
2012-07-08 Thread Erin Johnston
What where the main characters fav episodes??
mourning Andy... but, knowing he is rejoicing in heaven makes me not seem so 
giraffe like (selfish)
Enjoyed escaping to Mayberry this past weekend
WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-09-29 Thread Erin Johnston
My grandmother was known as ' Gramma B 'her name was Bernice.. She prefered to 
be called Bee, Bea or even B.
Since we were young she did not mind any spelling errors.
just a different way of looking at it...Mayberry's finest crossing guard,Erin

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song names

2010-05-24 Thread Erin Johnston
I don't reckon if there is a song named "Don't ever hit your grandma with a 
great big stick"
all I know is that one makes me cry!

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2010-02-07 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi Friends,
I noticed that Aaron Ruben passed away this past week.
Google his name in your search engine for further info.
Sad sad sad day...
Erin J, Mayberry's finest crossing guard

WBMUTBB mailing list

Message from Tom kessel

2010-01-11 Thread Erin Johnston
I have received a message from Mr. kessel. I have gotten messages like this in 
the past. This is a scam. Someone likely has stolen hisinformation and is 
conducting this scam. Please do not give any moneyuntil we are certain. 

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Cannon Duty

2009-10-31 Thread Erin Johnston
 I told Goober to go out trick or treating with the fun girls in Mt Pilot. I'll 
watch the cannon.
no check point chichy tonight..
Erin aka "Little Ricki"

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Ken's sandwhich & movie

2009-07-23 Thread Erin Johnston

   Does your sandwhich have a first name ? 

    If I were to cast someone to play andy taylor it would be Tom Hanks

Aunt bea cloris lechman maybe

Helen Crump Meg Ryan

Thelma lou  Carrie Fisher

I'm at a blank for everyone else.. It ... it would not be the same.

Mayberry's finest crossing guard,

Little Ricki

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Mayberry weekend laugh

2009-06-08 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi Friends, I know how much i enjoyed the andy griffith marathon on tv land 
this past weekend. 

My husband said somehting rather fun while he peeped into watch with me.

He asked who my favorite mayor was... I said<" I liked Pike & Stoner for 
different reasons."
he said " I never liked Mayor Pike 
He always Seemed rather FISHY to me"

ha ha ha

Take care,
Little Ricki 

Erin mayberry's finest crossing guard

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aren't ya kind

2009-03-07 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi folks ...
how are all my fellow mayberrians a doin'?
I was in a dinner place recent.. and I looked at some of the prices..
whoo ..noone could afford to leave a tip for this girl.
I felt bad for olive .
I'm going to go get a bottle of pop, sit with mr swamp and take a nap...
Little Ricki Ricardo 
Mayberry's favorite crossing guard/drummer

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2008-12-03 Thread Erin Johnston
I had a bright orange goldfish named OPIE
he was with us for 10 yrs. he had been swimming crooked like Otis
so I asked my husband  to dispose of him.
Our dogs two of the names I fought for and lost was Ellie May and Thelma Lou
We have kate & Ally
Erin, wishing I was fishing...

WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-12-03 Thread Erin Johnston
I had a bright orange goldfish named OPIE
he was with us for 10 yrs. he had been swimming crooked like Otis
so I asked my husband  to dispose of him.
Our dogs two of the names I fought for and lost was Ellie May and Thelma Lou
We have kate & Ally
Erin, wishing I was fishing...

WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-12-03 Thread Erin Johnston
I had a bright orange goldfish named OPIE
he was with us for 10 yrs. he had been swimming crooked like Otis
so I asked my husband  to dispose of him.
Our dogs two of the names I fought for and lost was Ellie May and Thelma Lou
We have kate & Ally
Erin, wishing I was fishing...

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Boil Dinner

2008-11-16 Thread Erin Johnston
HI folks,
In my neck of the woods.. a boil dinner can be anything but its all boiled.
Usually ours consist of  
fish, veggies, potatoes, rice, and milk or juice,
its tasty and there is PLENTY of humidity in your house
it makes for dandy sleeping weather.

