Andy Barn

2010-10-20 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. How many times have we seen Andy covering his face or 
mouth trying to cover laughter at Barney's antics? I'm just wondering, how many 
times it was scripted or how many times it was real? We all know how well they 
worked together, and Don Knotts was so funny that it probably broke Andy up, 
scripted or not. Whatever it was, it adds to the show that we all love.

  Larry in Lincolnton

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Old west Mayberry

2010-10-20 Thread Rick
I watched the western Lawman  this AM and immediatley I started laughing 
because it looked like an old west version of Mayberry. Instead of Deputy Fife 
it was Deputy Owny O'Reilly. It even had a scene in the Marshall's office where 
he drops his revolver and it goes off.The episode is Return of Owny O'Reilly, 
made in 1960. This is a must see for Mayberry fans.

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dewey taking manilla

2010-10-20 Thread Robin
Dan, don't worry.  We're still holding on to Richmond.

-- idelle
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Andy Barn

2010-10-20 Thread (Ted) Theodoric of York
When I was a kid, I always thought it was Andy Taylor laughing at
Barney Fife. As an adult I firmly believe it was Andy Griffith
laughing at Don Knotts.

(Theodoric of York)

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Andy laughing

2010-10-20 Thread jlj9675
Larry, I remember Ange laughing out of character and as himself (you can tell 
cuz the smile is wider and deeper and genuine chuckling is detected) twice and 
that is what is most memorable to me. Once was as he and Barn are trying to 
drag Ernest T. out of Mrs. Wiley's party and he is clinging to the doorframe. 
The other is when Goober slaps him on the shoulder while Helen is cutting a rug 
with Emmett at Howard's soiree! I get the feeling both moments were not 
scripted and truly surprised Andy so it's that much more comical, IMHO.
Aunt Bee of Orlando

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Mayberry's Simplicity

2010-10-20 Thread Ken Anderson
Have you ever noticed how the good folks from Mayberry never spent time 
chasing after the materialistic things in life.  And in the few occasions 
when they did, it usually brought unhappiness.  Aunt Bee returned all her 
expensive prizes she won in Hollywood because they were costing her the 
friendship of so many people who were so dear to her.  Whenever Howard got 
the bug to change his appearance by wearing the latest clothes he soon 
discovered that it wasn't the clothes that made him who he was. Aunt Bee and 
Andy thought it would be great to buy that big white house out on the 
highway, only to discover that there is no place like home. The writers of 
TAGS hit on this theme very early when all the folks of Mayberry learned an 
important lesson in Mayberry Goes Hollywood.  I really believe what makes 
Mayberry such a place of endearment and why it so timeless is because of its 
simplicity when it comes to addressing what is important in life.

It isn't only the materialistic things that make a person rich.  There's 
love and friendship.  Those can make a person rich too.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701

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A Mayberry moment

2010-10-20 Thread Rene S

I live in Murrells Inlet, SC and today I saw a car with NC tags that read 
HEY2GUBR. I tried to get the drivers' attention but it was AC weather so she 
had her window up and was chatting on her cell.  A nice Mayberry moment.
Rene Solak
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