[wtr-general] Watir 3.0.rc1 breaks select_value of a select list

2012-01-18 Thread Michael
A heads up that I created a bug report about an issue we experienced
while testing our code with Watir 3.0.rc1.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Ie7 rich text editor issue

2012-01-18 Thread Chuck van der Linden
Sendkeys is not implemented at the level of the frame object in
Watir.  See 

On Jan 16, 6:28 pm, Joe Fl joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:

  I am working with IE7 and need to add a comment to rich text editor
  that is kept within a iframe.  My current code works with Firefox but
  when I run the same code against IE i get the following error message:

  api.rb:4: Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config.
  447:in `method_missing': undefined method `send_keys' for
  #Watir::Frame:0x12f65b8 (NoMethodError)
         from test_123.rb:37:in `main'

  Here is my code:
   #Add comment to Compose
     if @browser.frame(:id,roundtable_descriptionWidgIframe).exists?
             puts Option 1
  Comment #{txt_fld_data}
             puts Option 2
       @browser.frame(:title,/Rich text editor/).send_keys Comment

  Here is the HTML:
  span class=cke_browser_gecko role=presentation
  span class=cke_wrapper cke_ltr role=presentation
  table class=cke_editor cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0
  tr role=presentation style=-moz-user-select: none;
  tr role=presentation
  td id=cke_contents_roundtable_description class=cke_contents
  role=presentation style=height:200px
  iframe frameborder=0 allowtransparency=true tabindex=0 src=
  title=Rich text editor, roundtable_description, press ALT 0 for
  help. style=width:100%;height:100%
  html class=CSS1Compat lang=en dir=ltr
  tr role=presentation style=-moz-user-select: none;

  Thank you,

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: New Rich text editor in our web app

2012-01-18 Thread Chuck van der Linden
Normally you want the file installed on the filesystem of the virtual
machine.  Pick something that makes sense to you, most folks use a
directory that is 'close-by' to where they have their scripts, or
maybe a 'lib' directory off the root.  It's up to you.  You could do
something very similar to what you have on the mac and have a 'common'
directory below wherever your are storing the scripts

Then create an environment variable on the windows box called RUBYLIB
that points to that directory

On Jan 17, 6:49 am, Joe Fleck joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:
 So, my mac is set up with the files on it in this location
 Would I use relative path because on the Windows VM the path is not the same.

 On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Chuck van der Linden sqa...@gmail.com 

  I would only make a gem if you feel it would be of benefit to others

  RUBYLIB  is a name for an environment variable that tells ruby what
  directory to search when looking to find something you have a require
  statement for in the script.  If you have your own utility library
  that you are putting somewhere on the system, you just need to create
  that environment variable on the system, and point it to that
  directory and ruby should then find your stuff when you require it in
  the script.

  On Jan 12, 5:26 pm, Joe Fleck joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Chuck,

  The file and scripts are stored on github for our team to use.  I have
  pulled(clone) then down on to the windows VM.  If I make changes to
  that class and files I need to push them back up to github for the qa

  I still about 3 to 4 months new to Watir and Ruby so I haven't done a
  RUBYLIB.  I wonder if creating a gem with these would be a better

  What would I need to do for both?

  On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Chuck van der Linden sqa...@gmail.com 

   Meh just realised you gave me what I needed,,  Ignore the other

   Where is common/helpermethods installed?   is that your own utility
   library (and not a gem)

   You may need to establish a 'RUBYLIB' environment variable in the
   windows box (let me know if you don't know how to do that)  that
   points to the directory where you have that stuff.  I use c:\lib for
   that kind of thing, but hey whatever works for you.  avoid spaces
   unless you want to have to put stuff in quotes.  Remember its windows/
   dos and use a backslash and not slash (grin)

   On Jan 12, 7:54 am, Joe Fl joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:
   Sorry I setup a windows vm and the error above happens when I try and
   run the script.

