Mayberry sighting

2007-01-20 Thread Greg Boe
I was watching Gunsmoke on TV Land today, and I came across an episode with
a group of nuns who were traveling from Dodge City to the Black Hills of
Dakota Territory. I noticed that one of the nuns (a nun with a bit of
"spunk"she was a little bit head-strong and sure of herself, she even
won an argument with Festus!) was the one and only Aneta Corsaut (our own
Helen Crump)!!


If that don't beat all!!!


You just never know where some of our TAGS alumni will show up!


Greg B

(one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans!)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Front Porch

2007-01-13 Thread Greg Boe
 I live in a new neighborhood, and every house (90+) has a front porch!  It
is a breath of fresh air to see people sitting out on their front porches in
a NEW neighborhood...kind of like taking a step back in time!!  Ours is
solid it can't even get spidery underneath or anything!


Greg B

(one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans!)

WBMUTBB mailing list

sounds like someone wants to be the new sheriff in town!

2006-10-18 Thread Greg Boe
I found this item in our local newspaper today, from our neighboring state
of WisconsinI thought y'all might appreciate it!


Greg - one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans!




Sheriff candidate in Wisconsin changes his name to Andy Griffith

Associated Press 


PLATTEVILLE, Wis. - A local music store co-owner is putting a touch of
Mayberry in the race for sheriff in western Wisconsin's Grant County. 

The former William Fenrick changed his name earlier this year to Andy
Griffith - the name of the actor who portrayed the fictional Sheriff Andy
Taylor of Mayberry on TV's "The Andy Griffith Show" in the 1960s. 

He said his goal was to focus attention to a sheriff's race that otherwise
gets little. 

"Nobody knows who's running or what the issues are, if there are any issues
or how the people differ," Griffith said. 

He's running as an independent in the Nov. 7 election against incumbent
Sheriff Keith Govier, a Republican who's held the job for 10 years, and
Democrat Doug Vesperman, who's worked in the sheriff's department 16 years. 

Griffith, 42, said when contacted Tuesday night that he's worked in the past
in private security and knows how to set priorities and make the best use of
a limited budget and manpower. 

Part of his motivation, he said, came when drug officers acting on an
anonymous tip launched a drug raid in Dodgeville last May but went to the
wrong address, then picked up some young people in the apartment next door
for having marijuana. 


WBMUTBB mailing list

easy technique for reply'n

2006-05-16 Thread Greg Boe
Allan is right (and bless your heart, Allan, for all the work you do!).  In
fact, instead of using "reply" and risking all of that trouble, all you need
to do is "copy and paste" the portion of the message you are referring to
into the body of a new email, type your reply above it, and send it off to
the entire WBMUTBB group (at!



Greg (one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans)





Some email clients quote the ENTIRE Digest to which you "Reply" and as a 

result your message will cause a brand new issue of the Digest to be 

created which contains a copy of the one you replied to. Please turn off 

the automatic quoting feature of your email tool so this does not occur 

in the future.


I try to catch these but I've been messin' up lately with my "approving" 

of messages.  I let through a "junk" e-mail a few days back and now I 

messed up on the "quoted" Digests.  That was my fault...not AuntBee1's 

but in the future if all of y'all would try and make sure you don't 

quote entire issues of the Digest, it'll make my job a little easier.




--Allan Newsome

   "The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club - Webmaster


WBMUTBB mailing list splash

2006-05-02 Thread Greg Boe
I'm so glad you brought that up, Randy.  Whenever I watch an episode of TAGS
today, I watch for that splash.  I seem to recall seeing the rock hit the
water and splashing when I watched the show originally (when I was a
young'n) but I don't see the splash too often if at all today.


I just figured my eyes were getting worse in my old age!


(one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans!)






Message: 19

Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 07:53:49 -0500

From: "Randy Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Dogs, Dogs, nothing but dogs.



Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed


An observation I've noticed, At the start of each episode when Andy and Opie

are walking and Opie throws a rock into the water, have you noticed a few 

episodes you actually see the rock hit the water and splash an others you 



Randy "Rafe Hollister" Davis




WBMUTBB mailing list

funniest TAGS episodes

2006-01-17 Thread Greg Boe
Great question, Dixonand very difficult!  There are so many good choices
that come to mind (I kind of feel like a judge at a beauty contest!), but I
would have to submit my top 4 (in no particular order): Barney and the
Choir, The Haunted House, the Loaded Goat (is that you, uncle Nate?), and
Convicts-at-Large.  Watching any one of these gives me a pain in my side,
strictly from uncontrolled laughter!!



