If you think about it, there were lots of friction and one really nasty 
argument between the two.
  1-lets start off with the nastiest comment made by Andy Taylor:
  The episode is "Aunt Bee the crusader"-the scene:
  The taylor's front porch with Opie, Andy on the porch and Aunt Bee in the 
house. Aunt Bee has shown her dissaproval towards Andy's job of eviction. The 
words said towards the end of the argument:
  Aunt Bee: Tell your father if he supper is ready if he wants to eat, im 
eating in the kitchen
  Opie: Aunt Bee said...
  Andy: Interupts Opie and states I heard what she said, you can tell her 
to...and the rest is mummbled as he walks off. You can just imagine what the 
rest of the comment was.
  2-at the end of the baseball game that Andy was umpiring...Aunt Bee states: 
You said you would help.  Here Aunt Bee is angry because Andy made the call he 
thought was right.
  3- CALL THE MAN Aunt Bee just doesnt get it
  I have lots of books on TAGS and in all books many people have stated she can 
be difficult at times..being moody
  Her uncooperation to do any interviews since her days on the show
  he just seems that she had alot to be thankfull for. One would think that she 
can at least do one interview for the fans of the show. 
  There was nothing but praise for Andy . No matter who you asked, they all 
stated the same. He was a professional and very demanding and very accomadating
  I too saw a big change in andy towards the end.. i saw a very tired and very 
cold person. It seemed like he didnt want to get close to anyone. 
  A part of Andy died when Barney moved on...What are your thoughts.

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