Mayberry at the Goobernator's Mansion!

2015-12-11 Thread CTMIDWAY58
We had the pleasure of attending the lighting of the State  Capitol 
Christmas Tree last night, after which we toured an elegantly decorated  
then over to the head Goober's Mansion!! It was decorated to the Nth  degree, 
with a tree for the military, one room dedicated to Adoption of Pets,  etc. 
One L-O-N-G table had lots of greenery down the  middle, I guess so if you 
didn't like the person seated across from you, you  could just duck down and 
When we left there and headed back to the car, there was the  Head 
Goobernator himself on the other side of the  street waiting to cross!!! 
Before the light changed he started across, and when he was  about halfway, 
I gave my best Gomer impersonation..."Jaywalking!!  Citizens Arrest!! 
Citizen's arrest!!"
He gave a hearty laugh, slapped me on the shoulder, gave Carol  a hug & 
went on! Great guy, Gov. Pat McCrory!
Mayberry came to town last  night!!
Welford  theCameraNu!!!
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re: Ron McLendon's deducing

2015-12-11 Thread kel4par

I've mentioned this before and I'll go out on a limb and mention it again. 
I really do NOT think Rafe said what some seem to think, and here's why:

Growing up, my dad would give half a laugh or a partial chuckle at something 
that amused him and begin his reply with "Well".  Many times, he'd start to 
say "Well" and the half a laugh would slip itself in.  So rather than, "Heh, 
well", it would come out, "We-heh-ll".  I remember that from 60 years ago 
and to this day, it'll still come about.  The very first time I heard Rafe 
utter that, I recognized it as the same sounding reply my dad used.  I'm not 
being obtuse, just my observance from my detective training.  I have not 
watched it with CC turned on, so I don't know what they script on the 

In fact, I catch myself doing the same thing on occasions.

Ron **Barn McLendon 

I agree with your thought out reasoning Ron. Today uttering that on television 
is common place. But back then, and in Mayberry no less, I just don't think it 
would be.
But on the bright side, it gives us something to talk about.

Asa Breeney MBA
(Moldy Bullet Alliance) 

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