Greg (one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans!)



WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Sam Jones would be proud!

2008-11-09 Thread Greg Boe
Hey everyone!

As a long time fan of TAGS (and a long-time reader of WBMUTBB), I wanted to
share a quick note of good news with my friends in Mayberry!  This summer, I
decided to run for a seat on the city council in my town - Chaska, MN.
Chaska calls itself "the best small town in Minnesota" and it shares many
qualities with the Mayberry of our memories, not the least of which is a
large city park in the middle of our historic downtown - where townsfolk
enjoy free concerts each and every Friday night in the summer.  The bands
usually play in or near the large gazebo in the center of the park,
depending on the weather, and the size of the band (it could be "spidery"
under there...I've never looked for sure) while the church across the street
from the park offers root beer is a wonderful and quaint
small-town experience that people travel for miles to enjoy with their

Anyway, the good news is this: I WON!!  I will begin serving my community in
January of 2009, and I am very excited!!  I just had to tell someone, as I
am nearly ready to burst with pride!!

Take care, and God Bless!

Greg Boe
(Minnesota's biggest TAGS fan, and, soon-to-be the voice of the common

E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor (
Database version: 5.11080

WBMUTBB mailing list

playing Mayberry-Opoly

2009-01-05 Thread Greg Boe
My son bought me Mayberry-Opoly for Christmas...knowing how much I love the
show (bless his heart!).  My family and I have enjoyed playing it since that
time, in spite of a few "mistakes" in the game!

Greg Boe - one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans

WBMUTBB mailing list

...the Old Ballgame...

2009-01-12 Thread Greg Boe
I agree, Ernest T should be a natural on the mound.  I just hope Opie can
get his schedule worked out so that piano practice won't interfere with his
baseball practice

Greg (one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans)

WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-03-01 Thread Greg Boe
Hey Holland,

Thanks for giving me a smile - I used to have a copy of that book, but I
haven't seen it for years so that brought back some memories.  


I guess those kinds of pleasant memories really are...set in stone!



Greg Boe

one of Minnesota's biggest TAGS fans

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mrs. Leasch (Hubcaps Leasch)

2009-04-27 Thread Greg Boe


I've been cipherin' some on that problem you mentioned, and I believe the
solution is this: you are assuming that Ms. Leasch was driving 25 mph which
would have her traveling 75 mphbut as Neil Bentley would point out
(hanging his hat on the details like those big city attorneys do), she
merely stated that she never drives OVER 25 mph.but in fact she may have
been driving well UNDER 25 fact, driving 4.67 mph, and allowing
for a 10 minute stop every 30 minutes, would have a body traveling those 14
miles in about 4 hours.


That's my 2 cents worth (course, you can buy quite a bit of candy for 2
cents if you know where to look)



Greg B

Minnesota's biggest TAGS fan(and part-time rocket scientist)









Message: 5

Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 19:19:16 EDT


Subject: Barney's First Car



Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"


I was watching the episode, "Barney's First Car", and I got to thinkin'  

under my bucket, and that might be dangerous, but here goes.   Ms.  Leasch 

said it took her 4 hours from Mount Pilot, because she doesn't drive over

mph, and gives the machine a 10 minute rest every 30 minutes.Now, 

according to my machines here at the shop, and I'm sure they're not as good
as the ones at the bank, but according to my calculations, that would make
it 75  

miles from Mt. Pilot to Mayberry.   I thought it was only 14  miles?   

Anyone got any thoughts on that?



Them Timers are Tricky Chapter

The "official" TAGSRWC sounds page


WBMUTBB mailing list

TO or AT?

2009-08-25 Thread Greg Boe
I grew up in a small town in South Dakota (does that qualify as "the
south"...not sure, but I suspect not), and I also recall folks saying "to"
when referring to any sort of destination or location.  I never thought
anything of it until I read these comments on the Bulletin Board!




Greg Boe (small town City Council member and BIG TAGS fan!)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Jack Burns

2009-09-07 Thread Greg Boe
I found an interesting look at Warren Ferguson at (did you
know that Jack got his start in show-biz working at a radio station in Fort
Worth...where he began doing on-air comedy routines with fellow DJ George
Carlin ?


