! { |e| e.kind_of?(Watir::Element) ? e.wd : e }
    obj = @driver.execute_script(script, *args)
    obj.each { |k,v| obj[k] = wrap_elements_in(v) }

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Re: [wtr-general] Re: Watir Webdriver Performance Error

2011-12-08 Thread Jari Bakken
On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 3:36 AM, @90kts wrote:

 Well it appears from the OP error that the return object
 of Browser#execute_script is a WebDriver::Element.. hence my code is
 failing as it expects a hash.

 I'm not sure why this is doing it on Win2K8 R2 with IE9, as I don't have
 that development platform... but it was tested on Win2K3 with IE9 as Chuck

 I could just raise an error like Jari suggested, but that won't help the
 outcome (getting navigation timings).

 We *could* just monkey patch the execute_script method, but before I do,
 Jari, is there a more elegant solution?

 module Watir
  class Browser
   def execute_script(script, *args)! { |e| e.kind_of?(Watir::Element) ? e.wd : e }
obj = @driver.execute_script(script, *args)
obj.each { |k,v| obj[k] = wrap_elements_in(v) }

Well, execute_script should already wrap instances of
Selenium::WebDriver::Element in Watir::Element, so I'm not sure how that is

I don't really see how the monkey patch would help (e.g. it would break any
script that doesn't return a Hash). Someone needs to get their hands on a
Windows box in order to solve this I think :)

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Re: [wtr-general] Re: Watir Webdriver Performance Error

2011-12-08 Thread Tim Koopmans
Yeah I agree RE non-hash return objects... I'l fire up a windows VM
this weekend and see if I can pinpoint what's being returned ... stay
tuned =)


On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 10:45 AM, Jari Bakken wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 3:36 AM, @90kts wrote:

 Well it appears from the OP error that the return object
 of Browser#execute_script is a WebDriver::Element.. hence my code is failing
 as it expects a hash.

 I'm not sure why this is doing it on Win2K8 R2 with IE9, as I don't have
 that development platform... but it was tested on Win2K3 with IE9 as Chuck

 I could just raise an error like Jari suggested, but that won't help the
 outcome (getting navigation timings).

 We *could* just monkey patch the execute_script method, but before I do,
 Jari, is there a more elegant solution?

 module Watir
  class Browser
   def execute_script(script, *args)! { |e| e.kind_of?(Watir::Element) ? e.wd : e }
    obj = @driver.execute_script(script, *args)
    obj.each { |k,v| obj[k] = wrap_elements_in(v) }

 Well, execute_script should already wrap instances of
 Selenium::WebDriver::Element in Watir::Element, so I'm not sure how that is

 I don't really see how the monkey patch would help (e.g. it would break any
 script that doesn't return a Hash). Someone needs to get their hands on a
 Windows box in order to solve this I think :)

 Before posting, please read In short: search
 before you ask, be nice.

 Before posting, please read In short: search
 before you ask, be nice.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

[wtr-general] Webdriver : when i have to grab the id using pattern match it fails for firefox

2011-12-08 Thread Bhavesh

I have to grab id's for some of the fileds by pattern matching,
because these are dynamic.

so to collect the id's, i go to source of that page and grab the id
like :

  $_ = $ie.html
  if /DIV class.*cell-inner.*id=(\S*).*dot.png.*#{fsname}/
  printIDInfo(FS ID, $1)

This is what i matched from the source generated when IE is opened.

Now im using WEbdriver to drive the watir script.

If i use this routine and execute the script on IE, it works well.
but if i chnage my driver to firefox, then it fails.

It is generous that it will fail, because the source generated in
firefox is different then IE, what i pattern matched.

So how cna i overcome this problem for webdriver?

Such that i can grab the id's using patern match and thne execute the
script in IE and firefox both.  Or even in Chrome.

Can someone help?


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