[wtr-general] Re: Modal dialog present: A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.

2013-07-23 Thread Alex Shtayer

Have you tried things mentioned here: 

If you have any JS alerts you need to handle them using methods mentioned 
in provided page or you will always get UnhandledAlertException. Such 
methods should be used immediately after code/action that calling alert, 

Javascript alert appeared here

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[wtr-general] Re: Possible element.click bug

2013-07-23 Thread Alex Shtayer

It is just idea, because I have a lot of issues due that. When you do:
$b.li(:id,'ctl00_AddMenu').hover action, so correct item is hovered, right?I 
mean Menu1 is become active

But then, when you do $b.li(:id, 'ctl00_AddAssetFolderMenuItem').click, 
menu2 become active and wrong element is clicked
From user perspective it looks like mouse cursor moved on wrong menu item

If so, you can play with next javascript events, it helps me sometime:
$b.li(:id, 'ctl00_AddAssetFolderMenuItem').click


$b.li(:id, 'ctl00_AddAssetFolderMenuItem').click

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[wtr-general] [watir-webdriver] enablePersistentHover capability access

2013-07-22 Thread Alex Shtayer
Hi folks

Does somebody know how to access capabilities from 
https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/DesiredCapabilities page?

I am able to access capabilities only from first three tables:
require 'watir-webdriver'
caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.ie
= #Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities:0x2617ce0 
_name=internet explorer, :version=, :platform=:windows, 
ed=false, :css_selectors_enabled=true, :takes_screenshot=true, 
=false, :rotatable=false, :firefox_profile=nil, :proxy=nil}

But what about any other (for example specific for IE)?

I have tried different version of selenium-webdriver gem (and of course 
newer than 2.26) without any luck


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[wtr-general] Re: Re-run mechanism for cucumber+watir-webdriver

2013-03-26 Thread Alex Shtayer
Thanks Željko, but I knew about that. Sorry, but I formed my question not 
in right way.

cucumber -f rerun statement will create only list of failed test cases, but 
I need to be able to configure that process, for example add initialization 
step (e.g. login into app) to that list.

Proposed solution just perfect and what I actually needed except mentioned 
thing. Could we use tags or something for this purpose to say always put 
some steps to that rerun file?

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[wtr-general] Re-run mechanism for cucumber+watir-webdriver

2013-03-25 Thread Alex Shtayer
Hi guys

Does somebody using any re-run mechanisms for failed test cases 
(not Continuous Integration approach)?

I need something like this:

Feature File

Scenario 1: Login
Given something

Scenario 2: Go_somewhere
Given something


Some scenario failed after execution

Create batch file

Put here: cucumber feature_file_name.feature:3:6:12:20 (where numbers are 
line numbers of failed test cases)
cucumber feature_file_name.feature:Login:Go_somewhere: 

Thanks a lot in advance,

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[wtr-general] Re: [watir-webdriver] how to manage timeout for after click event

2013-03-22 Thread Alex Shtayer
Solution worked like a charm.

Thanks Dan for it

Regarding delays, yes you absolutely right and I also think that is 
unacceptable, but I can't do anything, because I just must to run 
automation scripts on cheaper devices. Customers have much expensive ones:)

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[wtr-general] Re: Browser resize on watir-classic.

2013-03-22 Thread Alex Shtayer
Before going on watir-webdriver, I was using autoit for these operations. 
There are some other solutions, but in total you can't do that using only 
watir methods

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[wtr-general] Re: Unable to select the radiobutton and also unable to detect the iFrame

2013-03-22 Thread Alex Shtayer
yes, you need such intermediate things only if you have two iframes with 
absolutely same attributes

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[wtr-general] Re: Watir Webdriver Logger

2013-03-22 Thread Alex Shtayer
Just a suggestion

I like to use log4r gem for all logging procedures, of course mixing with 
cucumber. It is pretty simple library that has everything that is needed 
with all these levels and outputters type of things.