According to a Jack Burns biography
(, Andy briefly
explained the hiring of Burns in Richard Kelly's 1980 book The Andy Griffith
Show: "We went to San Francisco and met this very funny stand-up comedian.
We thought his performance was fine and decided to make him Floyd's nephew
on the show. So we put him on--and we said we were not replacing Don
[Knotts]--but we were replacing Don and we were giving him Don Knotts
material--and it didn't work."

You beat everything, you know that!??



Greg (Sam Jones) Boe

City Councilor


WBMUTBB mailing list

Janet Waldo

2009-09-28 Thread Greg Boe
I read the other day that Janet Waldo (famous as the voice of Judy Jetson in
all versions of the Hanna-Barbera TV cartoon The Jetsons, among other
things) appeared in a TAGS episode as "Amanda."  I can't place that
episode...can anyone tell me more about this?



Greg (Sam Jones) Boe

City Council



WBMUTBB mailing list

Goober's suit

2009-10-17 Thread Greg Boe
Hey Ted,


I seem to recall that Goober's friend was very impressed with the suit
Goober was wearing when they first saw each otherand he said something
about "you must be doing well" as he checkout the material.  I figure that
all happened because Andy's extra suit was nicer than the one Goober was
wearing...and it set Goober's desire to 'brag himself up' into motion
If Goober hadn't torn his own suit, none of that would have happened.

- Greg (Minnesota's biggest TAGS fan!)







What was the point of having Goober rip his suit when he put the suitcase on
the shelf for Aunt Bee? I figured they would work it in the story line, but
nothing happened.




(Theodoric of York)


WBMUTBB mailing list

the duck

2009-12-06 Thread Greg Boe

Which direction was the duck headed?  


"After dark in the moonlight if you see a duck, Any new venture
will bring you bad luck."

  "Except if the duck is headed toward west...then all your ventures
will bring you the best."


You shouldn't aughta never forget the second part!



Greg "Sam Jones" Boe
City Council  

WBMUTBB mailing list

40 acres, Christmas, etc

2009-12-24 Thread Greg Boe
I also love the 40 acres website.  David had a good is sad to see
with our own baby blues that "Mayberry" was just a Hollywood set.  But, I
think the saddest thing of all is reading about how "they" bulldozed good
old 40 acres!  I would have loved to wander through the place...what a trip
back through time that would have been.  It could have been a big attraction
(for folks like us).really BIG!!



By the way, warm Holiday greetings to all of my TAGS friends.  We have
almost 10" of fresh new snow on the ground today, with another 8" predicted
for tonight.  As Bing used to say: "It's beginning to look a lot like
Christmas..."   Merry Christmas to you and yours!


 Greg Boe

proud member of my small town's City Council (wouldn't Sam be proud!!)











In a recent posting, David said:  On a completely different subject, I agree
that the pictures of 40 acres are beautiful and I have looked at all of
them.  However, looking at the facades of Mayberry kinda makes me sad
because it reminds me that Mayberry is not a real place.  If I do not look
at the pictures, I can believe in my mind that Mayberry is a real place, not
a Hollywood set.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney Fife Drive

2009-12-26 Thread Greg Boe
I won't buy itunless the realtor is Barney himself!



WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: coo-pay

2010-01-03 Thread Greg Boe
I loved Paul Harveyand I must say that it is more than just a
coincidence that Paul loved the Andy Griffith Show! (shows the character of
the man)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Rock and Roll...trivia question

2010-01-16 Thread Greg Boe
What Mayberry resident had the same name as a popular rock band at the time?


How about OTIS .as in "Otis Day and the Knights"or maybe Otis



Greg Boe

Minnesota's biggest TAGS Fan!

WBMUTBB mailing list

trivia question

2010-01-16 Thread Greg Boe
What Mayberry resident had the same name as a popular rock band at the time?



Of course, why didn't I think of it has to be Pink FLOYD!!!



- Greg Boe

City Council Member

WBMUTBB mailing list

why did the "heeliocopter" crash?

2010-02-02 Thread Greg Boe
Hey Ken,

I loved your efforts to construct a sentence containing all of our favorite
"Barney-isms"but you forgot one of my favorites:


I figure that the "heeliocopter" must have crashed because it malfunctioned
"electronally" or something like that!


Greg "City Council Sam" Boe

(another TAGS fan from up north)

Minneapolis, MN


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Gone Fishing

2010-11-24 Thread Greg Boe

I wasn't worried when I didn't get the Digest for a while - I just figured
you were gone fishing for a day or two.  A man has got to have a day off
once in a while, after all, or else we tend to get cranky.

