
2009-07-31 Thread ncsunwo
In episode Goodbye Dolly when Aunt Bee is looking over Dolly she says if Opie 
had this look he would go right to bed. Aspirin, hot bath and 4 slickwoods." I 
was wondering what is she referring to when she says slickwoods?

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RE: What Rafe said.

2009-07-31 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi All,
I can put this one to rest...  I have watched the scene in question with closed 
caption on and it shows in wording Rafe saying "Well, that's me" not what it 
could sound like.  
Mayberry is a clean place...the only language that you will hear will come from 
the hawks that Andy talks to.  Haha. 
Have a Mayberry day
Michael Oliver

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2009-07-31 Thread Ken Anderson
My wife and I are celebrating our 39th anniversary tomorrow.  I  was trying 
to think of something special to get her.  I thought about a mink coat like 
Emmett, but decided that was too extravagant.  Looked at the bed jackets but 
there was nothing in blue.  Even considered a new septic tank, but we are on 
the city water/sewer system so that wouldn't work.  I finally decided that 
for our 39th anniversary I am going to take her to Ireland.  Then on our 
50th I plan to go back and get her.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

WBMUTBB mailing list

Hats and Nip it requests

2009-07-31 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)
Well Hey, we have been a little side-tracked so I wanted to ask this
question one more time.

My question to ponder today is about Ladies hats...and it has nothing to
do with Frank Myers' berries either.

In the color episode that Aunt Bee runs against Howard for town council,
the show opens with Aunt Bee's Garden Club Meeting.  The camera angle in
the  opening scene pans all the hats 0n their heads that are made of
beautiful and colorful flowers.

This seemed odd to me, to be at a meeting in a home, and the women were
all adorned with these fancy hats.  There was not hardly a bare head in
the house.  Even Nice Dress Nellie had her hat on.  You would have
thought it was Easter Sunday and the scene was of tell
me..was this common place for ladies to get all dolled up and fixed up
for a Garden Club meeting at someone's home?  I think they even had on
their little white gloves.  Of course, being I guy, I thought they
should be wearing some pruning gloves in case they wanted to do any real

Check it out..the colors really made full use of the new color
capabilities of that day.  Maybe Weavers just had a big sale and they
all went as a group to buy one.

Now me, I wear a ball cap a lot, but we don't see many of those in
Mayberry until "the Baseball game".  I need one of those big white
wide-brimmed jobs that Joe Hamilton and Mayor Pike, and all those guys
around town wear.  Noting says Town Loafer like a big white hat.

We have heard about enough about that tomato, but I'm not going to
stifle anyone who wants to comment.

Like Victor said before he went on to write two back-to-back Posts about
it :-)   "Ok folks let's not get bogged down on this subject."

What would Barney say?
I don't  want to talk about.  I don't want to talk aboutWell I might
as well tell you. You're going to figure it out anyway..Thelma Lou and I
had a big fight.  We're finished.

The Untrained Voice
I don't repeat controversial stories-so listen close the first time.

WBMUTBB mailing list

TV guide

2009-07-31 Thread (Ted)Theodoric of York
Can anyone supply a link to a still picture of the Andy and Opie TV guide
that is seen in Walker's Drug Store in "The New Doctor?" Thanks!

(Theodoric of York)
WBMUTBB mailing list

Garden Club

2009-07-31 Thread kim
Joe, I actually looked up some garden clubs and there were (in this day and
age) some ladies in hats.  One even had an elegant fan!  So I can just
imagine how important the garden club was in Mayberry.  It gave the ladies
all an excuse to wear flowery hats and white gloves.   I can picture them
having tea and little crustless sandwiches.  Talking about their daffodils,
and the pine trees on Pine Street.

One thing I've always admired about the citizens of Mayberry was they had
gatherings.  They went to lectures, club meetings, luncheons, house parties,
band concerts, dances, boiled dinners.  Anyway, sounds fun to me.

Kim - Wylie
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Anniversary

2009-07-31 Thread dudleygl
>>My wife and I are celebrating our 39th anniversary tomorrow.? I? was trying 
>>to think of something special to get her.? I thought about a mink coat like 
>>Emmett, but decided that was too extravagant.? Looked at the bed jackets but 
>>there was nothing in blue.? Even considered a new septic tank, but we are on 
>>the city water/sewer system so that wouldn't work.? 

How is she fixed for canning jars?

Barney Rubble

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slickwoods and anniversary

2009-07-31 Thread Linn Family
To Jed: As for "4 slickwoods", I think Aunt Bee is actually saying "forced 

Ken-congratulations on your Anniversary!!  As for a present for your wife, how 
about seeing if you can get a hold of Newton Monroe and see if he has anything 
left in the trunk of his car.  Or do you 'spose he's out of the selling 
business and still painting these days?

Have a Mayberry kind of day everyone!!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 221

2009-07-31 Thread Jdean46

My wife and I are celebrating our 39th anniversary tomorrow.   I  was 
to think of something special to get her.  I thought  about a mink coat 
Emmett, but decided that was too extravagant.   Looked at the bed jackets 
there was nothing in blue.  Even  considered a new septic tank, but we are 
the city water/sewer system so  that wouldn't work.  I finally decided that 
for our 39th anniversary I  am going to take her to Ireland.  Then on our 
50th I plan to go back  and get her.

Ken Anderson
Oh, myKen. I hope your wife does not subscribe to Barn's philosophy  
about bud-nipping.
Jimmy Dean

**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: We don't all know this.

2009-07-31 Thread blueridgebiker

replying to your comment, what does county drawn mean ??
That is a new one on me.
Do you mean a country draw ?
I heard what Rafe said and think he drew out w e ee l l, Thats me.
I thought the same thing but I know that they would never le the H word go 
out on the air in the 60's

Heck, back then they could not say pregnant on TV.
It was referred  to "as being with child"
or "one on the way"
or "one in the oven"
Alot has changed over the years, some good and some bad.
That is why we all appreciate the Good moral family values and friendships 
of days gone by.

With that said it brings me to another thing.
I do not text and will not read a text message.
That is so unpersonal.
That is another story for another day.
I am going down to Wally's and get a bottle pop.
Tim in Salsibury, NC  the other Mayberry. 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Donuts all around

2009-07-31 Thread labspecimn

I guess I owe Tom a donut as I did not distinguish between live tv and sit com 
recorded tv when I made my offer of a wager.? Fair enough - Tom - enjoy a donut 
with my compliments.? ? I will also happily pay Victor a donut for throwing in 
his two cents worth in my "defense" as it were.??In fact, why doesn't everyone 
in our Mayberry community grab a donut?- treat yourself better today!

Kim from Las Vegas
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