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not sure what episode

2008-11-13 Thread Erin Johnston
My husband who is not a trained notice noticed something in an
episode the other night. It was a color one where Opie was playing 
with the rich kids. They went to Myer's Lake at the end to catch 
Bass  the fish were not Bass they were Trout.
 Life lesson...
All the money in the world isn't worth getting electrocuted for
10-4 check point chichky

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Life lessons of TAGS

2008-11-11 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi Friends
1. if your back is twisted rub some witch hazel on it..it will make your eyes 
2. water and oil are free they do charge for the gas
3. cocnut cakes need jelly beans on them
4. in prison you may get the mr potato set
5. eating tar is good for your teeth
6. babies only eat at 8,12.4 and 8
7. what indeed is your hurry?
8. you need one green veg and one yellow
9. no coffee tea or punch thank YOU!
10. pinch and a poke you owe me a coke
11. they teach history earlier because theere is more of it
12. mr cookie bar is a pick me up for a high spirited person
13. if you want to play checkers head over to floyd's 
14. best selection of pop is at wally's
10-4 over and out from a check point chicky,

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ITs Keevy

2008-10-31 Thread Erin Johnston
HI Kids,
 I actually had a recent Mayberry moment involving Keevy hazelton.
 My former neighbor had told me about someone of our neighborhood passing away,
I said "WHY can I not think of his first name.. ???"
She said," its simple, just think KEEVY Hazelton ...a part ofd your own little 
So when i told my parent I told them how I recalled his name. they both laughed.
Mom started to sing my hometown to me then she had another call at work...
I said its the thought that counts and Keevy in the sky knows what you ment.
Goodnight kids!!!
10-4 from the Checkpoint chicky,

WBMUTBB mailing list

If we have songs then we'll sing

2008-10-12 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi friends,
that was a name of my grandmother's song books,
I don't recall any of the songs I though the title was funny.
I recall other songs being sung... like
Swampy river bottom  and this time make it perdy
 old Dan tucker
believe me if all them endearing young charms
toot toot tootsie goodbye
Some enchanted evening
a ton of bluegrass tunes that escapes me now..of course I'll think of then 
plain as day in an hour or so.
for he's a jolly good fellow
love lifted me
"pot too high jump in the sky ..sky too blue jump in canoe>>"
eaten goober peas
now in the month of may
Santa Lucia
moonlight bay
Stars and stripes forever..
10-4 checkpoint chicky,
 Mrs. June Cleaver ( I wish my house was REALLY half as clean)

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HEY Fellow Mayberrians

2008-09-21 Thread Erin Johnston
Hello to my friends,
   I went to a retirement party  ( 40 years) I thought what do I get her a 
septic tank?
NO. When I learned her company DID NOT GIVE HER a party or squat, I just said 
IF this were the good Ol days there would have been a dinner for everyone, a 
gold platter, 
and an ad in the local paper. 
 One of the folks said to me what does this mean for you when you retire ( in 
35 yrs)
I said WELL... by the way things are going I am packing my bags throwing 
caution to the wind and moving to Mayberry where folks are treated at the very 
least ...Right,
 a few weeks ago I have a co worker who was going to her parents 65th wedding 
anniversary.. she asked what do I get them? I said  A septic tank that is what 
you get for peoplle who HAVE everything... She siad very funny. I said canning 
jars a bed jacket ...eagle eye annie?  she decided to get them a new sheetset 
and blankets set.
Who wants to meet me in Mayberry?  
I'm sure tired of the world  in this life
Look both ways before you cross the street.
Your fav crossing guard,

WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-09-07 Thread Erin Johnston
hey friends,
I sent TV land an e-mail stating that they would loose 99%
of thier audience for the 1% they were looking to gain.
I had to hollar and scream to get tv land from my cable provider
 and now to find out I have to
hollar to get the retro tv one.
 Land sakes alive.
I saw the song with Andy and what's his name... good
touching..my husband even was touched also.
I thought it was very well done.
I am 36 and I would rather watch classic tv every day of the week then
the new junk on there now.
My dogs even enjoy watching Green Acres they are learning to like Andy
For them they may have to learn to love 'em like Aunt B's pickles.
10-4 check point chickie,

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Funny lines that are favorites

2008-08-05 Thread Erin Johnston
When Barney says" that is a subject you cant say enough about SIN"
"Here at the rock we have 2 rules...1 rule is OBEY all rules"
"barony's in jail barney's in jail..".."nip it nip it nip it"
no honey right now I'm on the trail of a baboon"
morning dear morning honey
Ernest t bass is a strange and weird character..just plain ornery... I think 
he's a nut