Greg B
Minnesota's biggest TAGS fan

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Hometowns

2010-12-20 Thread Greg Boe
I am a bit melancholy as of late, because I recently helped my parents thin
their belongings and sell the house that my dad built (and the house where I
grew up).  It was in a great small town in South Dakota, called Wolsey,
which I have often referred to as "Mayberry of the North" due to its
quaintness and Mayberryesque characters and characteristics.  Now that my
parents have moved to a larger town to be nearer to medical facilities and
the watchful eye of my sister, I will likely have few reasons to visit my
hometown any more.  That saddens me...and yet I can't help but feel that I
am a better person today because of that small-town upbringing.  I guess it
is true what they can take the boy out of the small town, but you
can't take the small town out of the boy (was it Calvin Coolidge who said


Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone, and God Bless you and yours!



Greg (Minnesota's biggest TAGS fan)

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-10-01 Thread Greg Boe
Perhaps the best approach to take with the USPS might be to seek a stamp
showing "Andy Taylor" for now, rather than Andy Griffith...since Mr.
Griffith is still alive and well (thank God).  In fact, they (the Post
Office) could make a sheet of stamps containing several of the major
characters from TAGS on it


Boy, the ideas I can come up with when I sit and think for a spell...



WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-11-21 Thread Greg Boe
I love that new MeTV.  The funny thing is that I can get it with my "rabbit
ears" but not through my cable TV.  I am now re-thinking spending good money
on cable TV.  Perhaps I could use that money to buy a TAGS DVD each month





On Saturday, Gary Muskat said:





Message: 1

Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 07:34:02 -1000

From: "Gary Muskat" 


Subject: Alumni Alert

Message-ID: <4C9F3D39EF934ADEAD6164CA3B1E44D7@hamshack>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Those of you with MeTV will see several alumni tonight at 9 Central Time
when MeTV shows The Ghost and Mr. Chicken. Besides Don Knotts you'll see
Hope Summers, Bert Mustin, and  Hal Smith. Andy Griffith himself had an
uncredited writing part.

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: fighting a fire

2012-04-26 Thread Greg Boe
No, technically you don't fight a fire with a fight a fire with
the water that comes from the hose!


Message: 7
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 17:16:12 -0500
From: Tom Lawrence 
Subject: How do you fight fire?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

With a hose?

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-05-14 Thread Greg Boe
Here in the upper-Midwest we have a new network available, known as
METVwhich stands for "Memorable Entertainment Television."   Me TV
started out near Chicago in 2005, expanded to Wisconsin and Minnesota, and
has now become a national network.  


Me-TV features a wide range of classic television programming, some of the
best programming written for television, that audiences and advertisers find
comfortable and engaging. Its library includes series from Twentieth Century
Fox Television Distribution and CBS Television Distribution as well as
independent series owners and producers. Some of the comedies on Me-TV
include:  <> M*A*S*H,
<> Cheers,
<> The Mary Tyler Moore Show,
<> The Dick Van Dyke Show,
<> I Love Lucy and
<> The Bob Newhart Show. Dramas
on the network include:  <>
Perry Mason,  <> The
Untouchables,  <> The Big
Valley, the original  <> Star Trek and
the original  <> Hawaii Five-O


So far I haven't seen TAGS on MeTV, but I remain hopeful.



-Greg Boe, one of the biggest TAGS fans north of the Mason Dixon Line
(perhaps second only to Ken)


WBMUTBB mailing list

4 of my favorite shows!

2012-08-11 Thread Greg Boe
Last night, I got to experience the joy of 4 of my favorite shows coming
together on one TV show!  


As I watched the Twilight Zone episode on ME TV last evening ("Back There"),
I was pleased to see Russell Johnson (the Professor on Gilligan's Island),
Raymond Bailey (Mr. Drysdale on the Beverly Hillbillies), and Paul Hartman
(Emmitt Clark on the Andy Griffith Show) in the same episode!


It was a treat for my senses!!


-Greg Boe, Chaska MN

WBMUTBB mailing list

Howard, left or right?

2012-08-12 Thread Greg Boe
Any experienced bowler knows that a right-handed bowler has to have a strong
left hand tooso that you can hold your beer without spilling while you

(I've never bowled a 300but I have bowled three 100's in a row!)

