You might be a fan of TAGS if

2014-05-19 Thread Randy Davis
You might be a fan of TAGS if you whistle the theme song all of the time.

R. Davis aka Rafe Hollister

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Most popular tv jingle

2014-05-05 Thread Randy Davis
I heard today on K-Love radio that TAGS opening jingle was the #1 tv jingle. 
That's some mighty good whistling if you ask me. Just saying.

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Fwd: A Dreamer and his Dream

2012-10-05 Thread Randy Davis
A treat to my fellow Mayberrians.

R. Davis

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

 Subject: A Dreamer and his Dream
 Let me tell you, Jesse hated this job. And you would too,
 I imagine, if you had to do it.
 Jesse was a chicken plucker. That's right.
 He stood on a line in a chicken factory and spent his days
 Pulling the feathers off dead chickens so the rest of us
 wouldn't have to.
 It wasn't much of a job. But at the time,
 Jesse didn't think he was much of a person.
 His father was a brute of a man.
 His dad was actually thought to be mentally ill
 And treated Jesse rough all of his life.
 Jesse's older brother wasn't much better.
 He was always picking on Jesse and beating him up.
 Yes, Jesse grew up in a very rough home in
 West Virginia. Life was anything but easy.
 And he thought life didn't hold much hope for him.
 That's why he was standing in this chicken line,
 doing a job that darn few people wanted.
 In addition to all the rough treatment at home, it seems
 That Jesse was always sick. Sometimes it was real
 Physical illness, but way too often it was all in his head.
 He was a small child, skinny and meek.
 That sure didn't help the situation any.
 When he started to school, he was the object of every
 Bully on the playground.
 He was a hypochondriac of the first order.
 For Jesse, tomorrow was not always something to be
 looked forward to.
 But, he had dreams. He wanted to be a ventriloquist.
 He found books on ventriloquism. He practiced with
 Sock puppets and saved his hard earned dollars until
 He could get a real ventriloquist dummy.
 When he got old enough, he joined the military.
 And even though many of his hypochondriac symptoms
 persisted, the military did recognize his talents and
 Put him in the entertainment corps.
 That was when his world changed.
 He gained confidence.
 He found that he had a talent for making people laugh,
 and laugh so hard they often had tears in their eyes.
 Yes, little Jesse had found himself.
 You know, folks, the history books are full of people
 who overcame a handicap to go on and make a success
 of themselves, but Jesse is one of the few I know of
 who didn't overcome it.
 Instead he used his paranoia to make a million dollars,
 and become one of the best-loved characters of all time in doing it!
 Yes, that little paranoid hypochondriac, who transferred his nervousness
 into a successful career, still holds the record for the most Emmy's given in 
 a single category.
 The wonderful, gifted, talented, and nervous comedian who brought us
 Barney Fife
 Jesse Don Knotts.

 There is a street named for him and his statue in 
 Morgantown, West Virginia, his place of birth.
 Andy Griffith wouldn't have been the same without him.
 For both of them, now, R.I.P.
 Live simply, love generously, care deeply,
 Speak kindly and trust in our GOD 
 who loves us.
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My Friend Andy Taylor

2012-07-03 Thread Randy Davis
To All,
A great friend has left us today to join his cast mates. Now TAGS is 
airing live in Heaven. You will definitely be missed by all. RIP old friend.

R.A. Davis

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Sunday Dinner

2012-05-08 Thread Randy Davis
So many to choose from it's hard to decide, I guess I'd have to ask Miss Peggy 
over for dinner. I'd have Aunt Bea fix pot roast with those lil onions that 
twang my buds, along with fresh green beans from Foley's and mashed potatoes 
with gravy. I'd wash that down with some ice cold sweet tea and for dessert a 
triple layered chocolate cake. I'd even go so far as to decorate the table with 
fresh cut roses from Aunt Bea's rose bushes. Bon Apetite.

Randy Ange Davis

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Alumni sighting

2012-03-12 Thread Randy Davis
Was the dear Miss Ellie?

Randy Davis

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Foley's Market

2012-03-01 Thread Randy Davis
I believe the camera was in Foley's when was trying to get a job delivering 
groceries, only to give the job to Billy because he had to help pay the family 

Randy Davis

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Episode with the fewest characters

2012-02-19 Thread Randy Davis
I believe the episode with the fewest characters was The County Nurse. There 
was Andy, Barney, Mary the county nurse and Rafe Hollister. That would be 4 

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Who would you date in Mayberry

2012-02-03 Thread Randy Davis
A tough question to answer. I borrowed Gomer's bucket to give it a think and 
here's what I came up with. I think I would have asked Miss Peggy out. I would 
take her on a picnic to Myer's lake.There we could paddle around in a canoe or 
row boat and relax. We'd have to find a remote spot of course to keep Barney 
from inter loping with us. Afterwards we would take a quiet walk in town and 
maybe get a cup of coffee at the diner. From there I'd walk Peggy home and 
serenade her with a few songs while I played the guitar. Maybe if I was lucky 
we'd hold hands and if I was really lucky I'd get a kiss on the cheek before 
leaving to go home. Hm what a night

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

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Mayberry Calendar Girls

2012-01-04 Thread Randy Davis
Please don't forget a few of Andy's past girl friends. Ms. Peggy comes to mind, 
not to mention the Fun Girls from Mount Pilot. What about the nurse who Andy 
helped to get Rafe Hollister vacillitatedlol Just my 3 cents worth.

