Vacation reply

2010-12-06 Thread fwillkie

WBMUTBB mailing list

Face in the Crowd

2010-12-06 Thread Joan Dimmitt

Just as a reminder, the movie Face in the Crowd starring Andy Griffith will 
be broadcast tonight on TCM, Turner Classic Movies at 9:00 pm Pacific time, so 
maybe you would want to check your TV scheduling for tonight to see what time 
you might get it where you all are !
It isn't TAGS but at least we can all see what an excellent actor AG is!  
Joan Dimmitt

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou

2010-12-06 Thread Jerome Graber

Maybe I'm not as trained a noticer as you all, but I can't recall seeing an 
episode (or episodes)where Thelma Lou's last name is mentioned.  Is her last 
name ever given?

Jerry Graber

WBMUTBB mailing list

Subject: Alumni Sightings

2010-12-06 Thread PLV
Small correction - Mary Grace Canfield (aka Gossage) did not play the 
Stephenses' neighbor in Bewitched but the visiting sister of neighbor Abner 
Kravitz, Harriet. I think her character filled in for a few episodes after the 
death of the original Gladys Kravitz actress and until a replacement was hired.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 2:42 PM

While watching Bewitched Sunday afternoon, I had a couple of TAGS alumni 
=ightings.  One of them was a little unusual.
First there was Mary Grace Gossage playing Sam and Darrin's nosey next 
door=neighbor who is always peeking into their windows.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Golf -- Griffin or Griffith

2010-12-06 Thread Dave Lambert
A quick google indicates the participant is Kathy Griffith, er, ah, I 
mean Kathy

Griffin.  ;-)  Don't know where the Andy piece fits in though...


WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-12-06 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. I've been living in my hometown for almost sixty years 
and I don't think I'd have it any other way. When I got married to my high 
school sweetheart, we bought a home about a quarter mile away from the home 
that I was born and raised in. Actually, we don't live in town but in a rural 
community where our neighbors are more than friends, but more like family; who 
would want to change that? Yeah, I've wondered what life would have been like 
if I'd moved away, but, like Andy, I've found what I was looking for. My 
thought is, if you're happy, whether in your hometown or a thousand miles away, 
you've found it, too. I'd say that I am a small fish in a small pond and I love 

  Larry in Lincolnton

WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-12-06 Thread Kathi Dannis
This is the first time I have sent an e-mail to the Digest, so I hope I am 
doing it correctly.  I noticed that one person said they have lived in the same 
county their whole life, and so have I.  I live in Orange County in Southern 
California (where Disneyland is located).  It is a very populated area.  Born 
in Orange, lived in Anaheim (before Disneyland was built), Garden Grove, back 
to Anaheim, Huntington Beach, Santa Ana, Fountain Valley, back to Huntington 
Beach, and now in Newport Beach for the last 25 years.  I think I have visited 
every state in the U.S., but I really like living in Orange County.  Because it 
is not a small town, I don't think of it as my hometown.  I do have a vacation 
home in Henderson, NV, right by Las Vegas, where we might retire to, but would 
like to keep a little place in Newport Beach to visit.  Sorry this e-mail is so 
long--I will try to keep it short the next time.

Kathi Dannis
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Helen Getting Married?

2010-12-06 Thread hanshewstuff
One of the episodes I watched today was the one about Andy and Helen rumored to 
get married. 
Now at the end, Andy clarifies that it wasn't the right time.  Helen concurs 
and says she's spent so much time learning, and she wants to teach for a while. 
Is that how it was 'back in the day'? Married women didn't work outside the 
home at all? 

70 Minutes From Mayberry
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
WBMUTBB mailing list

Deputy Badge

2010-12-06 Thread Ken Anderson
Would anyone out there have a Mayberry Deputy badge they would like to part 
with?  I have one on my uniform, but I am in need of one for my leather 
jacket outfit.  Both Weavers and Mayberry on Main are unable to get them at 
this time and I cannot find any other.  There are a few on EBay but they are 
very expensive and for my needs I just want one of the inexpensive replicas. 
I was able to find a company here in Eau Claire who is making the exact 
replica decals for my white helmet.  Good old Dave from the Taylor Home Inn 
send me a great photo of the logo he has used and they will be making it 
from that.  I was also able to now locate a different set of goggles that 
looks almost identical to the those Barney wore, so once I get the badge my 
outfit will be finished.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701

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