Has anyone used Watir with MooTools on IE? Everything works as I'd
expect in Firefox, but in IE none of the events are sent to the
browser when sent via methods like set, select etc. I can emulate most
events with actual mouse clicks if necessary (for checkboxes and radio
sets), but a select list is more difficult, so I would like to get to
the root of the problem.

Watir 1.6.7
Ruby 1.8.7
IE 8.0.6001.18702
MooTools Core 1.3

If I remove the MooTools framework and add the onchange attribute
directly to the select element, I do get the alert, but as soon as I
include the JS framework I am no longer able to receive the events in
IE 8. Changing the element with the mouse in IE does create the
expected events.

My guess is that it is an issue with the lower level way that Watir
accesses objects using win32ole. Is there any documentation about what
ole_object.fireEvent(...) actually does?

MooTools overwrites the native fireEvent method, but it should still
be called assuming OLE calls the JS method.

I'm looking for any insight on this incompatibility.


Watir sample:
  trigger1 = @browser.select_list(:name, 'trigger1')
  // Also tried, select and select_value, but they all use the same
select_item_in_select_list method.

HTML sample:
  <select name="trigger1">
    <option value="option1">option1</option>
    <option value="option2">option2</option>
    <option value="option3">option3</option>
  </select> trigger1

JS sample:
  document.addEvent( 'domready', function() {
    document.getElement( 'select[name=trigger1]' ).addEvent( 'change',
function(e) {
      alert( 'changed' );

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you ask, be nice.


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