
I am new to Watir.
I have been using AutoIT for a lot of my automation, and find that in
some instances I am unable to do what I need due to the complicated
scripting of webpages. I looked into other languages and thought Watir
would be a nice fit for what I need.

I have a few questions, I was hoping someone might be able to answer.

1) Syntax,
Looking at different examples on the web I see the sometimes
ie.frame(:index, 1) is used and other times ie.frame(:index => 1) is
used, what is the difference?  Sometimes one works for me other times
they don't.

How do I see what I am doing?
With Autoit, I was able to see what i was doing via the console?
I would find the object, and print out the innerhtml to make sure I
was in the correct spot? Is there something similar in Watir?  Is
there a command to see the text and / or html of an object?

3)I am having issues connecting to frames.
I connect to IE fine, and then run ie.show_frames
It prints out a list of frames on the screen.
I try the syntax ie.frame(:index, 1) and i get an error message
stating located=false
If I try ie.frame(:index, 1).locate, it seems that I get connected.
But then when I try going deeper into another nested frame I keep
getting error messages.

I visited the wiki page http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/Frames
and when I try their example

ie.frame(:name, "frame").frame(:name, "nested_frame")

this doesn't work I'm assuming because
this doesn't work - ie.frame(:name, "frame")

I would appreciate any help available

Thanks, Mike

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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