Mayberry Phone Book

2009-02-13 Thread Dave Strang
I was wondering if any trained noticers had ever discussed the Mayberry phone 
book. Early in the episode where Goober assembles the car in the Courthouse, 
Andy can't find anyone to stay in the Courthouse while he's out of town and 
Goober asks him who he's going to get. Andy says he doesn't know but will look 
in the phone book (as he pulls the phone book from the drawer).  Wellsince 
that, I can't keep my eyes off that phone book!!  It seems to appear in alot of 
the season 5 episodes I'm watching now. It's always either next to the phone or 
under it. It's a small booklet, which would be pretty authentic for a community 
the size of Mayberry, and even looks a bit dog-eared. 

Dave Strang

"Man gets his best suit spotted and pressed, spends two hours polishing his 
hat, and for what? Heartaches!"

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Cleaning TAGS Discs

2007-12-10 Thread Dave Strang
I got out my Andy Griffith show Season 4, discs 1 and 2 and discovered that 
some sort of film or junk has formed on these two discs. I have tried to clean 
them but with no success. The other discs in the season 4 set are fine. Discs 1 
and 2 were ok when I first got the set but for some reason they are now ruined. 
Any suggestions about a replacement? I went to Paramount's web site but it does 
not contain any info short of having to replace the whole season 4 set. Thanks.

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Barney's Money

2007-12-03 Thread Dave Strang
Although he never went through with it, Barney had been duped into agreeing to 
pay Andy $50 for the buffalo nickel.


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Bee vs. Bea

2007-11-15 Thread Dave Strang
Thanks for your great response to the family tree questions, Paul.  

But it brings up another nagging question...

I am curious as to why it's Aunt Bee when her first name is Beatrice, which is 
most commonly abbreviated as Bea? Where as, a Bee is defined as a flying 
insect. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea, 
presently classified by the unranked taxon name Anthophila. There are slightly 
fewer than 20,000 known species of Bee, in 9 recognized families, though many 
are undescribed and the actual number is probably higher. They are found on 
every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains 
flowering dicotyledons. Either way, I'm sure they are particularly fond of 
Nectarine Crush.


"Aunt Bee has a good left hook and fancy footwork, but you can still take her."


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Family Tree

2007-11-13 Thread Dave Strang
Watch the trained noticers squirm. Even though it's been discussed a hundred 
times, please explain the family tree.  What is the family connection that 
makes Barney and Andy cousins? And where does "Aunt" Bea fit into the picture? 
Is she really anybody's aunt? And why is Andy not related to Barney's cousin 
Virgil if Andy and Barney are cousins. While we're at itwhat about the Pyle 
family tree?  We know that Goober and Gomer are NOT related to the famous 
General Lucius Pyle, but are they perhaps related to Denver Pyle?  I guess that 
wouldn't officially make them part of the Darling family, would it??  Anyway, 
inquiring minds always love to hear the answers.




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Chilly Francis

2007-10-29 Thread Dave Strang
As an actress who did both Broadway and movies before TAGS, I believe Francis 
felt the role was below her.  Perhaps that would explain her giving the other 
cast members the "big freeze".  
  As for phony instrumentalists, I would have to include the whole parade of 
Mayberry residents that auditioned for that shoe salesman. I don't think anyone 
actually played a note.
  Now, on to another pressing Mayberry debate I know you've all been thinking 
about (well, at least I have been thinking about)PIE vs COBBLER.  As for 
me, I prefer apple pie to peach cobbler, but either is paradise. And berry pies 
of any kind are just dandy. Don't forget the whole family of cream pies. Pie, 
Pie, Pie!  (and a small hunk of ice cream) Pie wins!
  Dave Strang
  "I passed it, I didn't heave it!" 

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Mouth Harp Tension

2007-10-22 Thread Dave Strang
OK, I have one vote from Paul that Don told him he could not play the
harmonica and I have one vote from Aunt Bee that Don told her he could
Do we have a tie-breaker from anyone?



I think we should hear from the loaded goat.

Kind behind the eyes
  I say, be careful experimenting with that goat! A klinker might set him off!!
  Dave Strang
  "Yeah, thats what this country needs more eraser clappers." 


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Anniversary Date Missed

2007-10-04 Thread Dave Strang
I guess everybody has been so wrapped up in Mayberry Days activities, that we 
all forgot to mention that Wednesday (10/3/07) was the anniversary of the 
release date for TAGS (10/3/61).  While it may not be one of those big 
milestone anniversaries this year like the 50th for Leave it to Beaver, I 
thought it was at least worth mentioning. 
  "Sheriff, that haircut of yorn may be city style, but your heart was shaped 
in a bowl" (Briscoe Darlin)

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Early Francis Sighting

2007-09-26 Thread Dave Strang
I was watching a Perry Mason episode the other day, and the falsely accused 
murder suspect's aunt "Louise" (also a friend of Perry Mason's) came to visit. 
It was a slightly younger Francis Bavier playing a quite "Aunt Bee" type of 
role. Curious, curious
  Wanted:  Brine Tester.  Contact 3rd shift supervisor at the pickle factory.
  A vote for Pike is a stand against Carp
  "I been called plenty--everything from'Chopper'to 'Mad Dog.'One name they 
never called me--"Tattletale!' 