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[wtr-general] [watir-webdriver] how to manage timeout for after click event

2013-03-20 Thread Alex Shtayer
Hi guys
I have next situation: When I click on one of buttons in my application, 
page is loading for more than two minutes and raise exception inside of 
watir-webdriver click method.
Obviously any waiters (like wait_until something) will not help in this 
situation, because exception is raised after event, not before action.
Code is simple:
browser.button(:type, submit).click
 browser.button(:type, submit).wait_until_present.click
C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:140:in `rescue in rbuf_fill': 
Timeout::Error (Timeout::Error)
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:134:in `rbuf_fill'
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:116:in `readuntil'
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:126:in `readline'
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:2219:in 
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:2208:in `read_new'
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1191:in 
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1177:in `request'
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1170:in `block in 
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:627:in `start'
from C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1168:in `request'
mote/http/default.rb:82:in `response_for'
mote/http/default.rb:38:in `request'
mote/http/common.rb:40:in `call'
mote/bridge.rb:598:in `raw_execute'
mote/bridge.rb:576:in `execute'
mote/bridge.rb:358:in `clickElement'
mmon/element.rb:54:in `click'
element.rb:131:in `click'

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[wtr-general] Re: [watir-webdriver] how to manage timeout for after click event

2013-03-20 Thread Alex Shtayer
Great. Thanks Dan, I will try that solution

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[wtr-general] Re: newbie question cucumber-watir

2013-03-19 Thread Alex Shtayer
Have you tried to use waiters or delays?

Something like:
 @browser.text_field(:name = 'j_username').wait_until_present

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[wtr-general] Re: how to click button from nested divs

2013-03-19 Thread Alex Shtayer
I don't think that problem in fact that div is nested, but more that click 
event is not working as it should


browser.button(:id, *btnAddNewCustomer*).fire_event(onclick)
browser.button(:id, *btnAddNewCustomer*).fire_event(onmousedown)
browser.button(:id, *btnAddNewCustomer*).send_keys :enter
browser.button(:id, *btnAddNewCustomer*).click
browser.button(:id, *btnAddNewCustomer*).click
to see whether problem in click action

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[wtr-general] Re: Unable to click OK confirm popup

2013-03-19 Thread Alex Shtayer
Provide more of your code like where you put mentioned statements

Have you tried the same things from irb?

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[wtr-general] Re: Element is not clickable at point

2013-03-18 Thread Alex Shtayer
try element.fire_event(onclick) or element.fire_event(onmousedown) or 
element.send_keys :enter instead element.click

second, it can be absolutely okay that you are not able to click that 
button if it under another container. Why automation should able click if 
you physically can't do that?

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[wtr-general] Re: Watir Webdriver Zoom

2013-03-18 Thread Alex Shtayer
hmm, as far as I know watir-webdriver gives an immediate exception if you 
run application using non-default(not 100%) zoom, so my only suggestion 
that high zooom and UI looks bigger icon and buttons etc is normal and 
actual/required zoom is not normal :)

Just reset your browser zoom settings and it should work

And also browse that forum, as far as I remember that question was raised 
here before

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[wtr-general] Re: How to zoom out web app using watir

2013-03-18 Thread Alex Shtayer
You can't do that as watir-webdriver kindly gives you exception.

And that's just SUPER as watir in the past just running the scripts without 
any errors and in result days can be wasted until someone noticed that we 
had zoom 105% :)

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[wtr-general] Re: Selecting values in 2 ndDropdown Issue in Watir-WebDriver

2013-03-11 Thread Alex Shtayer
Please provide select list tags for second list as you provided for the 
first one

I have only one suggestion at that moment. Probably, you have two select 
lists with the same id (MainContent_drpMake) and watir-webdriver taken 
first of them that it faced in DOM and that list does not contain ACURA 

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[wtr-general] Re: Wait method execute_script in watir-webdriver

2013-03-08 Thread Alex Shtayer

Why don't you just wait for all elements that you need to use for your 
execute_script method and only after that call it?


browser.element(:attribute, attribute_value).when_present?

after that call your method

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[wtr-general] Re: Jquery+Watir problem with file_field

2013-03-08 Thread Alex Shtayer

 b.button(:value, Submit).click

Some not so smart ideas :):
 b.button(:value, Submit).fire_event(onclick)
b.button(:value, Submit).fire_event(onmousedown)

or between these two actions
b.file_field(:id, messageFile).set(@messagePath)
b.button(:value, Submit).click
try to do some another action (click somewhere or something) to set focus 
out from file field

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[wtr-general] Re: Need code snipet

2013-03-08 Thread Alex Shtayer
But if original window will be closed, so probably you will get an 
immediate error and will not be able to do
browser.window(:title = annoying popup).use do
because browser instance will not be initialized anymore
but at least try Željko suggestion

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[wtr-general] Re: Custom report system for cucumber+watir-webdriver

2013-03-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
Yes, mostly I am speaking about HTML reports generated by Cucumber, but 
absolutely custom (so I can add some extra information like time, build 
number) and nice looking.

