Re: ANNOUNCE: Wayland Live CD that starts directly to Wayland

2013-05-27 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen
On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Ilyes Gouta wrote:


 Would it be possible to place that ISO image on a usb key and to boot from

If you're using GRUB2 you can do even better. Just place the script
attached to this mail in the file /etc/grub.d/60_isoboot

Then place your ISO in the directory /boot/images/

Now just run update-grub and the ISO will automatically be added to the
GRUB boot menu, and you can boot from it directly from the GRUB boot menu.

 On May 24, 2013 11:01 PM, nerdopolis


 New Wayland Live CD / First true Wayland Live CD.

 Hi. Today I pushed out a new ISO of my Wayland Live CD project, which is
 named for my favorite celebrity.

 For this new Wayland CD, I wrote a new login manager with Bash and Zenity
 and Expect (and Script) that fully runs on a Wayland server (weston).

 Now X is no longer involved in the boot process, and X does not start,
 (unless you use an X application with xwayland), because I replaced LightDM
 with the new loginmanager

 ***As far as security goes, it does store the password in the
 environment, but the users would have to be either root or daemon in order
 to be able to read the /proc/pid/environ, depending on the process. It
 also has a FIFO that has 777 access, but login info is never passed across
 it, just commands that tell it to switch user ttys, show a login prompt,
 show a shutdown menu, and tell the script who's weston owns a TTY. So if
 you decide to install it, and depend on security, be warned.***

 And just a note for people that switch ttys. The script tries to find the
 first available TTY automatically that isn't open, and it seems to favor
 TTY8, and then start using the next ones for the session. (Unlike what we
 are used to in X, where it defaults to TTY7)

 I got it to a point where it supports automatic login, picking a user
 from a list to login, and switching user sessions.

 It also supports specifying the desktop environment you want to use,
 similar to the X display managers, only for desktop environments that run
 as plugins under Weston. Right now, all I have is Weston's, but in the next ISO, I can add Weston's,
 as well as Hawaii's Weston plugin.

 It even works in virtualbox if there is a framebuffer, as if there is no
 kms, it falls back to using a framebuffer. (and if there is no framebuffer,
 it falls back to a text dialog).

 Under virtualbox, you might have to select a different boot option to
 force create a framebuffer.

 there's also a command line wizard


 It's basically an easy to use frontline for adding vga= argument to
 /etc/default/grub if you install the system. It does have ubiquity, it has
 the shortcut in the Desktop folder. (or the command).

 You can download the new ISO here: (sorry, 32 bit only, as I need to work
 my 32 bit dpkg to install a 64 bit kernel again)

 wayland-devel mailing list

 wayland-devel mailing list

set -e

. /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib
find $IMAGES -name *.iso | sort |
while read image ; do
IMAGEPATH=$( make_system_path_relative_to_its_root $image )
echo Found ISO image: $IMAGEPATH 2
#now we need to find out what the initrd file is called
INITRD=$(isoinfo -l -i $IMAGEPATH | egrep -o INITRD*.* | sed 's/;1 $//' | tr 
'[A-Z]' '[a-z]' )

cat  EOF
menuentry Bootable ISO: $(basename $IMAGEPATH | sed s/.iso//) {
 loopback loop $image
 set gfxpayload=keep
 linux  (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=$image noeject 
noprompt --
 initrd (loop)/casper/$INITRD
wayland-devel mailing list

Re: [Mesa-dev] Very low framerate when recording desktop content in Weston using mesa git on Radeon 5770 (glReadPixels slow path)

2013-03-26 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen
(I'm re-sending this message because the attachment was too large for
mesa-dev, and because I want to add wayland-devel CC. The valgrind output
can be found here:

Seems like you are right Pekka.

I just ran weston through valgrind, and got some interesting results. I ran
it like so:

valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes --trace-jump=yes weston

Which allows me to get the time spent on a per-instruction level. Now, this
is running inside a virtual machine, so it won't be the same as running it
natively, but it agrees with the other benchmarks in the sense that it
suggests it is the simple calculations inside screenshooter.c that take up
most of the CPU time, not calls to outside functions (like it was before
with the slow glReadPixels() path).

