Pets named after TAGS characters

2008-12-01 Thread Hal G. Truitt
i've never had a pet named after a TAGS character, but i had a cat named bo 
diddley, and i have a rat terrier named festus.  if i'm ever able to get 
another cat, it'll be a briscoe.  or a briscoelina - whichever is appropriate.
WBMUTBB mailing list

penny on the tracks

2008-11-24 Thread Hal G. Truitt
My buddy and I used to frequent a local trestle - fishing, wading in the water, 
etc.  One day we saw a train coming - he put a nickle on the tracks, I put a 
penny.  We both recovered our flattened coins.  Still got mine somewhere.  Wow 
- that was about 35 years ago.  I'm getting old.
WBMUTBB mailing list

favorite girlfriend

2008-08-28 Thread Hal G. Truitt
i'm gonna have to jump on the peggy wandwagon as far as favorite girlfriends 
go.  i'm not real crazy about the accent she used - didn't sound too authentic. 
 but - my GOSH - she was pretty.  there's just something about those pretty 
nurse-y types.  AND she could shoot!  what's NOT to love?

WBMUTBB mailing list

More middle name nonsense, and remarks about stage crews

2008-07-29 Thread Hal G. Truitt
re:  Middle name
I'm starting to understand that Earnest T. Bass precipitated the Fred G. 
Sanford effect - it just kinda stood for whatever was necessary and appropriate 
at the time.  But I kinda like the idea of Earnest T. remaining a man of 
mystery.  It's my personal belief that he was participating in the witness 
protection program.

re: Stage crew
Here in Columbus, MS, we did just what you mentioned - the YMCA staged 2 
episodes for the community last weekend.  The scripts were transcribed directly 
from the show, and a good time was had by all.  (We did 3 episodes last summer.)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Darling Marital issues

2008-07-28 Thread Hal G. Truitt
What is it about mountain folk and marital issues?  Every episode in which the 
Darlings appear, they are dealing with a marital issue of some sort:

1.  The Darlings Are Coming - Andy marries Dud and Charlene.
2.  Mountain Wedding - Dud and Charlene marry again, this time with a preacher 
presiding in order to "signify" with Earnest T. Bass.
subnote:  Tiberius would be my choice for Mr. Bass' middle name also.  I love 
the whole "Captain Kirk" line of reasoning.
3.  Briscoe Declares For Aunt Bee - self explanatory title.
4.  Divorce Mountain Style - again, self explanatory.  And in my humble 
opinion, Dud looks like he should be stranded on a deserted isle, anyway.
5.  The Darling Baby - Briscoe attempts to arrange a marriage between Opie and 
Andilina, his new granddaughter.
6.  The Darling Fortune - Briscoe comes BACK to town, in an attempt to arrange 
MORE marriages.

Strong urges to perpetuate the lineage, I reckon.  And Mayberry is obviously 
known for it's beautiful women.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mr. Bass' middle name?

2008-07-23 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Ancient question, I'm sure - and I'm guessing that we're never told.  But - is 
Earnest T's middle name ever disclosed?  Maybe the same principle as Harry S. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

The Sermon For Today

2008-07-03 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Just a reminder, since this particular epsiode has been a topic of conversation 
the past several days - the YMCA in Columbus, MS will be presenting The Sermon 
For Today and Mountain Wedding on stage in early August.  All dialogue is 
transcripted directly from the show - scene changes, of course, will be adapted 
to a stage environment.  Y'all come visit.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Isn't it cool...

2008-06-25 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Isn't it cool ... reading thru the list of new board members ... it's like 
finding cousins you never knew you had.

WBMUTBB mailing list

2 things...

2008-06-12 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Just a couple of things I'd like to mention:

1.  Thanks to Allan for the Omen Of The Day tidbits.  I've been enjoying that.  
Some of us that frequent this bulletin board were raised in a culture very 
similar to that of The Show, and I'm guessing many of us have forebears VERY 
similar to Briscoe Darling.  Keep it up Allan - I need to keep hearing these 
things so I can pass them on.  Not that I actually BELIEVE any of that stuff 
(wink wink).  And Allan, I don't think you get enough thanks for running this 
board, and working out the technical kinks like you do.  I'm a network admin 
kinda guy, and I know how frustrating PC/network/email issues can be.

2.  Here in Columbus, MS, the YMCA is doing an encore production of Mountain 
Wedding in July.  We'll also be doing The Sermon For Today (or Sermon For The 
Day - whichever).  We kinda need a new banjo picker - the Darling boy from last 
year bailed out on us.  My juggin' musta been up to par - I get to reprise my 
role as Briscoe.  The rest of last year's cast should be returning too - KNOCK 
ON WOOD (grin).

WBMUTBB mailing list

What do y'all suggest?

2008-03-10 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Last summer, the YMCA here in Columbus Miss. produced 3 epsiodes of TAGS for 
community theater.  One of those was Mountain Wedding, which of course includes 
The Darlings and Earnest T. Bass.  To the best of my knowledge, that is the 
only episode that included both Briscoe and Earnest T.  Am I correct?

If YOU were to suggest the next 2 best Darling/Earnest T episodes, what would 
they be?  (We're looking to produce a couple/three more for THIS summer.)  
Maybe there's a LOST episode, just waiting to be created  would love some 
comments on that too.

WBMUTBB mailing list

regarding "Dance Little Sister Dance"

2008-02-29 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Wow - a Rolling Stones reference on a TAGS site.  Kind of a culture whiplash 
thing going on.  Sort of like when I was a kid, the family would ALWAYS watch 
Lawrence Welk late Saturday afternoons, ALWAYS followed by Hee Haw.  I suppose 
that's part of what makes me such a well-rounded fellow.

