Mayberry Smells

2016-10-16 Thread Harriet Browder
> distinct odors one would smell if visiting Mayberry.

(I sent this on Monday but didn't see it show up on the Digest. Hope it doesn't 
show up twice now.)

Jennifer Morrison loves the smell of Witch Hazel, especially when Andy wears it 
walking right out from the barber shop.

Since my father was a well known moonshiner in my home town I know first hand 
what that smells like.  When Andy lets Barney go POW-POW-POW to the Morrison 
sister's moonshine still, what spews out does not smell like moonshine. It's a 
disgusting, reeking odorous, nose pinching for sure major ick-factor stinko as 
it has not fermented long enough yet and hasn't dripped down that little copper 
tube into a bucket.   Opie was absolutely correct -  but he was being quite 
polite by saying it smells funny.

Barney's illegal chili must certainly smell funny, steaming away upstairs.

Emma Brand/Watson has some nice smelling pies cooling in her windows, it draws 
criminals and the law.

Opie's wood burner piques Andy's sniffer, twice, in the court house and in the 
Taylor house.

Barney and Gomer sit back, relax and enjoy the smell that pheasant makes 
roasting in the woods.

The hobo with the bum leg enjoys smelling what Robin Hood and his Merry Man 
bring him for dinner so much so that he can't finish saying the blessing before 
digging in.

Aunt Bee's kerosene cucumbers must kill one's senses, everyone that is except 
Aunt Bee. We see it in the scrunched up noses of anyone who comes in contact 
with one.

Aunt Bee's Prize Winning Rose must have a pleasant fragrant aura about them.

And who could forget the sweet smell of a manicurist?  It's a pleasure just to 
breathe around her.

Harriet, the chicken thief, hiding out in Kelsey's Woods, USA

Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for the teeth..That's an old 
wives taleJohnny Paul ain't married.

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2016-10-16 Thread Marguerite Marshall
I'd guess my favourite smell would be of Emma Watson's pies cooling in her 
windowsill in one of the firts episodes. Makes me hungry just thinking about it.

Or the pleasant whiff of Aunt Bee's and Ms. Edwardses roses in one of the last 
episodes. I'd ask for one to put in a jar of water on my kitchen table.

The pungent aroma of a little boy named Opie Taylor who'd played outside all 
day with Johnny Paul, Trey, and his friends. If you raised a boy you know what 
I mean.

The  malodorous reek of Moonshine, aka white lightening, on Otis would be hard 
to miss on a Saturday night.

The aroma of witch hazel coming thru the door of Floyd's Barber Shop

The smell of raw fish coming from Andy, Opie, and Barney at the end of the 
opening day of fishing at Myers Lake.

The gamy stench of possum, raccoon, dirt, and woods from an unwashed Ernest T 
But there was a smell all through the town that lasted all 8 years of TAGS. The 
sweet smell of freedom. Where Emma Watson was free to go jaywalking, Opie could 
run all over town and into Kelsey's woods playing and nothing bad ever happened 
and Flip Conroy, a Black man could be treated as a man period and not a Black 
man. Freedom for Aunt Bee, Thelma Lou, and the ladies of Mayberry to walk to 
town un accosted as they did their shopping at Foley's or Mrs. Luken's, 
Walker's Drugstore, etc. A town where the sheriff was free to walk around 
without a gun. Now these are aromas you wouldn't smell today. At least not 
pleasant ones.

Sent from my iPad

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Help with fan club

2016-10-16 Thread Patty Haley
Help with fan club.

How about an Indian gift exchange? Each person buys a gift, wraps t
it, and they are all put together on a table. Then, consecutive numbers are
put in a hat, one for each person. Everyone picks a number. Number one goes
first and  picks any gift. They then open it to let everyone see what they
have. Then number two goes next. They pick a gift, OR, they can take away
the gift from number one. If the gift is taken, then number one gets to
choose another gift and opens it. Number three goes next, Three can take
either opened gift, or get a wrapped one. This goes on like this until all
gifts are opened. Any gift can only be taken three times. At any time, if
you get a gift taken from you, you can take anyone elses opened gift as
well, or chose to open another.

Patty in CA
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Alumni Sighting

2016-10-16 Thread Dan Goodwin
Saw Warren Parker, our Mr. Meldrin, on Wyatt Earp.  Actually, he wasn't an 
alumni at this point since the role preceded his appearance on TAGS.

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