Witch Hazel

2006-05-15 Thread markselby
Lo and behold, I finally got my sample bottle of witch hazel!  It's been 
several months since it was mentioned here on the digest, so I had given up on 
ever receiving my free sample.  Then I came home today to find it had arrived.  
To whoever it was that alerted us digesters to the offer of free witch hazel, I 
thank you.  (Maybe I ought to rephrase that --   digesters sounds kinda 

Kindest regards, 

Mark Selby,
Kingsport, TN

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[Fwd: [Fwd: The Darlings go to the big city]]

2006-05-15 Thread Ann Wayne

 Original Message 
Subject:[Fwd: The Darlings go to the big city]
Date:   Mon, 15 May 2006 11:32:35 -0500
From:   Ann  Wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: wylene wilks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Original Message 
Subject:The Darlings go to the big city
Date:   Mon, 15 May 2006 11:29:42 -0500
From:   Ann  Wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Anita Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well I suppose most of you have heard the saying ,Don't step in that 
it'll cut your foot!!Well it's true!!!My dear sweet one and I went to 
the big city for one of our sweet daughter-in-laws big college 
graduation.We had to park about a mile from the entrance and walked a 
long piece before I could  find a place to rest my dogs.I sat on a wall 
along the walkway and my dear one was going to sit next to me,when I saw 
it! It was a big blob of black bird poop. I pointed to it and told him 
not to sit there.He then proceeded to stick his finger right into the 
poop, thinking it was a blob of tar.I was laughing so hard that he knew 
right away what it really was.He then reached behind and stuck his 
finger in the mulch to wipe it off and something cut his finger!So see, 
it will cut you if you stick your finger in it or step in it.We were 
still laughing about it on the way home. It is dangerous for us country 
folks to go to the big city!!All I could think about was the Darlings 
and the messes they got into.I felt just like them.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Replacement Discs

2006-05-15 Thread Kyle Cantrell
Well, I have to add my kudos to Paramount for the others that have already
appeared here.  I received my replacement discs today, after only about four
or five days.

First of all, I'm impressed that Paramount would do this in the first place,
and second, that they would be so prompt.  I really appreciate such great
customer service.

On another note, my wife noticed today that the street appeared wet when
Andy and Helen picked up Opie from the party in Opie's First Love, which
aired today on TV Land.  That would be another rare example of rain in
Mayberry--if only a brief shower.

Kyle in Nashville
Relaxing before lunch

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Alan Melvin

2006-05-15 Thread Joe Haskins
Does anyone know how Alan Melvin is doing and where he lives. He was a great 
character actor on the show and so many more shows. It would be great to see 
him at Mayberry Days if he is able.  
  Joe Haskins

Joe Haskins
May God Bless you this Day!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thanks for pointing out mistake

2006-05-15 Thread Doug Gibson
Yeah, I was wrong. It was a mink coat for Martha's anniversary, not birthday. 
Just proves you can watch something 15 times and still miss it!
Doug Gibson
Ogden, UT

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Tags sighting operators

2006-05-15 Thread John E. Saylor JOHN SAYLOR
Last night I saw part of the movie Anatomy of a Murder on TV. It was made in 
1959 and good ol' Floyd had a small part in it. He played a Dr. It was the 
first thing I've seen him in that he played it straight  not comical. 
Also,if I remember correctly,the old Lassie show had an operator named Jenny. 
It seems to me that an operator SHOULD be named either Sarah or Jenny!
  John Saylor
 Lots of people lie at lunch,what of it?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Myra Koontz Looking For Love

2006-05-15 Thread bcq145
Ima Grillo was in the Dime Store today buying Q-tips and she told us that the 
story about Myra Koontz had to do with an ill-fated fling she had with one of 
the Milo boys after he returned from the War.

You know he came back a little shell-shocked  anyway,  and the incident with 
Barney and the side-car  didn't help the situation any.

Lydia and Laura Lee Hobbs,  It's a pity Mayberry don't have a psychiatrist.  
Barney would be a real study.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Small town phone operators--Aunt Bee beat me to it

2006-05-15 Thread Maurine Taylor
Aunt Bee of Orlando was right.  In many small towns the switchboard was located 
in the operator's home.  Not much traffic at night, and she could handle it in 
her night things.  
  In fact, at one time I worked for the company that provided phone service in 
Mt. Airy.  
  I got to talking with one of our senior business managers one day.  It seems 
he had been with the company since he was in the eighth grade.  His mother had 
been the operator in one of our smallest exchanges.  The switchboard was in her 
home, and when she was sleeping, he was the substitute operator.  (Truth be 
told, he probably spelled her before that, but couldn't get paid for it until 
he was 14.)
  So, if any of you happen to be reading or posting to this list in your 
jammies or with curlers in your hair,  just think that Sarah might have been 
doing a similar thing back in Mayberry.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Like

2006-05-15 Thread Harry Brewbaker
Even though my hometown of Roanoke VA has a population of approx. 100,000, I 
used to live in a section of town I used to call Mayberry.  It was called 
Grandin Village in a section of town called Raleigh Court.  Within walking 
distance (a couple of blocks) of my home there were two grocery stores, a 
hardware store, a drug store, a bank, three churches, two gas stations, a 
fire house, a furniture store, an appliance store, two barber shops, a 
beauty parlor, two taverns, one dentist, one doctor, a post office, two or 
three restaurants, an elementary school, a middle school, a high school and 
a movie theater.  If I hadn't worked across town, I could have gone weeks 
without getting in my car.  We had everything Mayberry had except, the court 
house, the hotel and Orville Monroe's funeral parlor.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Birthdays

2006-05-15 Thread Don Good
Hmmm I don't know about others, but when my birthday comes up, I'd like a 
basketball *g*

Don Good
(or maybe a ceramic pelican)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Jay Novello

2006-05-15 Thread Dan Goodwin
I happened to walk by the TV while somebody flipped through the Brady Bunch
marathon this week and who should be on the screen, but Jay Novello.  Our
honored Town Guest in episode #53 and, of course, our beloved Neil Bentley
(My card, should you ever need my services.) in #142, Otis Sues the

I really enjoy watching Jay work.


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mayberry sightings

2006-05-15 Thread ROBERT MUNDY
This may have been mentioned before but I noticed a couple of Tags alumni in 
the movie Sixteen Candles  yesterday--  Edward Andrews (Prof. Hubert 
St.John--Aunt Bee's suitor) and Max Showalter aka Casey Adams (Ralph Mason-- 
The Man who bought the cannon ).  They played the two Grandfathers.  I didn't 
watch the whole movie but noticed these two.
  Everybody on the truck, Briscoe Bob Mundy

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