Them's fine bird names!

2007-05-08 Thread ctygrl821
 Hi all...thanks for the suggestions for bird names for my baby bluebirds out 
 Keep 'em comin'..I love the ideas!
 Sam in Knoxville, I agree...Winken, Blinken and Nod are good ones (them's fine 
bird names...) Thanks :)
 And, Kim in TX, yes, naming the chicks after Andy, Opie and Aunt Bee are also 
fine bird names! Thanks :)
 I happened to think of Mary Grace, after Thel's cousin, or even Karen, the 
other cousin that was a sharp shooter (not of birds, of course)..only CLAY 
 That is, if there are several females in the brood!
 If we are lucky enough to see the little ones as they take their first flight, 
I'll be sure and see how many there are and if we can identify males or 
females. Hopefully, I will be able to catch a glimpse of them very soon. They 
seem to be getting bigger each day, as they are chirping louder and louder as 
Dad Barney and Mom Thelma Lou make numerous trips to the house toting nice 
juicy worms or crunchy bugs in their beaks. And, after these little ones are 
raised, I think Barn should treat Thel to a nice dinner for two (no dutch 
treat) at Morelii's...steak sandwich time, with soup AND salad...after all, 
Thel has been such a good Mom.
 Or, perhaps they could even go to the Bluebird Diner!?! Wonder if bluebirds 
dine at the Bluebird Diner? I bet they do. Was the diner where Juanita worked 
called the Bluebird Diner? Did Thel ever dine there? I bet not.
 Until next time...the tale of Barney and Thelma Lou the Bluebird pair, along 
with the little Fifes, my back yardkeep the ideas comin', 
all. Thanks :)
 jaywalkin' joan in NC
 Them's fine bird names.

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2007-05-08 Thread weenie man
Well, it appears that TV LAND is headed in a direction of only showing color 
programs. I do wish they could have a separate channel for only black and 
white shows. Trying not to be negative here, because I don't want to stir up 
a big moulage here.

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comfortable in our small town skin

2007-05-08 Thread Dennis Ernest

Hello Friends,

From one small town to another...Mayberry to Greensburg, KS, we love you and 
hope you come back stronger than ever.  If a small town's fortitude has ever 
been tested, this may be it.

Here in Nebraska many of us love Mayberry and TAGS because it reflected (and 
still does) many of our own towns, people and behaviors.  One of the story 
lines that often goes through the show is how the rural folks act in the big 
city, or how they react when the big city people came to Mayberry.  It set 
up some wonderful comedy.but let me assure you there was a lot of truth 
to it!I recently read a couple of articles in NebraskaLife magazine that 
reminded me of Mayberry, and if you don't mind, I'll share from them.

David Bristow is managing editor and had this to say: .just insert North 
Carolina, and Raleigh  and so it reminds you of something Andy 
would say:

Nebraskans spend way too much time worrying about what rest of the country 
thinks about us--and nowhere is this truer than in our two largest cities.  
To many urban Nebraskans, rural Nebraska is the geeky sibling that they 
probably love, but whom they avoid on the school yard so as not to lose 
status with the cool kids from California and New York.  And that's the 
behavior of a true  hick.

Doesn't that remind you a little of Mayberry getting all gussied up because 
that big movie makin' company was comin to town?  We tried to tell 
them--Didn't We Andy?  --Mayor Pike

Well that's enough for now.I'll think I'll slip down to the fillin' 
station for a bottle of pop.

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seat scooting, freezers and birds

2007-05-08 Thread Kim
I seem to recall years ago in Dallas that by law you had to enter a vehicle on 
the side nearest the sidewalk.  I figured it was to keep people from walking 
into traffic or getting their car doors knocked off.  Maybe that's no longer 
the case now because of the bucket seats and more parking garages.
  Today I was looking over the freecycle digest and saw a wanted item post.  It 
was from the Taylor Family and the item they were looking for was a small deep 
freezer.  I had to laugh and figured that Aunt Bee refused to call the man 
again, and now the Taylor Family's meat is defrosting.
  Joan, I thought maybe Barn and Thel would name their kids after their good 
friends.  How about Andy, Helen and Opie or Bee depending on if they were boys 
or girls?
  Kim - Wylie, TX

Don't pick lemons.
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2007-05-08 Thread C .
To any active police officers here we should organize an actual law 
enforcement memorial for Deputy Barney Fife

He has earned that right to be placed into the law enforcement memorial
And he needs to be rightfully honored

Wonderful cartoons of our most famous Deputy Sheriff
RIP Deputy Bernard P. Fife You will be forever missed
You have earned a special place in that Heavenly Place above.
I'm sure he was much obliged to surrender his gun to St. Peter. No need for 
it there.

Our Lord has a special place for law enforcement indeed

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ben weaver

2007-05-08 Thread Cheri Litton
Can anyone tell me why TAGS used so many men to play Ben Weaver?  On two of the 
episodes, Christmas Story and The Merchant of Mayberry he was played by 
Will Wright.  But a few others was different.
  Also, did anyone else see Opie reach his arm into the lemonade pitcher?  I'm 
sure a lot of watchful eyes caught that.  I just did though.  Keep on Watchin 
and have a Mayberry Kinda Day!
  Cheri, ILLINOIS watches TAGS all the time.
  Where did we get that phony ten dollar bill?
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