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Spiders and Bats

2007-09-18 Thread Dave Strang
The other day a friend asked me to help him light the pilot on his water 
heater.  The water heater is in a storm cellar underneath the house.  The 
opening that goes into the cellar was almost completely covered with spider and 
cobb webbs. As I began making my way into the entrance to the cellar, I 
suddenly felt an icy chill run down my back and immediately felt like Gomer 
with the band gazebo. We had a good laugh about how "spidery" it looked down 
there. I was brave, however, and inched my way in using a big stick. No spider 
bites. (I may have had a bat lay eggs in my hair, though)
  Dave Strang
  "Uncle Natyou're not Uncle Nat You're a goat!" (Otis Campbell)

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Little Known Mayberry Facts

2007-09-13 Thread Dave Strang
Little known facts about Mayberry and it's residents:
  Sarah the telephone operator played the accordian.
  The Taylor house was once owned by Ben Weaver.
  Mayor Pike mixed grits with his scrambled eggs most mornings.
  Wally's Filling Station was cited for numerous fire safety violations, prior 
to being destroyed in a fire in 1976.
  Odie Snitch grew up to own a bait shop in Mt. Pilot.
  More to follow...
  This is what we call the "Deadly Game"I'm in it for keeps.  (Barney Fife)


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Mystery of the Two Juanitas

2007-09-05 Thread Dave Strang
I am going out on a limb to speculate that there were indeed TWO Juanitas. 
First, there was Juanita Beasley who worked out at the Junction Cafe (where all 
the truck drivers go) and there was the Juanita down at the Bluebird Diner.  
Now everyone (including those writing books) contend the same Juanita worked 
first at the Junction and then at the Bluebird. Not so, say I.  It is my firm 
belief that while Barney called on both of them from time to time, the Juanita 
who worked at the Bluebird was Juanita Pike (the Mayor's daughter).  
Please...PROVE ME WRONG!  
  I have hired an investigator from Raleigh to look into the whole matter. 
  Dave Strang
  "Natural law, tooth and claw." (Briscoe Darling)

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Confounded Question Marks

2007-08-28 Thread Dave Strang
I have noticed that I can post here time after time and have no problem with 
those annoying question marks.  However.the couple times that I have 
written my post on a separate word processor (i.e. Word) then copy and paste 
into the email, it came out in the digest with those question marks.  Just an 
  "I can't take 4 dogs wife barely lets me in the house." 

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Foxes and Green Beans

2007-08-22 Thread Dave Strang
Hello Neighbors...
  With reference to the presumed stolen food in the office kitchen, Dennis 
thought it was a fox. We all know that. But since the foxes are foxy, and this 
perpetrator was stupid enough to mistake a bag containing someone's lunch for a 
bag of green beans, I doubted it was a fox. While it IS true that foxes prefer 
yogurt over green beans (foxes hate green beans), I was actually thinkin' maybe 
Luke Jenssen was back around. With his eyesightyou never know. I didn't 
want to make a moulage out of it, though.
  On to the campaign...please stop attacking our fat little mayor. Mayor Stoner 
can't hold a candle to Pike when it comes to delivering a flowery introduction. 
And, at least mayor Pike's interests are right here at home in Mayberry and not 
down the road in Mt. Pilot. 
  Vote PIKE!
  "You wanna know something? Jack Egbert was no prize." 

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Mayberry Ramblings

2007-08-16 Thread Dave Strang
How about Tilly??? (they called her "the beaver")
  "Johnny Paul Jason says that if you put a horse hair in stagnation water, 
it'll turn into a snake."
  On to important Mayoral race notices: Pike promises a city ordinance 
prohibiting goats; Stoner promises new street light fixtures; Pike changes mind 
and vows to repeal any goat prohibition ordinances; Stoner proposes a beauty 
pageant to accompany the annual fishing derby.  The race is definately heating 
up! about the "Al" that Barney reminded that one convict woman of. She 
kept calling Barney "Al", but we never saw the actual Al. 
  Dave Strang
  "Stop that weddin'! (Ernest T. Bass)