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-08-26 Thread Greg Boe
Say, all of this talk about Sazerac has made me thirsty!

And, speaking of thirsty, I saw our friend Hal Smith (Otis Campbell) on
Leave it to Beaver this week, playing the part of a restaurant manager when
the Cleaver family went to dine.

(It occurred to me as I was writing this email that "sazerac" is one of
those words you can type with just one hand.  I wonder what causes that)

-Greg from Mayberry of the North 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sazerac + motorcycle

2012-08-27 Thread Greg Boe


I jumped on the old motor scooter tonight, and gave it a try just like you
suggested.  Darned if I didn't swallow a bug!!  I couldn't tell if it was a
June Bug or not (didn't old Brisco Darling say something about swallowing a
June Bug in August, and how that means I will be married by December?).


WBMUTBB mailing list

First Job

2012-09-04 Thread Greg Boe
My first job was during the summer, when I was just going into high school
(although, we owned a farm outside of town, so technically I was working
ever since I could walk...).  Anyway, my first "paying" job was helping a
local carpenter build houses during the summer.  It was hard work, and very
hot on most days.  But, I must admit, I did learn a lot of "carpentry tips"
that I still use to this day.

However, I got smarter as I grew older.  The following summer, I got a job
as a lifeguard at the town swimming pool.  This was heaven on earth for a
young man.  No more sweating as a carpenterinstead, someone was going to
pay me to sit in the lifeguards chair all day and watch pretty girls as they
were swimming!  Needless to say, you can guess what my summer job was for
the next few years after that!!



-Greg from Minnesota



WBMUTBB mailing list

going to Hollywood

2012-09-16 Thread Greg Boe
Sometime soon I will be heading to Universal City (CA) for a few days of
business travel.  What sorts of things should I see while I am there? (I
feel a bit like Andy and Aunt Bee...traveling to Hollywood!).

Thank you kindly.  I appreciate your advice!

-Greg (Ken Anderson's neighbor, right here in Minnesota)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry small town

2012-10-10 Thread Greg Boe
I grew up in a small town in South Dakota (Wolsey), that I have always
thought of as a "Mayberry of the North."  The sign at the edge of town says
"Welcome to Wolsey, Population 450 friendly people" and every once in a
while, someone would paint "and one crab" at the bottom of the sign! 


I now live in another Mayberry-like town, (Chaska, MN), which has a
population of 22,000 (a bit larger, yes, but still very "small" in
character).  We have free band concerts in the city square park each Friday
during the summer (no spiders under the gazebo, that I am aware of).  Our
city motto is "the best small town in Minnesota" and it does have that nice
small town feel.


I believe there are bits of Mayberry everywhere in this great
country...because there are bits of "Mayberry" in many of us!




WBMUTBB mailing list

Bigger Wires

2012-10-21 Thread Greg Boe

Now, you see, electronally that makes perfect sense.  All the big scientists
know that those electrons can get a bit crowded in a thin wire, so grabbing
a thicker cable was mighty fine thinking...mighty fine!

I'll bet your co-workers will treat you with a bit more respect from this
point forward.  I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that they send you
to all the tough cases now!!  Why, you might even get a corner office out of
the deal!

- Greg, from Mayberry of the North

WBMUTBB mailing list

family movie night

2012-10-21 Thread Greg Boe
This past Saturday, it was my turn to pick what the family would watch on
Saturday night.  I choose the movie "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" which I
hadn't seen in years.  I was surprised by the number of faces I recognized
in that movie.  And, funny, we laughed all the way through (even my


They may let me choose again next weekend!!!



-Greg, from Mayberry of the North



WBMUTBB mailing list

lucky penny

2012-10-28 Thread Greg Boe
Only one lucky penny, Ken?  That doesn't make much cents.




- Greg Boe, City Council, Mayberry of the North



WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Thanksgiving

2012-11-22 Thread Greg Boe
Just wanted to send a quick note to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all of my
Mayberry friends.  When I complete a mental list of everything I am thankful
for, as I drift off for my post-feast nap this afternoon, y'all may rest
assured that you will all be on that list!!



- Greg (Sam Jones, City Council), Mayberry of the North





WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-12-18 Thread Greg Boe


For "U" the obvious choice is UVULA.  After all, I've got a uvula, you've
got a uvula...all of God's children have a uvula!!!