The callgrind output can be found at the following URL:
Open it with KCachegrind, select the function
weston_recorder_frame_notify(), and go to the Machine Code tab in the
lower right corner to see the interesting stuff.

According to callgrind, a total of 54.39% CPU time is used in the four
lines 251, 252, 253 and 255 in screenshooter.c. That's the function

dr = (next  16) - (prev  16);
 dg = (next   8) - (prev   8);
db = (next   0) - (prev   0);

 return (dr  16) | (dg  8) | (db  0);

Additionally, the lines 358, 359, 361, 362, 363 take up 25.9% CPU time.
That is the innermost for-loop inside weston_recorder_frame_notify(). It's
the following lines with the call to component_delta() not included (line
360) since we've already included the CPU usage of that:

for (k = 0; k  width; k++) {
next = *s++;
delta = component_delta(next, *d);
 *d++ = next;
if (run == 0 || delta == prev) {

And then finally the call to output_run() on line 365 takes up 10.6% CPU

p = output_run(p, prev, run);

Inside output_run(), the lines that take up the most CPU time are: 232,
233, 234, 235, 239, 240. They take up 9.94% CPU time. So it's basically the
whole while loop in output_run() except the line with the call to
__builtin_clz() (line 238):

while (run  0) {
if (run = 0xe0) {
*p++ = delta | ((run - 1)  24);

i = 24 - __builtin_clz(run);
 *p++ = delta | ((i + 0xe0)  24);
run -= 1  (7 + i);

All of that adds up 90.89% CPU time spent inside screenshooter.c.


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Pekka Paalanen wrote:
On Tue, 26 Mar 2013 03:30:58 +0100
Rune Kjær Svendsen wrote:

 Marek, do you have an idea on where the currency bottleneck is?

 I just did a profiling with sysprof, zooming in on the desktop in Weston
 and moving the mouse wildly around, so that the buffer is completely
 changed for every frame. I got around 5 fps, which isn't *that* much, but
 still an order of magnitude better than without your patches.

 sysprof says there is 100% CPU usage, but unlike the previous 0.5-FPS
 recording, it's not in a single function, but spread out over several

 35% weston_recorder_frame_notify
 11% __memcpy_ssse3
 4.5% clear_page_c
 4.3% output_run

 Although I'm not completely sure I'm reading the sysprof output right.
 weston_recorder_frame_notify, for example, has 35% CPU usage, but none of
 its child functions has any significant CPU usage. I presume the CPU usage
 in that function is from calling glReadPixels, although that's not
 from sysprof:

 weston_recorder_frame_notify 39.15%
   - - kernel - -  0.00%
 ret_from_intr 0.00%
   __irqentry_text_start   0.00%

Well, if you look at weston_recorder_frame_notify function, it has a
naive loop over each single pixel it processes. component_delta() may
get inlined, and output_run() you saw in the profile.

I think it's possible it actually is weston_recorder_frame_notify
eating the CPU. Can you get more precise profiling, like hits per source
line or instruction?


Med venlig hilsen,

Rune Kjær Svendsen
Østerbrogade 111, 3. - 302
2100 København Ø
Tlf.: 2835 0726

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Pekka Paalanen wrote:

 On Tue, 26 Mar 2013 03:30:58 +0100
 Rune Kjær Svendsen wrote:

  Marek, do you have an idea on where the currency bottleneck is?
  I just did a profiling with sysprof, zooming in on the desktop in Weston
  and moving the mouse wildly around, so that the buffer is completely
  changed for every frame. I got around 5 fps, which isn't *that* much, but
  still an order of magnitude better than without your patches.
  sysprof says there is 100% CPU usage, but unlike the previous 0.5-FPS
  recording, it's not in a single function, but spread out over several
  35% weston_recorder_frame_notify
  11% __memcpy_ssse3
  4.5% clear_page_c
  4.3% output_run

Re: Non-Intel DDXes need love

2013-03-07 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen
On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 6:51 PM, wrote:

 I haven't found any xwayland problems specific to radeon while using it
 using multi-monitor).

