Otis Campbell

2006-06-26 Thread Bob Bravetti
Okay. Time to say my peace.

Yes, I had an alcoholic father somewhat like Ken, who I saw lose three 
jobs to drinking.  But nothing controls my life like that.  I think the 
character of Otis Campbell was funny and well done.  Hal Smith did a 
great job of making that character work.  I don't have a politically 
correct bone in my body and don't take things so seriously as to not 
enjoy Otis and all he brought to the show.  I'm also not going to 
journal my life here, even if I made references to TAGS.  This board was 
not designed to do that.  It was meant to be a lighthearted place to 
discuss the characters and things we like about Mayberry, not what we 
don't like.  (See rule #2). And therefore, I think things are getting 
too heavy here for what it should be. 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Good Old Icream

2006-06-26 Thread Fgfrankling
Well Dan!
I can't believe it, You are possibly the only other person I've heard of  who 
doesn't care for home made ice cream. I was beginning to think I'm  
Un-American or something. Everyone just raves about their's and when I'm  
offered a 
dish of that slushy stuff I try to be polite and say "No thank you but  I'm 
accosted from every direction and "forced" to say "I don't like  homemade ice 
cream." This always brings on the same reaction. Someone always  makes the 
claim, theirs is nothing like the ones I've tried, theirs is as good  and 
than "store bought"... They look at me as if I were "A Bird In  This World"
"No coffee, tea or home made ice cream thank you" !
You'All Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dito !!!

2006-06-26 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey Guys, not to be critical at all, but folks who have been through it  
albeit survived, know first hand, drunkenness isn't funny! I too lived through 
sad life with a father with that problem. I'm not sure if I will ever get over 
 it's effect. That being said, I absolutely adored Otis for who he was 
inside.  Otis had a great since of humor and a kind heart that did show through 
most  every scene he was in. It is so sad that in real life as well as  the 
AGS, people allow themselves to succumb to these types things and in so  doing, 
so many lives are effected. I know it is a fact, every town does have at  least 
one individual who could qualify as "The Town Drunk" that made Mayberry  seem 
even more real to us too bad it was written  to be considered  funny. 
Having said all that I will always love Otis!
You All Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list

Return to Mayberry

2006-06-26 Thread Starzman, Keith
Forgive me if this topic is old, but does anyone know if there is any
chance that "Return to Mayberry" will be released as an "official" DVD?
I don't do much of the pay-pal/EBAY stuff.  Plus, I always like to throw
my business to mayberry.com!

Keith Starzman

"Two chairs!!and I've got the magazines to swing it!!"


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Barney's Middle Names

2006-06-26 Thread Tod A. LAWLIS
Shouldn't that be Barney P. Oliver Milton Tibbs Parney-Poo Creampuff  

Tod "Baron von Rick-toven" soon-to-be-in Saudi Arabia

On Jun 26, 2006, at 12:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Better add Tibbs. Bernard P. Oliver Milton Tibbs Fife

WBMUTBB mailing list

bootleg DVDs

2006-06-26 Thread Paul Mulik
There is no "good price" to pay for Return to Mayberry on DVD, because the
movie has never been released in that format.  Any DVD of Return to Mayberry
offered for sale is an ILLEGAL copy.


>>>I was on eBay looking for Return to Mayberry DVD when I came across this
auction. ...Also what is a good price to pay for The Return To Mayberry
movie on DVD??

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-06-26 Thread ROBERT PHILLIPS
  Am catching up this morning with reading the digest (about fifteen 
or so issues) and a
heart fellt thought came to me about the statue and the Knotts family.

