2014-07-26 Thread Dixon Hayes

 Pardon me if I'm repeating something that's been discussed here already, but 
has anyone else caught any of the MeTV promos indicating our favorite show is 
coming soon "to most MeTV stations"?



WBMUTBB mailing list

Re:convertibles in Mayberry

2014-06-20 Thread Dixon Hayes
***6. Peggy, who Andy dated ('55 Sunliner, this time a two-tone)***

I actually meant Mary, not Peggy. And I think it was the same Ford as the car 
driven by the lady Barney led across the street on a u-turn to the post office.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: convertibles in Mayberry

2014-06-18 Thread Dixon Hayes
Driving convertibles in Mayberry?

1. The lady speeder ('61 Thunderbird)
2. Gentleman Dan Caldwell ('62 Ford Galaxie 500)
3. Aunt Bee ('55 Ford Fairlane Sunliner)
4. Jim Lindsey (Mercedes)
5. the movie producer (older model Lincoln)
6. Peggy, who Andy dated ('55 Sunliner, this time a two-tone)
7. the girl Barney got "engaged" to (same car as above apparently, the one 
Barney led across the street to the post office)
8. Floyd ('67 Comet)
9. the Fun Girls (1940s Ford)
10. Otis (the antique Ford he owned briefly)
11. Floyd's letter writing friend (late model Lincoln Continental)
12. the town doctor played by William Christopher (Jaguar)
13. the rich guy that invited Andy to the exclusive club (apparently the same 
T-bird as the lady speeder)
14. some guy Andy got jealous of who was driving a '62 T-bird
15.the lady who gave Goober "whiplash" (Triumph)
16. Barney (beat up Edsel when he returned to town)

...and I know there were more, but that's off the top of my head.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: large groups of diners

2014-06-08 Thread Dixon Hayes
***In real life, I have never heard of a restaurant that refuses to serve a 
particular menu item to a smaller group of diners. Did Chinese eateries 
actually do this is the 1960s?***

It could be that they're still available to diners who ask for them and just 
not on the menu, but they're included at no extra charge or as part of a 
special. In "With Six You Get Eggroll," I assumed the kid who said that (when 
the family was eating at a Chinese restaurant) meant free eggroll.


WBMUTBB mailing list

TV When I was Born

2014-03-14 Thread Dixon Hayes

 Some of you who know me from Facebook know, I turned 50 this year, and marked 
the occasion by starting a blog called "TV When I was Born." I've been writing 
about the television of 50 years ago over the past few months, and just now got 
around to spotlighting our favorite show. I hope you'll enjoy my take on it in 
this context, and I'm sure I'll hear if any corrections are necessary.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy on Blu-Ray, RFD on DVD!

2013-12-11 Thread Dixon Hayes
Don't know if anyone caught this yet but I've gotten two vwry noteworthy 
notices from this week:  the first season of "The Andy 
Griffith Show" is about to come out on Blu-Ray and the first season of 
"Mayberry RFD" is about to be released on DVD (April 8)!

Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy's change in temperament

2013-08-31 Thread Dixon Hayes
Interesting point Janet.  My take is, yes, there was an infusion of new writers 
and directors during those later years, especially with Aaron Ruben and others 
leaving for "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C."  And think with Barney gone, they decided to 
make Andy more of a foil for the rest of the town.  They seemed to think it 
would be funny to just so Andy get mad, like Mr. B from "Hazel," or Jack Benny, 
or Mr. Mooney from "The Lucy Show."  In many episodes he's already in an ill 
mood and sometimes recites a laundry list of reasons why (which, ironically, 
once included running a laundry).   

But the thing is, they thought this from week to week, perhaps even because 
they ran out of ideas quicker than imagined and found themselves using "Andy 
gets ticked off" as a crutch.  And when you look back at the finished 
work--something producers didn't do so much like they do now, especially with 
dramatic shows--it just looks like Andy is chronically angry. to the point of 
it being a flat-out mental problem.  If it were shot today, one of the other 
characters might've even gone as far as to suggest Andy get help and a 

But everyone else in town bears some responsibility too.  It seems whenever 
Andy's busy or not feeling well, or even having to sleep in the daytime, the 
whole down seems to "machine gun" him with numerous problems or one big one.  
Goober seems to be the worst offender, and Warren would've had anyone's stress 
level up, especially in the bingo episode.

