
Im using Ruby 1.8.6 with Watir 1.6.2

i know its is very old but we have maintained this structure becasue of 
some reasons.

Presently i m getting NOMETHODERROR when i use .options with select_list.

Here is my code :

    elems = Array.new
    values = Array.new
    elems = $ie.select_list(:id,"setTagList").options
    puts elems
    0.upto(elems.length - 1) do |i|
        values.push elems[i].text

It shows errros as :

NoMethodError: undefined method `options' for #<Watir::SelectList:0xfcc2d4c>

I also tried this :

    searchList = $ie.select_list(:id,"setTagList")
    selectContent =  searchList.options.collect { |option| option.value }

Still same error.

But .options is supported for select_list, then why im getting this error?

Can anyone help?


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