I have created something like this, but information:

Scenario name Pass
Scenario name Fail

on white background looks like a crap in 2013 :)

So I am asking, maybe someone created nice looking HTML report system for 
trivial cases and can share the details

One more thing. Is it possible to create re-run mechanism for failed test 
cases easily? Something like batch file that will contain cucumber 
Feature_File_name:Failed_scenario_1:Failed_Scenario_2 and etc

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[wtr-general] Re: Issue Clicking JQuery Rendered Buttons

2013-03-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
I have a lot experience in automating JQuery+Watir and can assure you that 
DOM tree can be different for IE and Firefox representations

So could you please check DOM using Firebug in Firefox to make sure that:
div class=ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfixdiv 
class=ui-dialog-buttonsetbutton class=ui-button ui-widget 
ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only type=button 
role=buttonspan class=ui-button-text

has the same appearance?

That OK button can be inside of something really different

also you can try, just to check that button can be pressed:
browser.button(:class, ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all 
but I think that button can have another class in Firefox

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[wtr-general] Re: Watir-webdriver and Ruby 2.0.0 - known compatabilty issues?

2013-03-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
Do you have any reasons to move on Ruby 2.0?

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[wtr-general] Re: Segmentation fault

2013-03-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
I would also strongly recommend log4r gem as it is really good tool for 
logging.It has really nice outputter types and log levels.


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[wtr-general] Re: Jquery+Watir problem with file_field

2013-03-06 Thread Alex Shtayer

Hmm, strange

Could you perform mentioned steps manually? Is everything work as it 
should? (without any file clearing from select window)?

Did you try to put static delay just for test purpose to see that 
functionality works properly? (like sleep 10)

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[wtr-general] Re: how to install cucumber in windows xp sp3

2013-03-05 Thread Alex Shtayer
try command

gem update

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[wtr-general] Custom report system for cucumber+watir-webdriver

2013-03-05 Thread Alex Shtayer
Just curious, maybe someone was working before to create nice looking and 
informative reports for cucumber+watir-webdriver scripts.

Not just (because it is not customizable or not so easy to customize):
*cucumber featurename.feature --format html --out report.html --format 
And not for continuous integration systems like Jenkins or Hudson

Something standalone

Any links, ideas, pieces of code will be really helpful

Thanks in advance

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[wtr-general] Re: Drag and drop on Win7+IE9

2013-02-27 Thread Alex Shtayer

It depends not even on position, but whether mouse cursor is physically 
located inside of browser window, so if I for example have not maximized 
window and cursor is situated somewhere (no matter where) but not in 
browser window - everything works properly

I appreciate any help


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[wtr-general] Re: Drag and drop on Win7+IE9

2013-02-27 Thread Alex Shtayer
Hi Joe

Thanks for suggestion. I did not do that before, but I just have tried to 
click and it doesn't help to drag and drop

Strange, because everything works just perfect for Win8+IE10 and WinXP+IE8. 
And, of course it works from irb (for Win7+IE9), because mouse concentrated 
on CMD, not on browser
If that was single case, I would not post here, but it is like 60 cases 
failing due this issue. I am using last watir-webdriver gem and tried three 
different versions of driver.


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[wtr-general] Re: Drag and drop on Win7+IE9

2013-02-27 Thread Alex Shtayer

I can see how necessary controls (what should be dragged and that where it 
should be dragged) just blurring (selected for a second).

Here is an example that I use for testing:
  browser.span(:text, ext-core).double_click
  browser.span(:text, debug.js).drag_and_drop_on(browser.span(:text, 
  browser.span(:text, util).drag_and_drop_on(browser.span(:text, 

I can provide more examples if necessary

Only Win7+IE9

Thanks for any help,

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[wtr-general] Re: Segmentation fault

2013-02-19 Thread Alex Shtayer
Could you put more information?
Your OS, fileutil gem version and etc

Have you tried different ruby and gem versions?