But I don't think that's what they meant to do.  It just worked out that way.  
Barney's absence re-scrambled the chemistry of the whole show.  They meant for 
Andy to have a happy life except for these things that kept coming up, but that 
isn't the way it came off or comes off even now

The very best episodes from this era are the ones that go for warmth.  Aunt 
Bee's rose, etc.  But there were some funny episodes as well--the one about the 
spaghetti dinners, for instance, or the one where Aunt Bee becomes "the 
Mayberry Chef"--where Andy's anger is more low-key and slow-boil, like Bob 
Newhart.  I wished they'd stayed with this.  In the one about Aunt Bee being on 
TV, where Opie gets really excited about having dinner at the diner and Andy 
shooting him a look, like it was a back-handed slap at Andy's cooking--those 
touches would've worked so much better IMHO.




WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: fish for breakfast

2013-06-11 Thread Dixon Hayes
Fish for breakfast isn't so unusual in a deep woods campout, which is probably 
where Gomer got the idea.  Apparently he thought Andy typically had fish for 
breakfast at home as much as he had eggs, toast or those delicious Post cereals.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Arrested Development

2013-06-01 Thread Dixon Hayes

Who else besides me has been enjoying the new "Arrested Development" episodes 
narrated by Ron Howard?  It turns out Ron has a surprisingly big on-camera role 
in the new episodes beginning in episode #4, and there are multiple TAGS/Opie 
references!  Look for some especially funny ones in #4.



WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: sweet tea/beverages

2013-05-19 Thread Dixon Hayes
We've discussed the sweet tea thing before, why the citizens of Mayberry aren't 
exactly swilling sweat tea like it's water, as people would in a real small 
southern town.  Part of the problem is that the show was sponsored by General 
Foods, who advertised Sanka very heavily on the show.  They had enough 
influence to have the characters drinking lots of coffee and very little sweet 
tea.  I think in many of the dinner scenes, you can't really tell what they're 
drinking...presumably it would be sweet tea, which General Foods might see as a 
competitor of Sanka.  (I don't think GF made sweet tea back then.)

Ozzie Nelson once said he had to go toe-to-toe with his own advertisers.  
Coca-Cola wanted the Nelsons to drink Cokes out of the bottle at breakfast 
time, and Aunt Jemima wanted the Nelsons to have pancakes for dinner.  Kodak 
even wanted him to wear a camera around his neck a scene in which he 
was mowing the grass.  So if they could make demands like that, the GF 
representative could ask the producers to hide the sweet tea and limit soft 
drinks to when people are hanging out at the gas station or drug store.  

Having said all of that...long after this came up before, I found a color 
episode in which Andy is seen pouring something that resembles sweet tea out of 
a pitcher and drinking it.  I even saved some stills of his doing that, and 
when I find them I'll post the Image Shack links. It's a dark colored drink 
with ice cubes floating in it, that's for sure.  But the way the color looks, 
it could just as easily be grape or cherry Kool-Aid, another General Foods 

As for "pop" versus "Coke"...back then brand names were censored just as 
quickly as bad words.  Obviously that doesn't happen now.


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How "The Twilight Zone" helped me solve a TAGS mystery

2013-04-12 Thread Dixon Hayes
Recently I watched a number of "Twilight Zone" eps, caught some great 
performances by a lot of TAGS alumni.  Most notably George Lindsey played a 
small town deputy...and a really mean one at that!

But then I saw the episode "What's in the Box," with William Demarest as a man 
who sees disturbing images from his life on Channel 10 on his TV.  What's 
unique is, his TV has its controls on the top. (it looks like a realistic TV to 
me, but after all, this is the "Twilight Zone" we're talking about.)  Here are 
some pics:

This brought to mind the debate over the TAGS episode "Gomer the Houseguest," 
where Gomer and the Taylors are watching an adventure show on TV and Andy turns 
the TV off by twisting a knob on top.  This took so many people by surprise 
that a few argued there was no such thing as a TV with controls on top and this 
must be a goof.

So I did some research.  Turns out a number of TVs did, indeed, have knobs on 
top of the set.

...and this looks like the one Andy might even be turning off...

Now, it's entirely possible they were listening to a radio show (although I 
doubt it) and it's entirely possible the set decorator couldn't locate the 
Taylor's normal set... maybe the director passed off the Taylor's hifi as a TV set.  Nonetheless, 
I think I've presented enough evidence, once and for all, to show that there 
were, indeed, TVs that had channel knobs and controls on top of the set, and 
the idea of such a TV is not unheard of and certainly not a goof.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: round thing on top of refrigerator

2013-03-09 Thread Dixon Hayes
Johnna, to answer your question about the round thing on top of the 
refrigerator in Barney's apartment, here's a picture I found of a similar one:

If the round item on top of this one is what you're talking about, I think it's 
the refrigerator motor.  The earliest electric refrigerator had these.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Aunt Bee beaus poll

2013-03-04 Thread Dixon Hayes
***Floyd Lawson - 1 write in vote***

Aunt Bee probably put him in the "friends" column.  Poor Floyd.  :(


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: brand names

2013-03-04 Thread Dixon Hayes
***the show did not like to give any freebie shots of brands.Has anyone ever 
spotted one that got by the network?***

I did notice during the color episodes, there appears to be a display of Citgo 
motor oil in the window at Wally's.  I have so far not spotted any Cities 
Service cans during the black and whites (1965 was the year Cities Service 
changed the name of its service stations to Citgo, though other service 
stations could sell their products).