  Truley I believe that we should be conscerned about the feelings 
of Don's family.
   Let me say that it hurts to lose  a loved one and when you do, 
you go through a period of mourning. Beyond the fame and popularity that we 
the fans hold to Don Knotts, for his wonderful
roles on T.V. and the big screen, Don was a real person, with a real life, 
and a real family.
  Perhaps, that can be better understood if I tell you how it was 
for me when I lost my
youngest brother about two years ago;
  Ronnie was born four months after my father passed away. The year 
was 1954. When mom
brought him home from the hospital and laid him on a bed, I instantly picked 
him up and held him.
I looked at him and i said, "you arae so little and you don't even have a 
Dad. I said to him, I can't
really be your day, but i will be as much like a day for you as I can be. I 
was ten years old and i
certainly lived up to my word. Ronnie acquired hepititus C from a 
transfusion in the Gulf war(Desert
Storm) and it eventually took his life.
  I loved that little brother so much. When i was notified of the 
seriousness of his illness I went home and spent time with him during the 
last weeks of his life. Three weeks after my visit,
he passed away. I didn't go back home to attend his funeral, I couldn't bare 
to see him in that
state. I dreaded the thought of having to see pictures of him in that state. 
He didn't know that
I felt that way but he had a final request. He didn't want any pictures 
taken of his funeral, he
wanted to be remembered as he was. Ronnie lives on in my heart. However, I 
know that he is
gone and i was in mourning for well over a year.
  Perhaps, this will help his fans to be understand to Don's family 
and to be sensitive to their

 Bob Phillips
Glendale, Arizona

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2006-06-26 Thread Duane Malcolm
It would be  nice if the world were perfect and there were no problems. Andy 
never put Otis down and always stood by him. Sure he would have wanted Otis not 
to be a drunk but that still never changed his love or opinion of his friend. 
Having been in Otis shoes at one time I see a side that some dont. I know how 
things like that effect our families and the ones we love. Otis was just a 
character in a show but most of us know someone like him. Let`s all show our 
true christian side as Andy did and just love him for who he is and not who we 
want him to be.

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry songs

2006-06-26 Thread Rob Crawford
"I found this old songbook and let me list the songs in it!

Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
In the Gloaming
Santa Lucia
The Little Brown Church In The Vale
Ole Dan Tucker

The name of the book is 357 Songs We Love To Sing, and it was 
copyrighted in 
1938 by the Hall and McCreary ( they must be from somewheres else) 

Amazing to find that many songs that were used in the show in this one 
I may have even missed some!"
  "Ol' Dan Tucker" is an old folk song that pre-dates the Civil War and was 
popular in western North Carolina.  "Believe Me, If All..." is even older still 
- at least as old as the early 18th century in England (or was it Ireland?  
Well anyhow, somewhere over there in the old country).  A whole lot of 
Appalachian music comes from British ballads.
  Oh, yeah, guess what tune Barney plays on the harmonica in "The Loaded Goat?" 
 -- That's right, "Juanita."
  Lots o' luck to you and yours!
Salisbury, NC

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Cotton Pickin' lawyers lookin out for Don's family

2006-06-26 Thread Martin Simmons
As much as we love TAGS & the character of Ole Barn, the owner of that 
copyrighted image AND his estate should make decisions about his 
likeness.  Just as David Browning must call himself "The Mayberry 
Deputy" and not Barney Fife, copyrights are for the protection of the 
creators.  Let some time pass before you buy the slipcovers for the 
couch!  Then maybe, the family will be ready for the tribute that the 
statue will be.  We sometimes feel that we are actually part of the 
TAGS family.  If you have ever met one of the actors in person, a bit 
of the mystery is lost to see them older, out of character, not quoting 
the lines we know, and not in black & white!  Makes ya think!

Opie's dad

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-06-26 Thread Kim
I agree with Kenneth, it was good to see Otis sober.  I remember in the episode 
where Otis was related to Nathan Tibbs, his wife gave him a kiss and Otis 
remarked that it was the softest thing she'd put on his head in a long time.  
He also said something to the effect that he couldn't blame her for the way she 
felt.  Otis was learning, and that's encouraging.  
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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Peggy McCay

2006-06-26 Thread Paul Gilkes
Fellow WBMUTBBers:

Just returned from a weekend at the Chestnut Hill Ranch Bed and Breakfast
outside Only, Tenn., about 60 miles southwest of Nashville, toward Memphis.
TAGS' Peggy McCay, Andy's high school sweetheart from the "Class Reunion"
episode, and and actess whose work has included playing Caroline Brady the
last 40 years on the TV soap, Days of Our Lives, was the featured guest at
Saturday's activities to help raise money for The Elephant Sanctuary in
Tennessee. Since the Bed and Breakfast only had three guest suites -- Peggy
had one, my fiancee and I were in another, and Peggy's friends were in the
third -- I pretty much had her undivided attention when she was not busy
with the festivities. What a classy lady! She is awed by the amount of fan
atention she gets from only one TAGS appearance. She said she was
specifically requested for the role by Charles Irving who directed the
episode. She said it was a one-episode deal, with no plans for a recurring
role. She said Andy Griffith was shy about having to kiss her on film, but
she told him "we've got to do this" for the show and they. And she added
that Andy's a great kisser!