   On Jan 12, 10:06 am, Joe Fl joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Chuck,

I have set myself up with VMware Fusion and brought down my scripts
and folders from github but how do I handle this?

`require': cannot load such file -- common/helper_methods (LoadError)
36:in `require'
        from add_multiple_share_members_types.rb:7:in `main'

Exit code: 1

Do I need to place the full path in the script?  I use a csv file for
input data in the app too.


# the rubygems
require rubygems

# the Watir webdriver controller
require watir-webdriver

require 'common/helper_methods'

#require 'discussion/generate_sharing_data'

require 'faster_csv'

helper = HelperMethods.new($browser)

#Call method to delete text from file
name_of_file = 'multi_add_discussion_headers.txt'

#Call method to delete text from file
name_of_file = 'multi_add_discussion_reusable_data.txt'

#Setting variable name with script name
script_name = File.basename(__FILE__,.rb)

Thank you,

On Jan 6, 7:51 pm, Chuck van der Linden sqa...@gmail.com wrote:

 well on a PC you can do that with either AutoIt, or Rautomation.   
 so sure with the mac (although someone else may be able to help)

 I'm learning to be a mac user after years with windows systems, but
 when it comes to running watir I just do it through VM's hosted on 
 mac for a number of reasons, so while I technically run watir or 
 webdriver on a mac, I'm not actually running it on OSX

 On Jan 6, 10:57 am, Joe Fleck joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:


  Thank you this was very helpful.  I do have VMWare fusion so I 
  begin using it to run my scripts.  I usually have this problem 
  developing my scripts.  I development them in Netbeams (6.0) and 
  them from there.  When you wrote this 'You
   may need to set focus to the browser window first.'  did you mean
  manually or is there a method that will do this?


[wtr-general] Re: watirgrid and watir-webdriver-performance together?

2012-01-18 Thread Chuck van der Linden
seems like maybe the watirgrid is not starting up stuff based on watir-
webdriver-performance since the method it thinks is missing is from
that version of watir, and would be 'missing' in ordinary watir or

but I'm not enough of an expert in watirgrid to help you beyond
stating the obvious thing you've probably already figured out.

On Jan 17, 7:06 am, Dan dfra...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is the error I get.

 GridIt.rb:40: undefined method `peformance' for #Watir::Browser:0x32cf5f8
 from C:/Users/wise-user-02/My Documents/Aptana Studio 3
 Workspace/YaleStockMarket/GridIt.rb:66:in `join'
 from C:/Users/wise-user-02/My Documents/Aptana Studio 3
 from C:/Users/wise-user-02/My Documents/Aptana Studio 3
 Workspace/YaleStockMarket/GridIt.rb:66:in `each'
 from C:/Users/wise-user-02/My Documents/Aptana Studio 3

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Watir with a remote desktop

2012-01-18 Thread Chuck van der Linden
I had thought that the current versions of Loadrunner were up on
current web tech, but it's been years since I used it.

If you are running windows servers, then the loadtest tools that come
with the 'ultimate' version of dev studio are generally the way to
go.  It does most of what loadrunner does (and more to some degree) in
that environment and is far more cost effective.  Great support too
via the msdn forums.

It's not practical to generate load using real browsers, it's also
generally not necessary since all the server see's are HTTP requests
anyway and can't really 'tell' if they are coming from a 'real
browser' or not.  Load tools also do a lot better job of instrumenting
the system under test and can tell you if a disk queue is overloaded,
a webserver is running out of memory, or any one out of hundreds of
performance counters is out of a 'healthy' zone.  In my experience
it's that data that is key to figuring out where the constraints are
so that the site can be improved to get to the performance levels

You could use watir to measure the page load time etc when the server
was under load, but in general a proper load tool, operating at the
protocol level is far superior to trying to simulate a browser
client.  Even with a headless browser I think I'd have a hard time
generating something like say oh 800 vusers worth of load from a
single box, which is usually pretty easy with LR or VSTS.  If you can
see it 'going over the wire' in http format, you can generally
simulate it with a good load tool. Usually it's mostly a matter of
figuring out how to simulate any processing the client side code might
be doing that actually affects what is sent over the wire. (most often
it's just UI magic, and the key is knowing what parameters to look for
and capture in the 'outbound' traffic from the server, so they can
take their proper place in the requests sent back by the 'client' in
subsequent requests.

