Quote of the Day

2010-02-01 Thread Allan Newsome
ANDY:  I'd say we're better off than a lot of people.  Got a roof 
over our heads, Aunt
   Bee--finest food you ever put in your mouth-- Barney for a friend.  
Yeah, in

   some ways I'd say we are rich.
BARN:  You see Opie, it ain't only the materialistic things in this 
world that makes a
   person rich. There's love and friendship...That can make a 
person rich.


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More on Nice Dress Nellie

2010-02-01 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)
>>>My one claim to fame is that I came up with "Nice Dress Nellie."  It
based on a comment in one episode Andy made to Nellie about her dress.

I'm hoping to maybe get invited to Mayberry Days as one of the
They can introduce me from the stage and I'll smile and nod.


I would like to provide unofficial Verification to Dan's claim (official
verification, as we know, only comes in the mail).  I remember when he
dubbed her with this moniker.

My "Claim to fame" on this nice lady is that I  (with Allan's help)
built her Character Webpage, listing as many of her appearances as I
have been able to detect/recall at the time. (but I'm sure there are

What has not been mentioned, is that she, like Mr. Schwamp remains a
mystery as to her real name.  

Someone confused the episode that Andy mentioned her nice dress (When
Barney locks everyone up in jail)  with the one where she appears as one
of the girls Barney sends over for Andy to choose from.  That's an
understandable mistake because that episode, I believe, is the only one
that she actually speaks. 

Here is that webpage I mentioned.  It has her picture.


One of the more interesting appearances (and it's hard to tell from a
distance that it is her) is when all the guys bring their car to Gomer
at Andy's house...She is among those who pull up and get out.  She is
often seen with Tom Jacobs , as someone mentioned, and it also seen at
times arriving with Mr. Scwamp.

Sometimes her appearance is a very fleeting walk-through and you have to
stop the DVD/Tape to see that it is her.

She is Miss Mayberry/everywoman.

The Untrained Voice

Ken, Since you are a trained notice and A friend..I have to call you on
this one

>>I would suspect, however, that it could be possible that Skippy,
Daphne, and Big Maude may have had tattoos.  That's a rather common
thing among ex-cons,<<

Skippy and Daphne were not ex-cons.  I believe they only "played " jail.
I Believe you mean Naomi (also played by Jean "Hello Doll" Carson)  and

WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-02-01 Thread Doug Johnson

Well, I don't know about Ken's eptness or hiring him to paint a porch or 
anything, but I know one thing:  I will NEVER buy another fur piece from him.  
I paid $13 for that last one, and don't get me wrong - it was bee-u-tee-ful, 
and I gave it to my girlfriend and man was she happy.  Until the next day when 
the fur started falling out - IN BUNCHES.  Well, she called me up crying and we 
had a big fight and, well, long story short, there went the dreams of the ivy 
covered cottage and the the pitter-patter of little feet...PFFF!  Now, that 
was a long time ago, and I have since forgiven Ken, but if you're asking if I 
would buy another fur piece or even a watch off of him, then the answer is a 
big fat NO.  I'll just wait until Bert Miller gets back in town.  Now theres a 
man who sells quality merchandise.

Of course, all of the above was said completely in jest.  I have never met Ken, 
but I believe him to be a prince of a fellow and I would buy a fur piece off of 
him anytime.  :)


Also, I think "The Luck of Newton Monroe" gives us one of the all time great 
TAGS qoutes, one which I like to interject into conversation as often as 


"What's to digging a hole? But that cost us seventeen dollars."



Doug Johnson

Snowed in in western NC

Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.
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Nice Dress Nellie

2010-02-01 Thread Jack Baker

Dan Goodwin wrote: 

My one claim to fame is that I came up with "Nice Dress Nellie."  It is 
based on a comment in one episode Andy made to Nellie about her dress. 

I'm hoping to maybe get invited to Mayberry Days as one of the celebrities. 
They can introduce me from the stage and I'll smile and nod. 

Smiling and nodding, are you taking lessons from Mr. Schwump ? 

Jack Baker 
Greenville , SC 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Losing Color

2010-02-01 Thread PLV
Was anyone else watching “Goodbye Dolly” Saturday afternoon on TVLand when it 
started out in color, turned into black & white in the middle, and ended back 
in color? Very weird! I promise that I don’t drink, nor do I ingest anything 
mind-altering, but I sure thought for a minute that I was hallucinating!