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Mr bass' middle name.....NOW THIS IS IMPORTANT

2008-07-25 Thread Erin Johnston
I am blessed with knowing Ernest T's middle name
Sorry  its been suh a strange day here.
ERIN, Mayberry's midwest mocha momma & Favorite crossing guard

WBMUTBB mailing list

thanks a Heap

2008-05-27 Thread Erin Johnston
HEy HEY HEY alan...Thanks a Heap for getting the digest up and running.
  Vista who knew its be such a work.
  I had a cool Mayberry today... a gentleman came up to me and said "you
  know everyone complains abouit the weather but no one does anything about it."
  i said " Calvin coolidge said that"...he said"  no, Will rogers ..did .. I 
said. " I learned this on TAGS actually Mark Twain said it."  He said" You 
sure?"  I s aid " uh huh"  He laughed and said yep you right.  Aint it dandy

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holding back

2008-04-09 Thread Erin Johnston
I recall  s time when andy was trying to hold back and busted out laughing
  during the episode where Barney is trying to recite the Preamble
  I had this on my old computer before it went to live in the recycle land.
  There were a whole mess of cartons when Don knotss had just died i got them 
from Kathy
  in PA is she a still out there?

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A younger crowd / RIP FIFE

2008-03-27 Thread Erin Johnston
I agree that tv land is trying to get a younger crowd in..
  BUTwhen you throw a heap of goober peas at your true blue fans..who do 
you think you are? Maybe they should go sit in the supermarket so we know who 
the big cheese is?
  The shows they are selecting are SO Stuipid. 
  thank goodness we have our trusty dvd players so we can "take down your 
fishin pole and meet me at the fishing hole"
  Someone sent me a comic strip of Don knotts after he had just passed away. I 
lost it on my computer and wondered if i could have it re sent to 
me?...PLease..e Poo?
  your crossing guard,

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Sag awards

2008-01-28 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi Friends
   I am not sure if anyone else caught it or not. Sunday night the Screen 
Actors guild awards were on. The part I need to mention is we had 3 Andy 
Griffth characters featured in the In Memoruim section...
  It was nice to see them..one last time in a tribute together. I think when 
you play smaller parts your work is taken forgranted.
  Last One to Walker's  has to buy Ice cream for the whole counter,
  Mayberry's MIdwest turtle mocha lovin' momma / aka Mayberry's favorite 
crossing guard 
  10-4 chicky

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Did not attend mayberry days..

2007-09-30 Thread Erin Johnston
Hey people..
   I Did not attend May berry days..
  WE have a puppy and I'm busier then one could ever imagine..
  like having an infant and 2 yr old rolled into one.
  WOW ...
  Talk to you when she turns like 3 just kidding ..Erin

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Did not attend mayberry days..

2007-09-30 Thread Erin Johnston
Hey people..
   I Did not attend May berry days..
  WE have a puppy and I'm busier then one could ever imagine..
  like having an infant and 2 yr old rolled into one.
  WOW ...
  Talk to you when she turns like 3 just kidding ..Erin

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The passing of our town

2007-09-05 Thread Erin Johnston
HI all...
  Just in case some of you did not notice
  we have lost 2 cast members this year... Dabbs Greer (90) Counsilman dobbs
  and Charles Lane (102) who played Mr. Frisbee. both of these men had long 
hollywood careers.
  I never met either onebut I would have jumped at the chance.
  We can all imagine them being welcomed into the town that is in heaven again
  in a small place known as Mayberry.
  In case, you do not know, you can go to Mayberry.com and click on cast 
members birthdays this will also show the date members have passed away also,
  mayberry's Midwest Mocha momma ( who one day will be a crossing guard in 

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WBMUTBB mailing list

HI all

2007-07-30 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi fellow mayberrians,
   My computer had a bad virus and now I'm back with a new computer.
  Thank you for the warnings on buying dvds from other companies . I guess, not 
everyone is as nice or honest as our group is.
  Little Leon walking around w/ a sandwhich looking as cute as could be... w/o 
parents. I'd like to think it was ok for him to walk around without a care in 
the world in a heavenly location like Mayberry. Instead of lack of being 
watched maybe knowing everyone was keeping an eye on him rather then walking 
all about alone. That has to make everyone smile..knowing he had 45 caregivers 
then zero.
  What would ol man flint say?
  Erin, Mayberry's best crossing guard