Also, if you look closely enough during the color years, you can occasionally 
see the sponsor's product, Post cereals, lining the shelves of the grocery 


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Christmas episodes

2013-01-01 Thread Dixon Hayes

Don't forget about the combined "Beverly Hillbillies" and "Petticoat Junction" 
Christmas episode where the Clampetts stay with the Bradleys at the Shady Rest 
Hotel in Hooterville.***

...And don't forget that also included the cast of "Green Acres," so that was 
three shows at once!

That would've been an awesome Mayberry color episode...Barney and Gomer both 
come back at once.  :)


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: short wave radios?

2012-12-30 Thread Dixon Hayes


It got me to 
wonderin if they had portable short wave radios back in the 60's ?

They did have them in the 1970s because I had one and listened to it a lot, if 
that helps any.  Since shortwave in general had been around for some time, I'd 
expect there were a few portables by the mid to late 1960s.



WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Christmas show

2012-12-30 Thread Dixon Hayes

 About there only being one Christmas Show, I agree, I would've loved to see 
one with Gomer, Goober and/or Floyd.  In fact I wonder if "The Song Festers" 
could've actually been reworked as a Christmas show, with the music in question 
being some type of carol or Christmas musical instead of "Santa Lucia"?



WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: laugh out loud scenes

2012-11-12 Thread Dixon Hayes
***Was wondering if everyone could describe the scene (or scenes) that make you 
laugh out loud the hardest.***

Let's see..

1.  The scene during the big argument between Barney and Gomer in "Citizen's 
Arrest," in which Gomer gets offended when Barney calls him a "boob."

2. The scene in "Barney's Sidecar" when the hand reaches out from under the 
station wagon and snatches the chalk marker away from Barney (not to mention 
Barney's response).

3. "Shoo fly's dead!"

4.  "I guess that makes you sheriff now."

5.  Andy catches Barney crowing like a rooster over the phone to Juanita, and 
makes the wise crack about whether Barney just laid any eggs.

6. (singing) "I'm locked up with the sheriff!  I'm locked up with the sheriff!"

7. Floyd's "All Hail to Thee, Miss Mayberry" song.

8.  "All God's children got a uvula!"  (Actually just about that whole episode.)

I sure wish I could narrow these down.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mrs. Grayson

2012-10-25 Thread Dixon Hayes
If Mrs. Grayson was a bit of a fake as well, where did she get the 
car? I haven't watched in a while, but seem to recall that it was a Lincoln 

 That's the easiest one to explain: she could've rented it.  Mt. Pilot 
Ford/Lincoln/Mercury probably did that a lot.

As for the address, I like the explanation that she got the address by telegram 
after Floyd hatched his plan, explaining the previous address was a business 
address.  There is plenty of unaccounted for time during the planning where it 
could've happened.  

That's unlike, say, when Barney bought the car from Mrs. Lesch and didn't 
bother to get a bill of sale; we saw the entire transaction unfold and she 
clearly came and left without writing one up.  (And if Barney had forgotten, 
Andy surely would've reminded him.)

Then again this is a small town in the South in the 1960s and there's no 
telling how many major deals where completed with a handshake.



WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry in 2012?

2012-10-11 Thread Dixon Hayes
That's a fascination question, what Mayberry would be like in 2012.  Here's my 

*Sarah, and her successor, would be long gone.  Mayberry would be using 
automated calling, even cell phones.  But I have a feeling it would be one of 
those rural areas where internet access is limited.  I see people taking their 
iPads and laptops to the Bluebird Diner for its free wifi.  The "Mayberry 
Gazette" likely has a website that's updated constantly by the publisher's son, 
Opie Taylor Jr.

*I'm betting the Walmart would be up in Mt. Pilot and Mayberrians would still 
frequent their local stores.  I see a few more antique stores in Mayberry than 
there used to be.  Perhaps Thelma Lou now runs one.