Greg Boe

Chaska, Minnesota - Mayberry of the North





WBMUTBB mailing list

Merry Christmas

2012-12-24 Thread Greg Boe
Just a quick note to wish all of my Mayberry friends a warm and Merry
Christmas.  I hope each of you enjoys time with friends and family, and


And, don't forget to take a moment to give thanks to Jesus...for he is the
real reason for the season!



Yours truly,


Greg B

City Council - Mayberry of the North




WBMUTBB mailing list

National Apricot Day

2013-01-10 Thread Greg Boe
I'm not sure about the Apricot Queen, but I sure am looking forward to
trying me some of that Apricot Elixir that someone is certain to whip up for
the occasion!



- Greg B from Mayberry of the North




WBMUTBB mailing list

pregnancy test

2013-01-13 Thread Greg Boe
Well, Ken, at least you didn't paint the test window blue, to give them all
a false positive on their test!





WBMUTBB mailing list

Green, green, everywhere green!

2013-01-20 Thread Greg Boe
The house I grew up in down south (South Dakota is where it was) was built
in the late 60's.  The stove and refrigerator were both "Avocado Green" in
color...  Apparently that "love of green" was a nation-wide trend!


Now, just to stir up another moulage a bit more, family friends from South
Georgia used to tell us that they were "going out to pick tobacco" that day.
However, if I would ask for more details, they would tell me that you would
kind of rip the lower few leaves off the stalk, allowing the upper leaves to
mature a bit longerso, they "picked" by pulling (they also said that the
dew on the leaves in the morning would make your eyes sting if it got in
them.  Kind of brings a tear to your eye just thinking about it, doesn't






WBMUTBB mailing list

personal information

2013-01-21 Thread Greg Boe

That's mighty personal information you are sharing out on the internets like




WBMUTBB mailing list

yeah, Ken!

2013-01-29 Thread Greg Boe
Ken, you make us northerners very proud, you do!



Greg, another "Mayberry of the North" resident (there are several)

Chaska, MN


(what the heck, we even have a gazebo in our city square park where they
hold free concerts every Friday evening, all summer long.  It is
wonderful...too bad winter has to come along and spoil it!)




WBMUTBB mailing list

Drugstores on Sunday

2013-02-10 Thread Greg Boe
Back in the day, drug stores in my small town in South Dakota were open on
Sunday, with their doors opening shortly after noon.  I remember my family
stopping by for some popcorn (or fresh-roasted pistachios) on occasion, as
we made our way home from church dressed in our  Sunday best!


WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-02-21 Thread Greg Boe
Howdy Dan, 


Now, I can overlook malfeasance, or wrongful conduct, which would likely
cover the 75 instances of telling a bad joke (after all, who am I to point
fingers.speaking of which, did you hear the one about the man who pointed
his second thought, never mind).  


However, telling a good joke and messing it up is a serious offense in my
book, which could be considered to be misfeasance (doing a proper act, but
in a wrongful or injurious fashion).  In an effort to nip this kind of
egregious behavior in the bud, we might want to consider some serious
punishment..perhaps cleaning the erasers for Ms. Crump after school, washing
the squad car every week for a month, or perhaps volunteering as a crossing
guard after school for 90 days (a Mayberry version of "Sentenced to Service"
community service).  What do you think? 



Greg B.

City Council

Mayberry of the North



WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou

2013-02-25 Thread Greg Boe
I was watching an old episode of My Three Sons on ME TV as I ate breakfast
this morning, and I noticed that Steve Douglas's perky secretary looked
awfully familiar in an office scene at his job.  Upon closer examination I
realized it was Betty Lynn playing the part!  I can't recall seeing her on
that show on any kind of a regular basis, so it must have been a single


-Greg, from Mayberry of the North

WBMUTBB mailing list

Chicken trick

2013-03-02 Thread Greg Boe
What a great idea, Ken.  And when you are done eating, you'll have a cloth
handy to wipe your fingers and mouth!!  

I loved the video!  And, being from Minnesota, your northern accent didn't
confuse me at all!

-Greg, City Council, Mayberry of the North

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's Replacement

2013-03-11 Thread Greg Boe
I am not sure if this has been discussed before (it could have been, when I
was fishing at Meyer's Lake..or just not paying attention), but I was
watching "Barney's Replacement" today, and noticed for the first time what
happens when Barney writes a ticket for the departing deputy (Rogers) for
parking in the police parking spot in front of the courthouse.  After
lecturing him for a moment, Barney smiles, and says he was just kidding him
to teach him a lesson.  He then proceeds to take the ticket back and tear it
up, wishes him well, and throws the pieces of the ticket on the ground.
After Rogers drove away, Barney walks off to patrol the streets of Mayberry,
and Andy smiles as he watches him walk away.  