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Hi folks

2007-06-11 Thread Erin Johnston
   After working all weekend it is sure nice to see TAGS in my email box.
  Our milkman... did not have a key the door wasn't locked so he just came on 
in. See when mom ordered more then a gal of milk he knew us kids couldn't pick 
it up..so he just carried it in. He also made sure the cups in the fridge were 
half full so my sister and I could have cereal  on saturday am.
   Sometimes I'd be awake...now mind you I was 4 or 5. he'd ask for some sugar. 
I may have kissed or hugged him. I do recall replying "no, I'm not kissing you 
today" My grandparents dog would meet him in town at thier place and then run a 
mile to our place to see him out there again.
  Yes, norman rockwell would have been bored..and in some cases it sounds like 
Opie lived just down the street.
  Now I have read about Aunt Bee being a pistol to work with, I believe she may 
have been hard but she was a stage actress ..who had years of respect and hard 
work under her belt ( she was 60 or 65 in the tags yrs). How would you feel 
some kid worked where you did and people were falling all over him or her? 
Jealous? I know I would be at first.  But I may become annoyed with working on 
stage and being know for only one part. Maybe to her that was an insult? Maybe 
she felt that way. Maybe she could never fathom that nearly 50 yrs later people 
would STILL be thinking of her.
  I would have liked to know her calling her ms. baviar of course. I would not 
call her Aunt bee..that would be like folks calling me MRS Greeter Miss
  Just a thought.
  Oh yeah i saw Mayor stoner in green acres, the munsters and then again on the 
Golden Girls.. he sure does get around.
  Erin Mayberry's midwest mocha momma

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I'm a askin' my mayberry friends

2007-06-03 Thread Erin Johnston
Hello to my special kin folk,
   I"m thinking about teaching a back to mayberry class at my local church 
maybe in the summer can  anyone help me out with some good tips?
  ps. Anybody want to run down to wally's and get a cold bottle of pop?

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All kinds of thoughts

2007-05-21 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi Friends...
  Its so wonderful to be with you again. I have to THANK KEN for describing the 
old time gas stations. Air is sometimes even free..but ice is .25 a cup. and 
they rob you when it comes to vaccuming.
  I was reminded of my grandfather when he worked at the co-op gas station. And 
, how he  used to sit on  the stool and talk to folks.
   If we see things on Nick at nite and tv land that we dont like..as Mr. 
Rogers reminded his tv friends awhile back" When you see something on tv that 
scares you or that you dont like you can always turn it OFF" ( and watch 
something to your liking,)
   Thank you for reminding us the other sites that we can visit.
  ** I saw something I hadn't seen in YEARS a young boy was buying 
something and he was a penny or two short and the man behind him gave him the 
cents so he could buy his candy. I've seen cashiers do this but it made me long 
for days past.
  10-4 good friends,
  Erin< your midwest mocha momma

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Mayberrians passing

2007-05-02 Thread Erin Johnston
  I am sad by the death of Dabbs Greer. I was able to send him a birthday 
greeting card for his 90th . Thank you to whoever gave us the address.
  Thank you for letting us know about Tom Poston,too. 
  I saw a rather Mayberry -like sight the other day. My dog was tied out in 
front of the local coffee shop. I saw an elderly gentleman struggling to bend 
down to give my dog a pat on the head. I thought it was a sweet sight.
  Keep a good thought...

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Mayberry Moments

2007-04-18 Thread Erin Johnston
HI pals & Gals,
   During these rocky times in the world I do rely on my mayberry moments to 
see me through.
  I wore my Andy Griffith show shirt to work the other day and a friend of mine 
who works in shoes...asked "is that a coincidence?"
  I said "what?" He said" your shirt" I said "no way man... that is my favorite 
show and I am a member of the fan club. It's an on line thing and it is BIG 
REALLY BIG"  he smiled and said that was one of my favorite shows too.
  Then another friend of ours came in and asked...Where should I spend my 35Th 
wedding anniversary?" I said " well, there is only one placeMAY BERRY DAYS 
in Sept and I'd be proud to go with ..your treat of course." He smiled and said 
he'd think on it a spell..
  The lady at work who never liked me when she was teaching at our high school 
I said something may berry-like to her.."hey, How longs it been since your 
husband passed?'
  THEN TODAY at the bloodmobile...I brought my portable DVD player with TAGS 
playing a dorky guy said "what are you watching sponge bob square pants? I 
said"man, that is your choice of TV and your level dude...Mine is TAGS 
-always."' ( then i heard a guy say Amen to that sister)
  Peace out brothers & sisters 
  Erin, mayberry's midwest mocha momma

