Quote of the Day

2008-07-22 Thread Anita Carpenter
Hey Allan,

Thanks so much for the quote of the day, as I read each line, I could hear our 
dear Andy and Barney saying them.  You brightened my day and I thank you kindly!

Anita Carpenter
One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!


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2008-07-22 Thread m white
TAGS fans,
    Spotted two bloopers from season one today.  In "Opie's Charity", when Andy 
opens the door for Annabelle Silby, he's wearing a catcher's mitt on his left 
hand, but when he goes through the door it has disappeared.  And then, in 
"Mayberry on Record" Ellie fixes a Sunday for Andy, then he slides it over to 
Opie and not only has the dish gotten bigger, there's way more whipped cream 
and less chocolate sauce.
    Maybe it was on purpose, like the way Karen Allen's clothes stay clean in 
the new "Indiana Jones" no matter what she goes through (which was an homage to 
the women in the old serials, who could go through anything and still look 
perfect).  We need to ask Barney what syndrome this is.
the 'net's best comic strip


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Floyd the barber

2008-07-22 Thread mary cook
I am responding to the arcticle in the wbmutbb about if Floyd was funnier 
before his stroke or after??? I think he was funny all the time. He was a great 
actor, I think he was really funny when the manicurist came to town and wanted 
to put up a table and do manicures at Floyds barber shop.  Anyway I read George 
Lindseys book (Goober in a nut shell) and he talked about Howard Mcnear, they 
were friends and that Howard was a great actor and that when he would have a 
scene all the cast would stand around and watch. The cast would stay around 
after their scenes were done just to watch Howard perform. George said no one 
did that for any one else. Just Howard. He said he was worth watching and so 
funny. George also said that Howard got frustrated some times when he couldnt 
get the words out and the cast was really patient with him and worked with him. 
They sound like they were a great family unit!!!   That is why we all still 
love them so much today!!!

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Ed Sawyer

2008-07-22 Thread BCunnin107
Wow - this is big! Guess what? I know what happened to Ed Sawyer!
This guy came in the office today, and his name was Ed Sawyer! He works for  
the highway department here in SC. It was all I could do to keep from saying  
"You believe people will go to the moon someday? - Boy, you already there!" 
Anyway, it appears the gas station business wasn't for Ed, so he went into  
the government business
Brad "Neil  Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my  services..."

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FanHouse Fantasy Football today.  
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RE: New Uses for Carp

2008-07-22 Thread Good, Don
>Have you heard about the latest trend in pedicures?  Spas in the
Washington, DC area have been soaking customer's feet in a pool of warm
water and baby carp who in turn nibble away at the calluses and dead
skin.  Carp may be an awful nuisance in the local fishing hole but now
they can be a money-making opportunity for an ambitious entrepreneur.
As for me, I will stick to foot powder and Epsom salts!

Hmmm. I musta been doin' it all wrong. I was using pikes.

Don Good
(who's killed many a carp)

WBMUTBB mailing list

New Uses for Carp

2008-07-22 Thread julris
Have you heard about the latest trend in pedicures?  Spas in the Washington, DC 
area have been soaking customer's feet in a pool of warm water and baby carp 
who in turn nibble away at the calluses and dead skin.  Carp may be an awful 
nuisance in the local fishing hole but now they can be a money-making 
opportunity for an ambitious entrepreneur.  As for me, I will stick to foot 
powder and Epsom salts!

Chris Armstrong
Ringgold, GA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Quote of the Day

2008-07-22 Thread Allan Newsome
BARNEY:You know, a few years back a similar thing happened to me.
ANDY:  Yeah?
BARN:  Maybe I never told you about it.  The girls name was Halcyon 
Loretta Winslow.
ANDY:  Pretty name.
BARN:  Ugliest girl you ever saw in your life.  What happened was 
her father got it in his head that I should marry Halcyon.  You know, he 
saw my picture in the paper.  You remember when I won that church 
raffle--four free haircuts?
ANDY:  Oh, yeah.  Picture's all over the front page.
BARN:  You know how that affects people.  The go crazy. Right away, 
he saw civil servant, security.  Right?  Then he saw unmarried, and at 
the time I was only three-oh.
ANDY:  Thirty.
BARN:  Right.  He saw in me an untapped source of lifetime happiness 
for his ugly daughter.  So, needless to say they got my phone number 
from the barber and the rest is history
ANDY:  I don't believe I ever heard of it.
BARN:  You didn't?  Well I'll tell ya', it's like a tale outta two 
cities.  First, I only saw the old man for about a week.  He made me a 
tempting offer:  third interest in a prune-pitting operation.
ANDY:  There's a lot of money in that.
BARN:  Well, you gotta like it.  Full use of the company car, an 
interest in the family home, and a beautiful hillside plot in the Mt. 
Pilot cemetery.
ANDY:  That burial plot alone is worth a fortune.
BARN:  You know me.  When opportunity knocks, ol' Barn's got to at 
least take a peek and see if there's anybody on the stoop.  Anyway, the 
old man made a date for all of us to meet down at Klein's Coffeehouse 
for American cheese and garni.
ANDY:  Yeah. You finally met her, huh?
BARN:  Oh boy.
ANDY:  Not to pretty?
BARN:  Beasto maristo.  I'll tell ya', that cheese sandwich stuck 
right there for about three days.
ANDY:  How'd you finally get off the hook?
BARN:  Well, first of all, I paid for my own cheese sandwich.
ANDY:  Wipe out any obligations.
BARN:  Right.  Then I took the old man to one side and I told him 
straight out, N-O, a flat no dice...But he kept after me, letters 
phone calls, driving that company car by all shiny and new.  But I held 
my ground.  Pretty soon he got the idea, and that was the end of it.
ANDY:  Whatever happened to Halcyon?
BARN:  Well, you know she went east to one of them schools where 
they trim you down, clear your skin, make you walk around with a book on 
your head.
ANDY:  Don't tell me she turned out to be beautiful?
BARN:  No.  She's still ugly, single, and pitting prunes.

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