Paul Gilkes
Sidney, Ohio
WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-06-26 Thread Randy Davis
Greetings Fellow Mayberrians,
After watching Season 2 this past weekend, a few questions come to 
1. When did Clara "Bertha" Johnson's name change to Clara Edwards.
2. How much money did Barney send his mom every month and why? This was in 
the "Esquire Club " episode.

Randy "Rafe Hollister" Davis

WBMUTBB mailing list

Homemade ice cream

2006-06-26 Thread Dan Goodwin
OK, I've kept this bottled up for years.  Everytime Thelma Lou mentions
homemade peach ice cream, it brings back bad memories.  When I was growing
up, the only kind of ice cream we ever made was peach.  And the peaches will
always little frozen bits of hard, sour tasting peach (no matter how sweet
the peaches were that year.  And we picked them ourselves, so we know they
were good.).  Remember that bad tasting word that kept slipping out when
Andy was talking to Ellie about running for Council?  Well, it is sort of
like that.

Always reminds me of Aunt Bee's pickles.  Good ol' store bought ice cream
was always way yonder better than bad ol' homemade ice cream.

(Don't nobody tell my Mama, it would just kill her.)


WBMUTBB mailing list

We're not the only ones.

2006-06-26 Thread Dan Goodwin
In the July issue of Singing News, the Voice of Southern Gospel Music is
this question:  What do these Southern Gospel performers have in common?
Roger Talley, Ed Enoch, Danny Funderburk, Carol Woodard, Joyce Martin, Jeff
Easter, Myron Cook, Mylon Hayes, Tony Greene, Gerald Wolfe, Derrell Stewart,
Ernie Haase and Mark Bishop.

The answer:  They all cite "The Andy Griffith Show" as their all-time
favorite TV show.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 188

2006-06-26 Thread BCunnin107
RelativesWarren was Floyd's nephew wasn't he?
Speaking of that.here's a new string..How many characters on TAGS  
were said to be related to one another? (Ex: Andy and Barney were  cousins)
Put on your thinking caps.This could have serious ramifications on  
somebody's Will..
Brad "Neil  Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my  services"
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ken Anderson's "Otis Campbell"

2006-06-26 Thread Albert Acevedo
I would like to thank Ken for talking about Otis and for sharing his 
personal experiences involving his Dad.  I have noticed over the past 
several months, many posts by Ken which are not only enjoyable, but very 
deep and I find myself reading them over and over again.
That's what makes this Digest so wonderful. That folks, friends and TAGS 
fans can talk about, not only our beloved Mayberry, but the happy and sad 
occurrences within our own lives.

Mayberry and this Digest has indeed brought a lot of us closer together.

Thanks Ken for sharing! (and thanks Allan for this Digest!)

A.Acevedo   MPk.

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WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Barney's Middle Names/Warren

2006-06-26 Thread CAPT .
Better add Tibbs. Bernard P. Oliver Milton Tibbs Fife

Floyd is Warren's uncle

on another relation, Barney was Andy's cousin at first

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2006 15:13:50 EDT
Subject: Re: Barney's Middle Names
To: WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

HeyLet's see if I can help Jessica out. Barney's three middle names  
Milton, Oliver, and the initial P which I am not sure what it stood  for.
Hope I am correct on this.
Liz "ain't you got a jack" Roberts!!!

Message: 7
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2006 17:09:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: Leesa Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re:  Warren's Mayberry Relations trivia
To: wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I think  Dep. Warren was related to Miss Clara Edwards.  Not sure, but that
   rings a bell.

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