>From the start of the show ,the whistlin' always seemed to bring me such 
>peace,and the show (every episode )taught me something! Today the sound of the 
>whistlin' sounds like the Taps to me,(Please no offense) I just hurt from the 
>loss, I will continue watching,and learning and loving the show ,because its a 
>part of me.thanks Andy Griffith say Hey to Barn and Goober and everyone,and 
>kiss the Lord for me,and tell him Thanks f See you soon. Love Deb
WBMUTBB mailing list
  • Andy Sandy St. Onge
  • Andy eric swolgaard
  • Andy colonialcott...@netzero.com
  • andy (Ted) Easy-T "Straight Outta Delhi!"
  • Andy David and Angela Forbus
  • Andy Ronald Atkinson
  • Andy bear549
  • Andy CTMIDWAY58
  • Andy colonialcott...@netzero.com
  • Andy Rick Berry
  • Andy Debbie Rauch
  • andy Danny Poarch
  • Andy Sheryl McBride
  • Andy Marcia Hancock

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