Yes you might be able to do some of that using watir-webdriver in a
headless mode, but you would need to reinvent a lot of stuff such as
how to feed unique parameters to each vuser, how to monitor
transaction times and perf data, how to ramp up and ramp down load,
etc etc

On Jan 17, 9:03 am, Dan dfra...@gmail.com wrote:
 So, maybe it's not practical with real browsers to do performance testing
 with watir, but maybe it becomes more practical when you run the browser
 headless with watir-webdriver?  Where I am we use loadrunner, but we're
 finding it challenging to deal with apps written using gwt.  Obviously
 there's some nice metrics and reporting that come out of loadrunner, but
 for those cases where it's just not up to the technology like watir is,
 maybe it's a feasible option.

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Watir-webdriver seeing a null style attribute as display: none;

2012-01-18 Thread Chuck van der Linden
I would use a developer tool to backtrace the CSS rules for that
element.  The style could be coming from CSS rules.  That is
especially common for stuff that is displayed or hidden according to
mouse hover where that is controlled via a CSS psuedoclass

If that is the case, there was a .hover method recently added to watir-
webdriver in an attempt to address this, try firing that against the
method first, then see if you can click it.

On Jan 17, 1:09 pm, Abe Heward abe.hew...@gmail.com wrote:
 On a page I'm testing, I have a div that Firebug shows like this:

 div id=joinrequestbuttons_widget style=

 That div is a parent of a number of buttons that are displayed or hidden
 depending on circumstance.

 When I have watir-webdriver show me the HTML of that div, however, this is
 what it returns:

 div id=joinrequestbuttons_widget style=*display: none;*

 This is not good, because it means that all children of that div are seen
 as hidden, when they're actually not. I need to be able to click those

 Does the style= need to be explicitly made into style=display: block;
 for watir-webdriver to handle it correctly?

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Not able to select table data inside an table which is having no unique identity.

2012-01-18 Thread Chuck van der Linden
For the first three things you listed, I see nothing with 'reportType'
listed in the HTML you posted, so I have no idea what those are trying
to do.

For the the next three things you list, There's more than one table
row in that table with the class of item which would cause two of
those three to fail because they would be looking in the row wrapped
around the 'Summary' cell and thus unable to find within that row a
cell with text 'Detail'

However on the face of things, this one here should have worked.

$ie.table(:class, grid-btable).div(:class,
comboboxpp).td(:text, 'Detail').click

Knowing the exact error given for that one might be useful

Looking at the entire HTML are you sure that the 'grid-btable' class
is unique?  and that within that the class 'comboboxpp' is also
unique?   by the looks of the HTML you may have a lot of nested tables
there (I see two implicit and one inferred in the HTML you presented
so it may be that you are having an issue getting the right instance
of one of those.

an easy way to test for this is to try something like this from an IRB
prompt when you are on the right page

$ie.tables(:class, grid-btable).size

If there is only one, the size will be 1, if there's more than one,
then that could be your problem.

On Jan 17, 3:42 pm, Bhavesh bhavesh1_sha...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I have table, inside it i have table row, which interm have data
 [text] as Summary and Detail.

