Try increasing the sleep time. When it works through IRB, but not in
code, most often than not, the issue is related to timing.

On Nov 30, 3:30 am, Deep <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to clear the checkbox which gives a pop up with OK and Cancel
> buttons. Then I have to click on OK button to proceed.
> I have used the following code to clear the check box:
>      Object.click_no_wait
>      Sleep 40
> To click on OK button on the pop up, code used is
>           When /^clicks OK in the pop up box$/i do
>            sleep 5
>            startClicker(browser, "OK", 60)
>           end
> Have the following method used for startClicker
> def startClicker(browser, button , waitTime = 9, user_input = nil)
>         # get a handle if one exists
>         hwnd = browser.enabled_popup(waitTime)
>         if (hwnd)  # yes there is a popup
>                 w =
>                 if (user_input)
>                         w.setTextValueForFileNameField(hwnd, "#{user_input}")
>                 end
>                 # I put this in to see the text being input it is not 
> necessary to
> work
>                 sleep 3
>                 # "OK" or whatever the name on the button is
>                 w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd(hwnd, "#{button}")
>                 #
>                 # this is just cleanup
>                 w = nil
>   end
> end
> Ruby Version: 1.8.6_26
> Issue Description: click_no_wait , clears the check box and throws
> popup when tested through IRB. But the same is not working when i run
> the automated script.
> Can anyone provide your inputs here. Thanks much.

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