Tvland Marathon Tonight Monday

2009-11-10 Thread tom kessel
well we are on the color binge these days. We had Opie Steps up In Class so
so episode. But Aunt Bee putting on airs for Billy is very funny.She almost
out did Hazel.Andys Trip To Raleigh has Whitney Blake (speaking of Hazel) in
fine form no pun intended. Opies First Love well moving on, the last is the
gem A Trip To Mexico with my good friend funnyman Vince Barnett as Elmo the
druggist.The 3 women fighting and bickering Clara rubbing it in she had to
pay one half her ticket Mysrtle and her dumb shoes, the Mexican restaraunt
scene a sleezy joint with inept performers and a deceitful salesman
selling overpriced  items is a funny bit. 20 pasos .The climatic scene at
Elmos the 3 women fighting over the pictures trying to impress Andy & Elmo
who was really the good sport in this mixup in Mexico .All in all a good not
bad tonight,Hey imagine if it was Uncle Ollie back again. finally folks
looking at the ever lovely Hope Summers, contrary to her character parts in
spinster snooty uppity roles. to talk to her in 1970s was a joy. What a dear
sweet thing. She adored Andy Griffith (dont anyone ever dare say a
dissparagging thing about Andy) he and he alone she said made TAGS what it
was. For 8 years he had his hand in every facet of the show .this was his
baby she told me. He poured his life and heart into the creation of TAGS
.Hope should know. Thanks Hope. We all miss you. This is Tom Kessel Col.Tims
Protege Reject
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2009-11-10 Thread (Ted)Theodoric of York
I was watching "All in the Family" the other night. Allan Melvin was playing
a police sergeant at a jail that Archie was incarcerated in. The policeman
was played by the man who played the police officer who was trying to find
"Malloy" (Allan Melvin) in the episode where Barney drives off with the
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Aunt Bee

2009-11-10 Thread
I was watching the color episode that has Aunt Bee driving up to pick up Opie 
at the rich kid's house.  When the maid answers the door and tells Aunt Bee to 
come inside, Aunt Bee replies that she is not dressed for visiting.  However, 
if you notice, she has on a hat, pearls, and white gloves.  I wonder just how 
dressed up she thought she should be?
( I remember when all the ladies at church wore hats and white gloves.  I wore 
white gloves to church as a kid.)
Bee in New Concord, OH

Brenda J. Higgins

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Don Knotts

2009-11-10 Thread jlj9675
With recent talk of Don Knotts, I thought I would share my experiences with 
him.  Two of our chapter members had gone to MGM at Disney with me to 
witness his handprint ceremony but due to weather it was cancelled.  An 
attendant noticed our shirts and asked if we'd like to meet him backstage so 
off we went jubilantly.  He was so gracious, friendly and accommodating, 
posing for several pictures and signing things.  About a year later, when he 
was here for Andy's induction into the TV Academy Hall of Fame, we again got 
to meet him, along with Andy and Goober backstage and Don even remembered 
us.  He actually called my home when I faxed an invitation to his hotel on 
that first visit; we spoke for just a couple minutes but he was so kind and 
I about fainted.  I've never had a negative time with any Mayberry folks 
either; would that the whole world could be as wonderful!!!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

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Real People

2009-11-10 Thread bcunnin107

re: real people from the 60's: 
Johnny Unitas, of the Baltimore Colts
The Beatles (Not by individual names though)
Who else?
Brad "Neil Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my services..."
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Don Knotts

2009-11-10 Thread Sue Doughty
>>In a double dip of good fortune, that was also the night I met our own 
Allen NewsomeA prince of a fellow...

There is no "Allen Newsome" in Mayberry.

It's spelled ALLAN..   

I just had to do it.  :-)

Have a great Mayberry Day.

Sue Doughty
High Point, NC

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Andy Griffith Show Hangman Contest

2009-11-10 Thread dudleygl

We're still having fun with The Andy Griffith Show Online Hangman Contest. Come 
join in at

Lotsa Luck To You & Yours!
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Mayberry in the Midwest IV

2009-11-10 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>I am wondering how many of you are planning on attending Mayberry in the 
>>>Midwest IV next July 23 and 24th in New Castle, Indiana<<<

This is the first I've heard about it.  I'm glad they are doing another, and I 
hope I can somehow manage to get there.  Please post information as it becomes 

Thelma Lou

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A Mayberry birthday (mine)

2009-11-10 Thread Janet Anderson
Well, today (Tuesday) was my birthday.  I received part of my birthday gift 
from my husband in the form of a surprise party Sunday evening at the church 
after our evening service, but today I received the second part of my gift.  He 
and my daughter gave me the Mayberry-opoly game!  We sat down this evening and 
played it, and we had loads of fun.  Even my husband (who is not the TAGS 
fanatic that I am) was crying, "Citizens arrest!  Citizens arrest!" in his best 
Gomer voice.  My ten-year-old daughter won the game.  Unfortunately, I came in 
last!  But the game was lots of fun, regardless.  It made for a very enjoyable 

Thelma Lou

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Floyd's Final Bow

2009-11-10 Thread Garry Dallman
I want to give a special Mayberry shout out to Tom Kessel for his entry
regarding Howard McNear in Goober's Contest, "Floyd's final appearance on
TAGS". I never knew that this particular episode was his last. I watched it
just last night and it was, truthfully, painful to see how bad his health
was at that time. I had always felt there was something subtly peculiar
about this episode, and now I can see why. Perhaps everyone on the cast and
crew realized that this was the end of the line for Mayberry's beloved
barber. But isn't it wonderful (and rare in Hollywood) that they all loved
Mr. McNear so much that, try as they might, their acting capabilities were
overpowered by their genuine emotion and concern for their friend. To me,
that is the ultimate proof that the actors and crew not only showed us
Mayberrybut they actually lived it.

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Tv land :Howard&Millie & Aunt Bee The Juror

2009-11-10 Thread tom kessel
Two new ones tonight Tuesday.  "Folks Were calling off  the wedding " and
"Im sure the two of you will be happy" Howard & Andy summed up this nice
piece of Howard looking sillier than ever (that Tom Dewey remark gets me
everytime).We al know this is a marriqge doomed before it gets going..Arlene
Golonka a name i rarely see mentioned here Allan is at her best here and
looking her worst waking up. Well played out. Then this brings us up to
Aunt  Bee TheJuror. Hey we all lknow this is a takeoff of 12 Angry Men but
this episode showcases Frances Bavier superbly here. And i want to tip my
hat to one character actor I never knew and im sorry I didnt but i read up
on him. The Judge Rhys Williams who went from How Green Was My Valley to
this ,one of his last acting jobs before he left us in 1969. Arthritis
plaqued this grand actor the last 15 years of his life. He can be seem
limping badly ,difficult to walk by 1960 in Midnight Lace to now practically
a crippled (We never see him stand up)  but wow what a distinquished actor
Allan. And we see Tol Avery and Emery Parnell here as jurors.I guess Ben
Weaver the 2nd and Helens Uncle couldnt make it tonight.Jack Nicolson was
back and Andy looked pained and embarrassed when Aunt Bee wanted to question
Jack. The Brownies  bit was very funny but how did Andy figure out that the
young man was the real culprit.Was the guy asking too many questions .The
lighter theory  puzzles me. But what doesnt puzzle me is we had two more
color gems (sorry b&w fans) .This is Tom Kessel Col.Tims Protege Reject
Bless you all.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-11-10 Thread zumafan
was it ever decided if that was indeed a drug store in the "mexico" episode?  
the drug store in my small town in the 50's, did do film but it sure didn't 
have a wall full of guns and stuffed fish!!   
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