 Source code from IE is :

 TABLE class=grid-btable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=100%
 TBODY id=z_f2_rh
 TR class=grid  id=z_f2_sh style=BORDER-RIGHT: white 0px solid;
 BORDER-TOP: white 0px solid; BACKGROUND: white; BORDER-LEFT: white 0px
 solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: white 0px solid z.type=Grw z.rid=z_f2_4g
 TD class=gc id=z_f2_th!chdextr style=BORDER-RIGHT: white 0px solid;
 BORDER-TOP: white 0px solid; BACKGROUND: white; BORDER-LEFT: white 0px
 solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: white 0px solid z.type=Gcl
 DIV class=gc cell-inner  id=z_f2_th!cellSPAN id=z_f2_th
 style=WIDTH: 115pxName:/SPAN/DIV/TD
 TD class=gc id=z_f2_vh!chdextr style=BORDER-RIGHT: white 0px solid;
 BORDER-TOP: white 0px solid; BACKGROUND: white; BORDER-LEFT: white 0px
 solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: white 0px solid z.type=Gcl
 DIV class=gc cell-inner  id=z_f2_vh!cellINPUT class=text
 id=z_f2_vh style=WIDTH: 450px maxLength=100
 TD class=gc id=z_f2_uh!chdextr style=BORDER-RIGHT: white 0px solid;
 BORDER-TOP: white 0px solid; BACKGROUND: white; BORDER-LEFT: white 0px
 solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: white 0px solid z.type=Gcl
 DIV class=gc cell-inner  id=z_f2_uh!cellSPAN id=z_f2_uh
 style=WIDTH: 115px(Limit 100 characters)/SPAN/DIV/TD/TR
 TR class=grid odd id=z_f2_0i style=BORDER-RIGHT: white 0px solid;
 BORDER-TOP: white 0px solid; BACKGROUND: white; BORDER-LEFT: white 0px
 solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: white 0px solid z.type=Grw z.rid=z_f2_4g
 TD class=gc id=z_f2_1i!chdextr style=BORDER-RIGHT: white 0px solid;
 BORDER-TOP: white 0px solid; BACKGROUND: white; BORDER-LEFT: white 0px
 solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: white 0px solid z.type=Gcl
 DIV class=gc cell-inner  id=z_f2_1i!cellSPAN id=z_f2_1i
 style=WIDTH: 115pxType:/SPAN/DIV/TD
 TD class=gc id=z_f2_4i!chdextr style=BORDER-RIGHT: white 0px solid;
 BORDER-TOP: white 0px solid; BACKGROUND: white; BORDER-LEFT: white 0px
 solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: white 0px solid z.type=Gcl
 DIV class=gc cell-inner  id=z_f2_4i!cellSPAN class=combobox
 id=z_f2_4i z.type=zul.cb.Cmbox z.combo=trueINPUT
 class=comboboxinp readonly id=z_f2_4i!real readOnly value=Summary
 autocomplete=offSPAN class=rbtnbk id=z_f2_4i!btn style=PADDING-
 BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-TOP: 3px; POSITION: relative; TOP: 1pxIMG
 DIV class=comboboxpp id=z_f2_4i!pp style=DISPLAY: none tabIndex=-1

 TABLE id=z_f2_4i!cave cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0
 TR class=item id=z_f2_2i z.type=Cmit z.disd=false
 TR class=item id=z_f2_3i z.type=Cmit z.disd=false

 Im looking at last 8 lines.

 There is no name, class for this table.  only there is dynamic id

 I want to select text Detail: out of this combobox.

 Can someone help how can i do it.

 Im using watir webdriver.

 I tried like :

 $ie.table(:class, grid-btable).cell(:class = item, :text =

 $ie.input(:value, Summary).select(reportType)

 $ie.input(:value, Summary).select(reportType)

 $ie.table(:class, grid-btable).div(:class, comboboxpp).tr(:class,
 item).td(:text, Detail).click

  $ie.table(:class, grid-btable).div(:class, comboboxpp).td(:text,

 $ie.div(:class, comboboxpp).tr(:class, item).td(:text,

 But all failed with some or other error like not able to find element


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


Re: [wtr-general] Re: Watir-webdriver seeing a null style attribute as display: none;

2012-01-18 Thread bis
Is there any documentation about the hover method? i just went looking (its
pretty exciting for me) and i could not find it in the docs

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Chuck van der Linden sqa...@gmail.comwrote:

 I would use a developer tool to backtrace the CSS rules for that
 element.  The style could be coming from CSS rules.  That is
 especially common for stuff that is displayed or hidden according to
 mouse hover where that is controlled via a CSS psuedoclass

 If that is the case, there was a .hover method recently added to watir-
 webdriver in an attempt to address this, try firing that against the
 method first, then see if you can click it.