I can see something similar, but very old and on linux:

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[wtr-general] Re: Do Watir scripts run in selenium

2013-02-17 Thread Alex Shtayer
If we speak from code similarities prospective: 
watir scripts can work on watir-webdriver (sometimes with some code 
changes), but if you mean selenium, so probably no, because watir and 
selenium have completely different syntax.

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[wtr-general] Re: Serious memory leaks on IE9 and IE10 for watir-webdriver

2013-02-14 Thread Alex Shtayer
Nope, Firefox 3.6.x, Firefox 15 and IE8 are okay. But for these two 
browsers I can see that memory increased for each action (click and etc) on 
10-15 mb

Have you tested something on IE9IE10?

Regarding defect (something the same as I have):

Regarding example (comment 16 from that defect):

Very simple script (no matter what language you will use, can be adopted on 

for i in range(1000):
el = driver.find_element_by_xpath(//input[@name='q'])

I understand that this thread/group can be not related to webdriver core 
itself, but anyway I want to try my luck here

Appreciate any help

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[wtr-general] Re: Data driven testing using watir-classic v 3.0.0

2013-02-14 Thread Alex Shtayer
I would propose to use something more simpler than excel like structured 
text file or xml (or some RDBMS), but if your case is simple enough and 
such functionality will be used only once, so I prefer to use xml

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Re: [wtr-general] Re: Serious memory leaks on IE9 and IE10 for watir-webdriver

2013-02-14 Thread Alex Shtayer
As far I understand that thread:
is selenium/webdriver bug tracker system

So if I create the same defect, it will be just duplicated

On Thursday, February 14, 2013 12:07:52 PM UTC+2, Željko Filipin wrote:

 On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Alex Shtayer asht...@gmail.comjavascript:

 I understand that this thread/group can be not related to webdriver core 
 itself, but anyway I want to try my luck here

 Why don't you report the problem in selenium/webdriver bug tracker?


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Re: [wtr-general] Re: Serious memory leaks on IE9 and IE10 for watir-webdriver

2013-02-14 Thread Alex Shtayer

 Are you closing browser after each case? 

 Yes. Code: https://github.com/wikimedia/qa-browsertests


Are you able access that link?

Because I get 'This repository is temporarily unavailable.' message

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[wtr-general] Re: Serious memory leaks on IE9 and IE10 for watir-webdriver

2013-02-14 Thread Alex Shtayer
Thanks Željko for providing all this information

You give me some nice ideas

Probably, I will need to think about closing browser after each case which 
will be very hard to do due my code not so nice as yours and it is created 
in such way that it will be mostly impossible to do

Need to read Cucumber Book for some possible solutions:)

Thanks once more

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Re: [wtr-general] Re: Serious memory leaks on IE9 and IE10 for watir-webdriver

2013-02-14 Thread Alex Shtayer
Thanks a lot. Without you I will play with all of this for weeks

I am sorry, but last question (pretty off topic)

Do we have any alternative for background keyword, but vice verse? I mean 
not for pre-initialization, but for post-execution

I know about hooks:
After do |scenario|

But due of project structure it possibly will not work for me(not sure 
right now)

I need to run one scenario before each one (will use background) and one 
after each scenario. How do you think, is it possible to do?

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[wtr-general] Re: Data driven testing using watir-classic v 3.0.0

2013-02-14 Thread Alex Shtayer
Yes, I agree. For such kind of tasks yaml will be much better, sorry forgot 
about that. I use xml for configuration file purpose (it seems more logical 
for me), but for some input data ranges, it is better to use yaml

On Thursday, February 14, 2013 4:01:30 PM UTC+2, Dan wrote:

 yaml is a good option as well, and much easier to use with Ruby than xml.

 On Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:09:04 AM UTC-5, Alex Shtayer wrote:

 I would propose to use something more simpler than excel like structured 
 text file or xml (or some RDBMS), but if your case is simple enough and 
 such functionality will be used only once, so I prefer to use xml

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[wtr-general] Serious memory leaks on IE9 and IE10 for watir-webdriver

2013-02-13 Thread Alex Shtayer
After some test cases executed (only 5-10 minutes of execution which is not 
enough for any memory overflow from any point of view) I am getting

  No connection could be made because the target machine actively 
refused it
. - connect(2) (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)
  C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:644:in `initialize'
  C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:644:in `open'
  C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:644:in `block in connect'
  C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/timeout.rb:44:in `timeout'
  C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/timeout.rb:87:in `timeout'
  C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:644:in `connect'
  C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:637:in `do_start'
  C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:626:in `start'
  C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1168:in `request'


In task manager I can see that 1.5 Gb of RAM is already consumed

No matter what test suite and what functionality I am testing

I reviewed all the threads and even issue tracking system (there is some 
kind of this defect, but no update here), so mostly sure that I do 
not duplicate posts.