WBMUTBB mailing list

TTown's language comments

2008-01-15 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Yes TTown, there are others that agree with you regarding the language used on 
TV.  And like you, my own language is not always exemplary - so I often notice 
the language that is allowed on TV.  It amazes me what they will bleep/silence, 
and what they will allow to pass.  The inconsistency of the matter is 

"Well, we thought about killin' 'im, but kinda hated to go that far."
WBMUTBB mailing list

Alum sighting - well, sort of

2008-01-02 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Sci-Fi network is running a New Year's "Twilight Zone" marathon, and Tuesday 
afternoon in an epsiode named "Miniature" I heard "Welcome Sweet Springtime" 
being played!  Couldn't tell if it was Hazels's playing or not.

Then, just moments later in the same episode, I heard "Santa Lucia" also!  
Wasn't it Gomer that sang that one?
WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-12-07 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Oh my.  All this talk about scripts and copyrights and legalities and Green 
River Accordances - I wonder if I need a lawyer.  Where is Mr. Bentley's card 
when I need it.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Ponda Joyce - Scripts

2007-12-03 Thread Hal G. Truitt
We recently performed 3 episodes of TAGS for community theater here in 
Columbus, Mississippi.  Our scripts were transcribed directly from shows on DVD:

Mountain Wedding
Barney & The Choir
Convicts At Large

Hopefully, I honored the memory of Denver Pyle with my portrayal of Briscoe.  
I'm afraid, though, that the ragtag bluegrass band we patched together to 
portray the Darling boys was a little embarrasing.  Our hearts were in the 
right place, anyway.

I'm not sure about the legality of our venture - not buying actual scripts, and 
all  - but it was very well received and the proceeds went to the YMCA.  I can 
try to get copies of the scripts, if you wish.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Race relations

2007-11-05 Thread Hal G. Truitt
OK - I'm still a bit of a newcomer to the board here, so bear with me if this 
topic has been covered 1000 times.  I have often been curious about how few 
Black actors I have noticed on TAGS.  I am not the trained noticer that so many 
of y'all are, but I do consider myself an advaced amateur.  My guesses are:

1.  Early 60's, and it was just common across all prime-time television
2.  Fewer Black actors in general
3.  I'm not really familiar with the racial demographics of NC, or that part of 
the state in particular.  Were Blacks just a very small percentage of the local 

Regardless - I recently saw the episode when Earnest T. comes to town in search 
of a uniform, and I noticed 2 young Black gentlemen in the Army recruiting 
office.  Are there other episodes that include 2 or more Blacks?

Respectfully submitted,
WBMUTBB mailing list

A fellow cat lover

2007-10-31 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Dear Johnna;

My condolences.  Cats are wonderful.  And a cat with a great name like Opie is 
even better.  Hope you don't have a hard time getting back on the horse, as 
they say.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Charlene Darling singing

2007-10-08 Thread Hal G. Truitt
" she repeats the chorus at the end of the song just a few too many times."

I imagine that repeating the chorus was the only way she could refrain (pun 
intended) from crying.

"More power to ya."
WBMUTBB mailing list

Question about tribute artists..

2007-10-01 Thread Hal G. Truitt
Being a fairly new subscriber to this mailing list, I have noticed several 
references to tribute artists.  Is there an already established Briscoe Darling 

I have a video resume' ready to submit - if I knew how to contact the correct 

Hal Truitt
WBMUTBB mailing list

Regarding Gomer's accent...

2007-09-24 Thread Hal G. Truitt
"I'm surprised everyone wasn't rolling all over the street when Gomer kept 
repeating the word "boob" angrily in that accent of his"

Gomer had an accent?

Happy Hal in Columbus, MS
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: Cutting out lines (entire scenes, even!)

2007-08-14 Thread Hal G . Truitt
I'm a fairly new member, so Miss Susan's comment about time being saved by 
cutting out lines, or even entire scenes, may have been fully discussed by this 
group over the years.  If it has, and y'all are sick of addressing the issue, 
please pardon me - but I must vent, and y'all seem to be accustomed to, and 
patient with, those who need to vent.

Would they crop the Mona Lisa to make it fit in a different frame?  Would they 
shave off the first and last 16 measures of Beethoven's 5th Symphony?  Would 
they write out the part of the Duke and the Dauphine from a Huck Finn movie?  
Would one replace the cast iron V8 engine in a '55 Chevy with an aluminum 
4-banger just to improve gas mileage?  Well, that last analogy may be a bit of 
a stretch, but you see my point.  And I realize I'm preaching to the choir.

In 2 weeks, I am fortunate enough to be participating in a play - 3 episodes of 
TAGS - produced by the YMCA here in Columbus, Mississippi.  Barney And The 
Choir, Convicts At Large, and Mountain Wedding (complete with a ragged, pickup 
bluegrass band, and where I scored the part of Briscoe Darling).  Anyway - I 
just happened to catch the Mountain Wedding episode on TV Land recently, and 
the cabin snoring scene was cut COMPLETELY.  I suppose that since it is the 2nd 
of 2 snoring scenes in that episode it was considered redundant.  Those editors 
- bless their hearts - obviously weren't raised right.

Thanks for letting me vent.  And until next weekend, I'll be practicing my 
lines, and tuning my jug.

"Take a shot at 'im sheriff - you got a legal right."


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