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Favorite quotes

2007-03-28 Thread Erin Johnston
  My favorites are
  you have to NIP it  Nip it in the BUD!
  " You notice a muddy elephant walking through a snowstorm"
  "we thought about killin him kinda hated to go that far"
  " I want to do my sentence"
  "That's an old wives tale but Johnny Paul ain't married"
  "she's nice Andy real nice"
  "hey whose in my room"
  "no coffee tea or punch thank YOU
  Is it gonna rain" Romona
  "the he giggled and soaked some paper towels in the punch bowl and threw them 
on the ceiling"
  Does anyone know if Mrs. Wiley (doris Packar) is still alive?
  Thank you for letting us know about upcoming birthdays..my cards will go in 
tomorrows mail.
  Erin Mayberry's Midwest Mocha Momma

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A mayberry memorable moment

2007-03-22 Thread Erin Johnston
I was at work on Wednesday and this lady came into where I work..she looked a 
little cold. She came out ready to leave..she had a state named sweatshirt on. 
I said" well, I'm sorry we can't give you some warm temps"
  She said"that is OK we are moving to North Carolina in 2 months." I said "oh 
yeah whereabouts?' she named and unfamiliar city and she said its near Raleigh. 
I lit up and said" land sakes you'll be a skip away from Mt airy. You';ll be 
able to go the Andy Griffith festival anytime you want to>"
  She said" Yeah I love that show" I said "Me too>"  WE went on chatting like 
two old friends. I said you'll have to stop in on our on line club...I said I 
didn't write too much but I am Mayberry's Midwest mocha momma. She laughed and 
smiled as we said goodbye and I wished her the best of luck.
  She smiled the whole way to her car.
  Erin Mayberyy's Midwest mocha Momma
  Ps. Does anybody know how to NIP taxes in the bud?

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A mayberry memorable moment

2007-03-22 Thread Erin Johnston
I was at work on Wednesday and this lady came into where I work..she looked a 
little cold. She came out ready to leave..she had a state named sweatshirt on. 
I said" well, I'm sorry we can't give you some warm temps"
  She said"that is OK we are moving to North Carolina in 2 months." I said "oh 
yeah whereabouts?' she named and unfamiliar city and she said its near Raleigh. 
I lit up and said" land sakes you'll be a skip away from Mt airy. You';ll be 
able to go the Andy Griffith festival anytime you want to>"
  She said" Yeah I love that show" I said "Me too>"  WE went on chatting like 
two old friends. I said you'll have to stop in on our on line club...I said I 
didn't write too much but I am Mayberry's Midwest mocha momma. She laughed and 
smiled as we said goodbye and I wished her the best of luck.
  She smiled the whole way to her car.

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it makes ya think

2007-02-14 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi Friends,
 Charles Ingalls used to ask for Salt Risen bread too. ( Walnut Grove,MN)
 Andy and his "grumpy times" ... don't we ALL have grumpy times?
 It is sad about Miss Peggy  Joanna Moore... but she was fortunate to have 
a daughter care for her in financial ways. Some folks do not have that. She's 
in a better place ...dancing with Otis, putting up pickles with aunt bee, Clara 
and Helen, and making sure to check on Raif.
As I watch our city lose its mayberryness,.. It makes me sad and sick in 
many ways. We are watching our mainstreet properties turn into Walmart, 
Walgreens... and schools that are zillions of dollars. As the old get 
forgotten...the young get too much.. and life just turns into a ...never go 
back way.
  I hope all have a happy valentines day... 
  good luck to you and yers...