I have an outstanding bug with XWayland and radeon. RAOF said he'd take a
look at it, but it hasn't gotten any further. A simple way to trigger it is
to open chromium-browser and try to re-order a tab by dragging it. This
causes a segfault in some part of radeon that I can't remember what was.
wayland-devel mailing list

Re: Getting GTK XWayland applications to use the system's GTK theme

2013-03-04 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 5:39 PM, Bill Spitzak wrote:

 On 03/03/2013 12:04 AM, Scott Moreau wrote:

 Hi Rune,

  I believe he is complaining about the different client-drawn items.
 Compare the All Settings button in System Settings to the buttons in the
 Synaptic Package Manager. It seems that some Ubuntu programs are drawing
 with the correct theme (the System Settings) and some are not.

 The fact is the toytoolkit window borders look just fine with the ubuntu
 theme. Chrome is the only program drawing it's own window borders, and this
 is identical to how it works under X, so he is not complaining about this.

 How to find the theme is infuriatingly complex in GTK and Gnome, and I
 think the fact that some environment variables are set different is causing
 the problem. This has nothing to do with xwayland, all the relevant code is
 in the X clients. It looks like some find it, but others don't and fall
 back to the default (the gray one with thicker 3D borders). Also Chrome
 attempts to figure out what the GTK theme is and copy it, and it looks like
 it is also failing to find it.

Hi Bill

Yes, this is the issue I'm trying to figure out. Would you happen to know
which environment variables we're talking about? I find it odd that it
works for some programs, while not for others. But perhaps this is because
of the complexity you're talking about.

I've tried running synaptic under Weston (as an XWayland application) and
then run it under normal Ubuntu (Compiz/Unity) using strace -eopen to see
what the difference is between the files they load. Here's a compact output
of a diff between the two log files (strace -eopen synaptic). So every line
that starts with a + is what synaptic run under Compiz does that the
Synaptic run under XWayland doesn't, and every line that starts with a -
is what the XWayland app does that the Synaptic run under Compiz doesn't
do. Lines with nothing prepended are done by both:

open(/usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/, O_RDONLY)
= -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

open(/home/rune/.Xauthority, O_RDONLY) = 4
   -open(/usr/share/themes/Raleigh/gtk-2.0/gtkrc, O_RDONLY) = 5

   -open(/home/rune/.Xdefaults, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
   -open(/home/rune/.Xdefaults-rune-desktop, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No
such file or directory)

   [repeat the opening of first /home/rune/.Xdefaults then
/home/rune/.Xdefaults-rune-desktop, as above, 10 times]

   -open(/home/rune/.Xdefaults, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
   +open(/usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc, O_RDONLY) = 5
   +open(/usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/apps/chromium.rc, O_RDONLY) =
   +open(/usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/apps/ff.rc, O_RDONLY) = 6

So it seems that after trying to load some language pack files,
Compiz-Synaptic opens up the Ubuntu-specific scrollbar library (this isn't
done by XWayland-Synaptic). Then they both successfully open ~/.Xauthority.
Then XWayland-Synaptic continues to open the Raleigh theme (the gray one
with thicker 3D borders) followed by it trying to read ~/.Xdefaults and

Could it be related to the .Xauthority file somehow?

I think synaptic run as root, and the theme ain't the same for that profile.

Hi Solerman

In this example Synaptic isn't run as root. Also, smuxi and google-chrome
aren't run as root, so I don't think this is what is causing them to not
find the correct theme.
wayland-devel mailing list

Re: [PATCH 1/2] animation: zoom: don't start animation with alpha set to 0

2013-03-02 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen
On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:08 PM, Kristian Høgsberg hoegsb...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 06:43:33AM +0100, Rune K. Svendsen wrote:
  From: Rune K. Svendsen
  I was doing some research on why I thought enabling the zoom/fade
  animations added latency (a gap between releasing the launcher
  button and the window appearing), and I found out that it's because,
  for the first few frames, the alpha value is set to zero due to the
  spring value being zero for the first few frames. This effectively
  causes the first few frames to be invisible, and so, delays the
  animation by about 20-30 ms. Making sure the alpha value has a
  minimum value to begin with, makes opening new windows feel more
  responsive when the animation is enabled.