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Neil Bentley: Esquire/Crook

2007-08-13 Thread Dave Strang
Hey, before placing TOO much confidence in Mr. Bentley's ability as a 
barrister, just remember the time he sneaked into Mayberry under the guise of 
"Thomas A. Moody", and just about stole the whole town's best to trust the folks you know and work things out without 
getting lawyers involved. That's the true Mayberry way. And what do we do with 
outsidersinterlopers??  We give them the BIG chill!  
  Dave Strang
  "We tried to tell 'em, didn't we Andy?"   (Mayor Pike)

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Stoner/Pike Debate Continues

2007-08-08 Thread Dave Strang
Response to Paul Ryan’s biased post:
  Folks are still saying the only reason that bypass was constructed was to run 
the highway past Mayor Stoner’s brother-in-law’s gas station!  Furthermore, I 
recall the time Mayor Stoner met the Governor. Oh my!  Definitely NOT 
Mayberry’s finest moment. So remember…if you want a Mayor who conducts business 
up a tree with a bear underneath, vote for Stoner. Save our fat little Mayor 
Pike. He’s “true” Mayberry.
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Possible Litigation

2007-08-06 Thread Dave Strang
To: Mr. Neal Bentley
  Re: Action against Township of Mayberry
  Mr. Bentley, 
  I believe I have a case you may be interested in.  Not only was I wrongfully 
removed from my property, but a Mayberry Deputy Sheriff unlawfully searched my 
storm cellar and illegally obtained removed livestock, which was subsequently 
seized as evidence of crimes I am not guilty of. PLEASE HELP!
  Farmer Frisbee
  p.s.VOTE PIKE!

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Throwing a Bone

2007-07-26 Thread Dave Strang
Ok, here's an easy one for you.  Can anyone name the episode in which Opie 
Taylor was actually a sworn in Mayberry deputy??
  Dave Strang
  "We tried to tell 'em, didn't we Andy?"  (Mayor Pike)

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Mysterious Mr. Schwamp

2007-07-24 Thread Dave Strang
I am shocked, amazed and disappointed that in this day of electronal marvels 
and instant knowledge, NOBODY seems to know the story behind Mr. Schwamp. 
NOBODY even seems to know who the actor was who played Mr. Schwamp. Trust me, 
I've Googled the subject until I'm blue in the face (that may be from the pie) 
and it's a genuine Mayberry mystery!  Now personally, I think you're all making 
a big moulage out of the whole thing! 
  Dave Strang
  "You're talkin' about a silly little runt with a rock in his hand - not John 

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180 Proof Schwamp

2007-07-16 Thread Dave Strang
I think Schwamp was actually the one moonshiner the Mayberry Sheriff's 
Department could never quite catch up with. Very clever that one. Notice the 
way he never engages in conversation...less likely to cause a slip of the 
tongue. And why do you suppose he was always hangin' around those dances and 
events. Very convenient customer accessibility. It is my belief that Otis 
Campbell took the secret with him to his grave.
  Dave Strang
  "Don't you start Aunt Bee. If you start, I'm a goner."  (Barney Fife)

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Barney's Employment Date

2007-07-12 Thread Dave Strang
Ok trained noticersI realize this has been discussed before, but I would 
like someone to clarify Barney's Start Date.  In the pilot episode, you would 
get the impression that Barney was just fresh on the job. However, in watching 
"Citizen's Arrest" this morning, Andy states that Barney was issued his first 
revolver in August of '53, and said it was hard to believe that 10 years had 
gone by. Another episode has Barney receiving a 5 year watch. What gives??? 
  Dave Strang
  ..."A two-chair shop! And I've got the magazines to swing it!"  (Floyd Lawson)

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Camp Desilu

2007-07-11 Thread Dave Strang
Thanks to those who responded to clarify the "Camp Watson"/"Camp Henderson" 
confusion for me. It's been a long time since I've watched Gomer Pyle USMC 
episodes, so I wasn't familiar with the move. 
  Dave Strang
  "I'll always think of this place as my little house, away from the big 
- Dan Caldwell

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Camp Desilu

2007-07-10 Thread Dave Strang
This morning I was watching the "Gomer Pyle, USMC" episode of TAGS and noticed 
something I had never picked up on before. We all know that Gomer's base was 
Camp Henderson. However, in this episode, they show a sign that reads "Camp 
Watson".  I am guessing that it was Camp Watson originally for that TAGS 
episode, but became Camp Henderson when Gomer got his own show. Either way, 
it's still Camp Desilu to me...the good 'ol Culver City "40 Acres" lot....right 
behind Mayberry.  
  Dave Strang
  "I before e except after c and e before n in chicken." 

