Mayberry Days!~

2011-09-26 Thread Ctmidway57
Thursday, Sept. 22:
Car had been mostly loaded the evening before, so finished loading what was 
 left and got under way about 0750. Traffic was heavy on I-540 so turned 
off on  US-70 to I-85 and headed on to Mayberry!
We made one rest stop outside Greensboro and made it the rest of the  way 
without stopping.
First stop was Snappy Lunch where we had our  
hugemassive...deliciousmessypork chop sandwich!! That made the trip 
 worth it!! While eating 
we saw our first people, Jeff Howard Branch and Jim  Head Goober Clark. 
After eating we made our way up the street, stopping in stores as we went.  
No crowds! How nice!! Then in to see Darrel, Debbie and Samantha at 
Mayberry on  Main. It is so nice to be treated so nice in a store and they are 
be  commended!! COMMEND!! There...done.
Also ran into Collin Watkins and his parents along the way!
We slowly made our way back down and stopped in the PO for my annual  
postmarks, this time the mark features Snappy Lunch. 
Next stop was to drop off the items for the silent auction on Saturday. But 
 one thing was missing and that was some homemade desserts at Barney's 
Cafe. His  mom makes all the desserts! Carol and I both had some cocoanut cake 
ala mode and  was it good!! After eating out dessert we walked back to Bear 
Creek and got some  of their home made fudge. 
We decided to see if we could check in, but it was only 2 pm and check in  
is 3 but we made it, got unloaded and all our stuff in the room. We 
stretched  out to rest and woke up a little over an hour later! Got a shower 
later went  to the hospitality room. Not hardly anyone came in this time and we 
can't  understand where everybody is??? We did meet up with Bobby, Janet 
and Kyle  Butler, and it is hard to believe Kyle is now I think 19 years old?? 
WOW! What a  nice family!
Friday AM: POURING  rain this AM!~  We walked over to  Biscuitville, next 
door, and had breakfast. We waited around the hotel a  while until the rain 
let up and rode downtown. Went to opening ceremonies  at the Playhouse as the 
amphitheater would have been a bad place at that time!!  By time the 
opening was over, the rain had stopped, so we walked back downtown  until time 
the trivia contest. What hard questions!! Even Pat and Dennis,  past 
champions who had gotten every question right, had loads of trouble with  
Pat came in second and Dennis came in third this time, the honors this  time 
went to a man from Indiana and I am sorry I forgot your name!!
When the contest was over all the  members of WBMUTBB gathered at the  
stage and after intros had our group photo taken. That was fun! After that was  
over we walked back to the parking lot to leave and ran into a friend from  
VirginiaLiterally!! He had backed out a little to allow his wife to get 
in  the car and when I backed out of my space didn't see him and we 
connected! Not a  lot of damage to either car so glad for that. Have turned it 
in to 
my insurance  co. so hopefully it will be settled. We started talking and 
became instant  friends, and saw them again at the amphitheater and talked 
again. That is the  Mayberry Spirit!
Went back to the hotel, got baths and went back to the hospitality  room 
and sat with unhappy fans!! We have no celebrities to talk with except  George 
Spence, who came in about 9:15 and is always a good  conversationalist! And 
loads of fun!...but no one else! And no music this  year! 
Saturday: Up at 0600, got out of hotel about 7 and went to  Biscuitville 
drive thru and got our breakfast.We rode downtown and parked on the  street 
and ate our biscuits, then waited for the parade. It started to arrive  about 
9:10 and lasted just under an hour. A couple from Sylva NC stood with us  
and upon talking to her my wife found out she is starting treatments tomorrow  
for Breast cancer, so say a prayer for a friend from Sylva. the parade was, 
 as usual, great! Loads of great things to look at, all the stars and  
tribute artists, and a couple of the wives had great roles as wellJan was  
pickle queen dressed all in green, and Patty.I have yet to figure out  
what that was!! It was hilarious whatever it might be! So much fun!
After the parade we walked up to the playhouse to check out the silent  
auction. We walked over to the amphitheater for the pork  contest awards then 
back to the playhouse to get our pork barbecue  sandwiches, taking them back 
to the amphitheater for a place to sit while we  ate. We saw the cloggers 
and some country music, then walked back downtown and  got the car and drove 
it to the amphitheater for the Mayberry Idle contest. That  was fun! David 
Gomer Belk who has a fine Gomer voice, whistled the Fishin'  Hole and hit 
every note right on! There was a conglomeration off different acts,  all 
enjoyable. First time I had heard the Stars and Stripes Forever played on a  
guitar! As soon as Collin did his rendition of I Wish Life Was Like  Mayberry 
left to get 


