Mayberry streets on The Green Hornet reruns yesterday

2011-01-12 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
I was watching The Green Hornet reruns yesterday afternoon and saw a building 
that looked very familiar. Seconds later, there was the hotel, then the court 
  I noticed that when the camera went past the Taylor’s house (to camera right) 
there was a building that looked like maybe sound stage buildings?
WBMUTBB mailing list

is this group newsletter on facebook? I read it the most

2010-02-19 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
Is this group newsletter on facebook? if so, how can I join?
WBMUTBB mailing list

saw Thelma Lou in a movie this morning

2010-01-02 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
I spotted Thelma Lou in a small role this morning in a wonderful movie: "An 
Apartment For Peggy".
WBMUTBB mailing list

re: attitudes and the way his voice sounded

2009-10-07 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
Hidee, TAGS fans.  Yesterday evening our tv was on TAGS; my husband was 
watching and I was in the kitchen, but could hear the dialogue.  Without 
looking into the family room, I said (with my back turned),
"That must be a color episode; listen to Andy's voice and the way he is 
talking. The tone is different."
  My husband said, "You're right."
 As discussed many times before in this newsletter, there IS a difference in 
the B & W and the color episodes, and I THINK it is the attitude and feelings 
in Andy's voice and body language.  IT is just different.  NOT really bad, but 
  I LOVE  TAGS !  but, with my back turned, hearing a piece of dialogue, I 
could tell it was a color episode.
WBMUTBB mailing list

long sleeves

2009-07-07 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
Long sleeves were the norm when I was growing up in the south in the fifties 
and sixties.  I don't ever remember a man wearing a short sleeved shirt to 
church until late 60's. My Daddy's security police uniforms were long sleeved, 
and it got HOT in Pine Bluff.
  Sometimes when watching clips of old news reels  of baseball games; in the 
dead of baseball season, when it was hot, hot, hot...the men were in suits, 
  An old timer told me  years ago that long sleeves were cooler (before we had 
air conditioning).  They said that when a person sweated, the sleeves got wet, 
then it made the person cooler when /as it evaporated.
WBMUTBB mailing list

re:Thelma Lou's comment:

2009-05-03 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
I thought it was MARY GRACE that was out of town;
WBMUTBB mailing list

re:Mayberry a magical place

2009-04-10 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
I had to chuckle when I read the comment about how magical a place Mayberry 
was; no screens on the windows, yet never a bug one.
   For Mayberry to be placed in the "South" (yet with out window screens), and 
no bugs always got me.  I have never known southerners to have homes with out 
screens, unless impoverished.  (We always had screen; could not have lived with 
out them!).
WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou's magic trick? WHAT magic trick?

2009-04-04 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
Please fill us in about the magic trick? We missed the past few newsletters and 
need to be filled in, OK? Thanks.
WBMUTBB mailing list

re:Aunt Bee's character

2009-03-20 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
Aunt Bee's character was a good one.  She showed mercy, when needed, and showed 
a little bit of anger, when necessary.  She was an excellent actress, because 
not only did she play the sweet Aunt Bee, but she could play a REAL mean person 
!  In an old episode of The Lone Ranger she played a mean mama that had mean 
sons. She was awful and I almost hated her! She was THAT good an actress !
WBMUTBB mailing list

re:the amount of $$ for those choir robes

2009-03-20 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
When we watched the "choir robe" episode we were surprised by the price of 
those robes.  The amount quoted (seems like $50.00 or abouts)  back THEN was 
like $500 now..using the same proportions for other things 
($$moneywise-comparisons$$ of then and now).those robes would be HUNDREDS 
each;  seemed really high.
WBMUTBB mailing list

saw four from TAGS in The Day the Earth Stood Still movie

2009-03-07 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
We just finished watching The Day the Earth Stood Still. I counted four from 
TAGS: Aunt Bee, the choir director, Otis' wife, and the man that made music 
recordings and Andy refused to buy into the album of folk music. (Can you tell 
I am terrible with names?)
  Were there ANY more from TAGS that I missed ?
the Hendersons
WBMUTBB mailing list

re:fibs on TAGS

2009-02-20 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
I has always bothered my husband and me when we would hear/watch Andy lie.  The 
story line would show the consenquences of that lie later on, but it still 
bothered us that he would tell a lie in the FIRST place.  When telling some 
body about the sunday school class material using the story lines from TAGS I 
would usually have SOME one ask about the lies told in the story line  show.  
WE LOVE THE SHOW and just overlook the lies but it still bothers us.
WBMUTBB mailing list

I saw Meyers lake/opening scenes on The Rifleman

2009-02-03 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
I was watching The Rifleman yesterday afternoon, groundhog day. It was called 
"The Day of the Hunter", 1960.
  The "bad guy" was the man who played The Colonel that made smoke come out of 
his ears.(Can't remember his character name).
  Anyway, Lucas and Mark were being chased by "the colonel on TAGS/bad man on 
the episode". Lucas and Mark ran between some trees that looked VERY familiar. 
As they went a little farther, there were the trees that Andy and Opie walk 
between as they come down the lane going to Meyers Lake; a second or two later  
was Meyers Lake, the Exact scene used in the opening  of TAGS.
  I never knew that The Rifleman used the same locations that TAGS did; I DO 
know that The Real McCoys did and seems like some episodes of Lassie with 
   Did any body else see the Rifleman eposide and catch the TAGS scenery? What 
can anybody tell me about these other shows shot in the same area.
the Hendersons,
WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bee on The Lone Ranger

2009-01-03 Thread Jim & Sheila Henderson
I, too, watched the Twilight zone a thon and saw quite a few characters from 
  More than once I have seen Aunt Bee in other old black and white series from 
the EARLY fifties; one in particular was an episode of The Lone Ranger.  She 
played a mean (and I mean MEAN) mama with sons that loved to shoot and rob and 
kill. Sure was difficult watching her in THAT rold.
WBMUTBB mailing list