Is there any way to fix that except closing IE after each action? (it will 
be very time consuming to re-implement everything). Everything works fine 
with watir, but not on watir-webdriver

I really appreciate any help here!

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[wtr-general] Re: Serious memory leaks on IE9 and IE10 for watir-webdriver

2013-02-13 Thread Alex Shtayer
Sorry, forget to add:

1. ruby 1.9.2p180
2. watir-webdriver (0.6.2)
3. InternetExplorerDriver server (32-bit)

But was reproducible on and too

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[wtr-general] Re: watir, watir-webdriver, watir-classic: history and current state?

2013-02-08 Thread Alex Shtayer
but Watir classic is still only for Internet Explorer or something changed?

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[wtr-general] Re: Partial match on element id

2013-02-08 Thread Alex Shtayer

using regular expressions
browser.link(:id, /.*1234.*/)

or xpaths
browser.link(:xpath, //a[contains(@id,'1234')]))

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[wtr-general] Re: how cucumber finds html ids - via DOM or by parsing html code ?

2013-02-08 Thread Alex Shtayer
I know more about the difference between watir (not classic) and 

for simple addressing cases like browser.link(:id, 'blah') I do not see any 
difference in performance or even watir-webdriver works MUCH faster, but 
for really complex DOMs and complex addressing like browser.frame(:id, 
someregexp).link(:id, someregexp) I can see great performance degradation 
in comparison with watir. I have cases (in complex situations) when 
watir-webdriver click on single button 5 minutes or so.

Maybe, it is just due some of my applications and it is not a general case, 
but I recommend to look at first what thing do you want to automate. If 
your application is really complex (I mean with complex DOM), I would 
prefer to look on Watir classic, but if you application not some Enterprise 
level and just simple web site (without sub-sub-sub frames), so I prefer 

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[wtr-general] Re: how to set focus on a popup window and continue work in popup window as a Current window in WATIR

2013-02-08 Thread Alex Shtayer
Did you get some error? It will be informative if you provide some 
exception or something rather than 'it is not working'

Hmm, not sure how such statement can work at all: popup = 
$browser.attach($browser.link(:url, $browser.link(:url, 

.attach method is more used to attach to existing instances of browser, not 
to Javascript alerts
*Watir*::IE.*attach*(:title, Google)

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[wtr-general] Re: Partial match on element id

2013-02-08 Thread Alex Shtayer

If I understand your question correctly, so both of my examples are given 
for string case (not for numbers or something) as all DOM values that we 
get are strings by default

or did you mean how you can use variable instead exact number?
you can try something like:
browser.link(:id, /.*#{num1}.*/)
such statement should pass variable value directly to your expression

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[wtr-general] Re: Partial match on element id

2013-02-08 Thread Alex Shtayer
yes, that's right. just used to that style :)

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[wtr-general] Re: how to set focus on a popup window and continue work in popup window as a Current window in WATIR

2013-02-07 Thread Alex Shtayer

Željko provided good link, but probably that approach works only for 

For Watir:
- If that popup window is usual modal window, so you can work with it 
through .attach method
- If that popup window is Javascript pop-up, so you do not have any way to 
do that, except using other libraries like AutoIT, Sikuli or JavaScript 
itself. Please, refer to:

Also refer to:

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[wtr-general] Re: watir-webdriver href javascript

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
What do you mean by automate? How to click on the element?

You can use usual method like:
browser.link(:text, Select).click
or if due any reason click method does not work:
browser.link(:text, Select).fire_event(onclick)
browser.link(:text, Select).fire_event(onmousedown)

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 11:11:52 AM UTC+2, mc060200778 wrote:


 how would you automate following Javascript link in watir-webdriver?



