Re: [wtr-general] watir on Windows XP Pro Sp3 doesn't work

2013-01-03 Thread Daniel Berger
I didn't know this until recently. It seems _get_errno is available on 
Windows XP, but isn't actually an exported function on that runtime. Phooey.

I'll probably have to replace it with FFI.errno (aka GetLastError) for XP 
but it will be potentially inaccurate error information.



On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:28:33 AM UTC-6, Jarmo Pertman wrote:
> I'm wondering if the author of win32-process gem is aware of this issue 
> already? If some of you could take some time and create an issue under 
> - that would be awesome 
> :)
> I'm not on win xp and can't reproduce it.
> Jarmo Pertman
> -
> IT does really matter -
> On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:43:15 AM UTC+3, pranay bhagde wrote:
>> Down grading the win32-processes to 0.6.5 really works thanks a lot.
>> On Saturday, 8 September 2012 03:19:04 UTC+5:30, Željko Filipin wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Emanuele Mandaglio  
>>> wrote:
>>> > ffi (1.1.5)
>>> > 
>>> C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/watir-classic-3.1.0/lib/watir-classic/browser.rb:89:in
>>> `eval': Function '_get_errno' not found in [msvcrt.dll] (FFI::NotFoundError)
>>> This looks like a problem with ffi gem. We had problems with that gem 
>>> before. Try upgrading or downgrading the gem. Let us know if you do not 
>>> know how to do that.
>>> Željko
>>> --

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

[wtr-general] Re: Gem Recall Notice: win32-api

2009-02-27 Thread Daniel Berger

On Feb 13, 10:19 am, Bret Pettichord  wrote:
> For some background on this problem, please see Daniels recent 
> statement.

To make matters worse, Charley Baker has spotted a problem with Hoe
causing Rubygems to download the wrong precompiled binary:

Well, ok. So I've figured out how to reproduce it, seems it's hoe that
actually causing an issue.
- create a basic gemspec do |s|

s.add_dependency 'user-choices'  #could be any hoe generated gem
s.add_dependency 'win32-process', '>=0.5.5'

- build the gem
- install it

When it tries install the win32-api library it grabs the wrong
version. Add the dependency later and it works for this basic example,
but I'm assuming dependencies might not be ordered, since in the
actual Watir gemspec, we have a dependency on common-watir after the
win32 dependency calls; common watir is built with hoe as are some
it's dependencies - user-choices and it's required libs in our case.

For now I've decided to go ahead and just delete the mswin32_80 binary
from RubyForge so that the mswin32_60 gem (the one compatible with the
one-click) is the only binary gem posted.

I've posted Charley's email to the rubygems-developers mailing list to
see if anyone knows how exactly Hoe is causing problems.

Sorry for all the trouble folks.



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