2011-09-26 Thread Marie

The other day here at the home we were playing Pokeno  I heard Johnny R 
distinctly say I'm gonna win today and he did.  So when he did win I jokingly 
said Wow! You must have the ESPN  thought immediately of Barney. That 
sounded just like something he would have said.

Can you think of any current Barney-isms not around in the 60's?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Name Calling

2011-09-26 Thread Ken Anderson
With all the great posts regarding name calling in Mayberry, I would like to 
share some experiences I had with name calling during my teaching career.  
While in most cases name calling takes on a very negative connotation, name 
calling can also be a very positive and endearing experience.  During my 
teaching years I tried to always come up with little pet names for my students. 
 I would always preface it by explaining that nicknames can be names of 
endearment. I always told my kids too that if it embarrassed them they should 
tell me and I would never use the name.  I did have one boy tell me he didn't 
want a nickname, but after a few weeks when he saw how much fun the other kids 
had with it, he came to me and asked me to give him a nickname.  My students 
always loved it and I still get comments from them, sometimes 30 years after I 
had them in my class.  I taught three kids from one particular family and their 
last name was Mack.  So I called the oldest girl Big Mack, the middle girl, 
Little Mack, and the youngest boy French Fry.  Another girl I had over 25 years 
ago was my Little Twit.  This summer I was in a parade in a neighboring town 
when someone yelled out at me, Hey Mr. A. I am your little twit.  We had a 
nice reunion and she told me how that name always made her feel so special 
because no one else ever had that name.  One year on the first day of school I 
told my kids they could call me, Mr. Anderson, Mr. A, or Honeybunch.  Well I 
asked for it, that particular group called me Honeybunch.  Even in high school 
I would walk through the halls and some of them would say Hi Honeybunch'.  I 
was invited to one boy's graduation and he was one who called me Honeybunch all 
through high school.  For part of his gift I took a box of Honeybunches of Oats 
cereal and I put a picture of me on the box and gift wrapped it.  That was at 
least ten years ago, and his mother told me recently that he still has the box. 
 So whenever I hear those name calling scenes I always chuckle and I am so 
thankful that the writers saw the humor that was there.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-09-26 Thread Sande Roggs
I noticed the tires too.  Of course cars with Barney and Andy were topics of 
discussion for awhile.  I have always thought the tires were like everyone's 
basement or garage-odds and end no one needs any more.  And, yes Mrs. 
Mendlebright could have used them.
Something i have notice people used to live in hotels and boarding houses alot 
more way back instead of apartments.  
Sande Riggs
At The Crossroads 
WBMUTBB mailing list

trivail trivialities

2011-09-26 Thread
Does anyone know who one the trivia contest at Mayberry Days?  
What were some of the questions?
Bee in New Concord,OH


Wow. 57yr Old Mom Looks 27 Now !!
Mom Reveals $5 Secret Wrinkle Trick Angering Doctors!
WBMUTBB mailing list

WBMUTBB Silent Auction Results

2011-09-26 Thread Jeff Koontz
This year's WBMUTBB Silent Auction was one of the most successful in many 
years, raising $4,463.50 for the Surry Arts Council (we had some add'l money 
come in after my report at the TAGSRWC money). Many thanks to all of you who 
helped out with donations, bidding, and working during the auction. It is a 
community effort and I appreciate all the help that I get. The Surry Arts 
Council appreciates the financial support that our chapter provides with our 
project and there were a lot of happy faces on the folks who were high bidders 
and took home some great things on Saturday. We had a number of donations 
already come in for next year, so we'll do it again in 2012!

The post-Mayberry Days dust is still settling in Mount Airy and I will post a 
link to the festival photos once I get them online. I've already seen some 
great photos on Facebook from Allan and Jan and others, so be sure to look at 
those and make plans to attend next year.