As I watched the end of the show, I fully expected Andy to write Barney a
ticket for littering.  After all, litter brings slums, and slums bring



-Greg, City Council 

Mayberry of the North

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-03-13 Thread Greg Boe
Hey Bob,


Yes, I had the same thought at first.that the departing deputy would write a
ticket for Barney (since he was in "civilian clothing" I even thought we
might hear him say "Citizen's Arrest" or something like that).  Then after
he drove away, I figured Andy might say something like "Say's a
little reminder for you."


By the way, thanks for the compliment, Bob.  It's all those trained noticers
I've been hanging around these last several years that have helped me to
develop that "sharp eye."



-Greg B, City Council, Mayberry of the North







WBMUTBB mailing list

pet names

2013-03-18 Thread Greg Boe
Our little dog was named "Nip-it".which was appropriate for a known
ankle-biter such as he was.  Thought y'all might appreciate the obvious
connection to our favorite show.


-Greg, City Council, Mayberry of the North

WBMUTBB mailing list

Old Man Kelsey's garden.... down in the woods

2013-07-20 Thread Greg Boe
All I can say is this:  "We just smiled and waved..sitting there on that
sack of seeds"

WBMUTBB mailing list

Hawaii Five-0

2013-08-15 Thread Greg Boe
Clara (Hope Summers) was on Hawaii Five-0 the other day.  She played a real
spit-fire, who was telling the bomb-wearing and gun-holding hostage-taker in
a stern voice that he should put the gun down and listen to the police!  She
was likely waiting for old Barn to burst in the back door with his one
bullet locked and loaded!


Greg B

City Council member

Mayberry of the North

WBMUTBB mailing list

What's your most-used TAGS quote or phrase?

2013-09-10 Thread Greg Boe
Other than the obvious "Nip it.  Nip it in the bud", my most used TAGS quote
is likely "my mid-afternoon sinking spell".which I use when I hit the wall
and begin to slow down long around 3:00 p.m. or so!



-Greg (one of the biggest  TAGS fans north of the Mason-Dixon Line)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Ink Blots

2013-11-10 Thread Greg Boe
Sorry, Ken.  Looked like 2 poodles to me.  But, then again, I have always
been more partial to dogs than bats...

Greg B.  - proud member of the Mayberry City Council

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney's cool words

2013-11-16 Thread Greg Boe
We can't forget "electronally"

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Mayberry sighting

2014-01-01 Thread Greg Boe
Hello David,

Just one question begs to be asked: was she wearing a nice dress, whilst she
was out dancing?

Greg (Minnesota's biggest TAGS fan)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Celebrate the holiday

2014-02-03 Thread Greg Boe
I stopped by the Morrison Sisters flower shop this afternoon, on account as
it was Groundhog Day and everything.  Everything seems fine and dandy now!

-Greg (Minnesota's biggest TAGS fan) 

WBMUTBB mailing list

My Hometown

2014-03-15 Thread Greg Boe
I grew up in a small town in the south..South Dakota, that is.  With a noon
whistle, 6 p.m. whistle, and 10 p.m. whistle.  None of the children wore a
watch..didn't have to (didn't carry a cell phone either).

The playground next to the school was a place for everyone to play.  No
fences, no lawsuit reducing padding under foot, and fun (but, perhaps
,dangerous) equipment to play on, etc!


Everyone's mom stayed home during the day, while dad went off to work.
Fresh cookies were baking somewhere around town, any time of day.  It was a
wonderful place to grow up.



Aaah, those were the days!


-Greg, a fan from Mayberry of the north

WBMUTBB mailing list

Kartoon King

2015-11-22 Thread Greg Boe
I am sitting back, recuperating from surgery.which means watching a lot of
TV.  Today I enjoyed "The Winner' (Season 2, Episode 21 of the Brady Bunch).
The guest star our very own Hal Smith, who played the zany Kartoon King.who
hosted a ice cream eating contest that Bobby Brady entered in the hopes of
winning a trophy of his own.


Otis is doing very well for himself now-a-days!



-Greg (Mayberry of the north).

WBMUTBB mailing list