R. Davis aka Rafe Hollister from LA (Lower Alabama)

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To spank or not to spank

2006-11-28 Thread Randy Davis

  I am a dedicated TAGS member and have even discussed this episode 
with my 2 kids (b-15, g-11). I will, at this time, only spank them if they 
tell a lie. Otherwise, I take favorites or privileges away when they 
misbehave. This has worked really well with my 2 children. Keep in mind, 
before I spank them I allow myself a cooling off period (10-30 minutes) 
before I dish out the punishment. This way I don't spank them in anger. It's 
interesting to note that my son and a few of his buddies have watched this 
episode and they all commented that there parents would have done the same 
thing. That's my take on this. Have a Mayberry Day.

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

   1. Sensitive Topic: To Spank or Not To Spank? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Hi Fellow Mayberrians!

Tonight I was watching an episode where Opie's new friend was so used to 
having his way, and as a result, he usually got what he wanted from his old 
man. He then taught Opie what to say and how to act up in order to get his 
way. But, of course, Andy didn't fall for it. By now you know the episode, 

The little boy disobeys the law by riding his bike on the sidewalk even 
after Barney told him not to do it again. after he disobeyed again, Both 
Barney and Andy decide to take the bike away from the kid.

Later in the show, the little boy's father shows up to get the bike back 
from Andy. To the little boy's surprise, the father decides to take Andy's 
advice and take the little boy out to the woodshed and give him a spanking.

How do you feel about this? Of course, I do understand that most of us 
really love the TAGS so much, but in today's society we may not always 
agree with certain things they did back then.

I am a newbe here at TAGSRC, so if this has been discussed before or if you 
are too sensitive about this, please do not respond. Not looking for a 
debate, just a simple opinion.


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Happy Aniversary

2006-10-03 Thread Randy Davis
Good Day my fellow Mayberrians. Happy Anniversary to all.

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

WBMUTBB mailing list

Citizens Arrest !!!

2006-07-27 Thread Randy Davis
Good Day my fellow Mayberrians.
   I was watching Ange and the boys the other night and saw Andy himself 
step out of the office with Barney smoking a cigarette. A cigarette that he 
took one final drag and then threw it on the ground and stamped it out. 
That's littering in my book. There's laws against littering. Citizens 
Arrest, Citizens Arrest!!!

Question: Which episode am I referring?

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

WBMUTBB mailing list

Father's Day Gift

2006-06-20 Thread Randy Davis
Greetings my fellow Mayberrians,
   I introduced my son  daughter to TAGS several years ago. We sit and 
watch the DVD's all of the time. They gave me season 2 for Fathers Day. Now 
I have Seasons 1 - 5. I'll be getting season 6 for my birthday. It's also 
interesting to note that when my teenage son has friends over that they 
always tend to migrate towards the great room and watch TAGS. It's so 
refreshing to him them laugh at Barney antics. I usually hear the comment 
about how they wish there were shows like that on TV now and how the lessons 
of the show apply to their life now. Good kids? Yes indeed.

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

WBMUTBB mailing list

A discrepancy in dates

2006-05-18 Thread Randy Davis
I was watching the episode last night Barney's First Car When Ange,  
Barney were discussing the price, Ange made the comment that Ms. Leashes 
1958 Ford sedan was over 10 years old. If so, that would put the current 
year as 1968, and this episode aired during the 3rd year. Did I hear that 
exchange correctly?

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dogs, Dogs, nothing but dogs.

2006-05-01 Thread Randy Davis
Andy: Hey Barn, are you going to dance?
Barney: Noo, There all dogs
Andy: Oh Barney
Barney: Andy, If you flew a quail thru here they'd all stop and point.

An observation I've noticed, At the start of each episode when Andy and Opie 
are walking and Opie throws a rock into the water, have you noticed a few 
episodes you actually see the rock hit the water and splash an others you 

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-04-28 Thread Randy Davis
Is there any kind of trivia site or game for TAGS. I think I'm pretty well 
versed in the Black  White episodes, (Years 1-5).

Randy Rafe Hollister Davis

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