 I'm not sure about these two.  I think we should try to tweak the
 animation to be faster instead.  Starting at 0.3 alpha feels a little
 bit like it pops into view and then fades the rest of the way to 1.0.


Yeah you have a point. I recall that 0.3 was the first value it jumped to
that was greater than 0.01, but now that I run it again, this isn't the
case. I'm not sure what I did differently back then or if I made a mistake.

In any case, the point I'm trying to make, is that starting an animation
with a transparent frame is sort of like the graphics programmer's off by
one error. What I mean is that when fading in something from transparent
to opaque, it doesn't make sense to start the first frame with a completely
transparent object, since this will just be the equivalent of not having
started the animation in the first place. The animation will only have
appeared to start when the object is of sufficient opacity to be visible.

I've plotted the values I get from just printing the value
of animation-spring.current in zoom_frame (in animation.c).

The beginning of the animation looks like this:

time value

So the first frame isn't visible, the next frame is at 0.6% opacity, then
2.7%, 6%, 8.8%, 13.5%.

I think both the minimum alpha value I chose (0.3) and the way I did it
(snapping to the minimum value) are wrong. A more sensible minimum value
would be 0.03 (which it reaches 23 ms into the animation). But the real
clean way to do it would be to completely skip the first zero-value.

I think the fundamental issue is that we use the same spring for motion and
transparency. Motion *should* begin from 0 (start) and end at the specified
end value, but doing the same for transparency makes us lose the first

Also, looking a bit further into why I felt the animation was sluggish, I
found out it takes 120 ms from pressing the launcher button to the
animation starting, so this might actually be the reason I perceive a slow
response, rather than the animation being slow.
wayland-devel mailing list

Getting GTK XWayland applications to use the system's GTK theme

2013-03-02 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen
Hello list

I'm having trouble getting GTK applications running as XWayland client to
use my system's GTK theme. I run Ubuntu 12.10, and everything just works
wrt. GTK themes here (with Unity and compiz). But when I run weston
(whether it be using the DRM or X backend) and launch GTK clients, most of
them load a different theme than Ubuntu's default one (Ambiance).

Here's a screenshot showcasing different applications running as XWayland
clients with the DRM backend:

It seems that some pick up the right GTK theme (font viewer looks good, and
gedit and gnome-control-center also look good, although they don't use the
grey buttons), but most of them don't.

What could be the cause of this?

wayland-devel mailing list

Re: weston freezes up my system when run it in a separate VT with a normal config file

2013-02-13 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen
Through trial-and-error editing the config file, I've found that this is
caused by the keymap_layout=en line in weston.ini. No freeze when this is
commented out.

Because of this line weston tries to read /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/en
which doesn't exist, and it freezes, or at least makes me unable to switch
to a different VT or do anything besides reboot with Alt+SysRq+REISUB. If I
change the line to keymap_layout=dk there is no freeze
(/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/dk exists).

Med venlig hilsen,

Rune Kjær Svendsen
Østerbrogade 111, 3. - 302
2100 København Ø
Tlf.: 2835 0726

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 10:06 PM, Rune Kjær Svendsen runesv...@gmail.comwrote:


 I'm trying to use weston with a config file but failing, since it freezes
 up my system when I do this. I'm attaching the config file. The specified
 background does exist, although the icons don't. Running weston in a gnome
 terminal works fine; the background is applied correctly and it runs fine
 (although the launcher icons show X's). It's only when I run it on a
 separate VT the freeze occurs.

