Yes i found a soluiton with Xpath:

 $ie.table(:xpath,"//div/h4/div[contains(text(),'ti podaci')]/

and i get correct data fom table.


On 15 nov., 16:37, Danijel <> wrote:
> Hy,
> I have to problem find a parent element and search its next sibling.
> My HTML looks like:
> ..
> <DIV>
>     <H4><DIV>TEST</DIV> </H4>
>    <DIV>
>      <Table>
>          <Tbody>
>             <TR><TD>1. Name</TD><TD>Dani</TD></TR>
>          </Tbody>
>      </Table>
>    </DIV>
> </DIV>
> ...
> this is insert of HTML code from wghich i would like to get values of
> table. First DIV can be displayed as index "4,5,6".
> Exists better way to find table element. PRoblem is that i do not have
> Id, names, classes for same elements are same.
> i use:
> puts $ie.h4(:xpath,"//h4/
> div[contains(text(),'TEST')]").parent.table("//div/table/tbody/tr[1]/
> td[1]").text
> or
> puts $ie.h4(:xpath,"//h4/div[contains(text(),'TEST')]").parent.table("/
> div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]").text
> and i get error message:
>  1) Error:
> test_aaa(SMOKE_TEST):
> Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: Unable to locate element,
> using "//div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]"
>    D:/avtomatizacija/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.7/lib/watir/
> element.rb:58:in `assert_exists'
>    D:/avtomatizacija/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.7/lib/watir/
> element.rb:124:in `text'
>    ./sup.rb:694:in `fn_preberi_dodBDok'
>    jpr_smoke.rb:3542:in `test_aaa'

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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