*Wally's Filling Station probably lost its pumps and pumped its last gallon 
years and years ago.  Since it looked like one of the old-time cottage 
stations, I'd like to think the building is still around as an antique store 
(Thelma Lou's Antiques?).  Gomer is probably mostly a part-time owner/manager 
at a repair shop that doesn't pump gas (notice he and cousin Goober are already 
running a pumpless garage in "Return to Mayberry"); Mayberrians likely get 
their gas from a couple of competing convenience stores.

*Mayberry's movie theater probably stopped showing first run "Gary Grant" 
movies in the 1980s, and is likely lovingly preserved and used by a community 
theater group.  Every once in awhile it shows a classic film like "It's a 
Wonderful Life," "No Time for Sergeants" or "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken."  
Mayberry is also exactly the kind of place where someone likely would've opened 
a new-generation drive-in theater on the edge of town that does show first run 

*I'm betting high school football and basketball is huge now, and Mayberry 
perhaps even hosts "race week" NASCAR-related festivities.

*The Mayberry squad car can't be a Ford anymore since Ford stopped making the 
Crown Vic.  I'm guessing whoever's sheriff now uses a 2011 or 2012 Dodge 
Charger.  One of the 1960s Fords perhaps now belongs to the local FOP and joins 
the town's antique fire engine in parades and car shows.

*The All Souls Church very likely uses a bigger building now, and starts its 
services with a set of music from a rock band that would've "scandalized" the 
high school principal in the 1960s.  Mayberry likely doesn't have a "town 
drunk" anymore since the church has a successful "Celebrate Recovery" program.

*Mayberry likely has a unisex haircutting salon where men and women alike blab 
their socks off. 

*The town likely hosts an antique car show twice a year (one hosted by the 
church), and a certain blue Comet and green Falcon likely make repeat 

*Mayberry likely has cable and I'm betting the "CSI" and "Law and Order" series 
are popular, ditto "American Pickers."  (I'd like to hear them discuss the one 
episode of "Jersey Shore" and "Honey Boo Boo" they all watched before deciding 
not to watch anymore.) Before he died, Goober probably dreamed the "Pickers" 
would show up at his house, where he probably had a barn covered over with old 
gas and oil signs.  I'll bet he saved the Mail Pouch tobacco thermometer when 
he closed Wally's.

*The main highway into town is probably four lanes now, and perhaps called "Sam 
Jones Parkway" after the city councilman who was later elected mayor for four 
terms in the 1970s and 1980s before retiring in 1984.

*...and finally, the old courthouse.  New, separate buildings likely house the 
sheriff's office and jail now with "eletronal marvels" such as modern cell 
doors. I'm betting the new courthouse is called "The Andrew Taylor Judical 
Building" and the jail is called the "Bernard Fife Corrections Center." The old 
courthouse is likely lovingly preserved, with photos of former sheriffs Taylor, 
Fife, etc. on the walls, and is likely home now to the Mayberry Chamber of 
Commerce.  There's probably a bench out front on the sidewalk with Floyd 
Lawson's name on a small plaque.

Time does go by and life does change in Mayberry, but I'd like to think the 
town's spirit never, ever changed.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Howard McNear on "I Love Lucy"

2012-10-07 Thread Dixon Hayes
Was that 
just due to tje fact that the programs were produced by DESILU?? 

No, Mayberry hadn't even been invented yet when Howard McNear made that 
appearance on "Lucy."  It's entirely possible, however, there were people who 
worked on both shows who were friends with each other and perhaps they 
remembered this appearance when it came time to hire McNear as a barber.  I'm 
betting the fact that he learned to cut hair with Wally Cleaver--not 
cats--might have helped.  :)


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: mixed feelings on the Emmys

2012-09-23 Thread Dixon Hayes
I was very touched that someone in the staff of the Emmy telecast remembered 
"The Andy Griffith Show" more than once.  The "In Memoriam" tribute took the 
unusual step of opening with a montage of the "Andy Griffith Show," featuring 
Andy and Opie, then Ron Howard walks out to pay a verbal tribute and introduce 
the rest of the "In Memoriam" segment.  Since ABC carried the telecast this 
year, I would've expected them to do something like this to Dick Clark.

On the other hand, I was surprised and disappointed they actually managed to 
leave out George "Goober" Lindsey from the tribute, ditto Frank Cady ("Green 
Acres," "Petticoat Junction"), Don Grady ("My Three Sons"), Jonathan Frid 
("Dark Shadows"), Peter Breck ("The Big Valley"), and Gore Vidal (various live 
TV plays).  

And early in the show, two actors from one of my favorite current shows, 
"Breaking Bad" (which couldn't possibly be less like Mayberry), Bryan Cranston 
and Aaron Paul, did a TAGS spoof in black and white in which they're walking to 
the fishing hole and shoot Barney on the way.  It ends with a dark spoof of the 
Post Cereals sponsor billboard that appeared in the series' original run.  
Might be a bit edgy for some of the folks around here but personally I LOL'ed.  