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[wtr-general] Re: help please

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer

Maybe, you can try
browser.div(:*id, idDiv_PWD_UsernameExample*).send_keys blah-blah
browser.div(:*id, idDiv_PWD_UsernameExample*).click
browser.send_keys blah-blah

That solution works for me perfectly (for text in divs)

On Saturday, February 2, 2013 8:19:11 PM UTC+2, mc060200778 wrote:


 my question is how to set value in the textbox with following html code 

 *div id=idDiv_PWD_UsernameExample class=placeholder ltr_override 
 aria-hidden=true style=cursor: text;som...@example.com javascript:

 @browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome 
 @browser.div(:id = idDiv_PWD_UsernameExample).set 

 @browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome 
 @browser.text_field(:id = idDiv_PWD_UsernameExample).set (
 te...@test.com javascript:)

 @browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome 
 @browser.div(:class = *placeholder ltr_override*).set 

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[wtr-general] Re: Getting constant net/protocol.rb:140:in `rescue in rbuf_fill': Timeout::Error exception for Watir-webdriver after couple hours of use

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
The same exception we get when IEDriver is not installed at all, so does 
anybody has situation when driver stopped to respond or hanged up?

It should be reproducible whether you have more or less complex test suite

On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 1:27:16 PM UTC+2, Alex Shtayer wrote:

 1. ruby 1.9.2p180
 2. watir-webdriver (0.6.2)
 3. InternetExplorerDriver server (32-bit)

 I am running usual functional tests (that worked perfectly on usual 
 watir), so it is almost 100% no dependencies on what I test, but more what 
 I use for testing.
 Issue can be reproduced on FF too, not only on IE, but on IE more 

 That exception usually occurs in random places and usually after couple of 
 hours running the script.
 If I close the browser frequently, so issue reproduced more rarely, but 
 still reproduce

 I really need your help in that and maybe someone already faced it and 
 know the solution.

 Big,big thanks in advance

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Re: [wtr-general] input type=image

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer

Input is a parent class for all inputs (like buttons, checkboxes, 
text_fields and etc), so if you can't use any sub-class of elements due you 
input is a special one (like *input type=image*), you can use just 
browser.input and watir will look for all inputs (buttons, checkboxes, 
unusual and etc) through whole DOM till it match provided attribute 
(:value=Add New Customer)

On Monday, February 4, 2013 3:30:24 PM UTC+2, mc060200778 wrote:

 Perfect Joe, its amazingly working now.
 Now my question is: *how do you know to user @browser.input?*

 The following page does not tells anything to use image as an input


 On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Joe Fleck joefl...@gmail.comjavascript:

 Hi Sohail,

 I would treat it as a input.

 @browser.input(:value=Add New Customer).click

 Or any of the above.


 On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Sohail Mirza mrz...@gmail.comjavascript: 
  if i am not wrong, the following URL tells to record it as a button.
  Am i missing some important point here?
  On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Oscar Rieken 
  well its an image and you are telling watir to look for a button
  On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 8:15 AM, Sohail Mirza 
  i have following html code for input type image
  input type=image src=/MyTestDemo/Images/add.png value=Add New
  Customer data-bind=visible: IsAddAllowed,click: 
  How can i perform click event on above?
  i am trying the following but failing
  @browser.button(:class = ui-button).click
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[wtr-general] Re: .attach method

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
Actually you can. And without any problem through usual
browser.window(:title=Browser title).use do

or even to sub-window
browser.window(:title=Browser title).use do
  browser.window(:title=Browser title).use do
browser.window(:title=Browser title).use do

If we speak about alerts and etc, so it is separate API:

On Saturday, February 2, 2013 6:45:56 PM UTC+2, Jim Evans wrote:

 You don't. The WebDriver API doesn't support attaching to an existing 
 browser yet, so watir-webdriver can't provide this functionality either. 
 Additionally, a large use case for attaching to an existing browser window 
 is in manipulating popup browser windows[1], and WebDriver does provide a 
 Window API for that purpose. How watir-webdriver exploits that API, I 
 couldn't say.


 [1] Disclaimer: I don't mean to suggest that there aren't other use cases 
 for the .attach method, or that popup windows are the most important use 
 case for that API, or even that it's the use case you're trying to solve. 
 I'm just presenting the state of things as they are in WebDriver. Patches, 
 as always, gratefully received.