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I'm a getting a gold tooth for dancing

2007-02-06 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi Friends,
   Ok...I'm not getting a gold tooth because I do not dance in public.
  I just wondered how everyone has been doing. I also wondered if anyone haas 
heard how Betty Lynn is getting along? I thought I read somewhere she had 
"taken sick" unless I'm mistaken.
  I had a very bad burn on my face and I used soem Witch hazel. I recalled 
how opie had said But (Witch hazel) makes my eyes water.
  My burn is better thanks to good ol Aunt Bee.
   I was watching season 1  where opie goes to take a peek at Ellie walker. 
  Ellie was washing the windows and this white substance was on there is that 
shaving cream or bar soap? Sure would like to know. 
  I hate to wash windows and i'm wondering if you think Miss ellie would come 
by to do mine? Doesnt hurt to ask.
  Stay warm and do something nice for someone today...in a mayberry kind of way.
  Erin ...mayberry's own (walmart) greeter and school crossing guard

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Mayberry Moments

2006-12-27 Thread Erin Johnston
I have a few mayberry moments that I would like to share.. These have happened 
in the last 6 or 8 months for me. 
  I was at work and a man I know who has a "high roof to his mouth" and likes 
TAGS I asked him if he had a song for me. He said what would you like me to 
  I said how bout good ol 14 A? He hummed a few bars and said... Sorry just not 
my day for a singin' I said well you got time to breathe there is time for a 
music.  He smiled and said That song gets me right here>...
  I had said hi how are you and a lady saiud the exact same thing at the same 
time... I said pinch and a poke you owe me a coke... She said I'll go get ya 
one from the filling station.
  My beloved person and I were out chopping wood.  I said see look at that. He 
said oh I never noticed that I said you wouldnt notice a muddy elephant walking 
through a snowstorm..  He said... I guess I am ah . I said its ok we all 
cant be trained noticers.  Land sakes alive!
  ya all are as up to date as ya hope to be... 

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Good Day Mayberry Folks

2006-12-27 Thread Erin Johnston
  Erin, Mayberry's crossing guard

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Viya Con Dios Jeff

2006-03-21 Thread Erin Johnston
Thank you to everyone on the postings of Jeff.
I will miss him. We never met on earth.. but I know we will meet in the 
mayberry in the sky.

I read..when a person dies a library burns... Jeff had many stories and I
will miss his big head from detroit postings. He was the only person I knew 

Rest In Peace... and say Hello doll to everyone up there for me.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Good Ol' Barnery Fife

2006-02-27 Thread Erin Johnston
Hi Friends,

  Yes, i was sadden by the death of our Barney Fife. Don knotts was 
definatly the ony
one who could have ever played him. We know he is joined on his journey to 
heaven with
Darrin Magavin ( a Christmas Story) and Dennis Weaver ( Gunsmoke)  
Thankfully we have
dvd and tv to share our times together.

Barney will be properly burried next to Tom Silvey with a shiny new bullit 
in his pocket of course.

   We will miss you Don until we meet in the heavenly Mayberry for a 
soda at the filling station..
May God rest his soul..


WBMUTBB mailing list

This woman watches TAGS also

2006-01-13 Thread Erin Johnston
HI Ken & All you watchers,

Mayberry reminds me of so much growing up.
I knew the woman who cut my hair as well as folks know Floyd.
My neighbors were wonderful people... Clara reminds me of our neigbor Gene 
MIss Crump remind me of our favorite teachers..Mrs seivert, ect..
Hazel remind me of Mrs Jorgenson.. our church organist..

Mayor Pike remind s me of my favorite mayor Paul Swenby

I think of where I met my husband... where I rode my bike ,,where the pool
was... I walk past my grandparents former home

I think of falling in love and where I want to be when the Lord calls me 

Grab a soda and play a game of checkers... and take time to notice the 
simple pleasures of nature
and of life

I think of Mayberry whenever I walk my dog to our coffee shop and tie 
her to the Newstand
out front...  and go in for a soda or a special...

Mayberry is my hometown... and even though our real hometown is a changin'
I still like to dream back to easier slower times...

Lets try to keep Our Mayberry's Alive in our hearts and every day lives

Blessings to you and yers,

Ps... a woman in the coffeehouse had a card ( homemade with a black and 
white picture on it...
she said HWO IS THAT/   I said That is Mayor Stoner... Pearly Baer...

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