 On Jan 17, 1:09 pm, Abe Heward abe.hew...@gmail.com wrote:
  On a page I'm testing, I have a div that Firebug shows like this:
  div id=joinrequestbuttons_widget style=
  That div is a parent of a number of buttons that are displayed or hidden
  depending on circumstance.
  When I have watir-webdriver show me the HTML of that div, however, this
  what it returns:
  div id=joinrequestbuttons_widget style=*display: none;*
  This is not good, because it means that all children of that div are seen
  as hidden, when they're actually not. I need to be able to click those
  Does the style= need to be explicitly made into style=display: block;
  for watir-webdriver to handle it correctly?

 Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search
 before you ask, be nice.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Watir 3.0.rc1 breaks select_value of a select list

2012-01-18 Thread Chuck van der Linden
I note this change listed which might impact that

SelectList code rewritten, causing changes in its API

However I don't see much in the way of details.

Given that select_value is present in watir-webdriver I'm pretty sure
those changes did not include removing that method (nor did your error
indicate that is the case)

good to have the report.  This is why we have RC releases.

Seems like we might need some unit tests or rspecs to cover this
particular case.

On Jan 18, 11:59 am, Michael mmcwill...@gmail.com wrote:
 A heads up that I created a bug report about an issue we experienced
 while testing our code with Watir 3.0.rc1.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Watir-webdriver seeing a null style attribute as display: none;

2012-01-18 Thread Chuck van der Linden
That commit ( 
) was made after the most recent release, you'd have to pull from
github at https://github.com/watir/watir-webdriver and build locally.
Or wait for the next release which would include this commit.   pay
careful attention to the cases listed where it won't work.

I expect you'll see it in the rdoc once a new release is out (or if
you build locally)

On Jan 18, 2:45 pm, bis bis...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there any documentation about the hover method? i just went looking (its
 pretty exciting for me) and i could not find it in the docs

 On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Chuck van der Linden sqa...@gmail.comwrote:

  I would use a developer tool to backtrace the CSS rules for that
  element.  The style could be coming from CSS rules.  That is
  especially common for stuff that is displayed or hidden according to
  mouse hover where that is controlled via a CSS psuedoclass

  If that is the case, there was a .hover method recently added to watir-
  webdriver in an attempt to address this, try firing that against the
  method first, then see if you can click it.

  On Jan 17, 1:09 pm, Abe Heward abe.hew...@gmail.com wrote:
   On a page I'm testing, I have a div that Firebug shows like this:

   div id=joinrequestbuttons_widget style=

   That div is a parent of a number of buttons that are displayed or hidden
   depending on circumstance.

   When I have watir-webdriver show me the HTML of that div, however, this
   what it returns:

   div id=joinrequestbuttons_widget style=*display: none;*

   This is not good, because it means that all children of that div are seen
   as hidden, when they're actually not. I need to be able to click those

   Does the style= need to be explicitly made into style=display: block;
   for watir-webdriver to handle it correctly?

  Before posting, please readhttp://watir.com/support. In short: search
  before you ask, be nice.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Hard to get to link

2012-01-18 Thread mdwin01
Thank you, John.

I actually fat fingered something..
ie.link(:text, Map).href
works just fine.

I was thinking that it I had to daisy chain more elements to find what
I was looking for, which is the case if there are forms found on a
specific page, etc.

Have a great day!

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.