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[wtr-general] Re: How to run watir script onan already opened Chrome Browser

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer

On watir through .attach method
on watir-webdriver through browser.window(title).use

On Friday, February 1, 2013 6:19:27 PM UTC+2, mc060200778 wrote:


 I wanted to know How to run watir script on an already opened Chrome 
 I dont want to open new Chrome Instance. THe web application is already 
 openened in Chrome and i just want to run the script.

 Thanks for comments


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[wtr-general] Re: Unable to acces text_field inside a frame coz of some #document tag in the HTML.

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer

Okay, so provide HTML that you see in IE developer tool

= true

so, maybe you have one more sub frame?

but it is really not good (it seems that frame is empty or what)
NoMethodError: unknown property or method: `body'

In any case, we need more details

On Monday, January 28, 2013 1:59:41 PM UTC+2, Deepak Kumar wrote:

 I am using IE developer and also tried developer tool of chrome also :(

 On Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:08:33 PM UTC+5:30, Deepak Kumar wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I am trying to access a text_field of page.HTML format is as follows

  iframe name=centent src=homepage.jsp 
*  #document*
   html slick-uniqueid = 1 
 script --/script
 div id = headerHome
  div class=utilityNavHome id=utilityNavHome
 form name = 'validateDealer'

 i tried through IRB and tried to us flash() function but can only use the 
 function on Iframe tag after that i am not able to acess any element.
 Is #document creating a problem.

 Thanks  regards
 Deepak Kumar

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[wtr-general] Re: How to handle download bar in IE 9

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
I automate such kind of things through AutoIT due pop-ups are not usual 
window and cannot be attached or something

On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 8:32:27 AM UTC+3, Agung Surya wrote:


 I'm having a problem regarding access the new pop up in IE 9 using Watir
 This pop up regarding the save or open pop up that like a tab in the 
 bottom of the page.
 Could some one please share the steps to access those button?(Open, save 
 as, and cancel button)

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[wtr-general] Re: watir, watir-webdriver, watir-classic: history and current state?

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
General impression:
I created hundreds of cases for different functionality (in some cases 
really complex one) on watir classic and firewatir. After that I spent last 
six months to migrate everything on one platform (watir-webdriver) as it 
helps me keep code for all browsers much more maintainable and in the same 
way. (we don't need all this firefox plug-ins and etc). Also I love new way 
of handling pop-ups in watir-webdriver, so I finally get rid all AutoIT 
code and have pure watir code.
As for me, watir-webdriver works MUCH more reliable than watir for small 
cases (I do not see any random things), but for long runs I see some 
crashes that I cannot debug in any way due the driver itself (.exe, so 
black box for me). So if you do not see any issues with driver, I will 
recommend to use watir-webdriver

Is it true that watir-webdriver has improved significantly in the past 12 
I know only for last 6 months, but yes. As for me - as Željko said 'Not 
sure if I would say significantly, but I would say it has improved'

The true motivation for watir-classic:
If you have all your code on watir and you don't want to migrate it. As 
watir-webdrvier completely differently interacts with elements in 
comparison with watir, you will need to work a lot for such migration. Even 
the syntax is similar, it doesn't mean that your code will work. For 
example, my watir code can click on elements that are not visible (like 
directly through DOM), but watir-webdriver will definitely crash and etc.

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[wtr-general] Re: Unable to find the chromedriver executable

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer
Once more

Download and copy mentioned file for example in:

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[wtr-general] Re: Problems with Select Lists in my application

2013-02-06 Thread Alex Shtayer

Refer to:

I am using solution #9 for more than 3 years and it works just fine

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[wtr-general] Getting constant net/protocol.rb:140:in `rescue in rbuf_fill': Timeout::Error exception for Watir-webdriver after couple hours of use

2013-02-05 Thread Alex Shtayer
1. ruby 1.9.2p180
2. watir-webdriver (0.6.2)
3. InternetExplorerDriver server (32-bit)

I am running usual functional tests (that worked perfectly on usual watir), 
so it is almost 100% no dependencies on what I test, but more what I use 
for testing.
Issue can be reproduced on FF too, not only on IE, but on IE more frequently

That exception usually occurs in random places and usually after couple of 
hours running the script.
If I close the browser frequently, so issue reproduced more rarely, but 
still reproduce

I really need your help in that and maybe someone already faced it and know 
the solution.

Big,big thanks in advance

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