One of the long-term bugbears of users coming to Linux from just about any other GUI is the existence of two totally separate clipboards; the PRIMARY selection and the CLIPBOARD selection. I doubt I'm gonna get the default behaviour changed, even though I think this default is terribly confusing. However, how about we at least allow easy configuration of this through some settings in /etc?

As far as I understand it, X11 is responsible for the double-clipboard behaviour so X11 (or Wayland) is where it needs to be configurable. I propose this: provide easy configuration of Wayland that allows the PRIMARY selection to be silently ignored. When text is selected, Wayland will acknowledge to the application ownership of PRIMARY, and silently drop the content. It will not inform other programs that PRIMARY has been taken ownership of, so other programs will not (IMHO unintuitively) deselect their selections. When it comes to pasting from PRIMARY (ie. via middle-click), Wayland will paste from the CLIPBOARD selection instead of PRIMARY.

Would this be feasible? It would finally allow Windows-style clipboard behaviour and satisfy many users (myself included).

Best regards,
Jeremy Morton (Jez)
wayland-devel mailing list

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