WBMUTBB mailing list

Alumni Sighting

2010-02-01 Thread PLV
Parley Baer, aka Mayor Stoner, in an “Outer Limits” episode last night playing 
the cynical brother of a scientist who had made contact with an alien life 
form. I recognized him from his body language before I ever saw his face, but 
he did seem to have more hair here.



WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Griffith Museum eNewsletter

2010-02-01 Thread Jeff Koontz
It is good to see that many of you signed up for the Museum eNewsletter over 
the weekend. I must apologize for the error email that was likely returned to 
anyone who signed up. I've got the "boys in the lab" working to correct that, 
but want to let everyone know that we do get your email submission (at least 
that part works). 

For those interested in joining, the sign up is on the homepage at 



WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-02-01 Thread Nancy
Our own tribute artist, Jeff "Howard Sprage" Branch was recently awarded the 
Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce Artist of the Year Award.  
Congratulations on a job well done, Jeff!  You bring delight to Mayberry fans 
near and far with your talents.  I am sure you made Mother very proud!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Nice dress Nellie

2010-02-01 Thread jlj9675
Subject lady was the passenger in the convertible passing by the old 
gentleman's house, newly refurbished by the mayor and others, who thought 
Mayberry was Elm City.
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Nice Dress Nellie

2010-02-01 Thread Sue Doughty

>>Nice Dress Nellie appears in many episodes, sometimes as far away as across 
>>the street (as in "Ernest T. Joins The >>Army). I can't recall which episode, 
>>(maybe season Two?) but Andy passes her on the street and says "Hi Nellie." 
>>Since >>she is always wearing a "nice dress" someone came up with the 
>>nickname (I reckon it was a trained noticer). Don't know >>if it was one of 
>>the members here, but it's been in use as long as I can remember. Another 
>>interesting tidbit - She's >>seen leaving the church arm in arm with Tom 
>>Jacobs in "The Sermon For Today" but lives in the adjacent house to Tom in 
"A Deal Is A Deal." Like it's been mentioned before, almost everyone in 
>>Mayberry seemed to be single!


>>Birmingham AL

Hey Curt,

I believe Nellie got her name here on wbmutbb because of the episode where Andy 
goes out of town for the day and Barney arrests everyone in Mayberry.  When 
Andy lets them out of the cells and she walks by him, he says "Nice dress 
Nellie".  I can't remember if Paul Mulik or Joe Gritton came up with the name 
for her.

Also, I was watching the Biography channel on the January 27th and one of the 
Don/Andy/Mayberry Retrospect shows they showed a piece of the pilot from the 
Danny Thomas show.  I believe I saw Nice Dress Nellie and Tom Jacobs on the 
sidewalk outside where Andy was giving Danny the ticket.

Sue Doughty

High Point, NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

My Blunder

2010-02-01 Thread Ken Anderson
 Boy, how could I make such a stupid mistake as saying Skippy, Daphne, and 
Big Maude were ex cons.  I know better than that. Big Maude may have been 
but Skippy and Daphne were nothing more than Fun Girls, and I don't think 
you can be sent to jail just for being fun girls. You see, when you get to 
be my age you have senior moments and I guess that was one of them. 
Unfortunately my senior moments are stretching out to being senior days. 
Thanks Joe for pointing out this grave malfeasance of mine.  I stand 

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

Doug's Post

2010-02-01 Thread Ken Anderson
Hey Doug, where do you think Mr. Schwump got his rug from?  Right out of 
the trunk of my '66 Chevy.  It was originally part of my trunk mat. I am 
a firm believer in recycling.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS Producer Aaron Ruben, 95

2010-02-01 Thread beastooge

The L.A. Times reports that TAGS and USMC producer Aaron Ruben died of 
pneumonia on Jan. 30, at his home in Beverly Hills. He was 95.

L. A. Times obituary...

WBMUTBB mailing list

Quote of the Day

2010-02-01 Thread Allan Newsome

Andy:  Luther, you're a little late now and then.
Luther:  What ya say?
Andy:  I say you're late! You're draggin'.
Luther:  Yeah, it sounds real good to me too!
Andy:  No, Luther!  It was off!  It was way off!
Luther:  How's that?
Andy:  It was off!
Luther:  Yes.

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