 The freeze happens a different times while weston is filling the display
 for the first time. If I just run weston-launcher it will freeze after the
 initializing drm backend message in the console and stay there, although
 it seems the top of the screen is also filled up somewhat it this point.
 When I run it through strace, the screen gets to black with a cursor in the
 upper left corner. I've also tried to have the interface appear and it
 freezing immediately after that. Caps lock and num lock don't have an
 effect on the LED indicators on my keyboard. Restarting weston with
 Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't work, Ctrl+Alt+Del doesn't work, but
 Alt+SysRq+REISUB does restart the system.

 I have a Radeon HD 5770 GPU, and I'm using the drivers for this, and
 wayland/weston, from the xorg-edgers PPA for Ubuntu 12.10. I'm attaching
 the output of stracing the freeze.
 Hope you guys have some ideas on what could be wrong.


wayland-devel mailing list

Re: GTK Ubuntu Precise packaging success

2012-04-19 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen
Thanks for the tip. I originally added the line to the file
/etc/skel/.bashrc which is what the .bashrc file in the /home/ubuntu
directory is created from on the live CD. So the line is present in
~/.bashrc as soon as .bashrc is present in the /home/ubuntu folder on the
live CD.

I just tried adding it to
/etc/X11/Xsession.d/99disable-overlay-scrollbarsinstead, which should
apply the setting system-wide (as described here:
When I echo the value in a terminal it correctly says 0. Now, however, when
I try to run an application, I get the following error (no matter which app
I run):

   (gnome-calculator:4443): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.0
   [1]+  Exit 1  gnome-calculator

Any ideas?


 On 04/19, Rune Kjær Svendsen wrote:
 I'm trying it out on a live CD now that I've created with the script
 attaching to this message.
 For some reason it's not working. Here are the messages I'm getting
 running the programs you've listed in the order you listed them:
 weston says the following: [2]
 All of the programs appear quickly only to crash right after.

 This is in my .bashrc:
 Not sure if it's related to the live CD somehow. It worked when I just
 fired up a clean live CD, installed your GTK backend and ran the stuff
 from there.

 I'd guess the LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR somehow isn't happening.  Did you start
 a new bash shell, or source your ~/.bashrc after adding that line?

 Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.
 - Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland

wayland-devel mailing list

Re: GTK Ubuntu Precise packaging success

2012-04-19 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen

 On 04/19, Rune Kjær Svendsen wrote:
     I can get it to start in a VT when setuid is set, but then launching apps
     doesn't work. I get Error opening file for reading: Permission denied
     (right after listing the path of the socket).
     If I turn off the setuid the mouse doesn't work when I start weston in a
     VT, and it makes unity crash as well. Is this expected behaviour? Not the
     crashing obviously, but that weston can't read the sockets it creates 
     setuid is on (and it's running as a normal user)?

 Yes, this is expected.

 It's fixed by launching it via weston-launcher, which is only in git
 master (not in v0.85 which is packaged for Ubuntu).

 One workaround is to suid weston, run weston, then
 sudo chmod ugo+rw /tmp/wayland*, then run your clients.

That seems to fix it. Seems like it's missing write access for other
(that's the only thing that's missing before chmod'ing as per the
above). Doesn't matter whether it's in /tmp or /home/ubuntu though.

 It may also be a problem specific to /tmp, so setting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to
 any other directory you can write to might help.  Just a rumor I heard,
 haven't tried it.

     gnome-terminal, gedit and rhythmbox don't work though. Not sure why.

 I have a note on to run weston
 as: dbus-launch weston

 And gnome terminal as: gnome-terminal --disable-factory

 Might help.

Yep! That works. Actually just using dbus-lunch to run weston makes
gnome-terminal open up without adding --disable-factory. I did see
some messages in the VT after closing weston about dbus not being able
to connect to something. Now gedit runs as well.

     Nothing interested is printed in the VT for me to see after I kill 

 Try running the clients directly from a command line?  Might give you more
 useful errors.