It's BIG!


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social networking sites

2011-09-26 Thread jlj9675
I don't know how this person came to include me in her invitations to the 
social networking sites as I do not participate in such foolishness. It just 
goes to show what a folly this is if they sneak into your address list. The 
person who supposedly invited me is someone with whom I corresponded briefly 
once last year about something on the Mayberry Digest and now I find I might 
be on umpteen lists elsewhere. As Dud Wash once said a pestilence will find 
you! I fear this is one of those instances so the names of all those sites 
as well as the person who sent this my way are now an oath upon my lips (to 
quote Dud once again)!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Rooming Houses

2011-09-26 Thread Ken Anderson
During my first four years of teaching I lived in two different boarding 
houses.  I had just a bedroom like Barney did and I could not cook in the 
rooms.  My rent was $7 a week and that included a hot breakfast.  At both 
houses the owners were quite elderly and they took in teachers to get a 
little extra money.  After I married, my wife and I kept in close contact 
with both of the folks until their deaths.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

I'll tell you who won!--someone who uses another name called

2011-09-26 Thread GRITTON, JOE A
Since we're winding down from Name Calling-gotta mention  the group of names 
that Barney called himself

Rifle Fife, Fast Gun Fife,  and of course  the Scamp  (who used to climb in 
the rich guys Apple trees)

I think I read that  my fellow Hoosier (or at least Midwesterner)  Mike the 
Scamp Haviland won the trivia contest.

My apologies to the others but WAY to GO SCAMP!!!  We are so proud  of you!

I met Mike at the Mayberry Café at a mini-event we had there about a year ago.  
I was impressed with his trivia knowledge at that time...but to win on the 
grand Scale of Mayberry Days..

That's Big, Scamp!  Really Big!  Congrats on bringing that hardware back to 
Indiana..or do you live over the border in Illinois..I forget.

The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's nicknames

2011-09-26 Thread Harriet Browder

There are alot of things you can call me, but never call me 
  And don't call me sensitive. I hate whenn people call me sensitive.  That Wet 
(Dewey) Lamb  he may be a good wood worker and a heck of an award winner 
but up town he don't mean a thang :) 

, the chicken thief, hiding in Kelsey's Woods, USA 
..Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth...That's
an old wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-09-26 Thread bowenby
This year was my third Mayberry Days,and it was just as much fun as the first 
My wife is a native of Mount Airy,and was raised there,but had NEVER been to a 
Mayberry Days before she met me Now she is hooked to go back home and have 
so much fun!
The RONNIE SCHELL show downtown was Great!! Laughed my rear off!!
I LOVED everything about this years Mayberry days!!! The t-shirts were the best 
yet! Keep up the great work
I love calling MAYBERRY HOME!
P.S. Allen,you and DAVID did a GREAT JOB!

WBMUTBB mailing list

A little bit conservative, are you?

2011-09-26 Thread hyperauntjan1

All this negative talk about Facebook made me think of Barney getting frosted 
over the post office introducing stamp machines. Andy said,  You don't like 
things to change, do you? and when Barney admitted that he didn't Andy said,  
a little bit conservative, are you?

The spirit of Mayberry is just as alive - and as much fun - on Facebook as it 
is on this bullentin board. It's just a different format.

And now - the subject is closed, I promise.


 It's the age of electronal marvels!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-09-26 Thread Ken Anderson
Say Peggy, are you the same Peggy that Lou Holtz and Bobby Bowden call on those 
TV commercials?

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Schwump or Schwamp

2011-09-26 Thread terry mayew
I am proud to report our chapter paid homage (that's French) to the
Mayberry Man of Mystery Mister Schwamp or Schwump.  Briscoe said it is
pronounced Schwump but spelled Schwamp.  Oh well. We wore a T shirt,
made by Mike Johnson, with a picture of Mr. S. with a little pinned on
hairpiece that can never be washed, as it is held together with hair spray.
We seemed to get lots of blank stares in the parade---some people just come
for the candy we're requested to not throw out any more, and don't care
about Mayberry at all.  Mister Schwamp had something to say about this:

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