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Interior/Exterior Shooting

2007-07-02 Thread Dave Strang
For Rick, who had a question about shooting interiors and exteriors.  Yes, it's 
true that the exteriors were shot on the RKO/Desilu 40 Acres Backlot in Culver 
City, while the interiors where shot on the soundstage at the Desilu Cahuenga 
Studios in Hollywood. There were also exterior fronts of the Taylor House, 
Courthouse row, etc. on the soundstage at Cahuenga, which allowed them to make 
it look as though you were following them from "outside" to "inside".  One of 
the easiest ways to tell whether you are looking at a "real" exterior shot as 
opposed to a soundstage outside shot is the lighting. You can generally tell 
when the SoCal sunshine is beaming down, that it's a "true" outside shot.
  Dave Strang
  " I ain't about to be beat to death with no spoon..."  Briscoe Darlin

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Barney Badge Observation

2007-06-20 Thread Dave Strang
I've noticed for some time that while Barney's uniform is generally always 
pressed and neat, with a straight gig line and a properly tied tie, he seldom 
had symmetry in the placement of his badge. It should be centered over his left 
shirt pocket (as Andy's usually was).  I was watching Dogs, Dogs, Dogs this 
morning, and noticed that Barney's badge disappeared completely when he, Andy 
and Opie returned with the dogs following the "giraffe's are selfish" scene. 
The State Investigator should have noticed that and offered Barney a new badge 
while he was being so generous.  Sheesh!
  Oh, by the way.he DID have the bulge of a cigarette pack in his shirt 
pocket though.
  Dave Strang
  "I'll give you one more bullet, but you've got to promise me you'll keep it 
in your shirt pocket. And one other thing..when you send that shirt to the 

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Don Knotts Downfall

2007-05-31 Thread Dave Strang
Well friends, I feel a little stupid after doing some research on whether Don 
Knotts smoked or not. If you'll remember, Don died of complications related to 
his lung cancer, which he developed from smoking. So whether Barney Fife was a 
smoker or not, I think it's obvious that Don Knotts was.
  Dave Strang
   "Six dollars a week, and what do I get? Heartaches, nothin but Heartaches!" 

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Pocket Watchers and Barney-"isms"

2007-05-30 Thread Dave Strang
Ok, now you all have me pocket watching as well. I think Barney must have been 
a closet smoker. It probably all started when he would strike matches for his 
daddy's pipe when he was a kid.  Anyway, here are a few more Barney-"isms" for 
you to consider:
  pepperelli for pepperoni
compelsions for compulsions
inovert for introvert
Smith Brothers Institution for Smithsonian
heeliocopter for helicopter
kleptomenerac for kleptomaniac
Einsteen for Einstein
inarculated for inoculated 
  extra-sensitive perception for ESP
schizofreeniac for schizophrenic
nave for naive
fire by constriction for for my combustion
viz-a-viz for vis-a-vis ("you know--hand to hand")
boodoor for boudoir
Sigmund Frude for Freud
demore for demure
noblesse oblage for noblesse oblige
theraptic for therapeutic
  I'm sure there may be more...perhaps the complete list is stuffed into the 
wrapper on his pack of smokes or engraved into his zippo.
  Dave Strang

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Smoke, Smoke, Smoke That Cigarette

2007-05-23 Thread Dave Strang
Janet, thanks so much for bringing up Barney's smoker's bulge. When you 
mentioned that, it brought to mind the "loaded goat" episode. It always struck 
me as odd that when the non-smoking Barney went into the dynamite shed out 
back, he whipped a zippo lighter out of his pocket and used it as a light 

Dave Strang

"Suddenly, I'm no longer Barney Fife the man...I'm Barney Fife the bulkhead"

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Hittin' My Sinkin' Spell

2007-05-22 Thread Dave Strang
Does anyone have a recipe for "salt risin' bread"??  I've never even heard of 
it, but I do hear that it will go nicely with my "mr. cookie bar."

Dave Strang

"clep...clep...that's such a nice sound"  (Floyd)

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Those Gabby Darlin' Boys

2007-05-21 Thread Dave Strang

I can only think of one time I heard the Darling boys speak, and that was to 
thank Aunt Bee for the supper in the jail cell.

Dave Strang

"I passed it. I didn't HEAVE it"  (Ernest T. Bass)

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Smoker's Bulge

2007-05-21 Thread Dave Strang
I know this is a knitpicky one, but a trained noticer can't help it.  In the 
episode where Andy delivers the baby out at Sam Becker's house, you'll notice 
that Andy's shirt pocket is closed and flat against his chest until after the 
baby is delivered, and he decides to go out on the porch to have a smoke. Then 
his pocket flap is open, and he has the distinct "bulge" of a pack of smokes 
which evidently magically appeared in the pocket.

Dave Strang

 "Quite a deal. A skinny widow with $4,000 and a bakery truck with the original 
paint on."  (Uncle Ollie)

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Were there any episodes where Barney had more than one bullet in his

2007-05-17 Thread Dave Strang
  I remember at least one time when Andy and Barney were after a desperate 
fugitive and Andy handed Barney the box of bullets and said "go ahead and fill 
'er up".

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