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: directors?

2012-09-15 Thread Dixon Hayes
That director question is a real head scratcher!  I guess we can rule out Rob 
Reiner since I can't find anything about him ever piloting a plane.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Floyd's car

2012-09-15 Thread Dixon Hayes
In case no one's answered, Floyd's car in "Convicts at Large" was a 1934 
Pontiac Eight.  We later see him driving the often-seen Ford Falcon and a nice, 
late-model Mercury Comet convertible.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie's shirt

2012-06-13 Thread Dixon Hayes
***Can't figure out why this was done. Was it so some of the scenes could be 
interchanable in the editing room? Was it to save money on cosumes? (That idea 
won't fly...if that were the case they would just use a white or blue shirt.***

Why they chose plaid, I don't know, but based on the photos of me taken from 
the mid 1960s through the early 1970s, plaid was surprisingly popular in those 
days.  But as to why Opie would be wearing it in so many episodes, it could 
very well be because multiple scenes from multiple episodes were shot at one 
time.  Perhaps this was to accomodate a shooting schedule because a star was 
doing a movie (Ronny Howard did appear in a rather disastrous movie about that 
time called "Village of the Giants") and wasn't available to be on the set.  So 
they went with the "MacMurray method," named because Fred MacMurray shot all of 
his "My Three Sons" scenes for an entire season in just a few days.  The 1950s 
version of "Adventures of Superman" did the same thing (all scenes in Perry 
White's office for an entire season were shot in one day, so everyone always 
wears the same clothes).


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Don Knotts, dramatic actor?

2012-04-15 Thread Dixon Hayes
***I don't think Don Knotts had a lot of dramatic acting roles although he did 
appear occasionally on various?TV series. If a person possessed the talent for 
comedy like our lovable Barney Fife I suppose there would?be no need to expand 
to other areas of acting.***

Actually Vic one of Don's earliest roles *was* dramatic.  In 1953 he played a 
character on the CBS daytime soap "Search for Tomorrow" who was hysterically 
mute and wouldn't speak to anyone but his sister.  The one known existing 
episode in which he appears, I have on tape somewhere.  He's seen in something 
of a dream sequence, as he's hypnotized in an effort to recover a repressed 
memory.  Very unusual.

I could see Don on some type of "Waltons" type series, had he ever decided to 
flirt more heavily with dramatic roles.  You could even argue his role in 
"Pleasantville," especially when his character starts to get a little darker 
toward the end, would be somewhat dramatic.  Of course, he never had any of the 
roles Andy had in say, "A Face in the Crowd."


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: sidekicks?

2012-04-14 Thread Dixon Hayes
All of this talk about sidekicks left out one notable one, from radio.  Someone 
did correctly mention Parley Baer's role
as Chester on the radio version of "Gunsmoke," but don't forget "Windy Wails," 
the comic relief from the "Bobby 
Benson" radio series of the 1950s.  That crusty comic relief was played by none 
other than Don Knotts.


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Re: Washington: Behind Closed Doors

2012-04-10 Thread Dixon Hayes

have to do some research as to how big Andy's part is with this one.

I could be wrong (I didn't see the miniseries but I saw the promos, and bits 
and pieces) but I was thinking Andy actually played an outgoing president in 
"Washington: Behind Closed Doors," perhaps modeled after LBJ?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mike Wallace and Mad Men

2012-04-10 Thread Dixon Hayes

***The article 
that he had a part in the 1957 Hollywood drama "A Face in the Crowd",starring 

I remember that, Wallace played himself.  At the time he had a tough interview 
show on TV, and this was apparently a reference to 
that specific show.
BTW, not this last Sunday night but the one before that...did anyone catch the 
"Mad Men" episode in which Andy is very briefly seen 
playing on someone's TV?  It appeared to be a generic scene in which Andy is 
sitting at his desk in the sheriff's office, talking to 
someone on the phone.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Glenn Fording it all over town

2012-03-31 Thread Dixon Hayes

The Glenn Ford "G-Man" question came up once before and a lot of us suspect it 
was actually a shout-out to Mr. Ford.  At the time, Ronny Howard was either 
filming, or 
promoting, the movie "The Courtship of Eddie's Father," in which Ford played 
Ronny's single dad.  So it may have been a way to say "hey!" from one show biz 
single dad
to another.

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Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2011-08-22 Thread Dixon Hayes via LinkedIn

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2011-08-19 Thread Dixon Hayes via LinkedIn

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