Right. Now that I got gnome-terminal running it looks like a DBus
error with rhythmbox (this is when running weston as root):

(rhythmbox:13428): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Unable to grab media player
keys: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such
interface `org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.MediaKeys' on object at path

and when running as regular user:

(rhythmbox:13668): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Unable to grab media player keys:
Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon:
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process
/usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon exited with
status 1

and then it exits with a seg fault related to Xkb:

(gdb) bt
#0  XkbUseExtension (dpy=0x70fd60, major_rtrn=0x0, minor_rtrn=0x0)
at ../../../src/xkb/XKBUse.c:651
#1  0x7fffefaaa267 in _XkbLoadDpy (dpy=0x70fd60)
at ../../../src/xkb/XKBBind.c:499
#2  0x7fffefaaaf68 in XKeysymToKeycode (dpy=0x70fd60, ks=269025044)
at ../../../src/xkb/XKBBind.c:158
#3  0x7fff87dfc91e in mmkeys_grab (plugin=0x1576280, grab=1)
at rb-mmkeys-plugin.c:304
#4  0x7fff87dfcec1 in first_call_complete (proxy=0x1597c30,
res=optimized out, plugin=0x1576280) at rb-mmkeys-plugin.c:349
#5  0x7753cf57 in g_simple_async_result_complete (simple=0x15a1510)
at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.32.1/./gio/gsimpleasyncresult.c:767
#6  0x7759529d in reply_cb (connection=optimized out,
res=optimized out, user_data=0x15a1510)

Regarding the Super+Alt combinations (window rotate, zoom, resize) is
that not in weston 0.85 either? Cause it's not working.
wayland-devel mailing list

Re: GTK Ubuntu Precise packaging success

2012-04-18 Thread Rune Kjær Svendsen
Pretty cool Darxus! Works as well on a Precise live CD (USB stick). I only
had to replace the second apt-get upgrade with apt-get dist-upgrade.
Then I went to a VT and restarted lightdm with:
sudo service lightdm restart
and ran:
unity --reset
on the same VT

Back at VT 7 unity had restarted and weston ran fine (got some errors like
Internal error:   Could not resolve keysym SunProps/SunFront/SunOpen
though). The programs you mentioned all ran fine initially, but it all went
downhill when I tried running weston from a VT to get it in full screen
mode (yeah yeah, total hubris, I know). Now some programs start, but crash
when I mouse over them, and the more complex programs (like... anything but
calculator) don't start at all.

Would there be a way to get weston to run from a VT? That is, in full
screen mode?


On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 3:07 PM, wrote:

 On 04/18, wrote:
  When I tried using the Ubuntu GTK+ 3.4.1 source and only
  applying the patches to default to X11 output before Wayland
  ( and remove the
  cairo-gl dependency (,
  all applications segfault when I attempt to run them through Wayland.

  That PPA is here:

 It turns out this one works fine, after you put
 export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 in your ~/.bashrc .
 Thanks to seb128.

 These packages should be quite clean, since they're just the Ubuntu
 packages plus two patch sets (default to X before Wayland, remove cairo-gl
 dependency) and adding the two build flags to enable the Wayland backend
 (without disabling the X backend), both pulled from GTK git master.
 They're also not showing the graphical glitching I was getting with the
 packages based on GTK git master.

 Bonus, GTK themes are working now, so GTK applications are looking much
 nicer in Wayland.

 Keep in mind it's entirely possible this will break stuff.  But using it
 works something like this:

 Install Ubuntu Precise.

 echo export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0  ~/.bashrc
 sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
 sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get upgrade
 sudo apt-add-repository ppa:darxus/wayland-gtk
 sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get upgrade # should only upgrade gtk


 In one gnome-terminal, run:

 export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp # Put in ~/.bashrc?

 In another gnome-terminal, run:

 export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp
 export GDK_BACKEND=wayland

 To revert all changes:

 sudo ppa-purge ppa:darxus/wayland-gtk # Nice 'n tidy.

 Please do let me know what GTK applications you find do and don't work, so
 I can update

 And, of course, let me know how the packages work.

 I have it on good authority that this stuff will never make it into Ubuntu
 Precise, not even as an SRU (Stable Release Update).  But I can't imagine
 why it wouldn't make the October Ubuntu release.

 Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.
 - Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland
 wayland-devel mailing list

wayland-devel mailing list